The Jinghong Gang camp in the south of Qingshan County, in a tent near the city gate.

Old Zhang, I didn't expect you to have this ability. Zuo Sheng looked at the detailed camp garrison map in surprise.

It's just how familiar this style is.

Last time, I was careless. I went out in the middle of the night and was blinded by the dark lights. As a result, I lost my way in the reeds and messed up things. Zhang Ye's eyes were lowered and he was ashamed.

Afterwards, I came to a painful conclusion and carefully probed many times.

Even the secret way of smuggling food for the Aishan bandits was used. That's why this picture is created. Zhang Ye sighed.

It's not easy for me to get up early and stay up late these days.

Zuo Sheng looked at Zhang Ye complicatedly.

If it weren't for the close proximity of our tents, I would have believed it!

You eat peanuts and drink small wine in the tent every day, you think I don't know!

To be honest. Zuo Sheng said lightly.

The truth is, I don't know how this thing came from. Zhang Ye said honestly.

That's why he came to Zuo Sheng.

The garrison map was inexplicable, and he handed it over himself, so he could not avoid being questioned.

As a disciple of Jin Wuduan, Zuo Sheng has no problem.

Thinking of this, he told Zuo Sheng the matter one by one.

The last time I went to Reeddang, I was also dazed? Zuo Sheng was surprised: Why didn't he kill you if that person could bring you down?

Zhang Ye murmured for a while: Probably... I'm used to it.

Zuo Sheng: ...

That's not the first time that a lunatic has done this. Zhang Ye described his unfortunate career from Qingshan County with a bitter expression.

You said that the night that Baihutang Lin really died, he also noticed a similar smoke? Zuo Sheng couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

Yeah. Zhang Ye nodded with a complicated expression, I was quite grateful to him. He made me the head of the hall. But I didn't expect that it was just the beginning of a series of unfortunate careers.

Looking back, since I encountered this neuropathy, my life has begun to memorize words.

I can't be the leader of the Bailang Gang, and I can't be the head of the White Tiger Hall. Now I'm about to become a bare commander. He said. The 1.8-meter bearded man couldn't help but feel sad: Do you know what they call me behind their backs?

Gang Terminator!

The group destroys the guide!

Brother Zuo, brother, my heart is bitter!

Zuo Sheng: ...

Brother, look at what you have done!

Brother Zhang, don't worry, with me, your credit is indispensable. Zuo Sheng said solemnly: Maybe he can become the head of the White Tiger Hall again.

After another round of comfort, Zhang Ye was sent away, and Zuo Sheng sat alone in the tent and pondered.

My cheap senior brother is likely to hide in the Tangshan army.

Want to use a knife to kill people and weaken Tang Shan's army?

It seems that it is also aimed at the Thousand Machine Order.

It's easy to fish in muddy waters, and it's time for the Jinghong Gang to make a move.

Otherwise, this Thousand Chance Order will have nothing to do with me.


Another late night, Chen Mu walked into the tent with two roasted wild ducks, humming a little song.

The garrison map was thrown to the Jinghong Gang, and Chen Mu didn't believe that the other party could hold back.

When two tigers fight, one will be hurt.

As long as the strength of Tangshan's army is damaged, the speed of exploration has to be slowed down. He has more time to prepare his cards.

Fat man, get up and eat meat. Chen Mu happily threw the roast duck to Zheng Yuan.

He is not afraid of being affected. That garrison map he moved his hands and feet.

The layout of the Tangshan Army garrison is detailed.

There is only a general map on the side of Minfuying, and the route is also specious.

If it were me, I would definitely attack Huanglong and destroy the elites of Tangshan's army first.

After all, the civilian camp has no combat power, and it can be used for one's own use with a little deterrence.

As long as I honestly hide in the civilian camp, I won't be implicated. Chen Mu thought with satisfaction.

Dawang has the ability! The Huotoujun and the others showed their magical powers, served small wine and peanuts, and even had two side salads. While eating and drinking, praise at the same time.

Wang, you and your father are not honest. Sun Enqi sighed while touching his big belly.

Fifth brother didn't tell me you were so courageous. Sun Enqi took a bite of the duck leg with a complicated expression.

Take military discipline as nothing, sneak out to hunt game every day, tsk tsk...

Chen Mu glanced at the cheap seventh uncle: He didn't tell you a lot, such as the two taels of silver you gave old man Xing, he knew, but he didn't say anything.

Cough cough... eat vegetables, eat vegetables!

Sun Enqi's face flushed immediately, and it was revealed that he had received 10 taels and 8 taels of silver back then?

The father and son are more refined than the other!

Chen Mu lay down on the floor with a smile on his face. He threw two little paper figurines at random and sentry outside.

I don't know what action Jinghong will take.

Concentrate on the elite attack, or use the terrain to ambush?

Or dispatch a mysterious magic weapon?!

Thinking of this, Chen Mu couldn't help but feel awe.

Still not strong enough. Otherwise, I wouldn't be waiting here.

At this moment, the upper levels of the Jinghong Gang have probably obtained the garrison map.

At this moment, the senior management must be gathered, united and coordinated, and discussed the offensive strategy.

Although he was uneasy, but when he thought that he had only moved his pen in a small way, it would affect the masters of Jinghong Gang, and there was always a little bit of joy in his heart.

My cheap junior brother, maybe he has to do his best for me.


Chen Mu's good junior brother, now dressed in black, is standing in a dense forest near the north gate of Qingshan County.

Eldest Master Zuo, you just handed me the Jinghong Gang's garrison map? Sincerity sneered: You blatantly betrayed your teacher's sect and betrayed the interests of the Jinghong Gang. Jin Wuduan taught you this over the years?

That's not true. Zuo Sheng shook his head: This is taught by my senior brother.

Sincerity was stunned, why did I not know that you still have such an unreliable senior brother.

Immediately he laughed at himself.

But with fifty steps and a hundred steps, he is not a good person.

What he paid attention to was not whether the other party betrayed the division.

How can you make me believe you. What if this picture is fake? Cheng Yi said with a blank expression: If I fall into the ambush of the Jinghong Gang, I will suffer a big loss.

As you wish. We'll do it in five days.

At that time, the Jinghong Gang's station will be empty. Can you persuade Chao Tianwang to help him accomplish this great feat? It's none of my business. Zuo Sheng shrugged and said lightly.

Murder with a knife? Sincerity frowned slightly, then a smile appeared on his face: You want to deal with that noble lady. Weake her power.

Don't you want to? Zuo Sheng glanced at him and said sincerely.

Heh... There was a hint of coldness on the corner of Chengcheng's mouth.

It seems that she wants to monopolize all the Thousand Chance Orders.

The greed of the family.

Zuo Sheng glanced at the sincerity: Don't Chao Fang want to monopolize it?

I don't think he will give you the Thousand Chance Order.

Let Chao Fang attack Si Kouqing and lose both sides. This will benefit everyone.

That's all, it's up to you how to do it. Zuo Sheng turned and left: This is my chance, and maybe yours, to get revenge on Si Kouqing.

With sincerity, he stood there with an expressionless face.

It's a great opportunity indeed!

Under the night, a leaf fell, and the sincerity figure disappeared, leaving only the whirling shadow of the tree.

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