My Empire

Chapter 1655: Goddess of luck

  Chris has never seen such an idle god, how can there be a **** who controls other people's bodies without having a problem, and then spy on other people's secrets.

  This is not like a god, but like a bear child who has not grown up. He was full of curiosity about the entire Airanhill Empire, but he was as mentally ill and let his guardians destroy Airanhill.

  For him, it seems that all this is just a game, a fun game that makes him happy.

   "I actually don't want your gift, and I really want to know what exactly do you want this thing..." Chris' clone puppet looked at the young man who was wiping his nosebleed in front of him, and said.

"Just study it, you know, I have actually perfected the technological development of magic, and even I can create a magic race like a watcher." Hatch replied while shaking his nosebleed with his hand, "Ah. , This fragile body."

   "If you can build a perfect body, the kind of container that can carry my immense power, I can talk to you more." He said, pointing at himself with a **** finger.

   "Maybe, when we win, I might meet your request. Don't you have your original body?" Chris's puppet clone started to talk.

"Have you heard that God... has an entity? Unfortunately, if I have a body, then I can't be immortal. I am the will, the will of the entire universe." To Chris' surprise, this **** seems not to be immortal at all. Avoid your own secrets.

  He is very frank, as frankly as a silly child who has not been deeply involved in the world. As long as you ask him questions, he is likely to answer truthfully.

  Of course, Chris is not an inexperienced silly kid, so he doesn't quite believe that everything said by this so-called **** in front of him is true.

  Perhaps, the other party is just lying and hiding himself. But such a speculation can only be a speculation. If there is no real evidence, it is definitely a very idiotic act to guess that a person is lying and not lying.

   "It seems that you really need a body so that we can sit down and talk peacefully." Chris' puppet clone said.

   "You are right, or what you think is... after I have the entity, hit me." To Chris' surprise, God actually guessed his thoughts.

  But the puppet can't show a surprised expression, and the **** doesn't care about it. He just said, sucking his nose bleed vigorously: "I can't waste time anymore. If I use this body for a while, I'm going to die."

"I really want to see this toy. When the war is over, whether you win or the guards win, I will come here to see this thing..." He pointed around again, speaking with a pleading tone. Said: "Promise me, keep it, okay?"

   "Well! If you really want it, then, I can promise you, after victory, I will meet you here." Chris pointed to Taiyi, and a trap was dug in his words.

  God didn’t seem to find this trap, he nodded and couldn’t wait to agree: "A word is a deal!"

  It seems that he does not insist that the watchman must win this matter, or that from the very beginning, he does not care who is the victor of this war.

  Chris felt that he was very uncomfortable. This feeling of being treated as a chess piece and placed on the chessboard arbitrarily made him very uncomfortable.

   But even so, he has no way to take the other party. Because the other party just used a body to appear in front of him, the deity still doesn't know where it is, hundreds of thousands of light years away.

  After speaking, Hachi, who was very weak, fainted. He fell straight to the ground, his head hit the ground with a loud sound.

At this moment, the door next to the room was pushed open, a nose collapsed, and still bleeding, the young man rubbing his neck rushed out, screaming loudly: "Guard! Guard! Hatch has rebelled." Hatch attacked me!"

  After he shouted twice, he was stunned. Because he saw Hatch lying on the floor in the corridor, with a puppet in a black robe standing beside him.

  "He...he..." Pointing to Hachi on the ground, this young man who had been a colleague with Hachi for a long time didn't even know what to say.

  Chris’s puppet turned his head, and said to the young man whose nose had hit the ground and had broken, “He’s all right now, but something has happened... You can go to the medical room and give it to me here.”

  It was obvious that the other party finally realized at this time that his face might be disfigured. He covered his nose with his hands, then nodded lightly and ran towards the hospital room.

   Reached out his hand and pulled the fainted Hatch from the ground. Chris's puppet sighed, hung the fainted person on his shoulder, and walked slowly towards the hospital room.

   Far away on the road, Chris almost said that he saw everything with his own eyes. He opened his eyes, and then looked at the Royal Guard Fleet that looked like a vast ocean outside the ship’s porthole.

  This fleet is a combat force directly under his jurisdiction. The significance of this fleet's existence is to guard the flagship of the Holy Ship and advance and retreat together with His Majesty the Emperor.

  The flashing lights made the entire universe very bright. The battleships of the Ailan Hill Empire were arranged one after another, arranged in a neat formation, moving at full speed toward the distance.

  They have just completed a space jump, and the entire fleet is waiting, waiting for the second jump to recharge.

At this time, Luther came over respectfully, stood beside Chris' seat, and slightly bowed to report: "Marshal Lawnes called and said that there are too many debris in the war zone. It is recommended that we set the end of the jump at 0.8 light-years. Outside."

   "I see." Chris opened his mouth and said to Luther, "Do you remember the spiritual invasion?"

   "Remember, that can be said to be one of the top secrets... It is said that it is a so-called **** behind the guards who frequently controls people's hearts..." Luther nodded and replied.

   Then, seeing Chris not speaking, he continued to add: “There have been as many as 33 confirmed mental invasion incidents, with an average of one in less than a month.”

   "Just now, my clone puppet was on Taiyi and witnessed another spiritual invasion." At this time, Chris said what he had just encountered.

  He looked at Luther and said: "If that so-called **** is on the side of the guard, our Taiyi plan seems to have been exposed."

  "The other party has such investigative methods, and it is impossible to find Taiyi. We still know too little about the spiritual invasion, so there is no way to respond." Luther lowered his head to comfort Chris.

   Indeed, as he said, the matter of controlling human souls, or replacing other people's minds and souls with one's own thinking soul for a short time, is a forbidden area of ​​magic.

Not to mention the high-level magic gods like Andrea Alicia, or even the stronger Dragon King Albert, plus Chris, who has become the source of magic, so many top magic figures, I have never even heard of it. The magic that can control the heart.

  Not only that, Chris has carefully searched the magic technology tree in his mind, and has not found a similar magic technology.

  In other words, this kind of thing, in the field of magic, is actually a blank, no one has studied it at all, and no one has even known it.

  There is no way, the magic guild that finally received the task, as well as the masters of various races, exhausted all they could only use the most unreliable method to test this mysterious ability.

  The Ailanhill Empire began to set up various magical defense arrays on some planets, or simply use some radiation-proof materials to make walls, and then find experimental subjects to experiment to see if they can prevent such things as being controlled by mind.

  But such a result is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, because this control itself is random, so whether the experimental reference object is not controlled because of luck, or because the experiment itself is successful to avoid being controlled, no one can say clearly.

  In short, everyone knows too little, so even the basic research has no direction, and can only make random temptations, and there is no structure at all.

   "He said, he wants Taiyi." Chris looked at Luther, as if discussing this with his confidant butler.

   "How is this possible! Your Majesty! Taiyi... is our last..." Luther was taken aback, then surprised, and immediately replied.

  Chris nodded slightly: "Yeah, I know."

  He smiled: "But the so-called **** did not say that he wants it now. He said that after the war is over, he wants Taiyi."

   "That...that..." Luther's expression was very wonderful, because he really couldn't figure out what this so-called **** wanted to do.

  If, if he is really interested in the Alanhill Empire, shouldn’t he stop the guards, let the two sides shake hands and make peace, turn the conflict into a jade, and finally achieve peace?

  At that time, didn’t he have room to discuss what he wanted from the Alanhill Empire?

  But if he is unwilling to give up destroying the civilization of the Ailanhir Empire, then why would he be interested in the things made by the civilization of the Ailanhir Empire.

"Right? Very contradictory, isn't it?" Chris smiled, then got up from his seat, walked to the porthole, and looked at the vast star sea and the invisible warship through the thick glass. , I don't know what I'm thinking.

  Luther didn’t bother, and digested what Chris had just said. In fact, he has always insisted that the other party is just a false god, just like the original source of magic, just claiming to be a god.

But now, he feels that he can come and go freely in front of the new source of magic, Chris, who has almost mastered the true meaning of magic, and regards the guards as eagle dogs and Ailan Hill as a chess piece, this self-proclaimed **** is very likely... It's really a god.

   "But, it's a boring god." Not knowing whether it was a coincidence or something, Chris happened to catch Luther's thoughts and spoke out a conclusion that Luther hadn't had time to think of.

   "I told him, if we win, we will give him Taiyi." Chris said to Luther behind him.

  Obviously, Luther, who was thoughtful, heard the trap in Chris’ language, what Chris said was "If we win"!

  This hypothesis is based on the fact that Alan Hill defeated the Watchers and won the war.

"He agreed." Chris said this, with a smile on his face: "Obviously, he doesn't care about the outcome of this war... It's like... the first time I saw him, he said Same."

"This, for us, can be said to be good news." Luther said, "Otherwise, even if this guy who claims to be a **** does not know anything else, the mental invasion that may be twice in just one month is for us. It’s tricky to say."

  "Assassination...Sabotage...Information acquisition...It will be very troublesome to deal with." Luther said, while looking at Chris: "He can remain neutral, and it saves us a lot of trouble."

  "Remember the previous spiritual invasion of the Zaku production plant?" Chris asked.

   "Remember." Luther replied immediately.

  "After that, I have noticed the war damage ratio of the guards to our army's Zaku troops." Chris retracted his gaze from the window: "There is no change, the curve is normal, and there is no flaw."

   "This shows that at least... he didn't provide Zagu's parameters to the caretaker... Or, because of the short time, he couldn't spy on anything at all." Luther thought for a while and replied.

   "Yes, it can't explain the problem once." Chris sighed, and said with some helpless emotion: "However, in any case, the goddess of luck is on our side, isn't it?"

  While he was speaking, a huge warship at the farthest distance had already begun a space leap.

  The entire battleship began to disappear gradually, and the disappearing battleships were getting closer and closer to the battleship Holy.

  "Report! Your Majesty! The Sacred has been charged! You can make a space leap!" The captain walked over, stood beside Luther, and saluted and reported to Chris Hui: "The fleet leap has begun. Please pay attention to your safety, Your Majesty."

  Chris nodded slightly, then walked back to his seat: "Let’s start the jump with the fleet!"

   "Yes!" Seeing that Chris was already seated, the captain nodded slightly to Luther, then turned his head and walked back to his position: "The whole ship is ready! Start the jump!"

  A few seconds later, the super huge HMS Super Battleship, the figure began to fade away, and then disappeared into this star field together with the surrounding warships.

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