In the early morning, Dingyou Camp Huotoujun got up early.

Go to the warehouse to get today's supplies, and then, as usual, wash vegetables, wash rice and prepare lunch.

Ten of them had to cook for more than 200 people in the entire Dingyou Camp. Start working from the morning.

Chen Mu was absent-mindedly chopping vegetables, and Yun Mirage's breathing method was not in the mood to maintain.

Cuicui is a ghost?

Chen Mu is still unbelievable.

The last encounter with the ghost, coupled with the five ghost paper figurines, made Chen Mu think that the ghost was a black smoke monster.

They only know that they are possessed and swallowed **, they cannot communicate, and they have no wisdom.


Is my understanding of ghost monsters too little?

Attachment, symbiosis...

Bai Miaojin and Cuicui seem to have misunderstood something. Treat the five ghosts as symbiotic ghosts.

However, is the predecessor really possessed by the ghost? Chen Mu couldn't help but sigh.

The predecessor may have died like this.


Sincere may know something. Chen Mu narrowed his eyes.

Forget it. After a long while, Chen Mu let out a sigh of relief.

No matter what happened to the predecessor. It doesn't affect him now.

Even Chen Mu would like to thank his predecessor for his experience, otherwise he would not be able to revive his soul.

It's useless to investigate the past. It's my mission to live well in the present. Chen Mu was certain.

Symbiosis... Chen Mu searched his mind for memory.

Jie Jia seems to have said this state of symbiosis between ghosts and souls.

At the time, I didn't believe it, I felt more like a parasite.

It's my own lack of knowledge. person and one ghost, seems to regard me as the same kind of human and ghost monster symbiotic.

Although the purpose is unknown, there is a high probability that there is no malicious intent. Chen Mu breathed a sigh of relief. At least the other party didn't expose himself.

The Tangshan Army's investigators were led away by him with a golden thread and a white jade ring.

Then continue to hide in the civilian camp. Chen Mu thought to himself.

Even if Bai Miaojin is malicious, I'm not afraid!

Bai Miaojin is strong and powerful, but he is not bad!

Last night, the two attacked 93 times in a row in a very short period of time... a tie!

Not only that, Chen Mu called out his proficiency.

Cloud Mirage Training: 5655/10000/fifth order;

The cloud mirage training practice did not become a armor.

But... he also folded six armors!

He is only a pair of calves away from his vigor!

Thinking of this, Chen Mu restrained his dazed emotions.

Quietly stuffed a bigu pill into his mouth, and slowly started the cloud mirage breathing method.



Two days later.

Strict inspection of T-bei min-fu has been cancelled.

Chen Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the frequency of collecting Yin Ming silk has been increasing.

Take once every other day on average.

The husband eats more, but the body becomes thinner.

Ding Youying fell into silence in the middle of the night.

Only patrolmen, holding torches, walked through the camp.

On the rocky beach by the river, Chen Mu sat cross-legged on a large smooth stone, and the soft moonlight shone on Chen Mu's face.

After a long while, Chen Mu opened his eyes, let out a long breath, and ended the breathing cycle.

A square groove was chiseled into a stone not far away.

Charcoal, iron nets, grilled fish, wooden plates, etc. are complete.

The four fire-head soldiers used large wooden barrels for their meals and placed them beside them.

Not far from the surface of the lake, fresh fish that have turned their stomachs are floating.

You don't sleep in the middle of the night, just to eat grilled fish?

Cuicui appeared beside Chen Mu out of thin air.

At the same time, a majestic figure, with his hands behind his back, emerged silently from the dark night.

Chen Mu rolled his eyes, glanced at both of them, and said nothing.

There are five ghost paper figures in the sleeves.

But don't force me to use five ghosts to move mountains.

He turned the Qiuzi paper figurine into a ghost form. Control it to plunge into the water and scoop the drunk fish into the wooden barrel beside it.

Immediately, he used his sleeves as a cover, opened the five ghost bags, and threw Yin Mingsi into the wooden barrel.

In the blink of an eye, Yin Mingsi was drained from a bucket of fish.

Then he threw Yin Mingsi into another barrel.

Repeatedly, the four big wooden barrels of fish all turned into dried fish.

Yin Mingsi with a long forearm suddenly became a long arm.

Cuicui looked at Chen Mu in surprise: Controlling Yin Mingsi? It's a bit of a skill...

Chen Mu casually sprinkled the grilled fish with seasoning, took out two of them and put them on the wooden plate, raised his hand, and said lightly to one person and one ghost, Do you want to eat?

Bai Miaojin, who was like a fierce general, was stunned, and then smiled lightly: Of course!


Ding You Camp Fire Head Army Station.

Chen Mu quietly opened the tent door and walked into the tent.

The loud snoring sounded one after another.

Chen Mu walked to the floor next to the door and lay down in the dark.

As soon as he turned around, he met a pair of bright little eyes.

I haven't slept, and I've been staring at you for a long time. No one will find you out. Zheng Yuan assured in a low voice.

Oh. Chen Mu said lightly.

Zheng Yuan stared at Chen Mu. I sent you a whistle in the middle of the night, and you're done with one?

Chen Mu frowned slightly and said tentatively, Well, how about, thank you?

Zheng Yuan: ...

Seeing the other party's dazed appearance, Chen Mu cheerfully handed him a wooden plate: I kept it for you.

To verify the iron bracelet, he had to hide the live fish parasitized by Yin Ming silk on his body.

This fat man's nose is so smart that he smells it every time.

Can't fool him, he can only stop his mouth.

Otherwise, it would have been overturned with the fascination smoke.

Zheng Yuan was instantly overjoyed, reaching out to take it and pulling it into his mouth.

Cough cough... Wang ah, uncle also helped you stare for a long time, do you have to express it too?

Chen Mu raised his head in confusion.

I saw Sun Enqi, who was sleeping at the innermost position, lying on the floor, looking up at him with a smile.

Chen Mu froze all over.

You snored the loudest just now.

Are you pretending to be asleep? !

Before Chen Mu could speak, the group of comrades who were still slumbering just now turned around and raised their heads.

One by one, they were lying on the floor, looking at Chen Mu and smiling.

Wang, let's help you watch too.

Chen Mu: ...

He didn't expect that this group of fireheads actually pretended to be sleeping.

This short stump is too unreasonable!

Chen Mu squinted Zheng Yuan expressionlessly: Have you stared at it for a long time?

No one will find out?

Zheng Yuan looked at the group of comrades laughing and laughing in disbelief.

You are acting like me!


Days go by.

Living in the Tangshan camp on the mountainside of Yunzhan Mountain, news of someone's death came from time to time.

There were also deserters who turned into mummified corpses and were hung on flagpoles.

The civilian camp is still stable.

Eat and drink enough every day, open mountains and fell trees, build military camps, repair logistics tools, and be busy.

Chen Mu hid in the Huotou Army in Ding You Camp.

Take a bigu pill in the morning and evening, and keep the Mirage breathing method unchanged throughout the day.

With the improvement of proficiency, the courage overflows from the position of the occipital bone at the back of the head, and there is a steady stream.

No wonder you say that you are the source of courage.

The previous six training techniques were all castrated versions.

At this moment, I encountered the cloud mirage training shape, and finally realized the so-called source.


Chen Mu, who was cutting vegetables, was suddenly shocked.

The cloud mirage breathing method that was almost integrated into the daily routine was suddenly interrupted.

There is a cooling sensation on the skin all over the body.

The spirit became clear and clear in an instant.

The whole person has a sense of security in his heart. As if in the polar ice, suddenly walked into a warm room.

A soul... The corners of Chen Mu's mouth were raised, and he couldn't help showing a smile.

Came to another world for nearly four years.

Finally... finally practiced armor.

A huge sense of satisfaction instantly filled Chen Mu's heart.

Too bad Jiejia is not here.

Ten years of shape training, a hundred years of soul cultivation?


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