My Empire

Chapter 984: Paper can't keep the fire

"Company commander, Squad Leader Mark's convoy did not return on time!" Carrying an assault rifle, the platoon commander, who could not find his subordinates, walked to his company with some worry and spoke to his superiors.

The company commander was sorting out the map and other documents in his hand, and in half an hour, they were leaving here and heading to the east.

The establishment of the troops of the Ailan Hill Empire is actually a bit messy. Because the units are formed at different times and used for different purposes, the organization of the units is also very different.

Originally, when the army was established, there were only infantry, cavalry and artillery. With the development of time, a variety of weapons began to be incorporated, and in order to deal with these weapons, a variety of arms were incorporated.

At this moment, the army units are divided into "light infantry divisions", "cavalry divisions", "motorized divisions", "mechanized divisions", "tank divisions", "heavy infantry divisions", "armored divisions", "Artillery Division", "Air Defense Division (Regiment, "Missile Division (Regiment.

At the same time, in these divisions, there are "mixed divisions", "elven divisions", "dwarf divisions" and other racially divided combat units.

In addition, there are some non-first-line combat units, which are organized into "Dragon Knight Division", "Mage", "Great Horse Cavalry Division" and so on.

The light infantry division is a light infantry division that only staffs traditional infantry. Its combat effectiveness is not high. It is responsible for the security and security of the rear. The heavy equipment is only composed of light artillery and anti-aircraft weapons.

The cavalry division is basically facing elimination. These units with a large number of horses are rarely seen now. However, in many marginal areas of the Magic Continent, there are still such troops.

Motorized divisions also belong to the eliminated sequence. This type of force has basic mechanized mobilization capabilities and is equipped with a large number of motorcycles and trucks. Just because there are too many new equipment in the Ailan Hill Empire, this kind of lightly armed division is less and less favored by higher-level commanders.

The mechanized infantry divisions are obviously more popular, because these mechanized infantry divisions are equipped with a large number of armored vehicles, have a certain attack ability, and can march quickly, and can keep up with the armored units, so they are more popular.

The tank division is actually the "armor division" in the past, but now the tank unit is also facing the problem of being eliminated. This kind of inflexible combat unit is now less and less in the army establishment of the Ailan Hill Empire.

Now the latest type of troops, the number of which is increasing, is actually the "heavy infantry division" and the new type of "armored division."

To put it bluntly, that is, the heavy armored grenadier unit based on the power exoskeleton equipment, and the heavy armored unit based on the ultimate individual power armor.

The number of these two new types of troops is not too large, and most of them are the main forces, responsible for breaking through the enemy's defense lines in important directions, and performing the most intense combat missions.

Obviously, in the northern battlefield of the Demon Realm, the troops that received the surrender of the demon forces would definitely not need the main elite.

The unit in front of us is the most orthodox motorized infantry unit. The unit relies on trucks and jeeps to maneuver, carry light infantry, and perform some defensive or cover tasks.

"Mark is not the kind of unruly person... He didn't contact him on time, he must have encountered some problem." The company commander frowned, thinking that this matter would definitely not be that simple.

Although it is commonplace to lose a few soldiers on the battlefield, in most cases, these missing soldiers will return to the team at some point or prove to be killed and injured.

As their commander, under normal circumstances, they are not too nervous, as long as you wait for a few hours or days, you can figure it out.

"We have more than an hour to leave here... Mark and the others are responsible for transporting some supplies to the surrendered devil. There shouldn't be any problems." The company commander groaned, then comforted his subordinate platoon leader. : "It is estimated that in a while, they will be back."

"Then I'll wait when I go back?" The platoon leader also felt that such a trivial matter would come to an end in a while. If nothing goes wrong, Mark and his party will be back soon, and the rest can be handled by the guards.

"Yeah! Let the troops be prepared... We have to leave here at any time..." After speaking, the company commander lowered his head and continued to pack up the documents and maps in front of him: "If they come back, you can tell me directly on the phone With a cry..."

"Understood!" The platoon leader nodded, saluted a military salute, and then turned and left.

Just as he was about to pack his things, the platoon leader of Mark's class went back to the company again.

As soon as he entered the door, he said anxiously: "Sir! Something went wrong! Mark's communication device was turned on and then turned off... This is not a reasonable operation..."

"What do you mean?" The company commander paused for a while with his hands clearing the map, then raised his head to look at the opponent.

"Our people have been trying to contact Mark, and they have been calling Mark and others on the dedicated communication channel of our battalion." The platoon leader said seriously.

He explained the cause, and then talked about the discovery of their platoon of communicators: "Mark's communicator was always turned off before, but just a few minutes ago, his communicator was turned on... but no one spoke. , It was closed again soon!"

"It's a little weird." The company commander also realized the seriousness of the problem and confirmed: "Is it right?"

"No mistake! And it is indeed very weird. Turning on the communicator means that it is not a malfunction... and since he turned on the communicator, he shouldn't miss the punctual communication confirmation..." the platoon leader replied anxiously.

Grabbing the phone in front of him, the company commander deliberated his words, and then when he heard the communication was connected, he immediately said: "battalion commander, something has happened to us!"


"My lord, this thing rang just now, he didn't know what to do, so he pressed a few times..." A demon held a device found from the leader of a dead human soldier in his hand, his face was puzzled. Asked his own commander: "You won't kill him, right?"

At his feet, there was also a demon soldier lying deadly. Just now, the dead demon soldier pressed his hands twice, and the result was a murderous disaster.

"I said, you can't touch the corpses of these human soldiers, and you can't touch the things on the corpses!" It was the commander of all the demons in this forest, the cunning demon who surrendered.

Originally, he wanted to buy some time to bring his men as much as possible to make more adequate battle preparations.

But he, who has a guilty conscience, can no longer confirm whether those humans have noticed this little act of surrendering him.

Since I don't know if the other party is aware of it, I become suspicious. Two human bombers passed over his head just now, and both made him restless for a long time.

"Let the soldiers cheer up...Ready to fight!" He gave an order irritably, and then stopped saying anything, and walked back to the depths of the woods alone. What he didn't know was that the human side had already begun investigating the entire incident.

In less than half an hour, the report about the disappearance of Mark's combat team during the mission of transporting supplies to the demon surrender unit has been uploaded to the military's first-level combat unit command.

Mark’s army directly reported this issue to the highest command of the combat forces in the northern region.

Subsequently, the Supreme Command immediately arranged a special operations team to specifically command the combat operations of searching for Mark and others.

Moreover, in order to ensure that there is no danger, this operation was directly handed over to the heavy-armored grenadier troops of the Ailanhill Empire, rather than being handed over to the traditional troops to perform the task.

About 2 hours later, after repeatedly confirming that Mark and his party could not be contacted, the operation officially started.

550 soldiers from the 1st Battalion of the 601st Division drove towards the destination of the mission before Mark disappeared. This unit is not an ordinary grenadier, but a heavily armored grenadier armed with a powered exoskeleton.

There are even more troops that provide cover for this force. Mark's army, military and division artillery are all assigned to this search force.

Moreover, armed helicopters have been specially arranged for this force to provide air cover. For this reason, the Air Force will also dispatch fighter jets to protect the safety of the airspace to perform **** missions.

If necessary, the heavy-armored grenadier unit can also directly call for higher-level missile attack support. In comparison, the motorized infantry division where Mark is located is significantly inferior in terms of communication and firepower.

Before the army set off, a soldier stuffed the magazine into the card slot on his chest, and asked disapprovingly: "Did you say that it was the one named Mark, and something happened temporarily?"

"Accident? I fell asleep by a succubus? Hahaha!" A soldier who sorted out his magic spar smiled: "Will you have this kind of accident?"

"That said, 80% of them are ghosts by those demons," said the soldier who asked the question first.

"Be confident! It's the ghosts made by the demons!" Putting the magic spar into the spare pocket, another soldier fixed the rifle to the tactical stand beside him, and walked out.

A huge heavy armored personnel carrier next to each other was ready, and the helicopter in the distance lowered its nose and was flying towards the distance.

"Pumping! Gentlemen!" Seeing that his soldiers were ready for battle, the head of the battalion commander buttoned his visor and ordered loudly.

Behind him, there was the impact and friction of a piece of powered exoskeleton armor, and then the roar of the engine.

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