My Empire

Chapter 877: This life

"Ah!" In the dimly lit room, a thin figure woke up again in horror from the liquid. He recalled what had just happened, but found that his memory was slowly blurring.

At the moment he was awakened, he could clearly remember the **** bomb that exploded himself to pieces, but at this moment, when he recalled his own experience again, he found that terrible sight. I can't remember it anymore.

Gasping for breath, greedily breathing the muddy, but precious air for him, this skinny old man raised his arm.

This is his arm, he should have been familiar with it, but found an extremely strange arm. This arm is so thin and weak, the surface is dripping with liquid, but it still looks like a piece of dry wood.

He carefully identified it and recognized that it was his own arm. He stirred the liquid in front of him with his hand, and the black liquid reflected an ugly face under the light of the torch.

"Uh..." This skinny old man wanted to stretch his body, but found that he was already weak and couldn't even stand up.

Fear filled his body, and he felt that his soul had rotted so much that it was filled with a scent of erosion.

"Ah..." As he looked at the changes in his body in horror, he heard a desperate moan not far from his side.

With the light of the torch, he saw in a container next to him, the same shriveled skin, struggling to stick his head out of the liquid.

This same shriveled old man looked over with dim eyes, and stretched out his arm towards him, seeming to want to grab his shoulder.

But then, the arm that was more terrifying than the mummy's arm drooped and hung weakly on the side of the container.

I don't know why, the withered old man who sat up knew that the same inhuman old man next door was dead. I don't know why, he just knows, as if he had experienced the things in front of him deep in his memory.

"..." Suddenly, when he remembered the demon who had just died tragically, he found that he couldn't remember anything.

He didn't remember the shrapnel that flew towards him just now, nor how the spreading shock wave shredded his body.

Anyway, he just can't remember it, as if the messy memories before have never happened.

"Damn..." He cursed, trying to reorganize the memory of his collapse, but unfortunately he couldn't remember anything, as if he had just been born today.

"This is also awake! What's going on today?" An ugly demon believer heard the old man's voice, complaining very irritably, and then pushed the other old man in front of him back into the liquid.

On the other side of this demon, another demon who had been busy for a long time drew the long sword from a dry corpse: "These sacrifices are no longer good! Their heads collapsed, and their memories were disordered... …"

"We must deal with them quickly! Otherwise, if the Master of Magic Source is to blame, we will suffer too!" In the dim corner, a looming word floated.

The words were a bit erratic, and it was obvious that the talking demon was walking. The old man took a deep breath and tried again, only to find that he still couldn't get up from the container full of disgusting liquid.

Another voice came from a distance, intermittently making people shudder: "But... how can those **** enemies kill so many **** waiters in such a short time?"

"You know how strong these **** waiters are! But they were killed almost at the same time!" Soon, another voice came, and the skinny old man struggled, and the liquid made a splash. Sound.

"Don't scare me! It's possible, it's possible that they are going to perform a mission to die together. You don't know how terrible the explosion is after these **** waiters are killed!" A demon's voice came.

"The one over there seems to have the strength to struggle! What a pity! If you take a few more days off, he might be able to use it again..." Then, the owner of the other voice seemed to hear the sound of water and sighed with emotion.

"But... But since the last time, their entire army was wiped out, and time is too close! Master of Magic will not waste the waiter of the gods so much..." When the old man was struggling, the conversation between the two demons did not seem to stop. .

"Ah!" A scream, which did not belong to those chattering demons, it was an old voice, accompanied by fear and unwillingness.

The old man struggling in the container knew that it was the scream of the "sacrifice" in another container, and he didn't want to end up with the other party.

He didn't want to die yet, so he struggled desperately. Only then did he discover that there were many tubes stuck in his body. It was these tubes that entangled his lower body and prevented him from leaving this **** container.

On the other side, the devil's voice has gradually approached: "Are you crazy? Dare to question the source of magic? Come with me! Work quickly! They are no longer good, so replace them with new sacrifices! Quick!"

The poor old man gave up struggling as if he had accepted his fate, because he knew that relying on his weak body now, he couldn't get rid of such a device.

He could only sit there, gasping for breath, remembering the few words he had just heard. However, he desperately discovered that he had already forgotten more than half of the **** conversation.

He struck his head twice with all his strength, and when he raised his head again, he saw the hideous faces of two demon believers.

"Don't struggle...Don't struggle..." While inserting the long sword into the old man's chest, the demon headed comforting him in a low voice: "You are like this, there is no point in living...Sleep...Sleep... …"

The old man wanted to use his proud magic to burn these tiny demons in front of him, but he found that his palm could not condense the flame of magic at all.

His chest was pierced by a long sword, and he opened his mouth, trying to breathe, but he found that his chest was fiery and painful. His power is quickly disappearing, like quicksand scattered.

"I am..." He wanted to say his name, but found that he couldn't even remember his name...

The endless darkness struck, and he closed his eyes for a lifetime, what did I do?

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