My Empire

Chapter 948: Gossip

Not all magicians are cold-blooded, and not all people are born with an inexplicable sense of superiority.

Hecht felt his heart full of sympathy when he saw people who spoke the same language and had the same feelings stood in front of him after suffering.

After vaccinating the heaviest patient, he walked back to his dragon mount.

Full of emotion, Hecht stretched out the palm of his once holding the long sword, stroking the body of the dragon with mixed flavors, until the huge head of the dragon, looking at him.

"Old friends, how about let's fly again as soon as possible? Bring more supplies here, they really need our help here! Compared to life before, I am full of pride in what I do now." Hecht Stroking the dragon, he said to himself.

He seemed to be reminiscing about his own life, and he seemed to be reflecting on his past mistakes: "I used to be like a parasite, living by cruelly plundering the wealth of these people. Now I am different, I feel The meaning of my life."

"As a knight, glory should always accompany me. And glory is not bestowed by others, but by my own spirit and my own choice. I think, as a magician and a dragon knight, I should help those who are in difficulty. Weak, not bullying them." After speaking, Hecht retracted his palm and looked at his mount.

"Roar!" The giant dragon seemed to understand Hecht's words, and gave a long roar to the sky, spreading its huge wings.

For those civilians, such huge meat wings are like tents to cover the sky and sun. In the rising dust, the dragon lifted his body, with eyes with erect pupils, staring at Hecht, as if waiting for his master to roll over and ride on his back.

The old man who had just finished distributing food tremblingly walked behind Hecht, guarding the dragon, as if he was afraid that this monster would swallow itself with one mouth.

Finally, he finally plucked up his courage and asked Hecht: "Master Mage...Yes, is there anything I can help? You see, you brought us food, and we have a heart. Thank you... we really don't have any money or anything to dedicate to you..."

"I don't need your tribute, I am just ordered to perform the task of saving you." Hecht felt that he was ashamed of the respect of the other party. Now he is indeed the savior of these people, but ten years ago, he and many magic Like the teacher, he didn't regard these mortals as human beings at all...

Now, after a short time together, he already felt that what he believed in before was wrong, and that he was wrong. These people are indeed living people, they also have wisdom and thoughts, and they are also living, genuine people!

So he was a little embarrassed, coughed to cover up his embarrassment, and then said: "If you want to thank you, thank the current emperor, Your Majesty Chris! It is him who saved all of you."

There was one sentence he didn't say, but it was buried in his heart: Or, His Majesty the Emperor also saved my soul.

"In addition, I really need your help for one thing!" As if remembering something, Hecht took out a map from his shoulder bag and handed it to the old man: "Is there a village nearby? The human kind."

"There is a village about a day or so away from here. I don't know its name anymore. When we migrated here, we passed by there, and there were people over there..." After speaking, he turned around. , Shouted to a man in the distance: "Lenke! Renke!"

The man named Lenk immediately lost his job and ran over while rubbing his hands behind him.

When he got closer, the old man introduced and said: "Lenke is the best hunter here. He only went to the village next door a few days ago. He knew the most accurate situation."

"The village next door? Master Mage... The situation in the village next door is not very good. The last time I went, I didn't dare to go in because there were crows hovering everywhere, and there were traces of wild beasts." Hunter named Lunke As soon as he spoke, Hecht felt that he was more professional.

Just listen to Lenk continuing: "A place with a lot of people will not have wild beasts frequently, you know, now the plague is terrible, I don't dare to easily enter other people’s villages to take risks... But I saw that there are The untreated corpse was bitten by a scavenger, so the situation over there should be very bad."

"Thank you, thank you for your help! Where is the approximate location of the village? It doesn't matter if you don't understand the map, you say which location it is, I will mark it." Hecht's military map is not very detailed, after all, here The satellites covered are not too many.

"From here further west, I can walk there around noon." Lenk pointed in a direction and replied. ::

Marked a cross on the map, and then drew a straight line to represent the possible location of the village. Hecht put away the map, and then handed the portable locator to Lenk: "Keep this green light on, Put it in an open place! It can guide me back here and bring back more food...understand?"

Lenke took the locator, held it in his hand like a pilgrim, and solemnly replied: "Understood, my lord! I will definitely protect it and treat it as my life!"

"I'll be back as soon as possible." Heck nodded, then patted Lenk on the shoulder.

In the eyes of everyone’s expectation, Hecht once again stood up and rode on his beloved dragon. This time, he had a feeling of marching, for these strangers in front of him, for He didn't think these were the same kind of the same kind.

"Long live Ailan Hill!" He muttered softly, riding on the dragon's back, and gently pinching the giant beast under his crotch with his feet, and then the giant dragon flapped its wings. Blow away the dust nearby.


"Those demons deceived us! They deceived the **** magicians! They tried to use a potion to control you!" In another unknown town, a city guard officer with a sword and armor on his shoulders , Yelling loudly to the gathering crowd.

In front of him, standing under the spears, these people arrogantly threw a handful of copper coins to the crowd who didn't know what happened.

I heard that when I came here and listened to the truth of the matter, I could receive rewards. These civilians had no other good place to go, so they gathered and listened to the disgusting city guards talking nonsense.

Although everyone didn't believe in the so-called lies of these city guards, seeing the real old-style copper coins, everyone was happily waiting here to take advantage of them.

"If you use potions, you will become servants of the devil and be eaten up by the devil!" High up, the officer of the city guard was still yelling non-stop, terrorizing the civilians who didn't know the truth.

"Go back! Go back! We're welcome to go further!" Several City Guard soldiers, who covered their noses and mouths with white cloth, pointed their spears at the civilians who were about to approach the robbing of copper coins.

They were also terrified. On the one hand, they were afraid that these refugees would attack in groups and rob the cash box behind them. On the other hand, they were also afraid that the plague would infect them...

These people were sent out to create momentum for Earl Herman. The Earl Herman who was taken away actually had such a plan long ago, but he had to take it out in advance.

Their plan to kill two birds with one stone is not imprecise: on the one hand, it is to build momentum for Earl Hermann and establish his great image of savior, so as to cooperate with the next charity and rescue, so that the surviving people will be grateful to Dade; on the other hand, they want to stop Ai Lanxi. The rescue plan of the Er Empire, so that more people die, in order to obtain more land and grasp more wealth.

It’s a pity that Earl Herman was arrested, and this plan had to be implemented in advance. In the process of implementation, it had to change its flavor: these rumors spreaders had to do everything possible to discredit the Ailan Hill Empire and create hatred. In the end, It caused turmoil and shook the rule of the Airanhill Empire in the southern region.

Only in this way can it highlight the irreplaceability of the old aristocracy. Finally, according to the historical decisive method, the empire had to compromise with the old aristocracy and the old city owners, give up the management power, and withdraw the dispatched archons.

As long as the old aristocrats in the southern region recognize the nominal power of the Airanhill Empire, they can continue to ride on the common people and continue to draw on the people's anointing and live their rich lives.

Herman promised huge benefits to these city guards. After the incident was completed, they would get a lot of money and supreme power.

Those chaebols and nobles can become lords, and their city guards can evolve into warlords, or even separate one side, and become uncrowned kings.

With such a huge temptation, there is no need to charge for battle, just spread some rumors, there is simply no more cost-effective business than this. So these city guards took action immediately, gathering refugees everywhere, spreading all kinds of rumors.

Seeing more and more people, the officer of the city guard continued to shout loudly: "If you believe them, you will fall into their tricks! Only Lord Herman is the real savior!"

His words were justified and well-founded, and the following crowd became agitated: "They arrested the Earl, but did not allow Earl Herman to save people! Those who claim to be soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire are this one. The culprit of the disaster!"

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