Fenxi Ferry.

On the open space on the bank of the wooden trestle, there is a huge sunshade oil-paper umbrella. Below it is a long brown lacquered table top.

There is a forearm-high quadruped door-like bracket on the tabletop. A ring inlaid with gold thread and white jade hangs in the middle of the bracket.

Below it is a silver thread, and five large peanut drop-shaped jade pendants are suspended.

Reach out. A thin old man in his fifties said coldly.

Chen Mu shivered and stretched out his left hand, nervous in his heart.

The old man took off the huge iron bracelet and checked the inner wall of the bracelet. Then squinted at the jade pendant.

The breeze blew, and the jade pendant swayed, but they never touched each other.

Let's go. The old man said lightly: Your constitution is too weak, eat more food.

Chen Mu nodded his head like garlic, and walked onto the wooden trestle with a look of gratitude.

Huh! Finally passed the test! Chen Mu let out a long sigh.

Then the clothes on his chest rose and fell suddenly.


As if being slapped on the chest, a crisp sound came from under the robe.

What's going on? Zheng Yuan, who was walking in front, turned around suspiciously.

Chen Mu stretched out his hand and slapped it heavily on his chest, slapped the river fish that was hidden under his clothes and parasitized by the black thread, and said with a smile, It's a little itchy.

Why is there a fishy smell? Zheng Yuan twitched his nose twice, his face full of doubts.

The smell of river water... Chen Mu fooled.

No, it just smells fishy! Zheng Yuan glared at Chen Mu meaningfully: You're not being honest.

Chen Mu's heart skipped a beat, and his eyes couldn't help narrowing.

Did the fat man see something?

He has worked hard to hide himself, and he has avoided the two iron ring disasters. Can this fat man see the flaw?

Do you have to express it? Zheng Yuan smiled and leaned closer.

Blackmail me?


Chen Mu glanced at Zheng Yuan expressionlessly.

Sure enough, it was seen that something was wrong...

Self-inflicted sin, can't live...

Inside the cuffs, black smoke tumbled immediately.

Zheng Yuan approached Chen Mu calmly, and said in a low voice, How dare you steal a small stove?! I smelled the smell of grilled fish on your body!

Then he stared at Chen Mu with his small eyes full of wisdom, with a firm face: Next time if you don't ask me to go with you, I'll tell you Seventh Uncle!

Chen Mu: ...

Just...that's it?

Okay. Chen Mu looked at the smug dimple with a complicated look on his face.

The fascination smoke in his sleeve is ready, it's almost!

Just a little bit, this dwarf pier was about to stumble into the water while performing in public.

Zheng Yuan became more and more complacent: You hid well, and I didn't find the place you chose, but my nose smelled it. As soon as I thought about it, I knew you were running a small stove.

I'm smart. Shorty laughed.

clever! You are so smart!

Chen Mu was speechless. Immediately, he sighed with an ugly face.

What was I doing just now? I want to kill someone!

So brutal! I'm not what I used to be!

It was all caused by Tang Shanjun! Chen Mu thought bitterly.

The black line that can suck people into dryness, supervised by armored soul masters, and verified layer by layer, full of evil thoughts everywhere.

Fortunately, I stopped my horse from the cliff! Chen Mu thought with relief.

I'm still a good person.

Looking at the round dimples, Chen Mu was full of pity.

Rejoice that you met me.

Dare to play heartbeat like this, if you encounter a quick hand, your little life is long gone!


Daliang 642, February 16.

A huge fleet with no head in sight followed the Jinshui River, from southeast to northwest, upstream.

Most of the ships in the fleet are up and down 50 meters long, with countless long wooden oars sticking out on both sides.

With the slow and rhythmic drumming of the bed cabin, the oars slid neatly across the water. Urging the ship to move forward smoothly.

Chen Mu stepped on the wooden ladder to the deck.

Noticing the profuse sweat on Zheng Yuanyuan's face in front of him, his body froze, and he immediately made fine sweat appear on his face.

They've just finished rotating paddles. Now off to cook for the whole boat.

Fortunately, we are the Fire Head Army, and we only rotate once a day, otherwise we would have to die from exhaustion. Shorty Zheng Yuan complained.

Chen Mu pretended to be honest and nodded in agreement.

Tired may be tired, but not dead. Chen Mu found that the health of the whole crew was unexpectedly good.

Especially since the beginning of the rotation and paddling, the people on the boat are eating more and more and their bodies are getting stronger and stronger.

It's the parasitic black thread, it is helping the parasite absorb nutrients and make it stronger!

Will Tang Shan Jun be so good?

Chen Mu will not forget the river fish drained by the black line.

Fat before killing? Chen Mu suddenly stunned.

You have to practice as soon as possible. He raised his hand and stuffed a Bigu Pill 3.0 into his mouth.

Chen Mu's breathing suddenly slowed down.

The cloud mirage practice breathing method has been integrated into his daily life.

God's intentions in his mind became more and more complicated and bright.

Cloud Mirage Training: 4550/10000/fifth order;



The big ship sailed north for seven days, and everyone abandoned the ship and landed, and turned to land.

Every mountain opens a road, meets water and builds a bridge.

After more than ten days of stop and go, he plunged into the edge of the mountains.

Set up camp at the foot of a mountain called Yunzhan Mountain.


There is a small lake at the foot of Yunzhan Mountain, which is formed by the gathering of streams in the mountains. It is called Crescent Lake because of its shape like a crescent moon.

The Tangshan Army was stationed along the lake at the foot of the mountain.

Minfu Dingyou camp.

Chen Mu was cutting vegetables with a kitchen knife.

Since he came to the Crescent Lake, he has honestly played the role of a fire leader in the civilian camp.

The Tangshan Army is stationed here, and there is a high probability that there are ghost monsters nearby.

He didn't dare to run around.

Dawang, why didn't you sneak out to open the small stove? Zheng Yuan, who was short and stout next to him, looked resentful.

Go out to open a small stove? I see you are joking!

What if I run into a ghost monster?

Chen Mu looked at Zheng Yuan blankly: Me? I didn't open a small stove? Why should I open a small stove?

Before he became an armored soul, he didn't plan to toss.

Zheng Yuan's small eyes were round and round: Didn't you say you wanted to take me to eat grilled fish last time?! Are you going to default on your debt?!

you guessed right!

Chen Mu thought happily, and then he said with a stunned expression: The rules are strict in the military, how dare I sneak out of the small stove?

I have never sneaked out, and I will never open a small stove! Chen Muyi said righteously.

Zheng Yuan: ...

I believe in you so much!


At night, the snoring still remains in the tent.

Chen Mu stared at the top of the tent with his eyes open.

The gray wall appeared in front of him, and Chen Mu carefully checked the skills.

Writing: 3230/10000/second order;

Drawing: 5787/10000/second order;

Throwing: 8141/10000/fourth order;

Cooking: 2090/10000/level 3;

Pharmacy: 4965/10000/fourth order;

Sleeve Sword: 3038/10000/fourth order;

Five Ghosts Moving Mountain Mantra: 9813/10000/sixth order;

Transfiguration: 2057/10000/third-order;

Kestrel training: limit;

Blue-eyed Golden Ape Forming Technique: Limit;

White Ape Forming Technique: Limit;

Black Tiger Forming Technique: Limit;

White Jade Toad Shape Training: The Limit

Heavenly Serpent Practice: Limit;

Cloud Mirage Training: 5135/10000/fifth order;

Going out, lurking in the military camp, many skills are inconvenient to practice, and the proficiency is almost stagnant.

Only the cloud mirage training and the five ghosts moving the mountain mantra are still advancing.

Especially the five ghosts moving the mountain mantra.

This is the dripping stone wear!

He has never been able to practice, but he has finally reached the edge of advanced.

I can't sleep anyway, so I'll brush it out tonight!

Chapter 2 is very late, friends, don't wait, let's watch it tomorrow.

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