My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 604: Wu Jia (2)

One piece of material in the Fuyang treasury was being carried out from the treasury to the hands of his Liu Wei. He used these materials to recruit and recruit around the four sides of Fuyang.

Liu Wei is looking at these materials. It is in the eyes of the eyes. With these military supplies, then you can expand your armaments, military power, military power, and Liu Wei is now completely enchanted by this. He was driven out of Fuyang. Liu Wei was swearing that he must stand in this Jingzhou and become the master of Jingzhou. At the border, Liu Wei knows what identity is false, only one is true. That is the military power. In this troubled world, as long as you have mastered the military power, you will have the wealth and rights, and even protect your life.

If there is no 30,000 Cai Jiajun without Zhang Yun, he was already imprisoned by Liu Biao, but he is still under house arrest in the government.

"Congratulations to the main public, congratulations to the Lord, with the 50,000-strong army, the great cause of the lord is even further!" Vice-Chairman Liu Wei on the side congratulated Liu Wei.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Liu Xin was very happy in his heart. "Although the 50,000 army plus the Jingzhou iron ride and the Wuling soldiers in my hands have become a force in Jingzhou, but the Yangzhou soldiers and horses are like a throat!" Fool, although he got the right to form 50,000 terracotta warriors from the hands of Liu Biao, but he also knows that this is a consequence that was caused by the hiring of the army and the surrender of the Jiang Xia Shuijun. He wanted Liu Wei. Jingzhou does not want a neighboring Jingzhou.

"Why do you want to worry about the Lord? Jiangling City is a high gate. As long as Jiangling is not broken, Jingzhou South County will come back sooner or later! As for the Jiangxia generation. Waiting for the 50,000-strong army to form. It is sure to be able to take it back from the Yangzhou army!" The deputy will comfort Liu Wei.

"Yes! The urgent task now is to make these 50,000 troops form!" Liu Wei nodded. Liu Yan, the combat force of the Yangzhou Army, did not hear that he knew that the Yangzhou Army was an elite soldier, but Liu Wei was also very confident in his own hands. Liu Wei had always thought about fighting the Yangzhou Army.

Just when the two were still negotiating, there was a sudden dispute over the recruiting there, and the people on the side were trapped.

"What happened?" Liu Wei looked at the noisy frowning over there, and the vice-president on the side quickly sent someone to check it out. After returning, he reported to Liu Wei that he was "returning to the lord. On the other hand, there are some untouchables. Actually, they are not willing to recruit troops!"

"Well?" Liu Wei listened to the deputy's words and frowns. Although he got the consent of Liu Biao and supported the recruitment of soldiers and horses, he also had the supplies of Liu Biao, but this person was also recruited in Fuyang.

However, there are some wealthy people in Fuyang. Others may not be able to do it, but they also have some opinions on the treatment of the people. He used the brothers of the Qi to give the people a good land. The development of waterways has led to Xiangyang becoming the center of the entire political economy of Jingzhou. And because of the geographical environment, the Jingzhou government has no war at all. The people in other nearby states have all come to Fuyang to avoid the war and make the city of Fuyang more prosperous.

Therefore, the people in the vicinity of Fuyang either have their own homes in their homes, or there are some shops and family businesses. The rest of the people who join the army are those who have no need to eat rice. After all, the soldiers are not good at eating, and what is the army’s general, it is even more Nonsense, generally 80% of the soldiers in the army are dead, only 20% survive, 80% of these two are disabled or other, only 20% of the 20% can become some of the official positions of the school.

Therefore, there have always been good irons that don’t nail, and good men are not soldiers. How can you let these people who have money in their homes go to the army to fight? Jingzhou Terracotta has always been beaten, but the reason for Jiangdong Army is that Jingzhou Terracotta is wearing shoes, and Jiangdong people are barefoot. The barefoot does not care about big or bad, anyway, it is very bachelor, and the shoes are different.

There are surplus money in the home of wearing shoes, and even wives and daughters, naturally do not dare to fight.

The Jingzhou soldiers and the Jiangxia Shuijun, which were originally in front of them, are all so-called poor people in Jingzhou. Now that the poor people have died and surrendered, how many poor people have to eat their meals.

So now they are recruiting soldiers in Fuyang, it is simply that the door is basically white.

However, the task under the above confession can not be completed, this is the reason for the previous Liu Yi's hand to pull down the strong.

"Lack of troops and horses!" Liu Wei has a headache. If you use strong ones, you can't collect weapons and horses. But how can this soldier have a sense of belonging and combat effectiveness?

"Go, give me to Wuling, and the Fuling generation will recruit the 50,000-strong army. I don't believe it is difficult to become a military!" Liu Wei screamed at the bottom of his hand.

"The main public, it is precisely because the Wuling Yiling generation was unable to recruit soldiers and horses that they were forced to come to Fuyang." The vice-president on the side smiled at Liu Wei, and the deputy was actually ready to expand the army. The Lingwuling generation was also in the name of Putian, but it was disturbed by people.

"Wuling Yiling can not recruit soldiers and horses?" Liu Wei suddenly did not understand, these two places rely on the border, often fighting against the Wuxi barbarian, so the folk customs here are embarrassing, precisely because of the folk customs Therefore, the people here are all really strong, and the Wuling soldiers of Liu Wei’s men are recruited from Wuling.

"Yes!" The school on the side can only hold the nose and listen to Liu Yu's reprimand. From the Wuling Yiling generation to recruit soldiers and horses? If it is before this, there may be no problems, because Liu Wei has been at the border generation, where the civil martial arts are all his Liu Wei people, but now the border is because Huang Zu went to Changsha to sit in the town, basically already has The brand of the yellow house is branded. Huang Lu and Liu Wei are right everywhere. How can they not think about Wuling? Wuling is the place where Liu Yu came. In order to vent his anger, all the things related to Wuling and Liu Wei were all removed. The conscription that was originally prepared was also disrupted by the Huang family. The principals arrested and killed, and Liu Yujun did not have any temper, because people said that you intended to rebel.

Liu Weijun left the weapon in those places where the soldiers were killed. This investigation was detected. You can't say that Liu Wei has always wanted to be a soldier. This is prepared in advance. This will make the Jingzhou Lord Liu Biao think about it. How to say it again, although Liu Biao called Liu Wei as my child. Liu Wei also called Liu Biao as his father, but the two were not personal fathers and sons, so Liu Yujun could only recognize his nose.

"The conscription of the soldiers can not be delayed! Similarly, that Jiangling Wu family, I want him to fly away!" Liu Yan said to the vice-president on the side of the cold, since the Huang family is not right, then Liu Wei does not need Ren, Huang Jiashu With his good soldiers, then Liu Wei broke the arm of the Huang family. Jiangling Wujia, this is a wealthy sect, and the Huang family is closely related. Now it is because the Huang family moved into Changsha and became more and more close, so the two are very close, and the Wu family is equivalent to Zhang Yun. The Zhang family is general for Cai’s Cai family.

"Yes!" The vice-president on the side also nodded. Who made me uncomfortable, I let anyone follow it.

"This conscription is not a question of money! Increase 20%, no, increase the grain of 50%! I have to see how many wealthy homes there are in this Yangyang!"

"Five percent!?" The deputy is stunned. It was scared by this lord, and 50% of the grain was smashed. This is not a small number. If you can complete the 25,000th horses and horses according to the previous markings, Liu was given the limit of 50,000 horses and horses, even if it shrinks, it can't squeeze more.

"There is no money? We have no money, but this is the Jiangling Wu family!" Liu Wei is cold, Jiangling Wujia business is spread throughout the Jingzhou South County, Liu Biao has said that the Wu family are all waiting to be heard, the family property is closed, It is not appropriate for him to take it out of it.

"The Lord's high is really high!" The vice on the side will be flattering.

"You take Jingzhou iron ride to Jiangling, you must take the Wu family and everyone, don't let the Wu family get ready!" Cross the river and use the boat, walk by horse, this speed will naturally be faster, in order to better win Wu Jia, Liu Wei, is willing to pay the money with Yuzhou Iron Rider.

"If the Lord Gong rebelled against this Wu family?"

"If you resist? Oh, I am really not afraid of him resisting me, I am afraid that he will not resist!" Liu Wei sneered, if the Wu family does not resist him, Liu Wei is really not good to start, but once resisted, then Let’s kill the ring. This Wu family is not only the one that Liu Biao thinks shocked the surrendered officials, but also the one he used to shock the Huang family and the entire Jingzhou sect.


Jiangling Wujia

"Grandfather, there is a sergeant outside the door who said that there is something to be asked to see the lord!" Wu Fan, the owner of the Wu family, suddenly heard a servant running in there to pass the message.

"Sergeant? Why did the sergeant come to see me?" Wu Fan asked in confusion.

"The sergeant of the lord said that he is Laozi's yang, yes, it is the general of Huang!" The servant also said with breathlessness.

"Yellow General? Which Yellow General?" Wu Fan was a little confused, and he had a connection with Huang General in Xiangyang. To say that Huang Jia is also General Huang Zu. General Huang Zu is still sitting in Changsha.

"General Huang?" Wu Fan suddenly remembered, there is really a yellow general in Fuyang, but this person is General Xiao Huang, but no matter which general, Wu Fan must pay attention to it, after all, he is also yellow A family of people.

"Please come in quickly!" Wu Fan said to the servant, the servant took the lead, and soon a very tired soldier came in and saw Wu Fan shouting at Wu Fan’s fist. General Huang has seen Wu Fan Wu’s owner!”

"Come on the table! Drinking the slobber and saying it" is really the hand of this little Huang general. Wu Fan is very polite to this person. He is not arrogant because he is a sergeant, he must let this person take the seat.

"No, it is urgent, the end will send a message to Wu Jiazhu, this will also reply to the fate!" The school shook his head.

Wu Fan is not reluctant,

"Wu Jiazhu, the general will let the end of the Wu family, Wu Lin incident, then Liu Wei to make a fuss, filthy Wu family, I hope Wu family can be prepared for early!"

"What!" Wu Fan stunned, Wu Lin? Wu Fan thought of this. In the past time, the Wuyang County of Shiyang County was said to have been given to Wu Lin by the Yangzhou Army. Wu Fan didn’t care, because Wu Lin was just a branch of the Wu family. Counting the Wu family's shackles, because Wu Lin is a little bit savvy and will be flattered, this will get the job of Shiyang County.

Because Wu Lin Feng Hou, Yangzhou army thick buried, Wu Fan originally laughed, because Wu family did not have Hou Ye but now because this Wu Lin has a Marquis, this has to be said to be a joke. Wu Fan only thought of laughing, but did not expect someone to use this Wu Lin to open the knife to Wu.

"Two sons Liu Wei?" Wu Fan couldn't think of where he had offended this person. This person actually wants to use a small Wu Lin to deal with the Wu family. Wu Fan didn't know that he was completely lying. Liu Wei is going to deal with the Huang family, and his Wu family is attached.

"Wu Jiazhu made preparations as soon as possible!" The order from the school was directed at Wu Fan.

Wu Fan was about to move, but he heard the voice of the front hall. Suddenly Wu Fan smiled and said, "It’s too late!"

In the front hall, a Jingzhou official wearing an official cap with an official hat swayed into the house of the Wu family. Although Wu Fan is not an official, the Wu family is a very high-ranking county in Jingzhou. The officials who saw it saw Wu Fan’s call to Wu’s or Wu’s family. Where did he go into the Wu’s house like this person?

"I don't know what the wind has blown our Dong Taishou. Our parents, Dong Taishou, can come to the majesty to be really radiant!" Wu Fan looked at the people and immediately greeted him and saw this person Wu. Everything is disgusting in the heart but it is very harmonious on the surface.

"How? You Wu, I can't come to Dong? Or is it a stuffy cat, afraid Dong will come!" Dong Zhi also smiled and said to Wu Fan. Dong Zhi and Wu Fan have never dealt with each other because the two represent two, Dong Zhi represents the Dong family, Wu Fan represents the Wu family, although Dong Zhi is a party, but Dong Zhi’s Dong family is better than The Wu family of Shang Wufan, after all, Dong family migrated from the Central Plains and belonged to foreign households. How can you compare the local snakes of Wu Fan Wu?

If Dong Zhi is a party, the Dong family has long been swallowed up by Wu Fan. There is only one Jiangling. Dong Jiawu’s family wants to occupy the head of Gangneung. Naturally, the two families will not have the slightest relief.

"Where is this! Unless someone is planted, otherwise, huh, huh," Wu Fan smiled but his eyes quickly picked up. Those who are not good are not coming.

"Oh, it’s time for me to see how long Wu Fan will deny it." Dong Zhi directly tore his face. "Wu Fan has an instrument from Xiangyang here. You Wu Tongtong foreign enemies, and the thief army Yangzhou Soldiers and horses collude to betray me Jingzhou evidence is conclusive. You still want to deny it! Come and give me a Wu family and everyone!” Behind Dong Zhi’s body, there are hundreds of people who are armed with horses and horses.

"If you want to add sin, why don't you have a word! I want to see who dares to take down my Wu family!" Wu Fan also sneered, and Wu Fan is not unfounded. How many hundred servants brought by Dong Zhi? Like him, Wu Fan also has a family servant. From the Wu family, the servants of the doormen also took the sword and walked out and confronted these hundreds of servants.

"Okay, okay, there are also private swordsmen! It turns out that you Wu Fan had an idea of ​​rebellion!" Dong Zhi looked at the Wujiamen guest servants holding swords and could not help but sneer.

Private swordsman? In this troubled world, if there are no swordsmen, they have already been hacked and killed. Although the swordsmen are murderers, they are also self-protected. Some people also have swordsmen in their homes. Now Dong Zhi actually holds a speech. Wu Fan’s sneer is deeper.

"Dong Zhi, you have to smother the blood to say that my Wu family betrayed Jingzhou? I would like to ask General Huang Zu to ask if the state animal husbands have said that I have betrayed Jingzhou! Or you Dong Zhiqiang gave me Wu family!" Wu Fanna Huang Zulai oppressed Dong Zhi, Huang Zu Huang Jiake was Wu Fan’s backing, and Huang Zu also occupied a large weight in front of Liu Biao. Once upon a time, the military’s three giants were Huang Caiwen, and there was no family in the literature. Therefore, the military is actually held by Cai Wei and Huang Zu.

Cai Wei is now under house arrest by Liu Biao, so Huang Zu’s position in the military has been consolidated.

"You don't have to go see Huang Zu!" Just when Dong Zhi hesitated, a cold voice came out. Dong Zhi turned his head and saw a few heavy cavalrymen riding a horse directly into the Wu family, not to dismount.

"You are?" Dong Zhi looked at this person in confusion, because the war horse was a very precious resource in the Jiangnan area. The heavy armored Cavalry Dong Zhi had never seen it.

"Dong Daren, I was ordered by the second son to take the rebellious Wu family!" said the cavalry commander to Dong Zhi.

“Xu’s deputy?” Dong Zhi remembered that the person came to say hello to the vice-president Xu, although he was the guardian of Jiangling, and this vice-president Xu was only a deputy general of the district, but Dong Zhi did not dare There is rudeness.

"Dong Daren has been in violation for a long time!"

"Liu Wei's men?" Wu Fan looked at Xu and his deputy Xu, who was hot.

"You are Wu Fan's owner Wu Fan, the state animal husband and the second son have ordered the Wu family to be locked into the prison. The family business is closed. Waiting for the fall!" Xu vice-president said to Wu Fan.

"Put into the prison. The family business is closed? Waiting for the fall?" The Wu family will not do it. What is the difference between them and their lives? Their Wu family was on the land of Jiangling for many generations. Before Liu Biao did not come, the Wu family was the big family of Gangneung. Now they are not willing to surrender their family property. All of them were filled with indignation, and Dong Zhi and Xu, who were watching over there, looked bad.

"Oh!" Xu, who was watching over there, couldn't help but smile. The more the fire, the better. It is better to resist.

"Homeowners, can't bear it. It's not enough to shut us all in the prison. We still have to stop our family business! These family businesses are all left by the ancestors. How can we say that the seal will stop? When Wu family was in Gangneung, he still didn't know where Liu Zi was!"

"We still fight with them! Anyway, we don't give a way to live. It's better to fight with them!" Someone stirred up and wanted to arrest him with this vice.

Wu Fan listened to the yelling hand of his own person and raised it. The Wu family members were clenching their knives and waiting for their own masters to immediately rise up and rebel. You said that you arrested people and arrested people. In our family business, human beings are dead for food, and naturally they want to be desperate.

The soldiers and horses that Xu will bring over there are also short of breath, and they can not help but sneer. Just waiting for Wu Fan’s resistance to go forward and kill a blood flow into a river. However, Vice President Xu is destined to be disappointed.

"Let your swords down! Listen to the resignation of Vice President Xu and Dong Taishou!" Wu Fan finally did not dare to block the fate of the entire Wu family. If Wu Fan alone or a family, then Wu Fan immediately took people to resist. If you want to add sin, why are you blamed? If people come, they will not give you a good life.

However, because Wu has a family, Wu Fan retreats, not to mention the fact that he has not really reached the point where the mountains are running out of water. Huang Zu and Huang Jia are the only life-saving straws that Wu family can grasp.

"Oh! Wu Jiazhu is really a handsome guy!" Xu will sneer at the sneer, and know the current affairs as Junjie.

"It’s not that Wu is Junjie, but Wu believes that General Huang Zu is sure to be able to return Wu to a fair. It’s better to be trapped by a villain!” Wu Fan said coldly.

Wu Fan has mentioned Huang Zu twice. The Dong Zhi on the side is very jealous because the Wu family is guilty of Dong Zhi, but Huang Zu is really offended. If Huang Zuo sent a soldier from behind to raid, then Dong Zhi’s fun is big. In order to calm the anger of Huang Zu, Liu Biao will certainly kill Dong Zhi.

Vice-President Xu did not speak, because Wu Fan’s little man said that it would naturally be obvious. Wu Fan also took out Huang Zu to oppress Xu deputy, and even let Xu’s eyes show the cold killing.

"General Huang Zu? General Huang Zu, although it is clear, but I am afraid there is no time!" Xu will open the door.

"General Huang Zu has a lot of opportunities, but I believe he will also seek justice for us."

"Then, how are you going to tell General Huang Zu that you are embarrassed!"

"Natural by mouth!"

"If you can't talk?" Xu will laugh.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, the thief Wu Fanli through the enemy, betrayed Jingzhou to rely on the Yangzhou thief army, attempting to subvert my Gangneung City, things are exposed, but by the fight of the beasts of the beasts, recalcitrant, give me to destroy!"

"You dare!" Wu Fan listened to the words of Vice-President Xu. Immediately, the eyes will burst out. What Xu will want to do!

"I don't have anything to dare!" Xu will sneer up. Huang Zuhuang will soon be the enemy of the main lord of Jingzhou, and now is the opportunity to cut off Huang Zu's wings. Since you Wu Fan does not resist, then I will give you a chance to resist, but instead face Ms. Xu’s face, and the Wu family’s mouth will be closed forever. “Come to kill me!”

"Liu Wei!" Wu Jia's doorman's servant had already laid down the sword under Wu Fan's orders. Now, at one and a half, there will be no time to respond. The Jingzhou iron rider brought by Xu vice will be caught off guard by a whole, Wu. The family has set off a **** hurricane.

"This, this, this!" Dong Zhi looked at the scene in front of him and didn't know what to say. Wu Jia, Wu Fan, he Dong Zhi, who always wanted to collapse Wu Jia instead of Wu Jia to become the first in this Jiangling One gentry, but Dong Zhi did not think about killing the Wu family. Now the Wu family is full of dead people. There are shouts everywhere. Let Dong Zhi directly disappear.

"Big. Adults, what should we do now!" On the side of a servant, he asked Dong Zhi, and he was also scared by the sights in front of him. This means that killing people will kill people, and they are not ruthless.

"What can I do! I can see that it has changed!" Dong Zhi forced his own squatting feet into the trousers. His body was already wet with sweat.

"Dong Taishou, you are very hot!" Xu on the side will smile and ask Dong Zhi.

"Not hot, not hot!" Dong Zhi hurriedly shook his head. The smile of Xu’s deputy in Xu Zhi is completely a demon.

"Dong Taishou, in fact, you don't need to be afraid, the Thunder means is naturally to deal with the enemy. For Dong Tai Shou, our second son has been treated with courtesy!" Vice President Xu said close to Dong Zhi's ear, Dong On the forehead of Zhi, there was already a cold sweat.

"This nature, this nature!" Dong Zhi perfunctory.

"When we listen to our two sons, in the future, this wealth will naturally be indispensable to you, Dong Tsung. Is Dong Tsung just wanting to be a guardian of Gangneung? You must know that there is a lot of space in this yang, that Huang. Home Cai, there may not be a Dong family!" Vice President Xu continued to speak to Dong Zhi.

"Dong Jia?" mentioned this Dong family. In the eyes of Dong Zhi, there was a sudden burst of light. Why did he and Wu Fan contradict each other, not because he wanted to make Dong’s family a big one in Gangneung! The home of Huang Jiaxuan, Cai Jia, is a family.

If his Dong family can be with this Cai Jiajia home! Suddenly led by greed, Dong Zhi’s heart was hot, and fear was slowly collected.

"Is this true?" Dong Zhi asked.

"Of course! As long as our two sons become a great cause, Dong Taishou can be a big hero. It is natural to have a driving position!" Xu will continue to throw the bait.

Dong Zhi bit his lip and said, "If the second son is sent any more, Dong Zhi will definitely go to the fire!"

"Good! What you want is Dong Taishou's sentence!" Xu will nod and nodded. "Dong Taishou, our second son needs Dong Tai Shou to contribute to you!"

"Well?" Dong Zhi asked in confusion. He had no way for Liu Wei. What can Dong Zhi can do? However, Dong Zhi still asked for a fist, "Xu vice general but speech!"

"Dong Taishou, my family officially ordered the state animal husbands to order 50,000 to build a new Jingzhou army, but the shortage of soldiers in this Xiangyang is only 20,000!"

"This is no problem, 30,000 soldiers and horses are! As long as the grain of the second son is in place, Dong Zhi will inevitably make the most elite and strong in Jiangling rush into the arm of the second son!" Dong Zhi said to Xu, the vice. Wan Jianzhuang may be difficult to call in Fuyang, but it is much better in Gangneung.

"Grass? Oh, Dong Taishou, if the grain is shipped from Fuyang, Dong Taishou will send the soldiers to Fuyang, it will take a while!" Xu will continue to laugh.

"So what does General Xu mean?" Dong Zhi deliberately confused.

‘Nature is taken over by Dong Taishou! "Deputy Xu will speak to Dong Zhi.

"Ah!" Dong Zhi is stunned.

"How? Dong Taishou has a problem?"

"General Xu did not know! I have a treasury of sufficient capacity for 100,000 soldiers and horses for two years, but those are the treasury of the state priests, and the guards are also the state priests.嫡, can be directly reported to the state animal husband, if I use this grain will inevitably let the state animal husband know, once the state animal husband knows, the lower tube, the lower official this head can not be guaranteed, the next official does not matter However, if you miss the big thing of the second son, this is a deadly death! "This is not a small number. All the food of the 30,000 army can not afford it. Even if it is taken out, the Dong family is almost the same. The only thing that can afford it is the treasury of Gangneung, but the treasury of Gangneung cannot be moved, because this is the battle prepared by Liu Biao for his son, and he is afraid of the poor mountains and waters. A place can be used, Jiangling is also a companion to Jingzhou.

"Oh, Dong Taishou, Dong Taishou, why don't you have such a grain store in front of you!" Xu will smile and say to Dong Zhi.

"Is there a grain store in front of me?" Dong Zhi stunned. When he looked at the place where Xu deputy put his finger, he suddenly understood it. Now, where is the place they are carrying, it is not the Jiangling Wu family! Jiangling Wujia is a large family of Jiangling. His family business is not comparable to Dong Zhi, a newcomer. Although sprung from generation to generation. But the skinny dead camel is bigger than the horse.

The Wu family seems to be finished now, but the Wu family’s family business is there. It’s natural to use the Wu family’s family business as a grain.

"Please convey General Xu, Dong will certainly try his best to complete the task of the second son. These 30,000 soldiers and horses not only belong to my Jiangling, but their armor is also out of my Jiangling!" Dong Zhi suddenly generous It is not your own money anyway. Use it.

"So Xu replaced the main public and thanked Dong Taishou!" Vice-President Xu also smiled at Dong Zhi. In fact, Wu’s family is now almost the same. Xu’s deputy will not know how to use Wu’s family. What is the expansion of the grain? In fact, at the beginning, Liu Wei remembered Wu’s family business. The reason why Xu’s deputy did not do it himself was because he used Wu’s family property to make a name for Dong Zhi.

The Wu family is killed by Liu Wei, and Wu’s family business is that you Dong Zhi’s family. Although Liu Wei is a murderer, everyone cares more about the family. Because it will make people look I think that Dong Zhi has taken a fancy to Wu’s family property, which makes the second son’s hands start. It’s that you Dong Zhi is insatiable. In this way, Dong Zhi was completely tied to the chariot of the second son Liu Wei. With the brand of Liu Wei, Dong Zhi will not know? Dong Zhi naturally knows that he has been in the officialdom for so many years, but he even knows that he has no choice.

After the Wu family is over, the Huang family will not bypass him. Instead of explaining it to Huang, he may not be able to find it. It is better to join the second son Liu Wei.

"Dong Zhi, Liu Wei, you can't die!" Wu Fan is also bloody. He looks at the door and has a family servant and even his family died in front of him. He died in the armor brought by Vice-President Xu. Above the butcher's knife. He knew that the Wu family was completely finished. Wu Fan blinked his eyes and his blood was red.

"Don't dare to speak out!" Xu will be cold, and the palm of his hand is directly slap in the face, only to see a slap in the face, suddenly Wu Fan's face is swollen, and the mouth is even more It overflowed with blood. The owner of the Wu family, who was above the official site of Jiangling, is now so miserable.

"Haha, haha!" Wu Fan looked outside the Wufu Gate, and suddenly Wu Fan laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Xu will be stared at Wu Fan’s panic.

‘I laughed, some people, someone will avenge me. I laughed, I saw your end, you will die, you will die! "Wu Fan hysterically shouted.

"Revenge? Hehe! By Huang Zu?" Xu will be disdain! "If you rely on Huang Zu, then I tell you Wu Jiazhu, Huang Zu that is difficult to protect himself, waiting for my family to get a big position, that is the day of his death of Huang Zu!"

"If you say your Wu family, then I tell you, your Wu family is not afraid of my Lord, let alone now! Wu Jiazhu, Wu Jiazhu, you don't blame my family, you must blame you for the yellow shot, yes That yellow shot shouldn’t have been provoked by our son, killing you is just a lesson for the yellow shoot!"

"Oh, hehe!" Wu Fan smiled bitterly. His eyes and nose were all bloody. He now finally knows why a branch of Wu Lin, a branch of a district, would let their Wu family get along with them.

Because people are not because of Wu Lin, it is entirely because of the Huang family, this is knocking on the mountains and killing the tigers, killing the chickens and monkeys, and their Wu family is the chicken that was killed, in order to scare the Huang family.

"You will die, you will die, someone will avenge me and avenge me!" Wu Fan is still saying this.

"Hey? Is it? Then ask the Wu family to look at it below. In the end, who will take revenge for the Wu family!" Xu said that he suddenly slammed the cold sword and pulled out his long sword at the waist. Since then, Wu Fan’s good man has risen to the sky and was directly caught in the hands of Xu.

"The thief Wu Fan has died, Wu family does not need to exist, burn!" Xu will command the soldiers under the hand, and soon a fire immediately burned up over the Wujiafu, Wu family, this Gangneung city The huge family that has survived in the middle and even the dozens of generations has suddenly become a fly ash, and has entered a long history of history, and it can no longer be shown.

"Father, father!" Beyond the mansion, a young woman looked at the fierce fire that was burning in the familiar door. She could only bite her teeth and tears, and she couldn’t resist her pain and looked at her home. Heap ash.

"Dong Zhi! Liu Wei!" This young woman looked at Dong Zhi’s obese body. There is also a general who is carrying the banner of Liu Wei on the side and said, "I want you to pay for the blood of the blood!" He said that he turned away directly.

This young woman is not someone else. It is Wu Fan’s daughter Wu Hao. Wu Fanyi has three sons but the eldest son stays in the Wu family. The second son is early, and the third son has already gone out. He is not in Jingzhou. He is said to be an official in Suichuan. There is only one daughter. This daughter is still Wu Fan’s middle-aged. It’s only time to stick out, so it’s a lot of love for this daughter, what is the daughter’s!

Originally, I wanted to find a good family for this baby girl. Wu Fan’s first thought was to marry Huang Zu’s son Huang Lu, but he was vetoed by his daughter. He even threatened Wu Fan with suicide, so Wu Fan couldn’t just let go of this idea because of this. Therefore, her daughter still had a cold war with her, and she did not want to see herself. Because she loved her daughter, it was also to ease the relationship between her father and daughter. Therefore, every time Wu Hao sneaked out to play, Wu Fan looked at her eyes but pretended not to know. Just sent a few doormen to protect them.

This time, Wu Hao went out to play in the market, and Wu Hao was very intelligent. She smashed her father’s sentiment to monitor and protect her own. She thought that she would go to her father for a comfortable day, but whoever thought of going back to the house would see the fire of the sky. There was a miserable shouting sound, and a team of soldiers and horses came and went in Wu’s house.

Wu Hao dress up and dress up a bit, the original appearance of the country has changed, turned into black paint and even with a disgusting smell.

"Come on, who is living, carrying the body, a three-dollar!" Wujiafu can not burn all at once, there are always things that can not be burned and those coke corpses, all need people to come Cleaned up, and the location of Wufu is also very good. Although Wu House was destroyed, it did not hinder the sale of land in Wufu. So Dong Zhi was ready to take the shot, but before he could clean it, he would hire Some people are gone.

Wu Hao was able to rely on the person who looked forward to this manager to say, "This big brother, look at me, you see me!" Wu Hao lowered his voice and said to the man who was facing the manager.

"You?" The man in charge of the matter looked up and down Wu Hao. Wu Hao’s hand was very white, and the management was a bit puzzled, because it was not like a rough hand, but this person had another strange smell.

"What happened to you?"

"This big brother, this is not accidentally throwing a dung bucket, this will be so delicious!"

"Sea, suffocating, suffocating, I said, the smell of urine in a stomach, you see your little arms and thin legs, how can you do this live, roll quickly!" This face of the manager is impatient.

"Big brother!" Suddenly Wu Hao collapsed.

"Hey, hey, hey! What are you, how are you!" This is also a flat-headed person. When I saw someone falling down in front of him, I was a little panicked. "Little brother, little brother, how are you, how are you?" !! This manager wants to raise Wu Hao, but the taste of Wu Hao makes him more entangled.

"What's wrong with this. What's wrong with this!" This stumbles, and many people passing by will immediately come over. The Chinese people's habit of watching the fun is from ancient times to the present.

"Big brother begged you, there are still children in my family who are waiting to be fed. He has not eaten for a few days. I can't make money without changing the food. I may have to starve to death. I beg you to be merciful. Let me do it." "Wu Hao fell on the ground and did not know that he was intentionally or unintentionally heading towards Wujiafu."

"Get up, get up!"

"You don't agree, I won't get up!"

"Where is this, people are stumbling over the ground!" The people on the side are talking.

"Well, I promise you, I promise you can't make it!" I can only promise if I can't help myself. Anyway, he wants to call a lot of people, and there is not much to do with such a long life.

"Thank you big brother, thank you big brother!" Wu Hao looked down again.

"Come with me!" This is also a matter of fear of Wu Hao, with Wu Hao walking toward the ruins of the Wu family. Wu Hao walked over to the threshold of Wu Fu, which was a painful stop.

"What's wrong with you? Why don't you come in!" The manager's doubts "Don't come in again, don't come! I am not charitable!" The housekeeper was a little impatient.

Wu Hao can only follow the management into the Wu House, Wu Hao looked at everything in front of his eyes and his eyes could not help but wet. The sum of all this can be familiar to him. Just a few days ago, it was still alive. But now it has become a ruin.

"Come on, these are the things you have to do! Clean up those woods!" said Wu Hao, pointing to the matter. I left after I finished the management.

"Hey, what's new? What is your relationship with the management, relatives? I really envy you, can clean up the wood!" said a bitter force against Wu Hao.

Wu Hao does not speak, this kind of bitterness continues to speak to "disastrous, hundreds of people up and down, so they have been killed for a while! Oh. Dead is still burned like this, for you!"

Wu Hao’s hand suddenly stopped, and when he looked closely, he found that it was shaking.

"Your luck is really good, it is actually cleaning up the wood, I am miserable, transport these bodies, hehe!" This hard work is blaming, it is no wonder that these bodies are all burnt, giving off a smell. It’s okay if you smell bad, but he is the smell of roast meat. It is disgusting to smell. These are all human flesh. This coolie swears that he will not eat roasted meat anymore.

"I change with you?" Wu Hao said to the coolie.

"Is this true?" The bitterness was first stunned, but then the eyes illuminate. Although the handling of the wood is heavier, it is much better to carry the body. After all, don't face these charred bodies, not only Nausea has an unpleasant smell.

"Nature!" Wu Hao nodded and said.

"Well, this is what you said, no regrets!" This hard work did not wait for Wu Hao to promise to run over the wood over there. I am afraid that Wu Hao will repent.

Wu Hao did not complain at all, and began to carry these dead bodies of charred.

"Mother! The child is not filial, can't be filial for you!"

"Three children, you are not saying that you want to help me monitor the master, how did you become like this!"

"Xiaohong, you don't want to marry a good family, you get up, you get up, miss me, I'll find you!" Wu Hao looked at the dry corpse on the ground, they have not completely burned to ashes. Therefore, it is still recognizable, and Wu Xin’s heart is bleeding.

"Hey, this sick ghost didn't think it was quite powerful!" There was an interest in watching Wu Hao's work, and I thought it was a loss-making business. Who knows that this sick person is so powerful?

"Sick ghosts, drag these bodies to the chaotic graveyard!"

The sentence of the body was carried on the car and pushed past the door. The chaotic grave is on the west side of the city. Here is a hill. The hills are all covered with straw mats or wooden stakes. The rich people can make an inscription. If there is no money, they will be directly thrown here. I’ve been here since I’ve been tired for a long time, and I’m feeling awkward when he walks here.

"Hey, I said, you don't feel cold!" The hard work of carrying the body together on the side said to Wu Hao. "It's so sinister, I said, let's put these bodies here and go straight!" The sky didn't know why it was slowly dimmed. It was originally a cold winter wind, and it made this hard work straight. Hey.

However, Wu Hao did not care. He carried the sentence of the body one by one, and then used the iron shovel to dig up the layers of the soil. Among them, a lot of corpses were dug, but she was a girl’s house. Fear, the hard work on the side looked at his face a little bit changed.

The pit was dug, and Wu Hao put the bodies in and filled them with good soil.

"We should go!" The hard work there has begun to be urged. No one in this ghost place is willing to stay.

However, Wu Hao did not show signs of leaving, but fell directly on the ground.

"Hey? Do you have any family members who are still dead here?" "The coolie came forward and said to Wu Hao, two people can also fight and fight together, one person really dare not come, wind up, and those There are wild dogs in the evening, and there are fireflies in the evening, so it is even more scary.

"Hey, mother, daughter is not filial, can't accompany you, big brother, you must take care of your mother there, you will see the second brother, three children, red, you can make a pair, don't think Miss, I don't I know, Xiaohong, you have liked three children for a long time. Three children, you have to take care of Xiaohong there. Xiaohong is a good girl. You can’t live up to people, Xiaohong, if you are bullying you, you Just tell the lady, the young lady will teach him for you. "Wu Wu muttered to his words and made the companions on the side creepy.

"爹娘! If you have a big hatred, you will come to see you. You will not die in white. I will let that Dong Zhi Liu’s **** debts pay for it!" Wu Hao’s voice became more and more detailed, and finally Wu Hao Directly unveiled the head cloth on the head and revealed the long hair.

"Ah, ah, ghost!" Long hair female voice, this is not the standard of the ghost, this hard work scared to run directly on the leg.

"Oh!" Wu Hao sneered. The word revenge has been swaying in his heart. (To be continued...)


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