My Empire

Chapter 932: Dare not speak

This long winter slowed down everyone and everything, Ailan Hill's offensive in the Demon World became slow, and the construction of the northern part of the Ailan Hill Empire also slowed down.

Although in the south, the Ailan Hill Empire is still carrying out a huge reform in full swing, but none of this has made this winter hot.

During the Mayne negotiations between Chris and Alicia, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Secretary of Foreign Affairs Strider brought back an exciting news. Mobile terminal::

After a long voting and negotiation, Gricken formally joined the Alanhill Empire and continued to exist as a magical special administrative region.

In this way, the Ailanhill Empire almost unified the entire human world in form. Except for the Eternal Empire which is still "independent", the other human-controlled areas have been controlled by the Ailanhill Empire.

Including the former Holy Demon Empire, Norma Empire, Kasik Empire...Of course, it also includes all the territories of the mighty Greken and Puppet Empire.

Further west, the Ailan Hill Empire regained control of the old territories of the elves and dwarves, and the entire land area encompassed three magic eyes.

Although in terms of administrative control, the Ailanhill Empire has no way to completely control such a vast territory for the time being, at least in form, the Ailanhill Empire has become the master of two-thirds of the planet!

Yes, exactly two thirds!

Such a vast territory, such a huge empire. A powerful existence that has never appeared before, and a group dominated by humans!

Chris had done what he promised Desai when Serris was a small castle. They have become the master of this world, the master of the new world!

Within the Griken, the entire Ailan Hill Empire was submerged in a sea of ​​joy on this day.

In the sky of Seris, there are fireworks blooming from morning to night. People laughed loudly on the street, celebrating the imminent unification of the human world.

Hundreds of thousands of civilians swarmed into the streets. They held up the sign of Long live the Ailan Hill Empire, pulled the banner of Long live the Emperor, and shouted the novel and proud name Ai Lan Shiris, crowded on the spacious road. .

On both sides of the street, people used the highest enthusiasm to paste the poster of Chris with his chin on the wall. The children raised their hands under the poster and shouted, while the veterans stood upright on the spot, paying the most standard military salute to the poster.

On the most prosperous streets of the Allan Hill Empire, luxury shops are next to each other. Those shopping guide beauties who used their nostrils to see people in the past are all flushing and posting advertisements of discounts in the audience.

Those luxury leather bag high-end lipsticks that would rather die than cut the price by a penny in the past are now generously sold at half price to celebrate the imminent unification of the human world.

This is simply a carnival, a celebration carnival where the war is about to go forever, a crazy celebration where the old era ends and a new era is coming.

"Long live Ailan Hill Chris!" A man stood on the railing that separates the sidewalk from the motorway on the street, and yelled hysterically while holding the street lamp with his other arm held high.

Driven by his shouting, countless people raised their arms high and followed to vent their emotions.

"The emperor! I love you!" The sharp voices of women were mixed, which caused many men to roar with laughter.

There were even tears of the elderly under the trees in the green belt, expressing his mobile mood: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Your Majesty... You are the greatest emperor! The greatest emperor in the world!"

It's still the law of conservation, in the midst of jubilation, there will always be people upset. At the gate of the Eternal Empire’s embassy in the Airanhill Empire, the crowded procession seemed to force the people inside to make a statement.

These people hope that the ambassador of the Eternal Empire will make a statement that meets their wishes, or that the emotions of the people of the Ailan Hill Empire will be transmitted back to the Eternal Empire as soon as possible, intact...

With a sound, a man closed the curtain in front of him, blocking his sight. But what the curtains can't isolate is the shout outside the window, which is like a tsunami.

"They are forcing us! What qualifications do they have to let us unconditionally attach Alanhill?" The military officer of the Eternal Empire stationed in the Alanhill Empire patted the table heavily, and exclaimed with dissatisfaction.

A few hours ago, Gricken officially announced that it was attached to Alan Hill, merged into the Aran Hill Empire, and became a part of the Aran Hill Empire.

More than an hour ago, these civilians holding banners and shouting slogans gathered outside the embassy of the Eternal Empire.

They waved their arms and shouted all kinds of slogans loudly, some yelling "Eternal Empire Go Home", some yelling "Eternal Zone"...In short, these slogans were very unpleasant.

Yes, very upset. As the permanent ambassador of the Eternal Empire to the Alanhir Empire, how could he be willing to accept the fact that he was forced to join the Alanhir Empire?

But he has no other way. The current situation is that the Alanhill Empire surrounds the Eternal Empire on all sides...

There are no so-called neighboring countries or allies to continue to support the eternal empire and the Ailanhill empire in their intrigue and restrain each other.

The dragon king Albert has returned to the distant dragon territory, and the orcs are also not willing to stir the grievances between the eternal empire and the Ailan Hill empire.

This is really an embarrassing situation called Tian Tian should not, called the earth not working: it seems that the eternal empire has only one path to choose.

"People sent guards so that we can sit here with confidence. It's already very face-saving." An Eternal Empire noble magician who happened to be in the embassy while doing business in Ailan Hill said with a wry smile.

No one paid any attention to the somewhat dissatisfied military officer, because everyone knew that the one option with the least chance of winning at this time was to use force with the Ailan Hill Empire at this time.

It's useless to complain about anything. Everyone gathers here, not to complain that the window is too noisy...

"The question now is, what should we do?" The ambassador of the Eternal Empire asked this question. He had just been in office for less than a year, and as a result, he encountered such a problem, which made him seem a little at a loss.

"What else can I do? Listen to the domestic orders... Is it to make peace or... It's so dragging... There must be a decision." The ambassador sighed dejectedly, after all, he didn't have the courage to say the word "war". .

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