My Experience In the Otherworldly Liver

Chapter 258 God's Walk

There is a platform on the mountainside of Pengyue Mountain.

It is nearly 300 meters long in the east-west direction and more than 100 meters in the north-south direction. bigger than two football fields.

To the north of the platform is a straight cliff with a height of five or six meters.

The southern boundary meets the hillside with a slight arc.

Seven stone steps extend from the boundary to the hillside in different directions, passing through the terraced fields, covering the entire south of Pengyue Mountain to the edge of the foot of the mountain.

Chen Mu stepped on the two-meter-wide stone stairs and came to the door of the platform.

A two-meter-tall boulder sat beside the steps.

The south side was neatly flattened, and three big characters were engraved on it - Leng Yuefang.

Because of the rush of time, Lengyuefang was not built so well.

There are some potholes on the dirt floor.

The wooden houses in Fang City still exude the smell of grass after the trees were felled.

On the outer walls of individual houses, still green branches and leaves can be seen.

All the way to Baicao Pavilion, Chen Mu handed the man a list of medicinal herbs.

The guy in his thirties who was wearing a short fight in gray had a smile on his face, but after reading Chen Mu's list, there was bitterness on his face.

Guest, I'm really sorry. Other herbs can be said, but there are no purple leaf incense and snake grass whiskers.

How long will it be available? Chen Mu frowned slightly.

If you can't do business with the outside world in the short term, you will have to wait until the medicine fields are harvested.

These two medicinal materials will take at least half a year.

Chen Mu didn't give up: Do you have any stock? Just add a little price.

I really want to earn your money, but... The gray-clothed guy spread his hands with a wry smile.

Chen Mu's face was not good-looking. Without these two medicines, the Dingshen Pill would not be able to be made.

Guest, do you want other herbs? the man asked softly.

Wrap it up. Chen Mu sighed.

The transfer of the lower house has been rushed, and the resources of Pengyue Mountain are scarce. There are still them now, and they may be sold out in a few days.

After a while, the grey-clothed guy handed Chen Mu a large package.

Guest, there are four white jades in total.

Did the price go up too?

Chen Mu opened his mouth and finally paid the money obediently.

Now that everything is lacking, the price increase is a matter of course.

Before leaving, the gray-clothed guy suggested, You may go to the east and have a look. There are many people setting up street stalls there.

Maybe we can find these two medicines.

Chen Mu thanked him and left with the package.


At the southeast corner of the foothills of Pengyue Mountain, Yiyou District.

Chen Mu put his things away and sat on the rocking chair on the east side of the corridor.

The sale of Jingshen Pills can't be done.

He also went to the street market in the east of Lengyuefang, but unfortunately he could not find the medicinal materials he needed.

The list he gave to Baicao Pavilion was only part of the prescription.

The actual lack of medicinal materials is not two, but five.

Alternatives are hard to find.

After replacing so many materials, Dingshen Pill is not Dingshen Pill.

The yellow bud rice has just been planted, and the harvest will take ten months.

Although there are two white jade wages per month, it is only enough for food.

If Dingshen Pill cannot be made, it means that there is no source of income!

If you want to maintain the progress of the Delusion Technique training, you have to spend about three white jade coins every day.

Ninety a month!

Now that I have cut off my income...

Chen Mu couldn't help sighing.


He thought about it, but couldn't come up with any good financial resources.

Do you want to join the hunting team and go into the mountains to hunt alien beasts? Chen Mu instinctively shook his head.

His currently revealed strength is only in the armored soul stage.

How much money can I get by joining the hunting team with this strength?

Moreover, the situation in the mountains and forests is changeable, and there are all kinds of strange beasts. Ordinary exotic beasts are fine. If you encounter the kind of poisonous ones, or other more bizarre ones, it will be really dangerous.

After a long while, Chen Mu sighed again.

He frowned and looked at the small pile of debris in the Five Ghosts Bag.

It seems that we can only weigh the dreams of all of you!


Put two little paper figures squatting on the roof to be alert.

Chen Mu found a wooden bucket and poured a bunch of things into it.

Using the black smoke of the five ghosts to clean up the attached mud and blood, and wearing deerskin gloves, he dared to take inventory.

Looking at the white jade coins that were piled higher and higher on the short table, Chen Mu's frowning brows slowly stretched.

Three hundred and forty-seven!

Even if there is no income at all, it is enough for me to practice for four months with peace of mind.

And there are these two mustard charms.

Chen Mulehe took out the wooden cabinet inside the mustard talisman and continued to count.

After a long while, he sorted out the pile of things.

Chen Mu looked at the total harvest with satisfaction.

A few medicinal materials and minerals.

A few volumes of the Secretarial Book.

More than ten pieces of weapons such as swords and hidden weapons.

The most important thing is these six hundred and twenty-seven white jade coins.

He originally had one hundred and twenty-six white jade coins on him.

His net worth rose to seven hundred and fifty-three.


“Must have extra meal!”

Ha ha……


In the evening, under the wooden corridor.

The fire cloud gourd spews blue flames from time to time.

The unknown exotic animal meat is roasted until it is tender on the outside and tender on the inside. With the secret barbecue ingredients, the aroma is amazing.

After a while, three dishes and one soup were placed on the square table.

In addition to the secret grilled meat, there is also a garlic white meat, a pot of cold wild vegetables, a meatball soup, and a small wooden barrel of yellow bud rice.

Chen Mu took a sip of sweet and sour hawthorn herbal tea to relieve his tiredness, and then stuffed a piece of barbecued meat into his mouth.



After dinner, a cloud of black smoke emerges outside the wooden porch

Food scraps fell out of the black smoke and fell right into the wooden barrels outside the wooden porch.

The square table that had just returned the messy cups and dishes was immediately clean.

Chen Mu sat on the rocking chair and waved, the tableware disappeared, and then appeared out of thin air in the cabinet against the wall.

It's a pity that I can't go to Shizuku.

It's been a long time since I saw the beautiful foreign lady, I miss them...

Forget it, let's see how the young lady compares to the brushing experience.

Chen Mu rubbed his hands together, called out the gray wall, and checked his experience.

Tsk tsk, another limit, haha...

Staring at the item of False Cloth, Chen Mule's brows were beaming.

I came to Pongyue Mountain for more than two months.

Every day I was instructed to cut down trees and open mountains, and there were people everywhere, so I could only do a brush of the cloth virtual technique.

I got up and glanced at a few wooden houses not far away, and found that no one cared.

The five ghosts shrouded in black smoke, hiding their figure.

Chen Mu thought with a thought, and the mana poured out from his eyebrows.

God travels a thousand miles!

A repulsive force quickly enveloped the body.

Chen Mu swooped and started with a catapult.

In the blink of an eye, he jumped into the jungle at the foot of the mountain.

The dense forest is full of ancient trees more than ten meters high.

Chen Mu was one meter off the ground, like a dexterous flying swallow, sprinting, making a sudden stop, turning, and turning continuously. He shuttled through the intricate trees like lightning.

The sound of the whirring wind can be heard in the ears, and the speed is so fast that the skin of the face is ruffled and wrinkled.

If it wasn't for the fear of being discovered, he would have to howl!


Two quarters later.

Chen Mu was drifting in an arc in the air, and suddenly felt that his feet were empty.

The power that shrouded his body disappeared, and he flew straight out uncontrollably.

With a click, a small tree that was hugged by one person was smashed.


Chen Mu spit out the grass clippings around his mouth and climbed up from the bushes with a sullen face.

With this little mana, I can't help playing!

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