My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 649: Liquidation (2)

Sun Ce’s words made Sun Quan completely on the spot. Sun Ce knew that he had to rebel. Why didn’t he stop him? That’s because Sun Ce couldn’t bear to believe it either. After all, Yangzhou’s Liu Wei was counted as an enemy, but Sun Quan was My own brother, do you believe in the words of the enemy and doubt your own brother? &{}..{}

Therefore, Sun Ce was extremely firm, and even this thing he did not even tell Zhou Yu, because Cao Cao's messenger revealed a clue, and Sun Ce deliberately traveled to hunt and led this small.

Originally, Sun Ce thought that Cao Cao’s thief was not dying to kill himself. For Sun Gong’s appearance, Xu Ce was not shocked, nor was he confused. Because Sun Ce had already let Lu Meng Ling Cao stand in the middle of Maolin, he wanted to seize Xu Gong. Behind the scenes, because Xu Gong actually took out the bed, this thing is top secret in Jiangdong, it needs to be removed from the warship, and the warship is very strict on this thing, even if the warship is sunk, Let's burn this bed.

However, this Xugong actually had a bed, so that Sun Ce could not bear it. His Jiangdong high-ranking people had Cao Cao's people. Sun Ce was able to get it, but Sun Ce did not expect that this behind-the-scenes person would be Sun Quan.

"It turned out that you have already known it." Everything Sun Quan did was seen by Sun Ce. All Sun Ce was prepared in advance, and he waited to seize the shackles of the shackles. A joke. Sun Quan’s bitterness fell on the ground.

"Come, come to me to take this thief grandson and give it to me." If other people, then it must be a word, but who makes Sun Quan the brother of Sun Ce. At the end of the day, Sun Ce is not going to go down. This pickpocket can only bite the teeth. "Take me out and put it in the prison. Send heavy soldiers to guard."

"Yes!" Soon Sun Quan was taken down by several Jiangdong soldiers.

"Dissipation. Now Jiangdong matters are all handed over to Zhuge and walk." Sun Ce said to the people below, he did not believe that the Gangdong Clan, and now Sun Ce can be used, either Hanshi, or other state's sect. Zhuge and the two of them just met the conditions.

"Chen and so on!" Jiangdong a group of Wenwu all retreated.

"Zhuge adults congratulate, congratulations!" Sun Ce walked away, and immediately a group of Jiangdong people gathered around Zhuge and walked in front of Zhuge and walked with congratulations.

"Tongyi, Tongxi!" Zhuge can only hold the fists back to these two colleagues.

"Oh. But after leaving the dog, I don't know if this can make it a few days." The left side of the guard is full of sour feeling.

"That is, Zhang Changling, will come back sooner or later, some people will not stay in this position!"

"You!" Zhuge is an honest man, not good at words, listening to these people's cool words, can only be sulking, but do not know how to counterattack.

Zhuge is not good at words, but there is a person who is good at words. "In one day, you have to control your day! Where is left?" Step by step. How about Zhuge, I wouldn’t care if I walked. But now Zhuge Yu became a long-term ambassador. He became a deputy of Zhuge Yu, and the lord was so humiliated that his deputy's face would not look good.

"What do you want in Huangkou's children!" Taishou left to stand up and anger.

"Don't I have a person standing up and down in Jiangdong." The stance turned a blind eye to Zuo Li's anger.

"There is naturally left to guard!"

"If there is, then why did you see the Shangguan not paying homage?" Steps continue to speak.

"I am waiting for the yellow mouth children, put together and let me stand up to pay homage." Zuo Li still refused to serve.

"Without what, it is because our family is the leader of the Jiangdong who personally established the lord. You are worshipping or not worshipping." He smiled and looked at Zuo Li and asked, this smile looks sly but left. In the eyes, it is like a demon. Originally, it was just a dispute between the bureaucrats. It was like a political disagreement, but it was stepped on the line. If you worship, your face will be lost. If you don’t worship, then you will despise the Shangguan, but you will be blamed. When you march, you will kill.

Zuo Li is still hesitating to talk about the Jiangdong officials who have friendship with Zuo Li and Zuo Li. "Left Taishou, you will worship. This Zhuge Yu said that it is also my current ambassador, but it is just a worship." ”

"Zhuge Chang made the adult, the left adult, has been old, this figure can not be opened, can you avoid the etiquette." Some people persuaded Zhuge, the original Zhuge 瑾 does not matter, it is necessary to open, but the steps are plugged in, In the ear of Zhuge's ear, "If the adult wants to be a servant who can't display any ambitions, then the adult is kind. If the adult wants to exert his ambition and can make his words and deeds, then please Adults listen to me." The words of walking made Zhuge’s foot stop.

If you are not rude in your home, you will not be ethical. If you are rude in your home, you will have no ethics. The meaning of walking is that this old lady must be given to Zhuge.

If you look at your steps, if you don’t act on the left, he will really kill people and take the left stick.

If there is no persuasion from the previous people, then Zuo Li must be a salute, but there is a lot of mouth on the side, and immediately left to stand up. "The old man went to worship the heavens and the earth, and worshipped the monarch. He once worshipped the yellow mouth and did not worship!"

"Don't you really worship?" Stepped and asked again.

"Don't worship!"

"Well, come and give me this contempt for the left position of the Shangguan, and drag it out to blame the five." It should have been ten, but he was afraid that he would become a five-year-old.

"I see who dares to take the boss!" The Jiangdong sergeants on the side face each other.

"Why, you didn't even listen to the orders of the adults, but you want to defy the Shangguan with the left, or want to rebel against the same tribute." The steps can deepen the Lord twice. These gangs can listen to Sun Ce.


"Yellow mouth children, you remember to me, I want to go to the high master, I want to sue the Lord!" Zuo Li was finally dragged down. Zhuge Wei is also afraid of killing Zuo Li on the spot, step by step, and has already let the men of the people release the water. If the five people go down, even if the person in charge of the rod is released, it is not the left head that the old man can hold, two or three I don't know if Zuo Li is angry or what I have stunned.

Stepping waved his hand and letting his hand retreat, "Give the old man to go back to the government. Next time, if someone dares to despise the Shangguan, Zuo Li is an example!" Step by step, let the following Jiangdong Wenwu have a glimpse of Zhuge, (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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