My Empire

Chapter 1436: Energy umbrella

The sun is the name of all the intelligent creatures on the planet Ailan Siris and the star above them. This word may be pronounced differently, but the meaning of each world is almost the same.

What is it not called the sun? Could it be that the ancients who first invented this term called that thing "the closest star surrounded by the planet"?

As a star, the sun has been selflessly providing energy and light for all life in Ailan Siris. It can be said that only this star exists, Elan Sirius can evolve life like the earth.

In fact, whether it is the Hope 1 planet, the Hope 2 planet, and the discovery of the Ailan Hill Empire, many inanimate "a kind of habitable planets" have a sun, or they are all around A star is turning.

There are stars everywhere in the universe, and there are even super planets that are bigger than stars. But for the people of the Airanhill Empire, there will always be only one sun, the only one.

When the space destroyer fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire was neatly arranged in a straight line, sailing on the distant outer space route, they also only considered the star that the Ailan Xiris planet revolves is called the sun.

At this moment, just in the orbit close to the sun, a huge spaceship is sailing slowly.

The temperature here is not too high, because there is still a considerable distance from the sun, but the temperature here is several times higher than the surface temperature of Ailan Siris.

If it is not the use of the latest materials, it is impossible for an artificial aircraft to fly safely at this distance, because such an exaggerated temperature is enough to destroy many complex electronic components.

But because the Ailanhill Empire has developed many special materials that are resistant to high temperatures, their spacecraft can approach this distance and can work stably at this distance.

Just when the battle for the Holy Church began on the Hope 2 planet, the work of the astronauts was still peaceful and boring in the distant place, in the near orbit around the sun.

An astronaut walked in front of the control center with a glass of milk in the rotating simulated gravity cabin. When he passed a few screens, he stopped for a moment and saw that the data on it was all normal, and then he came to his position.

"The orbital height data is normal. I saw that the posture just now corrected the engine's work, probably because of the sun's gravitational fluctuations." He put the milk and said to a colleague who was working.

The colleague nodded, glanced at the computer screen in front of him, pointed to a piece of data on it, and said: "The data storage of the unmanned transport spacecraft used in the experiment just had a problem. It may be the intelligent AI algorithm of the puppet robot. problem."

"Okay, I'll wake up Joe in a moment... let him, an expert, come and see." The astronaut who brought the milk immediately agreed.

Then he continued to complain: "I said that the unmanned spacecraft project is still immature, and the use of it rashly may cause accidents... At the critical moment, you have to rely on astronauts and **** puppets."

"The output of the nuclear fusion reactor fluctuates a little, which may be caused by the emergency start-up of the posture correction engine... You will take a look at it later." The colleague continued.

"Okay, okay! This leisurely day was completely ruined by an orbit adjustment." The astronaut complained, and then went to the dormant capsule to call someone.

On the other side of this huge spacecraft, the opened hatch is throwing cylindrical devices one after another.

After these cylindrical devices were about a few hundred meters away from the spacecraft, they opened like umbrellas, like small white flowers blooming in the universe.

Like a flying mountain, the huge spaceship is like a super huge bomber, constantly throwing out cylinders that can bloom.

Looking further away, the densely packed small umbrellas at the tail of the spacecraft are like fishing nets scattered by the spacecraft, scattered around the orbit of the spacecraft.

The sideboard of the spacecraft with hull number 016 is shining under the scorching sun, and the small umbrellas that bloom in the universe rely on inertia to fly around the sun without stopping.

There are 100,000 such devices in the entire carrier compartment of the spacecraft. If all of them are scattered, it will take a few days.

At the same time, there are also spaceships that are constantly transporting and replenishing these umbrella-shaped devices, and more than 10,000 will be shipped in one replenishment!

At present, the unmanned spacecraft is still under technological research and development. Once the technology is mature, the unmanned spacecraft will replenish such materials more quickly, making the entire plan faster in real time.

This is the "Dyson Cloud" plan of the Allan Hill Empire. The purpose of this plan is to provide unlimited energy for the entire Allan Hill Empire, the core capital of Allan Thiris.

Energy even more terrifying than nuclear fusion, energy directly mined from the sun! In billions of years, there is almost inexhaustible energy!

If human beings want to live, they need energy support. Starting from the ancient times, human beings have been consuming energy to maintain their own development.

To be frank, the essence of human civilization has always been to boil water and throw stones. In other words, the core of a type of civilization revolves around boiling water and throwing stones.

The same is true for the Ailanhill Empire. With the support of Chris's technology tree and magic tree, the Ailanhill Empire, which has been able to achieve interstellar travel, is still a pseudo-second-class civilization.

In fact, in many respects, it still remains at the initial stage of a type of civilization. It can even be said that some areas are still in the Middle Ages.

Therefore, a large amount of technology of the Ailan Hill Empire, more than 90% of the territory and people, still linger in the two circles of "throwing stones" and "boiling water".

However, the Airanhill Empire will not stay at this technological stage forever, it will develop, and with the help of Chris, it will develop at a terrifying speed.

In the most sophisticated core area of ​​the Ailanhill Empire, technology is being pushed to new heights. The Dyson Ball Project is a bold attempt by the Ailanhill Empire to raise the level of civilization to a higher level.

The Allanhill Empire, which has mastered the technology of long-distance energy transmission, is trying to build the Dyson Cloud and use the energy of the sun as an inexhaustible source of energy.


Long Ling’s stomach is really uncomfortable for the past two days... Gastrointestinal problems, all kinds of troubles, everyone, forgive me...

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