My Empire

Chapter 941: almost cry

"What a joke... We have been waiting here for 2 hours." Looking at the digital watch on his wrist, the commander of the 116th Panzergrenadier Division of Allan Hill complained with a frown.

He has too many things to deal with, and as a result, he waited a full two hours for pick-up here, which made him a little irritable.

In fact, because of the need for military secrecy, he didn't even know what kind of character he was waiting here.

According to his speculation, the Eight Achievement is Brillburn or the new chief consul of the Southern District-but no matter how old the consul is, he doesn't need him as a general. Isn't it?

The two parties are not directly under the system, so he can completely avoid giving any face to the chief archon, and the other party can't control him.

"I'm already busy enough, and I wasted time by standing here watching the planes going up and down." The division commander continued to complain to his adjutant: "Let my troops withdraw from the epidemic area, and then go to Brillouin. Stand by outside the city, which **** staff member came up with this **** order?"

"The 116th Division can save hundreds of civilian lives a day in the epidemic area... As a result, my troops and I waste a whole morning here." When he said this, he closed his mouth.

A total of 16 F-16 fighter jets under the jurisdiction of the military region skimmed the sky, and a huge passenger plane landed on the runway amidst the roar of engines.

Although he didn't know who was in the plane, but seeing this battle, he knew that this person should be too noble to be noble.

When the huge passenger plane stopped at the end of the runway, the door was also pushed open from inside. The gangway on the side had been prepared to be connected to the plane, and the first person to walk out turned out to be a military officer wearing the Royal Guard.

Seeing the military attache of the Royal Guards, the commander of the 116th Panzergrenadier Division, who had been impatient, gathered his legs together, and saluted the plane with the most solemn expression, as if he were on a pilgrimage.

Princess Jessica, wearing a black professional dress and black sunglasses, stood in the center of the plane’s hatch and looked down at the two officers who came down to pick up the plane before stepping away from the imaginative calf and walking slowly. Go down the stairs covered with red carpet.

Behind Princess Jessica, an old man leaned on a staff, with a dignified face, followed by steps, and behind, the staff carrying briefcases filed out one by one.

"I'm sorry, because of my waywardness, the colonel has been waiting for a long time." When she walked to the commander of the 116th division, Princess Jessica showed a smile and said softly apologetic.

When the commander of the 116th Division didn't know what to say, His Royal Highness had already walked to the car waiting in the distance.

Afterwards, the old man who passed the 116th division also said: "Because the imperial concubine decided to come here to help temporarily, I was late for more than two hours, making you wait a long time."

The old man didn’t mean to introduce himself, so he stepped forward and continued walking. A secretary following the old man showed a letter of appointment signed by His Majesty the emperor to the teacher of the 116th Division, and said, “This man Your lord is the deputy prime minister of the empire, Lord Alves. He will temporarily act as the chief consul in the southern district until he recovers here."

"Mr. Colonel, your troops will serve as special operations troops to maintain regional stability, and will be temporarily placed under the command of Lord Alves... In addition... Your troops are also responsible for the safety of Her Royal Highness Princess Jessica." After the secretary introduced the task, he quickly followed Alves.

The fourth one passing by the commander of the 116th Division was a chief of staff sent by the General Staff. After standing and saluting to the 116th division commander, he handed the other party a list: "All the people on this... arrested! Then report the arrest process to the mansion of the Great Southern District Governor!"

On the way here, according to various reports, Alves drew up a list of old nobles that needed to be dealt with.

This list is almost full of imperial assholes, and each of them has enough "political performance" for Chris to sign the death penalty.

"Grab them all?" The teacher of the 116th Division looked at the list, and the expression on his face became more exciting.

There are Bryburn’s old city lord, and the old nobles in the city—these people lost their people when the demons invaded, and after Ellen Hill drove the demons away, they came back to continue their mastery. blessing.

If it weren't for the espionage department of the Ailan Hill Empire to provide reliable information, they would continue to be in high positions and continue to live in the flesh and blood.

In addition to the old nobles and the old city owners, there are also many wealthy merchants and chaebols, these people drive up prices when the plague broke out, and make a lot of people's love.

Every penny they earn has the blood of local people, and they are not essentially different from those cannibal demons.

However, these people have great prestige in the local area, and their influence is even greater than that of the emperor Chris.

If you rashly deal with these people, the local security, and even the empire's rule here, may be shaken.

"This..." After considering these issues, the commander of the 116th Division raised his head with uncertainty.

It happened to meet the gaze of the chief of staff. The other party seemed to expect that he would have many questions, so he smiled and said, "What? They are more difficult to deal with than demons? Mr. Colonel?"

Hearing this question, the commander of the 116th Division immediately felt a kind of enlightenment and a sense of enlightenment.

He stood at attention and saluted, holding his chin open and said, "Give me 2 hours and I will lock them all in the barracks! No one can run away!"

"Very good! Carry out the order! In case of resistance, rectify the law on the spot. If the other party cooperates, don't be embarrassed, just keep it under control!" The chief of staff exhorted, "After all, we are not the police... these people, the police There are also legal officers who have to interrogate crimes one by one."

"Understood!" After the commander of the 116th Division finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the jeep that he drove not far away.

As he walked, he asked his adjutant nervously: "Just now... Did I forget to greet the imperial concubine?"

"Yes... isn't it? I, I really didn't want to ask Ann..." The adjutant's embarrassed voice trembled a little.

"Well... just now, did I... also forgot, forgot to salute the deputy prime minister?" The teacher of the 116th division felt that he might be done to the end...

His adjutant almost cried: "It seems... as if I didn't salute either..."

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