My Empire

Chapter 923: Do your parents know

The next morning, after carefully checking her own image, Alicia walked out of her room in a long white dress.

Her existence at this level, having no sleep at all, can actually affect nothing at all. But she followed comfortably, the bed here was too soft, the air here was too bad, everything here made her feel at ease.

Yes, An Xin, she didn't feel that way in the devil world, so she fell asleep, enjoying the warm breath of the central air conditioner delivered to the room in the soft quilt, and slept dimly.

If she hadn't remembered in her dream that she was going to meet Chris, maybe she was still asleep at this moment.

Even she herself didn't know why she felt so lazy when she was in the enemy camp. This feeling made her vigilant begin to slack off, and she lost her sharp style.

She stretched her waist, which did not match the long skirt she was wearing. She really does what she wants, so her image of herself is only at the primitive stage.

The Demon Lord Alicia, who relies on magical energy to transform into a magical armor, is a daughter, but it is really informal.

From this point of view, the personality of the demon king should be a bit similar to that of Princess Cape Luna. They all belonged to the kind of heroic girls who were born in the military and whose voices were naturally three-thirds louder than others.

I have to confess with regret that all men are visual animals. From the first second of genetic evolution, they naturally kept in mind the natural sense of looking at the opposite sex.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the term heroic when used to describe a girl. If the girl has big red wavy hair and is beautiful and beautiful, then the word heroic will remind men of snow-white thighs. There are deep gullies in the open shirt.

But if the other way round, if a girl is 1.7 meters tall and weighs one hundred and eighteen, she can also be described as heroic. For example, the author’s daughter-in-law of this book will remind people of "open mountain" and "cracked stone" at this time. , "Mobei", "Heroman", etc...

Therefore, based on the word Haomai is beautiful, the author of this book has always thought that the vocabulary used to describe his wife might be more appropriate to describe it like "rough" and "outrageous".

All in all, in short, Chris was a little surprised when he first saw Alicia.

Because whether it is Luna or Jessica, whether it is Vivienne on his left hand or Andrea on his right hand, it seems that in the word of mind, they are not as good as the demon in front of him.

It is as wide as the ocean, and it is as full of mystery and conquest as the Mariana Trench...

As if I heard the sound of the brakes in my mind, and as if I could see the melted brake pads intuitively with a micro lens. Anyway, Chris knew that at the moment, he slammed up, turning all the way, and going back and forth on the edge of death. Tentative.

While Chris was traveling in Qiu Ming Mountain and driving the Wuling Hongguang to challenge the Corolla of the famous tofu shop, Alicia was also looking at Chris in front of him.

The man in front of him can be said to be unremarkable. Judging from his appearance alone, he is only a few times more handsome than the nobleman who struck up yesterday.

With her hands and elbows resting on the edge of the huge thick negotiating table, she analyzed with interest what kind of monarch Chris is.

greedy? Maybe, but the price to seduce such a monarch is too great. He has everything, nothing is missing, even in the area of ​​wealth, he has much more than the demon can give him.

kindness? What a joke. If he was really kind, he wouldn't be able to retaliate in the laboring expedition, and would not stay in the Devildom to engage in a tit-for-tat policy. He was born at odds with benevolence, and it was quite appropriate to describe him as brutal and vicious.

wise? violence? The man in front of him seemed to be a complex of contradictions, and seemed to have many different personalities.

In comparison, she was created by the source of magic, but she is full of flesh and blood, but this human emperor Chris, like a robot that only makes decisions according to procedures!

Alicia was thinking like this. The two emperors representing the Magic Continent and the Demon Realm, respectively, were silent with big eyes and small eyes, as if they were deciding a victory or defeat. The one who spoke first would lose the victory. negative.

Of course she didn't know that the big and heavy table she propped on her elbows was the great invention of the Elanhill Empire Security Department to redefine the term "lifting the table"...

In addition to the "trait" of being handsome, Alicia also saw some other things from Emperor Chris of the Alanhill Empire. For example, she saw Chris' caution and Chris' rationality.

The human emperor in front of him adjusted his gaze from eagerness to scrutiny in only a short time.

Alicia can even be sure that slaughtering the demons is not a revenge on the Alanhill Empire in front of him, and accepting the demons to surrender is not at all his whimsical forgiveness.

This person must be rational when doing things, especially when dealing with government affairs! Because of his caution, all decisions of the Ailan Hill Empire were definitely finalized after careful consideration!

I don’t know if I don’t meet each other. As soon as we meet, Alicia really realizes the horror of the opponent. This kind of man who restrains his desires all the time is really terrible. This kind of man who meets him and doesn't want to take off his pants is really too letting She was excited...

"Introduce myself again, I'm... I'm Alicia! I am the king of the demons!" After all, the charming atmosphere can only be broken. Whether Chris or Alicia, they are not so perverted that they just get out of the way. The extent of the clothes. So Alicia took the lead and said to Chris.

Chris also stopped playing the naive game of mind racing, and once again introduced himself: "Then I will introduce myself again... My name is Chris, the emperor of the Ailan Hill Empire!"

After speaking, he did not intend to stop, and continued to introduce: "The two around me, one is the former Elf Queen Andrea; the other is my imperial concubine, the genius of Greken. Magician Vivian."

"..." Alicia looked at Chris, her eyes full of words: "Brother, is it necessary to bring so many masters to see me? Are you so scared, do your parents know?"

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