My Empire

Chapter 1491: An adventure

The flagship of the Plennecke fleet, a group of officers on the bridge looked ugly at Higgs 5, which was becoming gray, helpless.

The adjutant opened his mouth and said in a difficult tone: "The problem now is that until just now, there has been no feedback signal on the surface of the Higgs 5, and the accuracy of the observation equipment itself is insufficient. We cannot distinguish the landmark buildings on the surface. ."

He looked at Plennecke and said the worst: "We didn't find the tree of life as a reference, and we didn't see any buildings on the ground."

"Because of the interference of gray fog in the air, our observations are very inaccurate. In addition... Higgs 5 has a low level of development and few buildings, so it is really difficult to find." Another officer explained. .

They had just won the battle in space, but now they can't do anything about the collapse of the Higgs 5.

The communications officer shook his head and then reported the worst situation: "We have no way to monitor any communications signals, so we don't know anything on the ground."

"If we don't know the situation on the surface, we can't rush to send troops to the ground for reconnaissance." In the fleet, the commander in charge of the interstellar paratroopers said solemnly.

As an interstellar paratrooper, he is not timid, but unwilling to take his elite soldiers to death. Looking at the current status of Planet Higgs 5, any ground commander would not easily throw in the troops to do any **** temptation.

"Assuming that our pioneers are captured or killed by the opposing army on the ground, we will send troops to investigate and we will suffer losses again. None of us knows how much force the opposing team put on the Higgs 5. There may be more than 1,000 people, or even more than 2,000 people." The commander opened his mouth and gave his opinion.

"Yeah, this is a very real problem. If we don't know the situation, we can't send troops there." Pullen Eike didn't want to increase the loss in vain, so he didn't give orders for the airborne troops.

What he has to do now is to figure out all the other party's intelligence. Only when he understands what the other party's routine is, can the Ailan Hill Empire make a series of arrangements for the other party.

"But in terms of time, we can no longer continue to delay, because the atmospheric composition will soon be unsuitable for military operations." The non-commissioned officer who detected the atmospheric composition reminded him.

Now it seems that his advice is actually very important: the atmosphere is getting thinner and thinner, and then it will not be able to handle it with a breathing mask. You can't let all the participating troops carry oxygen cylinders, right?

"Well, we can send a small team to the surface. This is our best choice now." The adjutant suggested to Pullen Eike: "Prepare breathing masks for every soldier participating in the operation to ensure that they can When the atmospheric environment changes, continue to perform the mission."

"In addition, we have to figure out everything... Is the opponent's spaceship destroyed by us really disappeared." Pullen Eike took a look at the remains of the enemy's strange ball that was still shrinking, and muttered.

From beginning to end, he cared very much about the enemy strange **** that were disappearing on their own. He was afraid that the opponent was not destroyed, but escaped with a little bit of technology.

"Since the other party is very weird, we can't say what the other party's purpose is to change the atmospheric environment." An officer followed the analysis: "Perhaps, they don't like oxygen. This is a possibility."

"It may be because the other party needs such an environment to survive." Pullen Eike also put away his mind and nodded in agreement: "But this means that they are completely different from the environment in which we live, and the two sides have irreconcilable contradictions... "

"This possibility cannot be ruled out! So we need to learn more about the opponent!" The commander of the interstellar paratrooper nodded and said.

They must negotiate a comprehensive plan to determine the action plan on the Higgs 5 planet.

"What if the other party is simply destroying? They accidentally destroyed the tree of life... this possibility can't be ruled out, right?" The adjutant thought of another possibility.

"There is also a possibility, but this possibility is very small! Because the other party is also an intelligent creature, there is no reason to do such useless things and it is necessary." Pullen Eike did not agree with this view.

He said to everyone: "In this case, we still have to figure out the other party's purpose as much as possible to ensure that we can better predict the other party's behavior in future contacts!"

"Let's do it then! Send out reconnaissance troops to figure out the surface situation as much as possible. If you find that the opponent has troops on the surface, then immediately retreat, wait for the follow-up troops to arrive, and then launch a follow-up attack..." gritted his teeth, the interstellar paratrooper's The commander finally decided to send some troops to take a risk.

Pullen Eike looked at the opponent: "Is it too risky? We don't know our enemy at all. If the opponent is hidden under the surface, any of us can guarantee the safety of the personnel?"

This danger is not non-existent-the opponent hides under the ground, and then waits for the forces of the Airanhill Empire to land before attacking, which will cause huge casualties to the forces of the Ailanhill Empire.

Now any detection method cannot guarantee that the enemy will be found: what if the enemy is a cold-blooded animal? Then infrared detection must be ineffective.

What if the enemy is a stone man? Almost all inspections can be avoided by lying on the ground-who is right about this now?

"Are we just waiting like this? Wait for the atmosphere of Higgs 5 to completely collapse, and then we will look for possible survivors?" Another officer reluctantly issued a spiritual torture.

"Order the reconnaissance troops to airborne Higgs 5 in the reentry capsule! Anyway, we have to figure out the opponent's tactics and abilities. We will never figure it out without sacrifice! Find some interstellar paratrooper volunteers and make up a thirty The human squad, launch a reconnaissance operation on Higgs 5!" In the end, the commander of the interstellar paratroopers decided to send out reconnaissance troops even at the risk of taking a real look to see what happened to Higgs 5. what happened.

"That's it!" Pullen Eike also made up his mind: "Carry ammunition and equipment as much as possible, and make every effort to ensure the safety of every soldier! If there is any accident, let them return immediately!"

"Oh, sir!" The commander stood up and saluted, then walked out of the bridge.


I owe you two more changes and I will make up tomorrow...

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