My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 607: Broken Jiangling (1)

The large army of the Yangzhou Army began to act again, and the day was still not bright. From the hundreds of ships in Shiyang Shuijunying Village, they left Shiyang to go to Jingzhou South County. Which state is the most affluent state in the world? It is not Jingzhou. Liu is in Jingzhou and reuses Huangjia Cai. Home, the brushed sergeant, so Jingzhou, in addition to the Wang family and Nanyang Deng family, basically did not have any damage, Liu Bian got a complete Jingzhou, after the Central Plains war, Yuan Shu Cao Cao yellow towel Yu Yu, all smashed in the Central Plains, countless The people are displaced and they can only flee in order to survive, and Jingzhou is the best place to escape from these people.

With the Yangtze River as a scorpio, Jingzhou has a rich field, which can be said to be a land of fish and rice. Gradually, Jingzhou has a population of several million. This is not the flight of the Yangzhou generation of Yizhou. They also came to Jingzhou, which brought rich assets to Jingzhou. The natural business of many places has developed. Jingzhou has been peaceful for a long time, and Jingzhou businessmen are coming and going in the world.

Cao Cao Yuan Shu, and even Yuan Shaodu of Hebei and Jingzhou have done business. This is the second time that Jingzhou has issued a war money.

Therefore, Jingzhou is the most affluent state in the world.

What is the most affluent place in Jingzhou? That is Fuyang. Fuyang is the political center of Jingzhou. It has gradually become an economic center, a cultural center, and the merchants of Lumen College, the pastor and the merchants are all doing business in Fuyang.

The indirect luxury of Fuyang has led to the prosperity of a place, that is, Jiangling.

Although Jiangling did not have the same waterway as Xiangyang, he had an incomparable place in Xiangyang, that is, Jiangling not only had the Yangtze River as a barrier. He also relies on the hundreds of miles of swamps in Huarong Road.

Have such a geographical advantage. This is the best defense. In peace of mind, no matter which prince he will leave behind, Tao Qianzhi is Pengcheng, but Cao Cao came to attack Pengcheng, but he can defend against Cao Cao, because Xia is his back road, Yuan Shu Originally, the administrative center was Weinan, and later moved to Shouchun. Hebei’s Gongsun’s Beiping was also his back road.

This Gangneung is the back road of Liu Biao, in the Gangneung. Liu Biao can store a large amount of military materials, which is also convenient. Once the defense of Fuyang is not enough, he can retreat to Jiangling for the future.

Therefore, if you want to get Jingzhou, you need to get Xiangyang and Jiangling. It is enough for Fuyang to be too far away, but Jiangling is close at hand. Only with the blocking of Huarong Road, the Yangzhou Shuijun could not take him anyway. Now there is such a person who has told Lu Xun that Lu Xun has a way to cross Huarong Road. Lu Xun can be excited.

Tens of thousands of troops quickly took action and landed from Hanyangkou to the site of Jingzhou South County. After a half-day operation, the army finally came to the endless Huarong crossing, which was full of swamps. It’s all about rotten smells in one breath. It is disgusting, this is a natural barrier. If you know how to get along the road, if you don't know how to take this Huarong Road, then wait for you to go into this endless swamp.

"This general is not reliable in this general?" Huo Jun said to Lu Xun on the side, looking at Huarong Road in front of him, Huo Jun has a kind of taboo, because he sent hundreds of guards in the past few days. Peeping, but the last one was a dozen people. The other people were all swallowed up by the swamp. Even a body could not be found. It was because of the personal experience of Huarong Road that Huo Jun was even more reluctant to be unfamiliar. White scholar.

This number of mysterious people came to Shiyang City before the day to find Lu Xun’s opening. He had a way to pass Huarong Road. As for what methods should be said, there is no mention of words, but only when the words arrive at the place.

Huo Jun wanted to take this person and torture him and then ask questions, but he was stopped by Lu Xun. Lu Xun not only believed that this person had brought the army.

Lu Xun did not reply to Huo Jun but turned his head and said, "How to proceed now!" Lu Xun asked the white scholar on the side.

"There are two ways to choose!" This white book student said very lightly.


"Yes, two!" Bai Yi Shusheng nodded. "One of them is mowing the grass. Although Huarong Road is full of swamps, it can be used as long as it is covered with grass!" The most fearful thing in the swamp is the soft land. It is easy to get in. If you use the turf to spread the swamp to him, you can let the army pass.

This is a way, but Lu Xun is frowning. It is very simple, but the workload is huge. The entire Huarong Road has hundreds of miles in front and back. If this has been done, On which day of the year, at least one year's effort will be able to go to Gangneung, and there must be no season for heavy rain.

Lu Lun is not only not enough time, these food consumption is also a problem.

So Lu Xun did not want to veto this method "the second way?" Lu Xun continued to ask.

"I really don't consider the first road. The first road is complicated, but as long as you bring tens of thousands of troops plus 100,000 farmers, you can fill in Huarong Road within a few months!" Once.

"No!" Lu Xun shook his head, and 100,000 farmers said it was easy, but it was very troublesome to do, and the winter was over. In the spring, it was the season of spring ploughing, bringing out 100,000 farmers. It is ruined.

"Then the second road! This second road is a small road. I said in advance that he is a nine-dead life!" Bai Yisheng continued to speak to Lu Xun.

"Nine deaths?"

"Yes! In this Huarong Road swamp, you may fall into the swamp and die. Even if you are not in the mud, if you inhale too much poison gas, you will die, there is no poison, the swamp. There are also some beasts that will make you die. The poisonous snakes in the swamps at night are killing people invisible," Bai Shusheng said one after another to Lu Xun.

Lu Xun listened straight and frowned. He knew the danger of Huarong Road, but he did not expect it to be so dangerous.

wetlands. poison gas. poisonous insect. Beasts, these ones are not manpower to compete. Huo Jun on the side is hard to talk, because these things have been encountered by Huo Jun.

"These are not problems! As long as you can correctly point out the road!" Lu Xun wants to take Jiangling and must go to Huarong Road. He could have attacked from the waterway, but Jingzhou Liu Bianjun has a capable person, even in the waterway. On the river above the Yangtze River, the warship was deliberately sunk on the Yangtze River waterway, thus blocking the entry of the Yangzhou Shuijun warship, making it difficult for the Yangzhou Shuijun to attack Jiangling from the waterway. "Which is not dead, as long as it can pass!"

Bai Shu Shusheng nodded. "The last and most important death is to go through this path. Because the road is small, you can only pass with two thousand people!"

"Two thousand people? What a joke!" Huo Jun on the side finally spoke. If there is any swamp in front, the poisonous poison can still cope with it, then the two thousand people, Huo Jun is not satisfied.

Because they used to go to Huarong in the past, they went to fight and seize the city. Two thousand people walked through Huarong Road and suffered a lot of death and injury. It is not bad to have a thousand people left in Gangneung. It’s just a joke to rely on a thousand people to attack Gangneung City. Even if you took Jiangling City, you have to defend him. How can you fight this? It’s time to send it to death.

"Go or not, it depends on your own!" The white book scholar on the side said indifferently.

"General, I don't see this person honestly. We still take this person to torture it!" Huo Jun was dissatisfied with a white book student. He had doubts about the identity of this white scholar. They The Yangzhou army has just fallen into the doubtful point that Huarong Road cannot pass. The white-shirt scholars have appeared here. This is too coincidental. If it is a trap, what should be done?

"Trust me, I believe, don't believe me, then I will leave!" Bai Yishusheng also had a twilight against Huo Jun and Lu Xun. I am ready to shake my head and leave, but my heart is very bitter, and it is the year of revenge.

"Want to go? Here is what you said to go and leave! Come and give me a hand!" Huo Jun will tell his men's soldiers to pick up the white book.

"What do you want to do!" Bai Shusheng gave a look of alert.

"What do we do! Who is the one who sent you!" said Huo Jun, who was in the business of the spread. He would take down the white-study and ask the other questions.

"Stop!" Lu Xun opened up.

"General?" Huo Jun looked puzzled at Lu Xun, this white book student was too embarrassed, and the suspicion was very significant.

"Let the lady go," Lu Xun said to Huo Jun on the side.

"But the general." Huo Jun will rebut, suddenly stunned "Mr. Girl?"

"Oh, this gentleman, do you still have to pretend!" Lu Xun came to the white book and said to him in front of the white book.

The white scholar neither acknowledged nor denied that he just said "How do you know!"

"Oh, Mr., before you put it into a man, you should change your throat first!" Lu Xun is facing this white book, no, now it should be a woman in white.

"It turned out to be a throat knot!" White knew that Lu Xun had long seen that he was not a man.

"Oh," Lu Xun smiled. Lu Xun was puzzled when he first came to Lu Xun, because this white book grew so beautifully that Lu Xun, who is beautiful, has not seen it, for example. Jiang Dongmei Zhou Lang, is a handsome man, even his Lu Xun is also the same, Jiang Dong Zhou Lang if wearing women's clothing will certainly not be much worse than some women who are in the country, this is not going to let Lu Xun find, Lu Xun found The reason is that when the white book student talks, his throat is not moving at all, in other words, there is no throat.

So Lu Xun went to the heart. After Lu Xun and the white-study scholar had a conversation, the white-study student revealed more. Finally, Lu Xun really determined whether the white scholar was a woman or because he I admitted it myself.

Before Lu Xun was just a suspicion, there was no such thing as a big world, and no man without a throat was not.

Lu Xun’s breakthrough in this woman is to know what the woman wants.

The white woman looked at her family and was blinded. She simply did not cover up. He took the hair on his head. Spread the long hair. The handsome face and the flowing hair are fascinating.

"It turned out to be a girl!" Huo Jun could not help but lick his mouth and the woman should embroider at home. Come out to make fun of it, even the female medical officer in the army, Huo Jun is very disdainful.

"What do you want from the girl!" Lu Xun took the smile up. "There is no joke in the army. The girl did not replenish Lu to give a confession. Lu is not good enough to let the girl leave!" He Lu Xun pulled the army out, if Going back like this can be difficult to explain for the military. If Lu Xun is told that this woman is a conspiracy, then Lu Xun will be ruthless.

"I want you to give it!" The woman said coldly.

"You don't say. How do we know that we can't give it!" Lu Xun believes that this woman will not swindle herself to this Huarong Road for no reason, which has no benefit to her. Just if Lu Xun stopped it, I am afraid this woman It’s going to be taken back by Huo Jun and tortured. This will make it difficult to distinguish between life and death, and even get humiliated. Even if this woman is still here, this shows that the woman’s desire seems to be similar to that of their Yangzhou army. .

"I want that Dong Zhi's head can you give it?" The woman said to Lu Xun without giving face.

"Dong Zhi's head?" Lu Xun stunned, who is Dong Zhi?

"You mean Jiangling is too strict with Dong Zhi?" Huo Jun on the side helped Lu Xun to lift his doubts. Huo Jun was once a member of the Jingzhou Shuijun. So for some officials still remember, this Dong Zhi is Jiangling. Huo Jun once received military supplies from Jiangling.

"Do you want to kill Jiangling too?" Lu Xuan asked in confusion.

"This does not need you to manage!" The woman screamed "I only ask you if you want Jiangling City in the end, if you want Gangneung City, then you have to listen to me, if you don't want it, then the road is different. If you don’t do anything, let’s not do it!”

To kill Jiangling too defend Dong Zhi! The identity of this woman has already become the truth. It is not Wu Hao, one of the two brothers and sisters who did not die in Wu’s family. After burying the relatives in the family, Wu Hao left Jiangling and took a boat along the Yangtze River. He did not Going directly to the Huang family to help, but came to the Yangzhou Shuiyang Shiyang station, because the killing of his family is Jiangling Taishou Dong Zhi and the second son of Jingzhou Mu Liu, so he knows that even if he went to Changsha I can’t help Dong Zhi.

After all, Huang Zu could not attack Jiangling. Even if Huang Zu will seek justice for their Wu family, it is also the Year of the Monkey.

The most direct and most convenient is the Yangzhou Army.

"Our general asks you, why are you so ignorant?"

"Zhong Yu, you quit!" Lu Xun waved his hand. He didn't want Huo Jun to break into conflict with this white woman. Although Lu Xun did not know why this white woman wanted to kill Jiangling to defend Dong Zhi, but Lu Xun could see that the hatred on the face of the white woman was not fake. This woman and Jiang Ling are too strict with Dong Zhi.

"Where are you going or not!" The white woman continued to scream at Lu Xun.

"The generals of this woman are unclear and unbelievable!" Huo Jun on the side continued to speak.

"Go!" Lu Xun did not listen to Huo Jun's advice to him to look at this white woman.


"Do you trust me so much?" The white woman on the side looked at Lu Xun puzzled.

"I don't trust you, but I believe that you won't make fun of your own life!" Lu Xun said with a smile at the white woman. In fact, Lu Xun also has great doubts about this woman. The identity of this woman is him. Why do you want to kill Jiang Ling and keep Dong Zhi? How did he know that Huarong Road has a trail? These are all problems. Lu Xun wants to know, but Lu Xun has no time to think about it. Besides believing this woman, there are other ways. Got it!

They took the military order and came out to attack Jingzhou South County. As long as they won the South County, the expedition would not be a glimpse.

If you don't believe in the woman's words, then Jiangling would not want to attack it. It is more than enough to pull up the 100,000 army after a year and a half of recovery in Jingzhou. It is not a time to fight with Jingzhou. What the military wants, now what the Yangzhou Army wants is to support you to be fatal, and Xiangyang can’t be big, but Jiangling must take it down. If you win Jiangling Jingzhou, you can say that half of your life is gone. With Jiangling’s military capital, Yangzhou The army can also expand its army, so Jiangling must be taken down.

However, with Huarong Road, it is like a roadblock in front of the Yangzhou Army. The woman in front of me is the only possibility. So Lu Xun can't give up.

"Zhong Xiong. Pass the order, give me two thousand elite horses, prepare a few days of dry food, we are ready to go!" Lu Xun said to Huo Jun on the side.

"Do you want to bring the soldiers out in person?" The white woman on the side looked at Lu Xun and asked.

"Otherwise!" Lu Xun smiled.

"General can't!" Huo Jun on the side didn't want to refuse. "General, you are the commander of an army. If the army leaves you, you can't have a group." Huo Jun discouraged. "Let's let the end go!"

"Zhong Hao, although I am the coach of an army, but the most familiar to this army is Zhongkai you!" Lu Xun said to Huo Jun on the side, Huo Jun's age is much larger than Lu Xun. Lu Xun does not have no reason to do this. He will not know the danger ahead. Huarong Road, Baili Marshland, poisonous gas and constant life, one accidentally stayed here, and this battle is of great importance. To have a single commander, you must understand the art of war, and the only one who can stand alone in the Yangzhou Water Army is two people. One is that Huo Jun on the side is one of himself.

Although he said that Lu Xun is the commander of the whole section, but tell the truth. The most understandable of this new Yangzhou Shuijun is really Huo Jun, because most of the Yangzhou Shuijun now are the original Jiangxia Shuijun, and the commander of them is Huo Jun.

Therefore, Huo Jun is more suitable than himself to stay here to command the whole army. Otherwise, Huo Jun will leave. Lu Xun will have less bridges with these Jiang Xia Shuijun. After all, these individuals are newly surrendered. No Huo Jun is in Lu Xun. I am really afraid that the military may change.


"Nothing!" Lu Xun shook his head at Huo Jun. "That's it!"

Soon the two thousand soldiers and horses were assembled. These horses and horses are all elite horses and soldiers in the Yangzhou Shuijun. Lu Xun looked at the satisfaction of these men and nodded.

"What kind of medicine is there for the girl?" Lu Xun asked the white woman on the side, guided by the white woman, who brought a lot of cowhide and some ropes.

"No, let's go!" The white woman nodded and said something to Lu Xun and others.

"Well, the army is starting!" Lu Xun waved his hand at the soldiers and horses under his hand, and soon the army slowly entered the Huarong Road, which opened the **** mouth under the guidance of the white woman.

"Zhong Zhong, if I can't come back, you will take the army and wait for the order sent by Lijiang to act again!" Lu Xun confessed to playing things and followed the big forces into the Huarong Road.


"Girl, you know that you don't know how to go this way!" Lu Xun asked the white woman on the side with a twilight. They had already entered Huarong Road for several days. The swamps, poisonous poisonous insects have all encountered, the troops The loss is not small. These days, there have been nearly 100 deaths and injuries. Every day, there are ten or twenty robes that have been sleeping in this swamp.

But thinking about going through this swamp, what is the death and injury, but today Lu Xun is angry, because he found a busy yellow coarse cloth on the front of the reed, above, this fast cloth is not Yesterday Lu Xun bundled when he was resting in this place.

That is to say, they left for a day and died a dozen brothers, but finally ran back to the original place.

"I, I don't know!" This white woman is also anxious. Here is Huarong Road. It is not somewhere else. If you get lost in other places, you may go out and touch it, but here is a hundred miles of marshland. If you accidentally get swallowed up by this swamp, getting lost is basically a dead end. Although she had a map on her hand, this map did not take them out. This map is the Wu family portrayed them in Gangneung generations, Huarong swamp Su though scary, but after paying several generations of hard work still to find a path so come.

"Show me!" Said Lu Xun in front of white women, white women also resisted because he Yangzhou for Lu Xun's army is the biggest role is that he has a map, Lu Xun to be able to Shoudexia esprit de corps are out of this Huarong Road, so the white woman or a toe, for fear that white women have not lost to the map, or what unitary moths.

If the map white woman gave Lu Xun, for he is Lu Xun, there is no use value, it might be able to be buried here in the. This map but his amulet.

"Girl you're not out of this swamp Well?" Lu Xun in front of a white woman asked.

"Think! But the map can't be for you!" The woman in white was exceptionally firm.

"Oh. Don't you give me a map, can you take us out?" Lu Xun also asked the woman in white with a twilight.

The white woman shook her head. If they can take them out on the map, they have already left, instead of turning around now.

"Then give me your map! Let's see it together!" Lu Xun extended his hand and said to the woman in white.

The woman in white is still not very willing.

"Girl, if I want to kill you, do you think you have the power to resist?" Lu Xun said to the white woman, if Lu Xun wants to kill this white woman, this white woman has no room for rebellion because Lu Xun has two thousand soldiers and horses. Although these days are in the loss, they can also have one thousand seven hundred and eighty.

One thousand seven hundred and eight hundred grandfathers can't even deal with a little girl.

"You dare not kill me. Kill me, you really can't get out of this swamp." The white woman is also shaking her head against Lu Xun. If the white woman throws the map out or ruins, then everyone really wants to be buried.

"You know it is good~! We are all in the same boat. If you are less, it will be nothing. If you are missing us, let us not go out to this swamp. So who will help you revenge and help you kill Dong Zhi?" And girl, if we are missing you, we will not go out to this swamp, so our goal is the same. We all need to go out of this Huarong Road to Gangneung, we have to take down Jiangling. And the girl you want It’s Dong Zhi’s head. When we go out early, the girl can take revenge one day earlier.” Lu Xun’s words have already made the white woman a little tempted.

Just when the white woman was tempted, Lu Xun was quick-eyed and quickly grabbed the map from the woman in white.

"Why are you doing, and I am still on the map!" The woman in white found that her map was lost and she was going to **** it, but she did not care about her legs and feet and slipped directly into the swamp on the edge. The swamp was simply a cannibal. The beast that does not spit bones, soon the white woman lost most of her body on the swamp.

"Save, save lives!" The woman in white wants to struggle, but the more she struggles, the faster she falls into the ground.

"Fast, save people!" Lu Xun shouted loudly at the bottom of his hand.

"General us?" Thousands of people on the side will be a little hesitant, because the only thing that this woman is for their Yangzhou army is this map. Now that the map is in hand, what else is it to save this woman! After all, the enemy and me are divided into points. It is better to have more than one thing, let this woman die in this swamp.

"Let you save people and save people, there are so many nonsense." Lu Xun couldn't look at the map, and a soldier on the side rushed out and first tried to pull the white woman, but everything seemed to be nothing.

"The general went on!" Soon a rope was thrown down. The soldier quickly grabbed the rope and handed his belt to the past. "Hurry, catch!"

The white woman seems to have fallen into the water and grasped the last straw. The general woman leaned against the belt and pulled the white woman down to her side. As long as the white woman did not move, relying on the strength of the rope, the two could soon be covered by the robe. We will go up.

However, it is obvious that this white woman was scared. Whoever is like this, just died in front of her own, relying on herself is so close, only a few breaths, most of the people will be swallowed up by the swamp. If Lu Xun is killed, maybe the woman in white is really finished.

Therefore, the woman in white is not sure that she has been struggling with the death of the soldiers who are trying to save him.

"Don't move, don't struggle!" Lu Xun shouted loudly and fell into the swamp. The more you struggle, the faster you will fall into it. Once you have been wiped by the mud of the swamp, you basically haven't. saved.

Lu Xun shouted over there, the white woman seemed to be still struggling. The weight of the two men was already heavy and then accelerated into the mud. The white woman was once again struggling to get into it faster.

"Fast, save people!"

"Yes, General!" The soldiers who fell into the mud to save people seemed to know that the weight of the two could not be saved with the help of the ropes, so the soldier gave up the rope directly, but tied it in white. The woman’s body “the general is pulling!”

The later dozens of soldiers quickly pulled the white woman up. A person's weight is much easier than two people.

"There are still below. Throw the ropes fast!" Lu Xun shouted loudly. The rope was quickly thrown away again, but it was too late. The marshland of Huarong Road was a wild beast. He ate people without vomiting bones. The blink of an eye was a rescuer.

"Hey!" The woman in white was just rescued, and she was stunned.

Lu Xun did not say that it was a slap in the face. "Hey!" Hit the face of a woman in white.

"You, you, you!" The white woman stared at Lu Xun.

"Now you are satisfied!" Lu Xun shouted loudly at the woman in white. "To save you, he died. Dead! A life, by what, by what"

"Get the map out!" Lu Xun yelled at the white woman's anger, the white woman was a little scared, because Lu Xun's eyelids have begun to redden, and then stimulated, maybe the white woman really can't live.

"The white woman had to hand over the map.

Lu Xun looked at the map, and then compared the surrounding environment, he finally knows why he has been unable to go out. This map looks at the first year of the prime emperor on the map. This map was finalized at that time. The texture is now sixty years ago, sixty years. This swamp has been rich in water and soil. Some of the roads have been completely covered by mud for 60 years, or covered by those grown weeds. Where can I find a land?

Now that the white women can bring them here, it is already lucky, and they have not gone straight to the wrong way.

"Tell me, who are you?" Lu Xun took the map and looked at the woman in white.

"You will not know when you arrive in Gangneung!" The woman in white is still unwilling to reveal her identity.

"Will you go to Gangneung? Haha, rely on this map sixty years ago?" Lu Xun is angry, the map sixty years ago, he lost Lu Xun still believes this white woman, this is completely a dead end, the whole How did Huarong Road change its appearance and how to get out?

"I, I!" The white woman did not know how to explain.

"General, we killed this white woman!" Thousands of people on the side said to the white woman in a white dress. The hundreds of people who died and wounded in these days were all his men. Now I know the map. Sixty years ago, they may not be able to go out, but they are even more angry. They will kill this white woman and vent their anger.

"Kill her? Killing her is too cheap for him!" Lu Xun spoke to the woman in white.

"What do you want to do!" Wu Yi, a woman in white, panicked, and now the map is gone. He is completely useless and he may be killed.

"In order to save him, we have already died a robe! It is not too cheap to kill him! Even for that brother, he has to live! Instead of the brother to live!" Lu Xun said, "Come tell me, who are you?" Otherwise, even if I don't kill you, these brothers will not let you go."

"I, I am called Wu Hao, Jiangling Wu family." Wu Hao exposed his identity.

"Jiangling Wujia?" Lu Xun had an image. For this Wu family, Lu Xun could know that it was because Lu Jia once seemed to have done business with Wu, and the two were still in the world. In the generation of my grandfather, I was still married. If it wasn’t for the Lu family, the two families would still contact each other. Jiangling Ship King.

"Who is your father?" Lu Xun asked Wu Hao.

"My father is Wu Fan!" Wu Hao said to Lu Xun.

"Wu Fan? Wu Jiajiazhu?" Lu Xun asked, Wu Hao nodded. "You are the uncle Wu's daughter?" Lu Xun asked again.

"Uncle Wu?" Wu Hao did not understand, this is the commander of the Yangzhou Shuijun, Yangzhou generals, surnamed Lu, Mingxun, how can they have a relationship with their Wu family.

"If you are really the daughter of Wu Fan, the owner of Jiangling Ship King Wu, you should call me a cousin according to the generation!" Lu Xun said with a smile to Wu Hao, the Lujiang Lujia and Jiangling Wu family used to be World Trade, not only business upstream, but also on the family, Wu Fan once also embraced Lu Xun, how many years ago, and later Lu Jia was destroyed by Jiang Dong Sun Ce, Lu Xun also wanted to go to Jiangling to find Wu home to help revenge, but look The state of the Jingzhou Shuijun gave up the idea. I did not expect to see my cousin in Huarong Road now.

"How come you are here? Why do you want to kill Jiangling too defending Dong Zhi? Are you?" Lu Xun did not understand, Jiangling Wujia is a big sergeant in Gangneung, and I heard that he still relied on Jingzhou Huangjia, it was yellow. The left arm and the right arm of the family, Huang Zu is also the shackles of Liu Biao. Is this cousin really coming to calculate their Yangzhou army’s plot? However, if this is the case, then Uncle Wu is too willing to spend money.

"I am dying!" Wu Hao lowered his head and said to Lu Xun over there.

"Uncle Wu died?" Lu Xun's first reaction was not to believe that Wu's power in Jiangling was so huge who could kill Wu Fan? Even if there are people who deal with the Wu family, but also look at the face of the Huang family.

"The person who killed my father is that Jiangling is too strict with Dong Zhi!" Wu said that she told her that hundreds of people in her family were all killed by Jiang Ling’s Dong Zhi Dong Zhi and the Jingzhou Ergong’s Liu Wei’s men. That beautiful face is all a hateful look.

"Liu Table's second son Liu Wei?" Lu Xun frowned. Liu Lu, the man Lu Xun knows, but why Liu Wei wants to destroy the Wu family? This is not logical. Wu Jiake is a Jiangling Da Shi, in Shiyang City. Lu Xun was buried in Shiyang County, Wu Lin, in addition to wanting to make Jingzhou mutual suspicion, but also to give Wu a face, but did not expect Wu family to be destroyed by Liu Wei, Wu family behind Huang Jia, Liu Wei does not give Huang Jia face? Does this Jingzhou say?

"Seeking a cousin must avenge my Wu family!" Wu Hao knew that Lu Xun was his cousin and immediately fell down and said to Lu Xun.

"You are getting up, get up!" Lu Xun rushed to pay Wu Hao, revenge? Killing Dong Zhi to kill Liu Wei is no problem, but I have to go out first. Lu Xun looks at the surrounding vines and swamps, and there is such a map of sixty years ago. It is good to go out.

After knowing the identity of Wu Hao, Lu Xun relaxed a lot of vigilance against Wu Hao.

"The order is going on, telling everyone, there is still a short distance ahead, we will go out! Let everyone stick to it for a while." These days, in the middle of Huarong Road, in addition to fear, I am afraid that one accidentally died here. It is deep exhaustion. Many soldiers have already collapsed. They would rather kill the enemy on the battlefield than they would find it in such a swamp.

"Yes!" Thousands will be notified soon.

"Cousin, have you found the way?" Wu Hao asked Lu Xun.

"Where to find the way!" Lu Xun smiled and shook his head. If he found the way, Lu Xun was still like this. The reason why he said this is to improve his morale. Once the morale is broken, even if he goes out, there is no such thing. Useful.

"Go one step at a time!" Lu Xun stood up and followed the route above the map and walked down the swamp in the picture.

... (to be continued...) r1292


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