The third floor of Chunfeng Building.

The middle-aged man in black smiled and took out a large wooden box with a slap from his sleeve.

After opening it, there was a thumb-sized, silver-white flying cicada lying on the inside.

There is an ebony leaf in the treasure house of the lucky family. When the treasure hunt cicada is cultivated, it is always accompanied by the ebony leaf.

With it, within 30 miles, as long as there is an ebony aura, it can be sensed by it.

The smile on Si Kouyu's face grew wider and wider.

It's a pity that the treasure hunt cicada has a short lifespan. This one has only seven days of lifespan, so I'm afraid it will delay the important affairs of the son. The middle-aged man in black was worried.

It doesn't matter. Si Kouyu narrowed his eyes: Ebony is probably on that scholar. The Jinghong Gang didn't find anyone, but they found out the range of their haunts.

You investigate at night.

After thinking about it for a while, Si Kouyu warned carefully: If you find out, don't make a statement. I'll bring some more people to round up tomorrow morning.

Everyone from Qingshan County is a bit wicked. Si Kouyu stunned.

Courage is so hard to practice.

Zuo Sheng practiced.

The sincerity of the Taoist priest is even about to become a armored soul.

That scholar is the same as the fox. The Jinghong Gang cast a net and searched for more than ten days, but they couldn't find anyone!

Yes! The middle-aged man in black nodded respectfully.

I started Treasure Hunt, and the clan may have gotten the news. When that time comes... the man in black said worriedly.

Si Kouyu smiled confidently when he heard the words: I'm not afraid. With my sister on my side, most people wouldn't dare to trouble me.

After thinking for a while, he said, Then Chen Mu has to catch him alive, torture him, and poison him with a secret medicine.

When there is too much pressure in the clan, I will send people out and let those brothers and sisters torture themselves.

Send a fool, isn't it a little... The man in black hesitated.

I did it on purpose! Si Kouyu smiled and said, I have handed over the key people. Whoever dares to trouble me, the clan elders will not agree.

Young master is wise! The middle-aged man in black complimented.


Inside the first floor compartment.

Hearing that the two wanted to arrest and torture themselves, they even wanted to poison themselves. Chen Mu didn't feel angry.

Never expect bad people to have a bottom line. He was sad and completely disappointed in this rotten world.

He immediately changed his face, and the five ghost bags instantly changed his clothes.

A pure white and colorless mask was buckled on his face, and Chen Mushi walked out of the compartment.

There are a lot of fun activities in Chunfenglou, and he is not the only one wearing a mask.

The lights on the first floor were dimly lit, and no one cared about a strange person wearing a mask.

Chen Mu casually took an empty wine jug from a wine table, pretended to be an ordinary drunken guest, and staggered upstairs.

The room on the second floor was equally lively, the servants and maids and beautiful sisters were constantly crowded, and no one cared about a drunkard.

Chen Mu wandered up to the third floor.

Several Jinghong gang members took the initiative to step forward to block the way.


A handful of red mist exploded between the noses of several people.

Before the roadblockers could react, they rolled their eyes and fell to the ground.

Chen Mu took two steps forward, quickly grabbed the collars of several people, pretended to be close to talking, and placed them next to the railings of the column, posing either standing or sitting.

A few Jinghong gangs in the distance don't know why.

I was wondering who the man with the white face mask was, and he was chatting hotly with his colleagues?


The red fog flashed, and he fell to the ground in a coma.

The five ghost bags release the fascination smoke, and cooperate with the kestrel to practice agility. Chen Mu walked in from the entrance on the third floor with integrity.

More than a dozen strong men stood guard along the way, all of them were made by him, and they fell unconscious one by one.

Deep on the third floor, Chen Mu gently held the necks of the two strong men at the door and let them sit slowly on both sides of the door.

Huh... Chen Mu let out a sigh of relief.

As long as the speed is fast enough and the movement is small enough. If you leave before the warriors in Chunfenglou can react, there will be no problem!


Young master is happy here, I'll find someone.

Si Kouyu waved his hand: It's been hard work these past few days. If you find Ebony, my son will be rewarded a lot!

Thank you, son! The man in black said with a smile.

It's a coincidence that the scholars in Fanlou, both the north and the south, have been here before. The man in black said while taking out a bamboo tube from his sleeve: It just happened to start the investigation from here.

As he spoke, he used his pinky fingernail to pick out a little red powder from the bamboo tube and sprinkle it on the treasure hunter cicada.

The treasure hunt cicada, who was still lying quietly just now, suddenly fluttered its wings and whiskers like a jade carving, and became active in an instant.

Si Kouyu saw Treasure Hunting Chan for the first time, and came over to look at it.

The middle-aged man in black introduced with a smile: Treasure hunting cicadas have wings, but they can't fly. The wings are their sensing organs. Every time they flap, they are capturing information.

As long as it catches the specified object, it will emit cicadas and turn around to guide the direction.

As long as that Ebony is still in Nanyang Mansion, I'll definitely be able to...


A sharp chirping sounded suddenly.

The middle-aged man in black immediately froze in place.

Si Kou Yu was very interested: What does this mean?

Ebony? Just... at the door?!

Haha! Si Kouyu laughed loudly: How could these junk from the Jinghong Gang still have this ability? You really found something for me!

Say that and open the door.

Then I saw a person wearing a pure white mask, holding the head of the guard at the door, carefully placing them neatly.

Chen Mu: ...

Alas... I was thinking of sneaking in and attacking, but I didn't expect to fight head-on.

He got up slowly, and the fascination smoke in the five ghosts bag rolled endlessly.

Which hall are you from? Si Kou Yu was puzzled, looked up at his subordinates who had collapsed, and suddenly said, Come to me quietly, are you afraid that your hall master will blame?

Don't worry, the entire Jinghong Gang belongs to our Si Kou family. Si Kou Yu waved his hand: If someone really wants to crowd you out, just go to the clan with me. The bustling scene there is not comparable to this remote Nanyang.

The man in black stared at Chen Mu, and quickly reminded: Master, this person's identity is unknown! Dangerous...

Si Kouyu waved his hand: Heroes don't ask about their origins!

If you can find Ebony for me, that's a great talent! Si Kouyu looked satisfied.

The man in black: ... I didn't mean that!

You can bring down so many people quietly. You can also find Ebony alone. I'm very optimistic about you! Si Kouyu laughed.

Just because you brought Ebony to me, I will reward you with three drops of Zhaodian red!

How is it? Interesting enough! Si Kouyu winked.

Chen Mu: ...

Is this guy seriously ill? Did I come to give you a present? I'm here to kill you!

Why, it's too little? Si Kouyu frowned slightly, and then suddenly said: You probably don't know the effect of Zhaodianhong?

That is the essence of the Three Treasures of Essence, Qi and Spirit, and it is the most important thing that can improve the source of the human body. One drop of red in the hall can catch up with the hard work of practicing shape surgery for a year!

Si Kouyu raised his eyebrows proudly: Are you excited?

The man in black was so anxious that his face turned pale.

Hurry up, take out the ebony and open my eyes! Si Kouyu rubbed his hands together with a worried look on his face.

Chen Mu: ...

Where does this great intelligence come from? Kill it!

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