My Empire

Chapter 1488: Suicide

"Aim at the position that just hit the opponent! Keep firing!" Seeing the hope of victory, Pullen Eike commanded vigorously: "Let the retreating Explorer-class destroyer change course! Turn around to the opponent's left wing at the fastest speed!"

The exploratory-class destroyer formation that had retreated was originally turning. A puppet robot crew walked up to the captain of one of the destroyers and handed the message to the middle-aged captain.

The captain lowered his head and glanced at the content of the message, the expression on his face was not as depressed as before.

He immediately commanded loudly: "Coordinates 33-42! Turn the bow! Correction of the course! Change the energy from the charging space to the state of the engine and adjust it to the main engine!"

"Great! We finally have a chance to join the battle!" On the bridge of another destroyer, the captain stood up from his position excitedly.

In front of all the crew members, he waved his arms, pointed forward, and gave a loud command: "Correct the course according to the coordinates! The main engine starts! Stop charging the space jump engine!"

"Go forward at full speed!" At the same time, all the destroyer captains who received the message began to give orders to turn.

In the vast space, the destroyer formations of the Ailan Hill Empire turned their bows neatly. In the sea of ​​stars, the outline lights flickered as if they were breathing. These huge gray-white battleships, with their side attitude engines propelling the hull, began to deviate from the original course.

"The opponent seems to be launching a formation, regardless of their attempts! The bow meets the enemy! The advantage is already on our side!" Pullen Eike stared at the screen and said to the cocklebur-like target that seemed to have been seriously injured.

It is better to break one of his fingers. Pullen Eike intends to concentrate all the firepower to sink the injured target, and then turn the muzzle to fight the remaining two enemies with a greater advantage.

"Om... Tweet!" With the completion of another charge, the magic laser cannon on the Violent-class cruiser burst out again and hit the distant target in an instant.

The target hit again, this time the explosion became more ferocious. It seems that some of the energy inside this thing was attacked and caused a martyrdom. The wound on the strange ball expanded in an instant, and even the shape of the strange ball began to change.

"Boom!" The opponent was not completely passively beaten, and had already given up the other two strange **** in the orbit, and fired at this time.

Four black lines of energy swept across the fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire. Under the continuous attack of two black lines, a Tier 2 destroyer finally became overwhelmed and began to disintegrate and explode.

"The Little Giant lost its response! They did not respond to our call, their battleship is disintegrating..." The loss statistics officer was already a little numb. This is what he witnessed today, the third Allan Hill that was completely destroyed. The battleship is out.

The expensive battleship built with hundreds of millions of gold coins disintegrated and exploded within a few seconds, turning into a pile of garbage floating in the universe. Whoever replaced it would feel pain in his heart.

"Don't worry about the Little Giant! Let the defenders who follow follow up to search for survivors! All the warships continue to advance at full speed! As long as our destroyers have a chance to fire, they will be completely finished!"

Today, Plén Eck only has three cruisers in his hand that can attack each other. If the distance gets closer, more destroyers can use energy torpedoes to attack each other, and the battlefield situation will become one-sided.

The reason is very obvious: most of the fleet of the Ailanhill Empire are destroyers, as long as these destroyers can be put into battle, the quantitative advantage lies on the Ailanhill Empire side.

Now, the situation on the battlefield is already obvious, and the fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire is crowded and bullied.

Pullen Eike, who had just been preparing to evacuate the small warships from the battlefield, immediately denied his previous tactical arrangements after seeing Qiqiang.

The Ailanhill Empire fleet also turned from temptation and detachment from thought to encircle and wipe out all the enemies in front of them.

In Plennecke's view, if the opponent really has a more powerful killer move, it should be taken out now. Since the opponent doesn't have more powerful weapons to put into the battle, it shows that the opponent is basically out of skill.

The opponent's combat effectiveness is about the same as that of his own, and one's own side still has an absolute advantage in terms of numbers-if this is to avoid the war passively, the general Pruneike will no longer have to continue to mix in the military world.

The main fleet is getting closer to the three targets in front of them, and the destroyer fleets flanking the Ailan Hill Empire are circling a large circle, ready to join the battle at any time.

If the opponent continues to maintain this state and smashes into the Alanhill Empire fleet, soon the opponent's flank will be exposed in front of the Alanhill Empire destroyer fleet.

And if the opponent chooses to retreat, the main frontal fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire can hunt down all the way, and teach the opponent a lesson so that the opponent knows what it means to die.

Of course, in fact, Pullen Eike didn't know that the enemy in front of him was actually not fast, and it needed a little bit of acceleration to get a faster moving speed.

After all, in the past countless long years, as the guardians of this universe, they did not need to retreat such a "LOW" choice.

"Sir! We intercepted a strange set of signals!" Just as Plenneck commanded his fleet and prepared to flank the target on both sides, the officer in charge of electronic warfare reported a news with a little uncertainty.

"What signal?" Pullen Eike looked at each other and asked.

"The other party used our frequency band, and what it sent was the civilian contact code we used before." The officer immediately replied.

"Sent to us? What's the content?" Pullen Eike was a little curious, and continued to ask.

"Do you think you won? No! This is just the beginning! You will feel the pain of despair in the future, every day you are still alive! Suicide! This is your best choice!" The officer sent the other party The content is translated truthfully.

Pullen Eike almost laughed at the content of this intercepted message: "They saw that they were about to lose, so they sent such a sentence to persuade us to commit suicide?"

"Keep on attacking! Since the opponent is also an intelligent creature, and even knows how to use our communication channel, then things will be easy! When they hit them to apologize, kneel down and beg for mercy... Anyway, your Majesty did it before!" His gaze was cast to the huge Xanthium-like strange ball that was exploding and disintegrating in the distance.

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