My Empire

Chapter 1280: Traitorous

"Is it clear? Which country's army is facing us?" A general asked, looking at his men in confusion.

"My lord... the banner is a banner we have never seen before... this should be the army of the gods... No, no need to guess, this is the army of the gods." The Tan Ma who came back to the report replied confidently.

Just by looking at it, he can be sure that the army on the opposite side must be the army of the gods from God's Domain.

To be honest, as an officer of the investigation force of the Long River Empire, he had met the armies of other empires.

Even the Royal Guards of the Storm Empire, or the Royal Knights, did not have such a pleasing lineup.

Looking from a distance, this unit is shining like walking silver. Just looking at it from a distance will immediately give rise to a feeling of embarrassment.

The same is the army. The army on your side is as shabby as a beggar, and the army on the opposite side is like a true justice.

The edge of the black flag is full of golden vines, and the golden eagle spreading wings in the center is majestic and domineering.

All the cavalry soldiers walking in front with flags were all white horses. Looking at it from a distance, there was no exception.

Even the most luxurious army cannot choose the color of the war horse so extravagantly. Under normal circumstances, it is very difficult for a country to gather a cavalry unit. There is no need to choose the color of the horse for a unit.

What's more, even if it is a selection, it is impossible to choose so neatly-such a large-scale cavalry, there is not a variegated horse, it is a joke!

Above the white war horse, there are warriors wearing bright silver armors, and a faint blue light surging on these armors, setting off the mystery and beauty of those armors.

To be frank, in the eyes of the investigating force officer of the Long River Empire, the army he just saw invading their Long River Empire does not look like an army coming to fight.

If this army is a guard of honor, he thinks it might be more appropriate. Even if that unit is a guard of honor, he feels too arrogant.

"Compared with them, our army is like a beggar." The officer said to his general: "So, the opponent must be a god, and only gods can be so beautiful."

"Beautiful?" The general who heard the report frowned and looked at his powerful subordinates, repeating the last word.

If an army is described as beautiful, isn't it too weird? The general deliberated for a moment, and then ordered: "You take people over to negotiate, tell them, let them leave the border of the Long River Empire as soon as possible!"

The named officer nodded slightly holding his helmet, and then left the city with the adjutant behind him.

Soon, a cavalry unit rushed out of the city gate and disappeared at the end of the road in the middle of the narrow forest.

"Step up preparations! Be careful!" The general defending the city could hardly suppress his anxiety, and ordered the surrounding officers: "Don't slacken! The so-called'gods' from the Gale Empire might kill you. !"


Along the edge of the forest, the officers of the Long River Empire riding on war horses approached the mysterious troops not far from the city.

When he got close to this unit, he discovered that these knights were not ordinary horses, but horse-like animals with horns on their heads.

When he was completely close to the cavalry, his movements became somewhat restrained. Because he felt that a pair of beautiful big eyes were looking at him and his knights curiously.

"Cough!" With a heavy cough, the cavalry officer named the leader lowered his voice, and instructed the men behind him: "Give me some spirit... We are knights of the empire, we need gentlemen! We must pay attention to our etiquette. !"

Then, he straightened his waist subconsciously, trying his best to make his riding posture more elegant.

At this moment, all he was thinking about were messy things: I should have brushed up my horse this morning, are the hoofs a bit dirty...what did I eat at noon? Will there be bad breath... My wife mind if I take a concubine? If I have twins, should I send it to school or practice martial arts like me...?

In short, he felt that when he saw these enemies, he had somehow thought of his children's names...

"Excuse me...Is this the Long River Empire?" An elf female knight with a pot of feather arrows hung on the saddle, her body armor and silky braids rode forward and asked softly.

"Yes, yes." The officer who started to stammer felt that he was too awkward. He even felt his face started to get hot, and the whole person was too nervous.

The only time he met the emperor in his life was he not so nervous. When he was pursuing his wife, he had never experienced such a situation.

Once, he also thought that he was a wind-like man, possessing the stunt of not touching a leaf among a hundred flowers.

Once, he also felt that he was already a person over here, he could ridicule women wantonly, and put the meat on his lips unscrupulously.

But now it seems that he was wrong, wrong. When he saw these female knights of the Elf race, he didn't even dare to think of his first love, because he felt that he was only starting his first love now.

"We are ordered here to defeat you, are you willing to lead the way?" The elf female knight on the reins told the truth, without any concealment.

The cavalry officer of the Long River Empire who did not let this sentence pass through his brain subconsciously nodded, and then pulled the reins of the horse: "Holy goddess, I am willing! Come with me, I will take you to Sihani... That is. The largest border city of our Long River Empire... it’s not far from here, it’s just through the woods."

After saying such a long passage, he was very satisfied with his performance-you see, he didn't stutter at all in the passage just now, didn't he?

Then he subconsciously felt that he seemed to have forgotten something, but he couldn't remember what he had forgotten. He maintained his demeanor, and then watched one beautiful girl after another passing in front of him.

this is not bad! This... also very beautiful! This is still good... No, this is also good! With such emotion in his mind, the next second, his thinking went down-I X! Did I just...sell the country?

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