My Empire

Chapter 960: Dazzling brilliance

The Beast King Ericia stood nervously outside a gate, walking around with his hands behind his back, as if he was a student waiting for his college entrance examination results.

He never thought that he would have such a day when he even surrendered, because he was afraid that others would not accept his "surrender".

For the orc empire that was once extremely powerful and even ignored the human magic empire, this is simply a kind of irony.

Once upon a time, the bear warriors of the orc race swept hundreds of thousands of human forces in front of them with sharp weapons. That era was the era of the orcs...

The orcs nowadays can no longer be compared with human beings. The gods gave the orcs a tyrannical physique, endowed them with loyalty and glory, but did not give them a future.

This is really a sad fact: the future of the orcs seems to have been completely blocked by human development.

To control their own future, or to re-own the future, the orcs must show their loyalty to humans.

A few hours ago, he met with Emperor Chris of the Airanhill Empire and handed him the letter of credence, hoping that the orcs could become a part of the Airanhill Empire.

For this reason, the orcs are willing to dedicate their loyalty, to fight for the emperor of the Ailan Hill Empire, and to shed blood and sacrifice for this human-dominated country.

If it were five years ago, this surrender might have made Chris excited, but now, he really has no desire for excitement.

After all, there are too many people willing to shed blood and sacrifice for him. The elves are willing to fight for him for the Moon Temple, and the dwarves are also willing to kill the enemy for him in order to gain more skills.

The magician who has made meritorious service has begun a **** internal cleansing in order to regain the emperor's trust. Even the enemy demon has already begun to swear allegiance to him.

So the loyalty of the orcs was just a simple oath in front of Chris. It's a little frustrating to say that it is the attachment of the orcs, which is not attractive to the Ailanhill Empire.

Precisely because of this, the Beast Emperor can only wait here nervously, waiting for the senior leaders of the Ailan Hill Empire to discuss a result of how to treat the orcs.

He didn't know whether his people could be recognized by the Ailanhir Empire. He also didn't know whether the Ailanhir Empire, which was so powerful that the dragons would be afraid of three points, would accept the orcs, a force known for its barbarism. .

In the room, not all ministers agreed to eat this greasy-looking cake of the orcs.

At least from the perspective of economic benefits, it is more troublesome to build a barren orc territory than to build a new puppet district or a ruined Norma district.

"Compared to the attachment of the elves, the attachment of the orcs is a bit trickier." The Foreign Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Strider put his hands together and first stated his views to Emperor Chris.

He paused for two seconds, and then added: "Although we don't need to consider the anger of the dragon clan, eating the orc clan now can indeed easily bring the relationship between us and the dragon clan down to another level."

"Before, the relationship between our two forces has fallen to a freezing point, and now it has fallen below the lowest point. This kind of relationship between the two countries is very fragile and unhealthy." After he finished speaking, he looked at Chris. , Seems to be waiting for Chris to express his views.

It's a pity that Chris didn't make any comments, but instead set his sights on an old man of the Elf race on the other side.

This old man is the second-in-chief of the empire's newly appointed food department, and the second minister of agriculture of the empire, which is also the deputy minister of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The old man’s face is already full of wrinkles, and he is seventy years old according to the age of a human. It's just because the magic energy reserves in his body are amazing, so the spirit is still very strong.

He rubbed his dry eyes, and said to Chris in a not high-pitched but very calm voice: "The place where they live is very barren. Although there are some minerals, on the whole, they live in a lack of food cultivation. Soil."

In his opinion, the investment in improving the entire Orc Territory is really too great. Even the Elves feel that greening the Orc Territory is not worth the gain.

"To improve their living conditions, it is necessary to transport a large amount of food and other daily necessities to their territory." The transportation official explained the cost relationship: "The transportation cost will increase exponentially. Putting in one bag of grain is equivalent to simply wasting another bag of grain."

"In this way, the cost will remain high...Of course, if a local factory is built, the investment in infrastructure is also a headache." The expert in industrial development is the Minister of Industry Smith, his speech , And he is not in favor of immediately investing in the construction of industrial projects in the orc territory.

"If we want to develop industry there, we have to build at least 30 thermal power plants there now... The equipment is easy, but everything takes time." He also looked at Chris, hoping to see it from Chris's face. What clues come.

For Smith, the Minister of Industry, building a power system in a remote, impoverished mountainous area not close to economically developed areas is a choice that does not pay the price.

He would rather devote these working hours to the construction of the southern region, or directly into the plan for the construction of a new puppet area.

In this way, these power plants can be converted into production capacity immediately after completion. This is the result he hopes to see as the Minister of Industry.

But if these power plants are built in the territory of the orcs, it will take a lot of time to build supporting infrastructure and build power-consuming factories to consume the power supply of these built power plants.

To put it simply, to build a power plant in Orc Territory, ten more factories that produce tractors and lathes will be built, and the production capacity of this power plant will be consumed.

Then, these produced equipment and other products, if you want to sell them, you must continue to build roads and railways and other transportation lines to ensure the convenience of transportation in these factories.

When the construction of these supporting facilities is completed, we will continue to build suitable housing for workers in these factories, build schools for their children to go to, improve the water system, and build more power stations to meet the city's electricity needs.

Finally, we need to build supermarkets, shopping malls, and airport railway stations...This is tantamount to building a city from start to finish.

And after so much energy, the orc tribe's territory may not be able to function normally immediately. They have to adjust to a few months...

With such a long period of time, if so much energy and materials were invested in the Norma region or the southern region, the return could be ten times more than one hundred times.

In this case, it is difficult for the empire to persuade other big chaebols and consortia to jointly invest in the construction of orc territories, which also increases the financial burden of the empire.

It is a pity that Secretary Smith did not see any clues from Chris' face. His Majesty the Emperor is still calm and listening.

Finally, after everyone stopped talking, Chris adjusted his sitting posture. The fingers he was tapping on the edge of the table stopped and opened his mouth to clarify his attitude.

He was unwilling to let his subordinates waste time guessing his own mind, because he ruled this empire not by tactics, but by absolute power.

"The good news is that we still have time, don't we?" Chris smiled and asked Dessert, who was sitting beside him, with a sigh of relief. After hearing His Majesty's statement, everyone was relieved.

Desaier smiled and nodded: "Yes, Your Majesty, at least we will focus on economic construction in the next six months..."

For the Ailanhill Empire, the war seems to have always been condiments since the beginning of three years ago, and the main course of Ailanhill has been economic construction since three years ago.

At the same time as the construction of the project, the Ailan Hill Empire is also actively carrying out various scientific experiments. Chris is actually more like a scholar than an emperor in his bones because of having the tree of science and technology.

He is more enthusiastic about using technology to improve people's living standards, thereby diluting internal contradictions and realizing the rule of the Ailan Hill Empire.

Compared with those who rely on powerful forces, high-handed rule, or deceive people under the cloak of religion, his method is more clever and more efficient. Computer::/

"Aren't we short of labor? In a short period of time, the orcs can provide us with more than 400,000 labors. These young and strong labors can greatly alleviate our labor shortage." Chris continued to ask Desaiel Road.

Desaier drew a stroke on the information, nodded and said: "There should be about 100,000 orcs. After short-term training, they can be used directly...No matter how much, there is no guarantee."

"That's pretty good!" Chris nodded in relief: "I think you all have fallen into a misunderstanding... Gentlemen! The orcs have come to us, they are now our people..."

"What we have to consider now is not to accept or not accept the surrender of these people, but to consider how to better improve their lives and make them richer." After Chris finished speaking, he stood up: "Remember , I’m not surprised that other races will join Ailan Hill! Because we will make all the people live better! This is where Ailan Hill is truly powerful!"

"Let's go! Go and see your new colleague! Grand Duke Orc... Grand Duke Ericia!" Chris generously set the title of Ericia, took the lead and walked to the door, reaching out and pushing open the door of the meeting room. .

Ericia, waiting nervously outside the door, saw that the door was pushed open, and a beam of light passed by the figure of the person who opened the door, shining on his face, full of dazzling light.

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