Geng Yin District, outside the pavilion.

Following the announcement by the black-clothed officer to abandon the House of Commons, the forty-fifty people suddenly talked and made a lot of noise.

Can I still grow yellow bud rice in the mountains? an honest old man asked worriedly.

Didn't you say that, you want to open up wasteland. The companion next to him interrupted.

Doesn't that mean we have to start over? The old man's face was ugly.

The lower courtyard of Jilong Road has been slowly renovated and rebuilt for hundreds of years.

Going to a new place to open up wasteland and trying to restore the current situation is as difficult as going to the sky!

How is the upper court? Someone shouted.

The chaotic crowd was suddenly quiet, and Chen Mu couldn't help but prick up his ears.

Before I came, I still didn't get in touch with the upper court.

I only know that there is a fierce battle in the direction of the upper house. As for the result... Heiyi shook his head.

Thinking of that mighty black dragon that just flew over its head, made people shiver. Everyone's hearts could not help but cast a shadow.

The safety of the upper courtyard is unknown. If the chicken cage road collapses, then the lower courtyard of the chicken cage road will be a broken ship!

Followed into the mountains to evacuate, the final result...

The surroundings fell silent for a while.

Isn't the Chongshan Road already gone? Why do you have to enter the mountain? What if you encounter a monster? Someone whispered in the crowd.

The black clothes are all calm: This is the order of the prison, you can decide for yourself.

If you stay, don't you have to pay the rent? Someone suddenly whispered excitedly.

After the crowd was quiet, the discussion became more lively.

The black-clothed duo glanced at everyone expressionlessly, and then went to the next division with the grey-clothed inspection.

Are you going? Shang Huan touched Chen Mu with his shoulder.

Go. I haven't bought the induction technique yet. Chen Mu pretended.

I don't charge rent, I plant as much as I want. It's actually quite good to stay here. Old Hao was a little hesitant.

Chen Mu didn't speak.

Without the shelter of the lower house, the order is inevitably chaotic.

It is true that the ground rent does not need to be paid, but it is not certain whether the harvest can be kept.

After all, if you farm your own land, how can you grab someone else's harvest so fast!


a month later.

In the rolling hills, a light mist drifted, and the roars of birds and beasts came one after another.

The lush vegetation is like a thick carpet, firmly covering the land and rocks.

Through the mist, a khaki-colored crack is slowly and firmly extending to the south among the mountains.

It was as if someone took a pair of scissors and cut open the emerald carpet, exposing the ground below.

A group of people lined up in a long line, moving forward along the crack.

At the forefront of the team, fifty or sixty people were carrying a tall guillotine, constantly slashing.

Cut down all the weeds, shrubs, and towering ancient trees along the road. A passage of more than ten meters wide was cleared.

Suddenly, a group of slap-sized blue moths appeared in the air without warning. Suddenly rushed forward to open the way to the crowd.

Just now, I was still cutting down trees and everyone was skillfully scattered.

But there are still people who get hit by blue moths.

In an instant, the skin is carbonized, and it turns into fly ash with a burst of black smoke.

The faces of everyone couldn't help but change greatly, and they all jumped up.

A figure quickly rushed into the swarm.

He raised his fist and punched and kicked the moth.

The movement was weird and even ridiculous, like a king's fist.

After all, punching the ground with the face is really rare.

It can be twisted and waved continuously with the opponent. Pieces of fluttering moths quickly fell to the ground, turned black and carbonized, and then turned into fly ash and drifted away in the wind.

In just twenty breaths, the blue moths were all killed.

The figure showed his face, but it was a simple and honest young man.

Brother Liang is a good way!

So many moths were knocked down with one punch and one kick, amazing!

The young man scratched his head with a naive smile on his face, and then quickly disappeared in front of people.

Chen Mu in the crowd couldn't help shaking his head.

That's not a fistfight, that's poison!

Song Prison uses insects, and his disciples play with poison. Is Chicken Coop Dao really authentic?

I always feel that the group of barbarians in the Big Mountain Road are a little more evil.


What are you thinking? It's our time to chop down trees. Hao Lao patted Chen Mu on the shoulder.

Chen Mu returned to his senses, picked up the pitch-black guillotine from the ground, and followed the crowd to cut down trees to make way.

It has been a month since I left the Chicken Cage Road Commons.

It's not the first time he's done this kind of work that takes turns to lead the way.

The team entering the mountain is very long, but the actual number is only half of the original disciples of the lower court at most.

I don't know where the destination is? Shang Huan stood beside Chen Mu with a blank face.

Chen Mu walked three meters to the side, away from Shang Huan.

What are you hiding? Shang Huan looked dissatisfied.

You are so blatantly lazy, I'm afraid I'll be implicated by you in a while. Chen Mu pouted, raised his guillotine, and chopped down a big tree with five people hugging each other with a puff.

Shang Huan ran to the big tree happily like an Erha who had taken off the rope.

With a guillotine, cut and slash at the twigs.

Look, I'm not lazy.

Chen Mu rolled his eyes.

This fat man became tall and strong due to the concentric Gu.

But he is too lazy to die, and he paddles everywhere when he encounters an open road.

While scratching the weeds on the ground, gossip gossip around.

Do you know why Song Prison gave up the lower house? Shang Huan said mysteriously.

You know? Chen Mu squinted at him.

Do you underestimate me? Shang Huan said triumphantly, I heard that the groundwater in the lower courtyard is broken.

Chen Mu's heart skipped a beat.

The spiritual energy flowing in the water veins is the foundation of the production and planting of the lower courtyard.

If the water line breaks...

Those who remain in the House of Commons...

Shang Huan smiled and said nothing.

Chen Mu couldn't help being silent.

No wonder Chongshan Road would give up the fat he had.

Without the water veins, the lower courtyard of Jilongdao would be useless.

He couldn't help but think of the roar of the big black ape.

Wouldn't it be the Song Prisoner who abolished the water veins? !

The corner of Chen Mu's mouth twitched when he thought of the short, chubby, kind figure of the other party.

Hundreds of years of foundation, waste it?

ruthless man...

Well, maybe it's a prodigal son, doesn't it hurt to sell Ye Tian?


An hour later, the Geng Yin District team was replaced.

No strange beasts attacked, nor strange dangers.

It's just that the trees and vines along the way are hard and hard to cut, which is really a waste of time.

Chen Mu followed the crowd away from the team in front of him and returned to his original position.

After chatting with Hao Lao for a while, he hid in the crowd and stopped talking.

Safety is not a big problem, but I can't get enough experience. Chen Mu sighed.

Surrounded by disciples of the lower courtyard, any ability that is more dynamic is not easy to display.

That is to say, the virtual cloth can be practiced quietly.

The repulsive force of the soles of the feet slowly emerged, and Chen Mu carefully controlled the force, letting it exert force instead of the leg muscles. Step by step, he moved forward.

In order to control his strength, he had to move carefully.

Every step is like nailing a nail, landing firmly, and then taking the next step.

Although it was a little weird, fortunately, no one cared about the abnormality of his small disciple in the lower court.

It should be much better when the False Cloth Technique is upgraded to another level. Chen Mu checked his experience while practicing.

Cloth Void: 9705/10000/Tier 3;

It's better to reduce the time of Delusion Delusion Technique. Chen Mu thought to himself when he looked at his Delusion Delusion Technique experience.

Delusional Delusion: 7383/10000;

Don't dare to use the exquisite jade plate, lack the vitality of the earth, and the progress of the delusional technique is like a turtle.

I only gained more than 300 experience in a month, and I invested a lot, but the output was not high.

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