My Empire

Chapter 951: ladies and gentlemen

A group of civilians were walking slowly on the rugged road in the southern area of ​​the Ailan Hill Empire. They are still wearing tattered clothes, but their complexion looks much more normal.

When they first set off, they didn't have so many people, but now, the postponed team is vast, and almost 3,000 refugees who drag their families with their mouths have gathered.

These refugees are gathered from nearby villages. Whenever they pass by a village, the team will act like snakes, eating the civilians in this village, and then making themselves more spectacular.

Their goal is also very clear, that is, to go to the vicinity of Brigburn, where they await further instructions.

Because the plague was cured by the soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire, they did not doubt what the other party told them. They even regarded these words as truth, and believed in these words as if they believed in gods.

So, when they knew that these soldiers wanted them to go east, they didn't hesitate to drag their families on the road.

What did not disappoint them was that they saw the supplies promised to them by the soldiers of the Alanhill Empire on the road, they saw the supply convoy, and they saw more refugees gathering eastward just like them.

"Dad! When I grow up, I want to be an officer of the Ailan Hill Empire like Ensign Brown!" A little boy took his father's hand, and the eyelashes on his big eyes shook his head. This is not a friendly world for him.

His mother died of the plague, and his grandpa and grandma were slaughtered when the demons invaded.

Before these disasters came, their family members were not going well. The old nobles had been cruelly exploiting them. Their family worked hard every day, but they couldn't get enough food all year round.

But in the past few days, they have enjoyed the goodwill of the world: the supplies invested by the Ailan Hill Empire allowed them to eat delicious instant noodles and bread, let them taste the crystal clear "pure water", and even tasted delicious food. Luncheon meat!

Although they don't know that most of the ingredients in luncheon meat are starch, the instant noodles and bread with a one-year shelf life they eat are not commendable good things.

However, this is indeed the most comfortable life they have had in the past six months. So there was a smile on the boy's face, a smile he hadn't seen for a long time.

The face of the boy's father looked a lot of vicissitudes, and he was even more desperate for the world, so he was not as optimistic as the boy.

In his cognition, no piece of bread will be given away for no reason. He was a poor man, and he had almost nothing, so he was thinking about a question along the way. This question is, that the monarch of the Ailan Hill Empire that he has never met before, that is, the great Majesty Chris, does he want Get something from him.

He has nothing to lose. If he just wants his life, he can give it out without hesitation, but what he is worried about is his son.

"As long as you grow up and become strong, you can support yourself..." That's fine. Thinking of this, he stroked his child's head, finally showing a blunt smile on his face.

After all, he hadn't laughed for almost three years, and he hadn't laughed since the demons invaded south.

"It's not a good thing for us to go to Briburn like this." A nervous man leaned over, seeming to find someone to talk to.

It seems that he is the kind of person who has read some books and has some knowledge. He is still young, but a little too thin. Standing next to the man leading the child, he looked like a girl.

"I'm sorry, my name is Benjamin, and I'm a teacher." The man who came close smiled kindly, as he had introduced himself.

Then, he was familiar with himself and continued to nag himself: "I have been to Briburn, and there will be more nobles and rich men... My personal experience, as long as I rely on those people. Too close, there must be nothing good."

"You're right." The boy's father nodded, agreeing with what the man who took the initiative to come up with said.

According to his experience, what the other party said was indeed right. It was definitely not a good thing to have a relationship with those damned nobles in the past.

However, this time, it is clear that someone has a different view. The boy he was holding in his hand suddenly retorted: "I don't think Ensign Brown will lie to us! They are good people!"

For the refugees in rags on this road, this sentence undoubtedly represents the truth, an indisputable truth!

Lieutenant Brown is a good man! Because Lieutenant Brown saved them. It was Lieutenant Brown who brought the special medicine and vaccines, and Lieutenant Brown brought them food.

Even if they are walking on this road, it is the "order" of Lieutenant Brown. They can find food here, and this is a fact that has been confirmed!

"This is also something I can't figure out! They saved us, but it's obviously better for them if we die." The man claiming to be a teacher rubbed his nose with his finger and rubbed the boy with his other hand. s hair.

Soon, the crowd began to agitate slightly, because at the front of the line, someone began to pick up today's food from the truck parked at the intersection.

As long as they follow the road, they can receive their food at the designated place. Such unthinkable things only appeared in dreams before.

A jeep drove all the way against the crowd, and finally stopped in the middle of the line. A man in a digital camouflage uniform and a helmet made of Kevlar jumped out of the car.

He wears a pair of glasses and looks more like a scholar than the thin man in the crowd who claims to be a teacher.

"Ensign Brown!" The boy who saw the acquaintance had already begun to wave to the man, and the nearby refugees who heard the shout also stopped actively and bowed slightly to salute the officer.

"Hey! Young man!" The officer named Brown walked up to the boy, and rubbed the boy's messy but not dirty hair: "How about it? After two days of walking so far, Tired?"

"Not tired!" The boy straightened his waist and tried hard to make a soldier's posture, learning the appearance of those Ailan Hill grenadiers, and replied solemnly with his chin held up as much as possible.

"Good job!" Lieutenant Brown took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket and handed it to the little boy: "Share with your friends! Understand?"

"Yes!" The little boy was very excited. He knew that he would have good luck seeing Mr. Brown. Just look at the kids around and know that he will definitely become the king of kids in a while! The king of children who masters the power of candy distribution!

"The front is a small town that has been vacated! The original residents have already left! We rearranged it a bit, and re-arranged it a bit." Brown pointed to the direction he was coming from, and said to the people around him.

"You will be there in the afternoon, and everyone can choose to settle down there, or continue to Briburn!" After attracting the attention of others, he said again.

Then he paused, looked at the confused crowd, and continued: "If you choose to stay, then you have to start working... only work can get food. This is something you must keep in mind in the future. Work, there is food!"

"If you have farming experience, you can sign up for farming! Every adult man grows 5 acres of land, which is about the size of 70 Nantes in the past... If you don't have farming experience, you can sign up to build roads." He shouted. , Frowned when she shouted, seeming to regret that she forgot to apply for a loudspeaker.

In the eyes of everyone, the content of his continued shouting shocked everyone: "We urgently need the following talents... literate people, teachers are the best! We plan to build a school in a small town where children go to school during the day. At night, adults go to night school!"

The old nobles were unwilling to let the common people learn, and the policy of fooling the people was definitely not a characteristic of a certain country. All those in power seem to be afraid of civilians becoming wise.

Therefore, in the old days, it was almost impossible for the poor to want their offspring to go to school.

But now, the Ailan Hill Empire seems to be planning to let civilian children go to school in addition to preparing people to eat. What kind of fairy operation is this? Is this going to train the common people to become nobles?

"Sir, aren't you a teacher?" The little boy felt that if he took Mr. Brown's chocolate, he had to show his own value. He looked at the thin man standing beside him and asked.

"Are you a teacher?" Brown's eyes lit up, and he walked to the thin man who claimed to be the teacher, his face full of surprise.

For a region that urgently needs teachers, it is really not easy to find a living teacher.

Teachers in many places have died in the plague, and some have been killed by demons. In short, in the entire southern region, there are not many literate grassroots education forces left.

However, the expression on his face quickly became more exciting. He looked at the child with an innocent look, and then at the father of the child next to him: "How should I call you?"

"Ben... Benjamin..." The thin man replied unnaturally.

"Okay, Benjamin... Teacher. I have one more question. Should I call you Mr. Benjamin or Ms. Benjamin?" Brown smiled and pierced the other woman's disguise as a man.

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