My Empire

Chapter 838: Can't open

"Your Majesty, this thing really can't even be removed..." An old demon looked at the "artifact" in his hand and shook his head helplessly.

He has been studying this for two days. Even if he is the most powerful craftsman among the nearby demons, even if he is very confident in his craft, he still has to admit that he has no clue about what he is holding.

"This soft material...may be a...a unique animal tendon. The symbol on it should be portrayed using a secret method. It is a bit soft, but full of elasticity." The old demon stroked his hand. The waterproof button on the satellite phone is somewhat uncertain.

As an old craftsman who is probably at the early stage of industrial civilization, the material of plastic is obviously beyond his scope of cognition.

He only heard him say that the farther and farther from the truth was, it was almost unbearable: "As for this shell... it may be the skeleton of an unknown creature. It feels slightly rough to the touch, but it feels very good."

Then, he continued to analyze: "These orange-red lines inlaid in are weird in shape and seem to be useless..."

After all, it is impossible for him to know that the shell of this satellite phone is deliberately designed in a rough shape to prevent slippage.

And he didn't know that the reason why the satellite phone was decorated with orange lines was because the color was easy to notice, and it could be seen from far away, making it easy to find the phone and the owner of the phone.

Anyway, every detail on this small satellite phone is the crystallization of the wisdom of the earth's civilization. Although it is not big, it can definitely be said to be a collection of many scientific principles.

Of course, it is impossible for him to know how the phone was assembled. So he reluctantly put the phone back on the table and looked at Alicia who was aside: "I didn't find any connecting parts outside, so I don't know how to take this thing apart."

According to what he said, this thing should be a terrible piece of animal corpses.

However, it is obvious that simply using animal carcasses to piece together something, it is impossible to use it to realize the function of remote communication.

Because if there were such a magical animal, the people on the magical continent should have used it a long time ago, and would definitely not wait until today to appear inexplicably.

Demon Lord Alicia held her chest in her arms and looked at this magical thing. She wanted to know how far the Demon Race she led was from her opponent. However, reality told her a cruel answer. She couldn't even see how big the gap was...

This is the gap. When the technological difference between two civilizations is large enough, one party can't even see the basic operations of the other party.

Is it sad? Yes, it is so sad! When modern civilization could not understand the ancients who buried their compatriots alive to sacrifice to the gods, the ancients did not understand how modern people could fly into the sky like gods...

"In other words, this thing really can't be taken apart?" Alicia asked unwillingly.

"Yes, Your Majesty, you can't take it apart!" The old demon replied with a guilty conscience. He arched his body, and his tone was full of unconfident tone.

"Its level of craftsmanship is probably 10,000 years ahead of your industrial level..." This is a sentence that the human said to Alicia at the time. When the other party said this sentence, his tone was full of confidence.

It is precisely because of this sentence that Alicia has found a few craftsmen with the best craftsmanship, and asked them to find a way to take apart this thing and take a look.

She really didn't want to secretly learn Ailan Hill's technique, she just wanted to prove herself, and wanted that confident human to take a good look at the power of the devil.

As a result, she found that she had only verified the other party's words. Although that sentence made her annoyed by it, it seemed that this sentence was a fact, a cruel fact.

"Isn't there a gap? Although it is very inconspicuous, but... along this gap..." Alicia looked at the gap left by the assembly on the satellite phone, and asked unwillingly.

She was really not reconciled. She was just a small human being. She just wanted to defeat a small human in this respect, but she couldn't do it in the end.

Another old demon craftsman shook his head and said: "This thing may have been opened when it was designed..."

"There is at least a small magic circle in it, and its power is a magic spar... This magic circle always exudes lightning magic, but it is not intense." From the perspective of a magician, Alicia It is possible to analyze some of the principles of this device.

Ailan Hill's magic skills are not advanced, in fact, magic has reached a certain level, you can easily see through some of the magic techniques of the Ailan Hill Empire.

For example, the Ailan Hill Empire used magic circles and magic spars on mobile phones. This is just a simple small energy device. It is not complicated. It can only use the magic spar energy inside to slowly charge the battery of the mobile phone. That's it.

This kind of technology is worthless to put it bluntly, but after combining science and technology, mere magicians can't understand the principle: after all, that small battery box contains precision machining and materials. Learn the advanced theory.

Similarly, many of Ailan Hill’s fighters and tanks have magical defense barriers. This kind of primary magic defense technology actually had theories and applications long before the magic empire, and it was also used extensively during the war.

However, when combined with aircraft, tanks and even battleships, this technology has been better developed. It can not only improve the defense capability of the weapon itself, but also reduce the weight of the weapon in turn to achieve light weight.

The advantages of combining each other are concentrated in the hands of the Ailan Hill Empire, including the sky battleships, which are the crystallization of magic and science and technology.

"However, how does it communicate with the magical continent so far away, and can pass the other party's voice intact?" Alicia sighed with curiosity.

She felt that if such an empire with powerful technology could help the demons and even save them, then the Demon Realm might become a different scene.

It is a pity that this is only her wishful thinking, whether it is the Emperor Chris of the Ailan Hill Empire or the magical origin of the demon belief, they cannot give up the war.

"This... is really a **** world." Alicia grumbled depressedly, her tone full of resentment——

The second one will be later, maybe we have to wait for tomorrow to make up the change, so don't wait any longer.

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