My Empire

Chapter 986: An offensive

"They opened the magical defense barrier!" A demon stationed in the trenches nervously squeezed the axe in his hand, and said to his companion with a trembling voice.

"This is not a good sign! Ready to fight!" The demon soldier beside him was also very nervous, not knowing whether he was cheering on the opponent or himself.

Suddenly, in the trenches dug by the devil hastily, there was a continuous commotion. On the other side, the human heavy-armored grenadier troops have already begun to attack.

They didn't play any tricks, and they didn't have any skills at all. The huge armored vehicles began to line up and moved forward slowly, and the warriors who lit up the magic defense barrier followed behind these armored vehicles.

"They're here! They're here!" A demon soldier who hadn't been in training for long, muttered even more nervously as he watched the enemies approaching.

To be honest, he was a farmer a few months ago and a refugee who fled eastward half a month ago.

It only took more than ten days to be arrested and ordered to start training. He was not even familiar with the basic sword-swinging movements.

Now everyone is different from before. Before, they all practiced the phalanx pace. Everyone was crowded together, they could rely on each other, and it could improve some courage.

But now this style of play is hiding in the trenches, and there are very few companions around. In this case, the tension is not a little bit nervous.

"Wait for them to come near! Everyone obeys the command! Jump out of the trenches together and start hand-to-hand combat with each other!" A demon low-level officer walked through the trenches for which he was responsible, reminding every soldier with a long sword.

In fact, he was also very nervous, because he had experienced such a battle for the first time, and he didn't know what would happen in the future.

But he is not a fool. When he sees the mountains in the distance, thick smoke, covered by fire, he also knows that these humans in front of him are definitely not easy to provoke.

If they could defeat these humans, they wouldn't have stood here to be frightened. Shouldn't they have already entered the magical world and enslaved the creatures on the magical continent?

Everyone is nervous, but the humans on the other side have already attacked, so it's useless to be nervous.

When those damn, terrible heavy armored vehicles broke the dry trees and creaked the bushes by the woods, there was more commotion among the demon forces.

"We have surrendered! Your people are in our command post! Don't mess around!" A demon low-ranking officer stood up and shouted loudly with his hands up.

While shouting, he glanced at the boss beside him, that is, the highest commander here, the demon officer who had surrendered.

The other party gave him a look and asked him to continue to deceive. He could only swallow his saliva and continued shouting: "We have surrendered! Your people..."

Just when he shouted the second time, a bullet flew towards him. The standard bullet of a 15mm sniper rifle has a very powerful penetrating ability.

With black blood, the bullet pierced the devil's head, and then inlaid on the trunk of a thick tree behind him, splashing with sawdust.

"..." The demon didn't know why he was shot in the head like this, and fell on his back in the next second and fell back into the trenches.

Black blood spattered, and some even splashed on the face of the demon officer headed by it. In an instant, he seemed to understand many things, and in an instant, he seemed to regret a little bit.

"We have surrendered!" A demon soldier might not know that his commander had pushed them to a dead end, and asked somewhat puzzledly: "Why are they attacking?"

"Shut up..." A demon low-ranking officer held a long sword and pushed him, motioning him to shut his mouth quickly.

In the next second, they heard the sound of a dense engine above their heads.

An ah-64 gunship is overlooking the ground, and the 30mm caliber cannon on its nose is pointing majesticly at the target on the ground.

"Release our personnel immediately! Otherwise, we will open fire!" Before the demons who looked up to the sky had any reaction, a human officer shouted loudly on the ground.

Although far away, he seemed to be carrying equipment such as a loudspeaker, so the voice was clearly transmitted to the demon's position.

The leading demon officer clenched his fists and shouted loudly: "They are in our command post! Send someone to pick them up!"

"Let them come out by themselves! I only wait 10 minutes!" The human officer who shouted did not compromise, but continued to emphasize: "If we can't see them after 10 minutes, we will attack!"

The demon officer knew that he couldn't let the dead person go out by himself. However, he still intends to delay for a while and try to gain some opportunities for himself: "They are injured! It is a misunderstanding! You can send a few people over and pick them up and leave!"

"It seems that they have become more ill-informed." After hearing this answer, the heavy armored grenadier battalion commander sneered and looked at his deputy: "Tell them we have only waited for five minutes!"

He was impatient and continued to pester these stupid demons. What he wants to do now is revenge, vent his hatred, nothing more.

Then there will be a brutal and inhumane massacre. Talking about humanity with cunning demons is a waste of expressions.

"Let the artillery prepare to fire!" The battalion commander, who didn't even want to wait for a minute, then ordered: "Everyone is on standby! We will go in and clean up the mess!"

"We only wait for 5 minutes! If we can't see our soldiers, we will open fire!" The adjutant shouted loudly at the demon position in the distance, holding the loudspeaker.

On the demon's position, a demon low-level officer cursed: "Why don't these **** make sense?"

What he didn't think about was that their commander was not reasonable, or even more unreasonable.

The problem at this moment is that the humans on the edge of the jungle do not seem to continue to be deceived, but have wisdom insight into everything, which makes the demons in the jungle feel a little unfounded.

Five minutes is not too short to be short, but long is not too long. According to the demon army guarding here, suffering from these five minutes, the irritability is about to go crazy.

They didn't know how long the five-minute period was, and no one explained to them what it meant.

Just when they were irritable, five minutes passed and they didn't realize that after such a short time, **** opened the door to them.

"Tutututu!" The gunship hovering above them suddenly started shooting. When everyone did not recover, dozens of demon soldiers were pierced by bullets.

The screams were endless, the white smoke of the rockets remained in the sky, and the explosion instantly covered the demon's position.

The 155mm howitzer shells then began to rain down, with rampant shrapnel everywhere, and black blood everywhere.

The fighting power of the two sides was completely unequal. In less than a minute, the demon's position was full of gunpowder.

Those bombs filled with white phosphorus and napalm bloomed gorgeous flowers in the jungle, turning countless demons into different states of three-part ripeness, five-point ripeness and seven-point ripeness.

"Ah!" A demon finally couldn't bear the deafening explosions, and jumped out of his bunker, holding his axe high and rushing in the direction of the human army.

After a crisp gunshot, the white snow splashed at the feet of the demon who had jumped out of the trench, and the bullet did not hit the target.

Even a sniper cannot guarantee that he can hit a running target with one shot. So what this sniper has to do is to aim again and pull the trigger again.

After the second shot, the demon fell in a pool of blood, struggling to get up, but found that he couldn't do it at all.

The 15mm caliber bullet is very powerful, and its stopping effect is amazing. When a shot hits the torso, few targets can stand up again.

After all, when this weapon was designed back then, it used the quadruped orangutan of the Demon Race as the target reference object. The bigger four-legged orangutans are uncomfortable with a single shot, let alone the ordinary soldiers of the Demon Race.

Although seeing a companion being defeated, many demons couldn't hold on, and suddenly jumped out of the trenches and rushed toward the human infantry.

They felt that if they were beaten passively in this way, they would be killed in the trenches sooner or later. Rather than dying like that aggrieved, it would be better to rush out vigorously and fight the enemy to the death.

Driven by such thoughts, these demon soldiers jumped out of the trenches one after another, and then were knocked down in the woods one by one.

The armies of the Ailan Hill Empire seemed to have launched their own firepower display conference here, showing those terrifying and terrifying means of destruction to these desperate demons in turn.

Soon, the entire battlefield was left with only artillery fire and the roar of machine guns, and the firepower of the Ailan Hill Empire didn't seem to stop.

Curled up in his own trench, the demon officer at this moment has only a feeling of regret. He regretted not retreating immediately, regretted that he did not leave those human beings as hostages...

Of course, he doesn't regret the fact that he killed the human beings, and the humans who don't submit to the source of magic, shouldn't they all deserve to die?

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