My Empire

Chapter 805: Extraordinarily noisy

"Big news! Big news! The great Emperor Elanhill was assassinated in the new puppet empire!" A newsboy waved the newspaper in his hand and shouted loudly in the street, as if he had been on a stimulant.

Standing next to him was a newspaper boy from another newspaper. He also held the newspaper in his hand, shaking constantly: "Extra! Extra! The empire breaks with the new puppet empire! The declaration of war is imminent!"

Although newspapers have become less popular in cities like Serris, in second-tier cities and even third-tier cities, newspapers are still the main way for many people to obtain current affairs news.

Although TV sets are already very cheap, the leaps and bounds of this era are too big, and there are still countless poor people who cannot keep up with the progress of this era.

"Read the newspaper! Read the newspaper! His Majesty the emperor was assassinated during the speech of the new puppet empire! Most of the attackers were the new puppet empire magicians!" On the other side of the cross street, a newsboy was also shouting vigorously.

Every time they sell a newspaper, they can get a salary of a copper plate. For them, this is already a lot of income!

In poor families, many children rely on this method to save money for their parents. They sell newspapers in the morning to deliver milk, work part-time and earn some money, and then they can go to school in the afternoon to learn some useful knowledge.

In remote areas of Airland Hill, the popularization of compulsory education is limited. Generally, in most third-tier cities, children go to class in the afternoon so that they can work-study in the morning.

What they learn is also biased towards practicality. Many children directly learn technology, writing and basic mathematics. After graduation, they go directly to the factory to work.

In addition to the regular Allan Hill Daily, Serris Daily, Empire Current Affairs and other newspapers, newspapers that favor gimmicks and entertainment, the major news of Chris's assassination seems to be very headlined.

Therefore, what the newsboy of the Magic newspaper shouted is very intriguing: "Come and see! Come and see! The magician assassinates Majesty Chris! Where will the magician go in the future?"

"Shocking secrets! His Majesty the Emperor turned out to be a magician! The status of a magician may be in doubt!" Another newspaper boy is holding Big Times. The content of this kind of newspaper is more appetizing for working-class people, and the sales are also very impressive.

Only one night after Chris was assassinated, the entire Airanhill Empire boiled like boiling water.

This may be the biggest news that broke out in this land since the Magic Continent counterattacked the Demon World. There are people talking about the assassination of His Majesty the Emperor everywhere, and the city guards in many areas have received applications for demonstrations.

The indignant civilians hope that the empire will declare war on the new puppet empire, and their beloved emperor is inviolable; the oligarchs and politicians are also calculating the benefits of a war on Ailan Hill.

On the huge LCD advertising screen of thousands of square meters in the southeast corner of Empire Square in Ceres, the capital of the Ailan Hill Empire, a beautiful curly-haired host made a serious connection: "This station contacted the chief current affairs analyst Ma on this matter. Wen...Mr. Marvin... What do you think of this evil piece..."

"According to the judgment of the stock market, the probability of a war breaking out is more than 93%. I can say very responsibly that it is not strange when a war breaks out." The camera is switched, and the current political commentator on the other side is dressed decently and talks freely: "According to internal information The Southwest Front Army has been mobilized, and part of the Southeast Front Army is mobilizing westward."

"I don't know the situation of the missile force, but once a war breaks out, they are likely to participate in the war at any time. I believe everyone knows this." He said that it was a real matter, as if he really knew the deployment of the imperial army.

"So...Mr. Marvin...your prediction, the outcome of the war...or how long can the puppet empire last?" Of course, the host didn't think it was a big deal, and asked for a draft that had been prepared long ago.

The old commentator vowed: "At most one month. There is no need to speculate about the outcome of the war. I think that the new puppet empire can endure for 20 days is a very good record. The war will end soon, and I am more worried about it. The economic impact of this war."

The host did not waste any time, and interrupted the nonsense of the other party at the right time: "Thank you, Mr. Ma Wen...The following is our reporter in front of the interview with the civilians of the new puppet empire..."

War will break out within 24 hours... Everyone thinks so. Moreover, no one cares about the process of the war. What everyone cares about is the welfare after the end of the war.

Just an hour ago, the Serris Stock Exchange in Ailan Hill, the entire market soared by 3%, which was the largest single-day increase in the stock market since the beginning of the Demon War.

In other words, within a few hours of the emperor's assassination and the possible outbreak of war, the wealth of this world has grown by more than 200 billion Ailan Hill gold coins out of thin air.

Almost everyone is looking forward to the outbreak of war so that they can buy new war bonds and increase their savings.

And those businessmen and giants can get large tracts of land, open countless factories, and get more than ten times the profit of the investment.

Yes, war is not a political game within the Ailan Hill Empire, but a commercial event! Everyone is waiting to make a fortune. In their eyes, this is a business.

After all, there is no more profitable business. The empire's external expansion has not yet lost. Every war means countless employment opportunities, countless war profits, and the most intriguing rate of return with almost zero risk.

Just look at the civilians who have poured into the bank and asked about war bonds; just look at those investors who are frantically buying military oil stocks in the stock market; just look at those who raise funds and are ready to identify business areas The rich and nobles...know that after an empire embarks on the path of expansion, it is impossible to stop completely.

The empire that has risen in this way is either in a war of expansion or on the road of preparing for a war of expansion.

Until the world is invincible, or until the end. But the good news is that Ailan Hill is closer to Invincible, and Chris has also found a more distant expansion target.

In the hustle and bustle, another sky battleship of Ailan Hill was completed in the dwarf city of Ironforge. In the dark clouds of war, its huge body slowly rose, and the white hull number 21 was very vivid.

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