My Empire

Chapter 1247: Why not kill

  Walking out of his palace, Noxal Gale was like a soil bun, beginning to be shocked by various miracles.

  First of all, he witnessed a small spaceship landing on this land. It was a spacecraft that could take off and then return to space, with a floating magic circle inscribed on it that reduced its weight.

  Riding on this spacecraft, Noxal Gale flew to unprecedented heights for the first time "rising clouds and driving fog".

  In his opinion, the kind of airplane called a helicopter that was captured that time was already flying high enough. But now, he found that the ground under his feet was getting smaller and smaller.

  Until he could not even see the emperor, he realized that he was already flying in the clouds.

  As an aboriginal emperor on Planet Hope 2, Noxal Gale never dreamed that he could fly above the clouds one day.

  For people like him, clouds are far away and represent the existence of gods. It was far away that he couldn't even touch, it was a foreign land that he couldn't even think of.

  As a result, when his spacecraft passed through the clouds and flew to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, Noxal realized that he seemed to underestimate the greatness of God once again.

  He has begun to feel his body become lighter, and he has seen the familiar horizon of the ground under his feet, turning into a distinct arc.

   Later, he felt that he had arrived in the realm of God. He could feel that his body had lost weight, and he could clearly see the stars outside the first window.

  The gods are on top, he saw such a world for the first time, and he touched the world of gods for the first time!

  Of course, it’s not over yet. Because afterwards, he was in high orbit and saw the planet he lived on, but it was just a small round ball.

  This surprised him greatly, and instantly felt his own insignificance. It turned out that for the realm of gods, he once sighed that the vast land was nothing more than a small particle.

  The surprise is more than that, and then he saw the expedition fleet of the Ailanhill Empire, waiting on the high orbit!

The expeditionary fleet commanded by Maher now has 12 expedition 2 space destroyers. These super warships are equipped with two torpedoes, four main guns and eight secondary guns. When you observe closely? Very strong.

  Looking at these white warships that make up the fleet hovering quietly in the universe? Norshal Gale swallowed involuntarily.

  The power of God, now he finally has a more intuitive and clear understanding? That kind of power? It seems that he will never be able to match it in his entire life.

  However, he is still very excited now? Because in his opinion, the stronger the God? The higher the possibility of him fulfilling his dream.

  He is going to go to the real God's Domain? God will be there to give him close to eternal life! In the next thousand years, he will have countless hours to get in touch with the greatness of God!

  Perhaps, in 1,000 years? He Norshal Gale? He can even become a member of the gods and control the greatness in front of him!

"Hahahaha! My decision is right! Hahahaha! This great fleet! This great fleet! It's magnificent! It's awesome!" In his seat, Noxal Kuangfeng yelled like crazy , Laughing loudly, his face full of pride for the future.

  In his opinion? As long as he gains eternal life, all of this in front of him? Sooner or later, he can have it!

   "What is this idiot giggling?" The pilot manipulating this small spaceship asked the co-pilot next to him in Huaxia, the first language of the Ailan Hill Empire.

  The co-pilot turned on the deceleration switch of the spacecraft, and replied: "Maybe you are crazy! No way? I haven't seen the local natives in the world. Seeing the space battleship? My brain is definitely not very bright."

   Reached out and pulled the middle propulsion engine gear lever to a more rearward position? Turn off the main thruster? This spacecraft has already begun to approach a transport spacecraft directly in front.

  The reason why puppets are not used to drive the spacecraft is because the control of the spacecraft that can return to the universe is still very complicated, and it is easier to handle some emergencies with astronauts.

  Nevertheless, the one sitting in the co-pilot was a demon, and the one sitting in the main driving position was a sub-clan fox man of the orc tribe.

   While talking, the two people leaned the spaceship towards the transport spacecraft. This small spacecraft is like a grain of sesame seeds dotted on a hamburger against the backdrop of a huge transport spacecraft.

The deputy captain of the transport ship who had been waiting in the dock a long time ago with his hands behind his back, looked at the spaceship on the other side of the glass window, which was slowly leaning on the locking device, and said to the orc chief mate standing next to him: "Waste fuel. What do you do to pick up such a native? Just find a place where no one is there and kill it, isn't it the end?"

   "There is no way, the order from the Minister of Foreign Affairs Marvin, he said that in order to gain the trust of the other party, he swears in the name of the empire." The orc mate held his chin and replied roughly.

  "In the name of the empire? Well, since he swore an oath in the name of the empire, it's really not good to just kill him." The deputy captain shook his head, accepting this statement.

Then, while the transport spacecraft slowly closed the door and inflated the receiving dock, he opened his mouth and said: "Give orders to all the service robots to restrain this passenger! Do not let him approach the important compartments of the spacecraft. ."

  The orc first officer responded immediately: "Yes! I personally tell this native to tell him that he is forbidden to walk on the spaceship! Let him stay in his own cabin, and we will have less trouble."

   "Very good! I went back to the bridge... 13 minutes later, the ship began to turn, and half an hour later began to jump towards the border of the empire." The deputy captain turned his back and walked towards the automatic door lightly.

  The first officer of the orc race stood at attention to see him off, and then took the two puppet crewmen behind him, went down the stairs, and came to Norshal Gust, who had just boarded the ship. :(/

  "In about 24 days, we will arrive at the border of the empire." After he said it again, he found that the opponent's face was filled with confusion.

  At this time, he realized that the other party is an indigenous person who only speaks lingua franca. So he said it again in lingua franca: "Quickly, we will reach the border of the empire! Stay in the cabin honestly! Don't walk around!"

   "I will! Thank you!" Noxal agreed with a strange and respectful attitude, nodding slightly.

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