My Empire

Chapter 1438: Long-lost trench battle

"Offensive!" "For Your Majesty!" "Long live the Alanhill Empire!" Accompanied by various shouts, the soldiers of the Alanhill Empire launched the first charge towards the enemy's position.

It's been a long time since such a magnificent scene has appeared. Countless soldiers are holding their weapons and taking firm steps, constantly advancing forward.

In front of them, the tracks of the tank were constantly rolling forward, and the long barrel of the Type 99 main battle tank had been aimed at the distant target of the Shenzong Heavenly Sword.

"Boom!" A ball of flame erupted from the muzzle of a tank gun, and the smoking device caused the tank gun to emit a thick smoke later.

The shell directly hit a section of the wall in the distance, and a dazzling firework burst out on the wall.

The rubble shattered, and the flying fragments swept everything around. The swordsmen of the Heavenly Sword God Sect hiding in the crater under the city wall were baptized by such a rain of shrapnel, hiding their heads and fleeing.

As the battle progressed, the swordsmen of the Heavenly Sword God Sect had also mastered many confrontation skills. They transformed the crater and simply dug some "traffic trenches" connecting the nearby craters, so that they could easily avoid the ammunition that flew across.

These gray-headed swordsmen bent over and ran under the collapsed city wall, and then urged their flying swords to launch an attack in vain against the solid tank armor.

Slashing on the heavy front armor of the tank, the fierce attacks of these flying swords did not even leave traces.

In the sky full of artillery fire, two swordsmen lying on the edge of the crater once again urged the magic weapon in their hands, facing a 99 main battle tank that was already very close to them, and shot a golden aura to form. Flying sword.

There are many such magic weapons in the Heavenly Sword God Sect. Most of the time, this is the magic weapon they use to destroy some tricky targets. But now, they can only use such savings to deal with difficult tanks.

Because before, they used this method to deal with the iron bumps of the enemy that made ordinary attacks useless.

However, this time they were surprised to find that the luminous aura flying sword urged by the magic weapon in their hand was unable to penetrate those unique iron bumps!

"That's not something we've seen before!" Seeing that his attack was useless, the swordsman who controlled the magic weapon shouted to his companion in despair.

But when he turned around and shouted halfway, his shouting stopped abruptly. His companions could no longer hear his shouting. A stray bullet hit his head, and his flying sword just flew out and attacked not far. A goal of the office.

This is the weakness of swordsmen. Their flying swords can only choose between attack and defense, and cannot attack and defend at the same time.

Leaving the corpse of his companion, seeing that the tank close at hand was still swaggering forward and slowly advancing after suffering an aura sword attack. The swordsman turned and walked along the pre-dug tunnel without looking back. Escaped this exposed attack position.

Sure enough, as soon as he left, the crater was covered by two shells that ran away. Two artillery shells landed near the crater, the raised dust had not yet landed, and the Type 99 main battle tank that had just been attacked rushed out of the smoke and ran over the crater.

As soon as the tracks of the tank ran over, the soldiers who followed followed jumped into the attack position with their weapons.

The soldiers wearing the powered exoskeleton cautiously jumped into the trench. They checked the warm body lying on the edge of the crater, and then proceeded forward confidently.

Before, a swordsman pretended to be dead and lied on the ground to deceive a soldier of the Ailan Hill Empire. The swordsman who pretended to be dead finally got into trouble and attacked the soldier from behind.

This kind of suicide attack is actually not common, but it does leave a psychological shadow on many soldiers of the Airanhill Empire. Many times, soldiers of the Airanhill Empire see the corpse of the Heavenly Sword God Sect swordsman wearing white clothes. Will subconsciously take a shot...

After confirming that the swordsman of the Heavenly Sword God Sect was indeed dead, the Ailan Hill Empire soldiers who jumped into the crater moved forward along the dug passage in an orderly manner.

On top of their heads, the almost invincible 99 main battle tank, relying on the heavy armor in front of him, continued to advance slowly.

Its tracks ran over the edge of the crater. Due to its weight, the mud on the edge of the crater began to collapse. Some of the soil rolled along the **** in the crater and fell to the feet of the advancing Alanhill Empire soldiers.

"Pay attention to both sides! They are used to ambush in these places!" The commander walking in the middle of the team told the soldiers who opened the way.

In a short while, these soldiers advancing along the simple trenches dug by the Heavenly Sword God Sect arrived at a T-shaped intersection.

One left and one right, this structure is the easiest place to ambush. Leaning on both sides of the passage, two soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire cover each other, sticking out their heads almost at the same time, and retracting their heads almost at the same time. .

Because they were wearing the original power exoskeleton and did not have a fully enclosed helmet, neither of them spoke, but made a gesture behind them.

The commander who saw the gesture lowered his voice and reported on the communication channel: "There are people on both sides! At least six!"

The two soldiers in front of the probe made a gesture of raising their fists to each other, then suddenly spread their palms, and then made a slashing gesture forward, and then they nodded their heads almost at the same time.

They stretched out their hands and took out the grenades from their waists, pulled out the pull ring, and released the safety lever. Two seconds later, they almost shot at the same time, smashing the grenade in their hands against the opposite wall at an angle.

Two grenades slammed on the wall of the pit obliquely, and then they refracted and bounced to both sides of the T-shaped intersection. Hearing a voice from under his feet, the swordsman of the God of Heavenly Sword Sect lowered his head to see the grenade that had already rolled to his feet.

"Boom! Boom!" The two grenades exploded almost at the same time, and the raised dust spread along the trenches and blew back to the tunnels occupied by the soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire.

With the spreading dust, the soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire rushed into the haze with their weapons, pulled the trigger and started shooting.

"Suddenly!" The bullet flew across the crater, making a crackling sound on the soil.

And in the smoke, the swordsmen shouted desperately: "They are on the side! They are in the passage, they are lost on the side! The tunnel is lost over there!...Ah...!"

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