My Empire

Chapter 938: I am familiar with this mode

Chris casually talked about the economic construction of the Alanhill Empire in the previous half year. Miraculously, in the past six months, the Alanhill Empire was not only engaged in a war of external expansion, but also did not relax the economic construction of the empire. .

This surprised Alves, because he had never seen it in a book that an empire could raise the living standards of its own country while constantly fighting external wars.

What's more frightening is that this empire is not only victorious in foreign wars, it can also forcibly double its GDP while at war!

As the emperor of the Ailan Hill Empire, Chris can be proud of it-he has done things that countless emperors have not done.

Just listen to Chris continue to say to Yalves: "In half a year, we hired 20,000 orc laborers and more than 700,000 local civilians... just to speed up the infrastructure construction in poor areas."

These recruited labor not only solved the labor problem of the Ailan Hill Empire, but also solved the food problem of many locals.

Relief for work has allowed Alanhill to obtain a large amount of labor, supplementing the problem of domestic labor shortages, and allowing the construction of the Alanhill empire to be much faster than estimated.

Of course, more investment than recruiting workers has also changed the old appearance of the southern part of the Ailan Hill Empire.

Ailan Hill's determination to build the South is definitely not fake, and the slogans shouted by the top of the Alan Hill Empire are definitely not fake.

Chris casually said a few statistics, and Alves understood the scale of the huge investment of the Ailan Hill Empire in the south: "17 bridges...crossed many mountainous areas that were originally inaccessible... For this, the empire allocated more than 3 billion gold coins, and some bridge parts were even manufactured from Fallen Dragon City, and the whole was airlifted to the southern region..."

"Unfortunately, these constructions still cannot cover the entire empire. There are too many details that can only be barely maintained." After talking about the empire's investment in construction in the south, Chris turned to his helplessness.

Although when facing the demons, when facing the Norma Empire, when facing the new puppet empire, the Ailanhill Empire showed its own strength, but in fact, in some corners, there is still a lot of sunshine. Unreachable places.

Many places can only rely on appointing consuls to maintain their rule. As for whether these consuls can carry out the will of the empire and abide by the laws of the empire, it can only be hoped for the personal "ethics" of these consuls.

Of course, history has proven countless times that if you only pin your hopes on personal integrity, you can only be "disappointed" in most cases.

"Strengthening the empire's governance and management level is an important thing, and it takes a long time to persist." Alves is also a person who has governed a country. He sees the height of the problem, in fact, it is about the same as Chris.

"It just happens that there is a problem in the South. Let's solve the problem in the South first." Chris nodded and agreed with Alves' view: "Through this plague natural disaster, the old aristocrats in the south, And the old city lord has cleaned up."

He squeezed his fist and made a smashing action: "Smash the old system there, and then establish a reasonable management system!"

"I'm not worried about this. The old bureaucrats and nobles are actually easy to clean up." Alves said to Chris: "You only need a dragon to destroy a castle moth..."

He is very confident in the combat effectiveness of the Ailan Hill Empire, because the empire has maintained a record of complete victory in foreign wars so far.

Therefore, there is no reason to suspect that the force of this empire will be inadequate when suppressing some malicious internal worms.

"However, we have to be careful that the consuls who represent the empire...will they be corrupted and give the wrong impression to the civilians who don't know their country yet." Alves said worriedly.

Chris nodded. Alves’ concern was a problem that had to be resolved, so he said, “The problem of corruption and the management of officials... These are my focus on rectification... It’s just because the empire expands too much. Fast, so there is no time to deal with it for the time being."

Now, the Ailan Hill Empire is no longer the mortal empire that has just risen, nor is it a small force.

Its land area is larger than all the countries on the earth combined, and most of them are not even inhabited.

It has a population of billions, including elves and other races-managing these races is not an easy task.

Within this empire, there are still many contradictions. It's just that these contradictions have been concealed by prosperity and victory.

Between mortals and magicians, between elves and humans, between orcs and humans, the future may also include conflicts between all races and demons...

Similarly, the contradiction between the new aristocracy and the old aristocracy, the contradiction between the landlord class and the bourgeoisie, and even the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie...

In the midst of many contradictions, the empire has not yet completely solved the problem of food for civilians, nor has it solved the problem of civilian housing.

At the same time, there are also civilian education issues, medical issues, military service issues, and so on. Solving these problems is harder and more difficult than defeating a powerful enemy!

"My suggestion is to concentrate on improving a certain area..." Yarves put forward his own ideas to Chris: "If you can't improve the management situation there, then I'd rather leave it there!"

"..." Chris was silent when he heard this suggestion. He has modern management experience, and there are many successful cases for reference, but he has never seen such a "relenting" trick like Alves. .

This is the unique way of solving problems in this world, or in this cruel world: with brutality, but also full of wisdom.

Alves’ suggestion is actually very ruthless and barbaric, because it means that the Alanhill Empire will temporarily give up the management of many places, allowing the people there to fend for themselves.

But in the same way, this also has attractive benefits: With limited officials, Ailan Hill will quickly establish a second "core area", where the construction speed will be doubled, and soon Ailan Hill The empire will have a second or even third rich region, which can provide amazing taxes for the entire empire and can cultivate more talents.

In this way, after a short period of pain, the Ailanhill Empire will control more regions faster and develop more regions into core regions faster.

I have to say that this suggestion is **** and cruel, but it is quick and effective. This is Gricken, or the cruel experience of the Magic World.

Chris was shaken-he felt that this plan would indeed be very painful in a short period of time, but looking to the future, it could save the entire empire more time.

"Well, I'll give you 2000 officials. You personally go to the South and build a new'core area' with Briburn and Paston as the center! Are you confident?" Chris put his finger on the table After beating on it for a minute or so, he asked Alves.

Alves also thought for a few minutes, and then nodded and said: "I will try my best. If I can give me enough funds and give me more support in policy, I think I have a way to do it in a year. In time, let it prosper."

"I am familiar with this model, I can give you enough support, don't worry." Chris smiled and said to Alves.


After two days of rest, the whole person became lazy. It's so cool to lie in bed and do nothing...

In the past few days, I would rest my fingers, take one shift for the time being, cultivate a few days, and then resume two shifts a day.

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