My Empire

Chapter 979: Going to war again

It's no wonder that he is so confident, because since he served as the commander of the logistics force of the Airanhill Empire, the logistics of the Ailanhill Empire has not lost to any opponent!

He can only constantly surpass himself and perfect himself. Because he couldn't find a strong enemy comparable to the Ailan Hill Empire! Those so-called powerful empires have logistical supply capabilities, even one-tenth of the logistical supply capabilities of the Ailan Hill Empire!

"But launching a large-scale offensive operation in the winter will consume more materials... It is not economically cost-effective." The official of the economic department who has not spoken at this time raised a question.

He paused, and asked: "If we analyze it purely from a military perspective, is it necessary to fight this battle ahead of time? If so, what are the advantages? If it is simply to win, will the empire suffer economic losses? Is there a reasonable explanation in this regard?"

"Then our army of millions of people eat horses and chews on the battlefield, and the materials consumed are not money?" Before Wagron could speak, Luo Kai spoke back to the other party.

Compared with Wagron, who is in charge of command, Luo Kai, the chief of staff, is more concerned about economic benefits, so he is also more sensitive: "Don't worry, the cost of attacking in advance is more expensive than leaving the troops in place. The standby cost has not increased too much."

"I'm relieved." After the official heard the answer he cared about,

"I am in favor of an immediate attack. We have been on the spot for almost 40 days. This state is really depressing." General Durando said, supporting the start of winter operations.

His troops entered the Demon Realm relatively late, and did not catch up with the first Battle of the Servant of God. He now wants to expand the war against the Demon Race, and he just can get more military exploits.

Wagron said in a final word: "Then we will immediately launch an offensive...according to the previous C plan and start execution."

"Plan C... I agree too!" Luo Kai recalled the general content of Plan C and nodded in agreement.

Compared with the previous two plans, this plan is relatively stable, and there is nothing wrong with implementing it in winter.

So he stood up, walked to the map behind Wagron, and pointed his finger at an obvious high-quality road on the map, and then briefly introduced the battle plan: "First, the 1st Panzer Corps went forward along the road. To the designated location."

"This road is in good condition and has heavy fire support, so the Mozu is unlikely to prevent the advancement of the 1st Panzer Army." After that, he pointed down the indicator as an icon of the fortress: "Then Burke Fort Lan moved forward to this position on the map, forming horns with the 1st Panzer Army."

While speaking, he roughly indicated the direction of the Mozu's possible retreat with his hand: "If the Mozu retreats, then our troops on other lines of defense will advance their positions 300 kilometers."

"This is almost the campaign goal we planned for the spring offensive to complete." Medias, who is familiar with the spring offensive plan drawn up before, can see at a glance that this pincer offensive is almost exactly the same as the spring offensive.

Luo Kai smiled and nodded: "It's almost the same. If we accomplish this goal in winter, then we can consolidate our forward position and get a better position before spring arrives."

"According to the intelligence brought back by the reconnaissance plane, if we advance 300 kilometers in winter, when spring arrives, we can immediately seize almost 13 large cities, which will directly destroy the demon's war potential." , Luo Kai squeezed his fist and made an action that was under control.

"Thirteen large cities... it sounds really tempting." He said this as if he was determined to win.

Hearing his tone, the cities of those demons seemed to be the cities of the Ailan Hill Empire, and the demons in those cities seemed to have been wiped out.

"Isn't it? We don't destroy these demon cities much now. Most of them can be used directly to house the army and even the civilians." As the commander-in-chief of the air force, Bottolia told the Air Force The changes in the execution of the tasks are still very well understood.

The previous air force carried out an attack mission similar to the European and American strategic air forces in the earth civilization. Use missiles and strategic bombers to strike the deep city of the opponent and destroy the opponent's war potential.

There are very few such strategic bombings now, and most air forces are performing tactical missions.

Recently, the strategic air force, including the bomber unit, has rarely been dispatched. Instead, a large number of transport aircraft have been used to transport some supplies for the devil and fly to the devil-controlled area for airdrop.

It can be said that wars between demons and humans in many areas are no longer like wars. The two sides seem to be playing a game, completely and cruelly unable to stand up to it.

The strategic depth of not bombing the devil is considered from two aspects. The first reason is naturally that since the beginning of winter, under the leadership of Demon King Alicia, many demons are seeking cooperation with humans.

In this case, the Air Force of the Ailan Hill Empire naturally reduced the number of bombings, which was regarded as a winter for the devil to recuperate.

Another reason is also because the army of the Ailan Hill Empire implemented an extermination policy against the demons, and even destroyed some cities in the occupied area.

But in this way, it takes more time to restore the city, the economic benefits are not good, and the recovery of funds is slow. Many investors have criticized this destructive occupation.

Therefore, in order to meet the needs of these merchants, under the influence of the first reason, the army of the Ailan Hill Empire simply relaxed its deep attack on the demons.

"Those surrendered demons can also be placed in these cities... At least now, they are quite obedient." General Durando also agreed.

His troops currently accept many demonic civilians, so the number of demonic surrenders in his jurisdiction is also the largest.

Therefore, he also knew better about these surrendered demons. At least on the surface, these demons are submissive, well managed, and willing to work. They are very good cheap labor.

What's more, since the beginning of arming demons to form a servant army, the casualty rate of the soldiers of the Aranhill Empire in the northern part of the Aranhill Empire has dropped significantly, and those demon servants have indeed performed well.

Therefore, in this case, General Durando, who has tasted the sweetness, doesn't mind saying a few words of "justice" for these demons.

Wagron said to everyone: "In short, if we win these cities, then in the spring campaign, we can get more victories..."

Medias raised a question with some embarrassment: "The only question now is, if we take the lead in launching a large-scale offensive, will there be any opinions on the side of the demons who are negotiating with us."

Wagron sneered and said, "Accepting the surrender of those demons is our maximum tolerance! So I think you think too much... Now, we don't need to consider the feelings of any demons."

"Yes! Ailan Hill Empire, there is no need to consider any feelings of the demons!" Durando quickly expressed his position, he must let Wagron know that he was not a sympathizer of the devil.

In fact, no one here is a sympathizer of the devil. On the contrary, everyone here has raised butcher knives to the devil, and the killing was so happy.

What really makes them benevolent is actually those consortiums and wealthy merchants who lobbied the high-levels of the Ailan Hill Empire every day. They are the real "demon sympathizers" who use devil labor.

Of course, this sympathizer is quoted, because they do not sympathize with these demons, but need these living demons to create more profits for them.

"Then, do we want to inform the demons who are negotiating with us about the attack?" At this time, the female elf general sitting in the corner raised her arm and gestured for a moment before she spoke and asked.

"We are at war! General! I think you should not forget this! How could we tell the enemy about the attack in advance?" Wagron felt that the other party's question was too pedantic.

There is no good way, after all, the elves have their own culture and beliefs, especially the women of the elves, sometimes they are really rigid and make people laugh and cry.

Wagron has dealt with these female generals of the elven race, and knows that they are very brave fighters in most cases, but they are not good commanders.

"Yeah! This is a joke about the lives of soldiers!" Medeas also disagrees with sending the news to the demons: "We can choose the battlefield and avoid the colony of the demons who are willing to cooperate..."

"When the battle begins, the safe zone will be assigned to the red-haired female devil." Wagron ordered: "Find a chance to send her back to the demon-occupied area! If the battle begins, she will still be on our side, then What does it look like!"

"I must find a way to send her back...I can't let her notice..." Midias repeated Wagron's command with a headache: "I will think of a way today!"

In a quiet barracks in the remote northern mountains of the Demon Realm, a soldier standing guard looked at the scavenger birds hovering in the distance for food, and a cloud of white mist appeared.

The armor on his body was covered with a faint layer of hoarfrost in the cold weather. The temperature here was really very low, so low that the wind hits his face and it hurts a little.

"We have been on standby here for ten days...It is estimated that there will be another battle soon..." The demon servant soldier pressed the long sword on his waist and sighed softly.

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