My Empire

Chapter 1429: I thought there was a steering wheel

"Every day you have new warships join the Imperial fleet. On average, in twenty minutes, you will have one more division of puppet combat robot troops. On average every second, the population of the empire will increase by millions..." Luther proudly replied Tao.

Then, he continued: "If the empire enters a state of complete war, the production capacity is completely released...Every hour you will have an additional squadron, and every minute the empire can produce a new puppet robot infantry division!"

The production capacity of the Ailan Hill Empire is already terrifying. Up to now, no one has seen the state of the Empire's full production capacity.

Everything is just the result of computer simulation, because once the Ailanhill Empire opens up its production capacity, countless resources will be squandered instantly.

It's like China can mobilize tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of combat troops in theory, but no one dares to mobilize it once.

Someone once calculated that if the Alanhill Empire fleet expands to the extreme, the magic spar needed for an expedition is equivalent to mining a planet rich in magic spar to a state of exhaustion!

Hundreds of thousands of warships span hundreds of thousands of light-years or even millions of light-years away, carrying hundreds of millions of soldiers... The energy that this itself needs to consume is terrifying.

"How is the improvement work of the Violence-class cruiser?" Chris nodded, very satisfied with the data, so he continued to ask.

"The improvement work of the magic laser cannon is proceeding in an orderly manner. The design work of the Violent Tier 2 cruiser is nearing completion." Luther immediately replied.

Being able to stand by Chris' side and act as the chief steward of the imperial emperor, Luther certainly has his superiority. This kind of memory that can answer most of the emperor's questions without looking at the report is enough to be daunting.

"How is the performance improvement?" Chris actually has a very comprehensive understanding of this data. The reason why he asked Luther was mainly to know if there was any breakthrough in the research and development of the Imperial battleship in the past few days.

"You know the specific work. You have participated in the design of the empire's spacecraft, including the appearance." Luther said with admiration.

When it comes to scientific research, Kris Na is really the absolute core of the empire! The research work he presided over has all been proven to be the most cutting-edge and the most cutting-edge future development direction.

The imperial emperor's authority in the technical department far exceeds anyone's imagination. Many imperial technology researchers are even willing to believe in gods, because they firmly believe that the imperial emperor Chris is the **** of craftsmen, technology, magic and technology...

Of course, it is definitely a good thing for the empire to have such an emperor who understands technology, knows technology, and is willing to specialize in technology.

Such an emperor prevented the development of the empire from going in the wrong direction, and indeed made many people give up the crazy idea of ​​fooling high-level academics.

But the nickname of Chris "humanoid self-propelled plotter" spread like wildfire. Many legends have been circulating in the technical department. In the early days of the rise of the empire, his Majesty would personally draw and write formulas until late at night.

Of course, there are even more unbelievable legends. It is said that Chris used it only once in the laboratory and successfully matched many reagents, as if he knew the correct ratio and mixing order of these things.

With these legends, everyone feels that Chris is like a god-anyway, in the most rigorous and scientific technology department of the Airanhill Empire, theology prevails, which is already one of the weird characteristics of the Ailanhill Empire. Up.

"We have built more than 30 Violent-class space cruisers, and we plan to build 110 in the future. This warship is equipped with a magic laser cannon, four main guns and eight secondary guns, which can make long-distance jumps." Luther recalled. After a while, he opened his mouth and continued to report.

Chris did not interrupt Luther's report. Instead, he pulled out the design drawings of the Violent Level 2 space cruiser, and looked at the details of the fine-tuning changes made by the technicians yesterday.

On the other side, Luther continued to report: "The design of the Violent Level 2 space cruiser has basically been finalized. It is equipped with two magic laser cannons, six main guns and ten secondary guns, and it can also make long-distance jumps."

Chris’ eyes hovered on the energy-concentrating orbits of the two magic laser cannons for a while, and finally found no problems, so he raised his head and looked at Luther: "Let Lawnes place the order, build it first. 10 Violent Tier 2 cruisers, later... order 300 ships."

He increased orders for some violent Tier 2 space cruisers because the Empire recently reduced the number of orders for exploration Tier 2 space cruisers.

The operating capacity of the Imperial Universe shipbuilding factories needs to be guaranteed, so a slight increase in orders for some more advanced warships will help ensure the production capacity of these factories and also train more workers!

You must know that although a large number of robots can be used to participate in the construction, many details of the spacecraft still need to be supervised and inspected by real people to avoid problems.

"Subordinates understand!" Luther hurriedly took down Chris' order, which was very important. It was related to the profitability of many factories and also included changes in the tendency of imperial military expenditures.


"Do you think this thing can be controlled by one person?" Looking at the Fuluo written in front of him, Lu Wuyue frowned and looked at the officer named Fanny next to her.

The girl is not good-looking, and there are some freckles on her face. But who ruled that masters must grow up to be all-powerful?

There is no way, the girl who is all-powerful and excellent in combat power is now serving as the imperial concubine in the imperial royal family, but there is no time or opportunity to experience life in the special forces.

"This thing is too complicated! I only has something like a steering wheel." Fanny looked at Lu Wuyue with embarrassment. She knew that the other party had always said very little, and now she said so much, but Because of her exaggerated plan.

"In fact, we don't need to completely control this thing..." The female elf said at this moment, pointing to another floating mountain in the distance outside the window: "We only need to adjust its flying direction... and then let it accelerate. "

"That's right!" Fanny seemed to be excited for a moment that her plan had returned to a reasonable range: "Now, you just have to tell me how to adjust the course of this thing."

"I think... turning this should be able to achieve the goal!" Lu Wuyue stretched out her hand, pressing a strange symbol that was shining with pale golden light, and twisted it vigorously.

Along with her movements, the floating mountain, which was constantly exploding, began to slowly turn its huge body.

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