My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 638: Beaten

"Xu Du?" Liu Wei and Xu Wei are all a glimpse, Xu Du Cao Cao, he has nothing to send messengers to come. {3w.

"The Lord Gong is not a good person, come on!" Xu Wei on the side said to Liu Wei, although there was no war between Yangzhou and Xudu, but this is a face and heart, and sooner or later There will be one side falling down.

"Take him good or bad, this person is here, you can't push people out of the door." Liu Wei said with a smile on the side of Xu Wei, and he still admired Cao Cao Liu Wei, because this person is a generation.枭雄, if it’s not the generation of talents in this era or the chaos of the world is too slow, his Cao Cao’s Yang Shou stepped, I am afraid that no one in this world is really his opponent of Cao Cao, if Cao Cao can have the life of Sun Quan. I am afraid that history has been rewritten.

It can even be said that another huge dynasty has been shocked in the East since the Qin and Han Dynasties.

To Cao Cao, Liu Wei did not have much hatred, because he and Cao Cao did not have much contact. The only two of them talked face to face because of the siege of Kaiyang City. Liu Wei was inadvertently offended because he had read more paragraphs. Cao Cao.

After Yangzhou and Xudu each had a victory and defeat, Cao Cao fell into the battle of Guandu, a letter from Liu Wei, let him break Yuan Shao in Guandu and burn the grain of Yuan Shao’s 300,000 army, which was defeated.

When Liu Yuyang was besieged by Zhangzhou, Liuzhou, Yuzhou, Liuzhou, when Cao Cao had sent a hundred thousand grain of grass to the rescue, both of them knew that this was the use of the two sides. Liu Wei sent a letter to Cao Cao, which was afraid of Cao Cao. Unable to live in Yuan Shao, history has changed. Once Cao Cao lost. Then there is really no one in the world who can stop Yuan Shao.

Cao Cao sent Liu Wei a hundred thousand grain grass. That is also the fear that Liu Bei will grow up and stir up. When Liu Bei has only tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, he will let Cao Cao have a headache. Don’t say that he will give him more than one place. No matter whether it is Lu Bu or Liu Bei, Cao Cao does not. I hope that they will unify the Central Plains, and this will give the Yangzhou Army 100,000 emergency food.

Therefore, both sides belong to such a situation that the two departments owe each other. The most recent conflict between Yangzhou and Xu was the time when the Yangzhou army attacked Yuzhou comprehensively, although it failed to eliminate Liu Bei. But now Liu Bei is just lingering.

"Come, come in and bring in the angels of Xu Dulai!" Liu Wei waved his hand and let his men bring the messenger of Cao Cao into the hall.

"Yes!" The guards on the side nodded and went out. Soon from the main hall, there were three faces that entered the hall.

One of the tops was dressed in the official uniform of the big man, and his face had a proud look. He strode into the hall, and the way he was determined was the master here.

"Which one is Liu Wei Liu Hanyang! I don't want to greet the angels quickly!" The man screamed at the crowd in the hall.

"Let's relax!" At that time, Guan Hai immediately squinted at his eyes. Who is Liu Wei? He is the king of the Great Han Dynasty. He is the master of this Yangzhou, and he let Liu Xi down. Isn't this looking for death? "Do you know who my family is?"

"How? Even if the king saw the angel, if he saw his majesty, he had a will. The courtier dared to stand?" The man said proudly, "Is this the owner has an anti-sense?" Ah, you have nothing to do with your sin. If you don’t take the initiative, then you have antisense and rebellion.

It is true that Emperor Handi has the will. As a courtier, he must greet him, even fasting, bathing, and so on. He can pick up the sacred purpose, but it is the time when the great Han flourished. Now is the time, now is the chaos, the Han Emperor The order can not be made out of Xu Du, completely complete is Cao Cao’s amount. He is the same as Cao Cao and Liu Wei. It’s all the princes of this world are equal. Now you are such a Cao Cao’s embarrassing man who wants him Liu Wei. Your Majesty, this is not a joke, sincerely looking for something.

Guan Hai’s anger will come forward to win this so-called angel, but it was stopped by Liu Wei. If Guan Hai took the Cao Cao’s messenger, his Liu Wei’s metric is too small, let alone Directly, then he can not take advantage of Yangzhou.

"Well? When did the Cao Cao's messenger change to an eunuch?" Liu Wei asked a little doubt and asked himself from the side of Xu Wei.

Xu Weigang wants to persuade Liu Wei not to dispose of Cao Cao's messenger. After all, it is well known that you met him. If you have now won this Cao Cao messenger, although the prestige of the Han room has dropped to a certain extent, but after all, everyone still abides by it. What's more, you Liu Wei has a national surname, and it is the king of the big man. This Han room is insulted. How big is the face of your great man, so this is not a move to smash your own feet, now I can bear it, when the angel left, yes, there are two little thieves on the road, or there is a mob that smashes the angel’s car. This accidentally sent the angel to see the emperor. I know it.

However, Xu Wei saw a very indifferent Liu Wei, and could not help but smile, this master has also matured.

Liu Wei’s speech is also level. This so-called angel is from Xudu. The main son of Xudu is Cao Cao. Who is this **** used? Then only Handi and Wang Jue can use eunuchs, and the rest are considered to be Passover.

If this so-called angel, you admit that it is to pass the message for Cao Cao, then you are just Cao Cao’s men. Cao Cao met Liu Wei, the king of the king, and he also bowed his head and bowed to the prince, who made his title not Liu. It’s high.

If this so-called angel says that he is coming on behalf of the Han Emperor, then Liu Wei’s sentence is not only to blame this person as a monk, but also to provoke the relationship between Handi and Cao Cao, you are obeying Cao Cao came to the letter, but you said that you are a Handi person. Can Cao Cao give you good fruit after he returns?

"Lord, this is the man who is used by Cao Sikong, and only the **** can be used underneath!" Xu Wei and Liu Wei sang a double spring. "I don't know if this angel is a Cao Sikong person, or is it a man of Han Dynasty?" Xu Wei is holding a fist in this man.

In fact, there are basically no eunuchs in the Xudu. Because of the ten frequent service, the current Han Diguang has a revenge but has no such ability. If he has no ability, he has energy. After all, it is young. Well, so that this energy can be put on the eunuch's body, a group of eunuchs naturally fell into the mold, in addition to the daily service, basically no important positions for them. Even the messengers who represent Handi are the same men.

"You!" This person is not a fool. Naturally, he understands the key points. He clearly follows the orders of Cao Cao. He also eats under the hands of Cao Cao. You said that you represent Handi. This is not a matter of eating. He came here to wear the letter of Cao Cao, and the second is to want to take the prestige of this king.

"This is the boss of Cao Sikong, who came to Yangzhou for the purpose of Cao Sikong!" The man said with a calm voice to Liu Wei and others.

"Oh, it turned out to be the man of Cao Mengde, not the man under the Han Emperor." Liu Wei nodded. This man is of course the man of Cao Cao. Now how much is the Han Emperor, it is a discerning person who sees it. Come out, this Han Emperor did not have much time to be an emperor. Once he took the North, Cao Cao must seal the king and wait for a few years. This is called the emperor.

Originally there was a Fu family, Dong Jia was helping Handi to do things, but Liu Bei, this messing crowbar, in order to get Cao Cao’s help, he resisted Liu Wei and sold the Fujia Dongjia all. The book Cao Cao sold Dong Jiafu’s house. I have to get rid of it, and this volt is killed. Dong’s family has also been ransacked. The forerunner of this car is there, and there are people who dare to be Handi’s men.

"Whether the ambassador represents Han the Emperor, it is also representative of Cao Sikong. This Cao Sikong is in charge of the central government to guard the world. This edition has the purpose of the next, Liu Wei Liu Hanyang, don't you take it down!"

"Oh, there is the will of your Majesty, then I am Liu Hanyang, oh..." Liu Wei’s temper to bow down, the man on the side looks good, let him Liu Han Liu Hanyang is the king of the Han Dynasty, but also in front of this sacred purpose Worship, this version goes back, this Cao Sikong will certainly appreciate a certain family, but the smile on the face has not completely dried up and solidified.

Because of his huge foot in front of his eyes.

"Hey, look at your old wood!" The owner of this foot is naturally our Royal Highness. "A dog in a district, Cao Cao, dares to let me meet under Liu, I see you are impatient, even if Cao Cao When I saw that I had to be respectful and called for my Highness, you counted something, and dared to bark in my hall. You don’t look at this place.” Liu Wei’s foot is more than a kick, there is Liu Wei wants to attack Jingzhou thinking about such a big cake, but he can't get it. This grievance is not divergent. Here is what **** angel.

"The Lord's father played well and played well!" Guan Hai called on the side. Zhou Cang's rare did not follow his mouth, it was because of this thick smile, the heel was smashed up.

"Liu Liu Liu Hanyang, you are so bold, you dare to beat this angel, this angel will go back and tell you, you have no big man in your eyes, see the sacred purpose and not swear!" This messenger of Cao Cao is still hard, by Liu Wei The general is still shouting, this energy is good.

"Oh, this website will let you die clearly." Liu Wei looked at the messenger of Cao Cao who was still struggling under this foot. "First, you are Cao Cao's men, not Handi's men. Cao Cao sees me. Three points of courtesy, you have to learn to squat with a dog, this second, huh, huh, you said that you have a sacred purpose?"

"Of course! Today, if you don't take over, you will beat this angel. You must be against it, but it is reversed!"

"Don't say whether this sacred decree is false, even if it is true! Hey, no one told you before you gave birth, this king is not only a book of the king, but also a holy king, what is the holy king, Seeing the monarch and not bowing, seeing the sacred purpose and not welcoming, so hit you, you can understand?" Liu Wei said that he was kicking up again. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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