My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 663: Civil disorder

In these few days, Lu Su has been staying in his own home, the old father's retention, and Lu Su's kindness to his father, so that Lu Su did not want to go out for a few days. Liu Wei asked Lu Su to make Jiang Dong, and also Let Lu Suyi return to the hometown, but Lu Su is not idle, the previous letter is still on his case.

Lu Su now has a letter in his hand, the owner of this letter, so that Lu Su could not help but open him to watch.

The owner of this letter is called Dai Yun. This person is not a neighbor. It is just before this that the military commander of Hao Shao who led the team on the Yangtze River Water Village is precisely because of this person’s performance on the Yangtze River. He was taken up by Liu Wei, and he changed from a thousand people to a million people. Now he has 10,000 Yangzhou new army in his hands. Now this 10,000-year-old Yangzhou new army is stationed on the land of Jiangdong.

Because Sun Ce intends to surrender, so in order to show their sincerity of Jiangdong, specifically allowed 10,000 Yangzhou new army to be stationed on the land of Jiangdong, so that Yangzhou rest assured that Jiangdong is also assured.

And now the letter sent by Dai Yun is telling Lu Su some things.

"Shang Shu adults, how does this Dai Yun general say?" Yang Chen is also on the side, and Lu Su did not avoid him.

“Dai Yunlai’s letter said that Wu Hou began to send grain and livestock, and asked what should we do?” Lu Su said to Yang Chen.

"How can this Wuhou be so good?" Yang Chen was a little frowning, and this Wuhou adult was too enthusiastic.

"What he should think about is that after joining Yangzhou, he can let the Lord and let him live a life." Generally speaking, basically few surrenders are good. Tao Qian’s son surrendered to Liu Da’er and finally disappeared without a trace.

Lu Su is now very satisfied with Jiang Dong’s attitude of surrender. Sun Ce spit the truth after drinking. His dissatisfaction with Liu Wang’s dissatisfaction was definitely not pretending. It was a one-time explosion of long-term accumulation.

Jiangdong surrendered, and it was also forced to do so. Lu Su knew that if Jiangdong had a chance to win, even if it was only one percent, I am afraid that he would not give up. Now Jiangdong has no retreat. Yangzhou is in a crush on Jiangdong, both above its strength and above its righteousness.

"Shang Shu adults, I think we are still careful!" Yang Chen still has a skeptical attitude.

Lu Su thought for a while "No! This is a piece of mind of Jiangdong Sun Ce. If we refuse, it is inevitable that Wu will not think too much! Now it is almost ready to go, just waiting for me to go back to Jianye, then Wu Hou and I talk Surrender is appropriate, and now it should not be a life-threatening thing." Lu Su still decided to accept the things sent by those Sun Ce, not many, that is, some animals and the like, there are some hot food.

"What about those people who sent them?" Yang Chen continued to ask, he took the letter from Lusu's hand, and the letter also said that the people are also sending things to the army according to the village. .

"The people sent it. They all returned to the people, we don't need the people's things!" Lu Su said to Yang Chen. That Sunze thing they can take, it is because Sun Ce is asking for them, want to show to the Lord in Shouchun.

It is good that these people can have this kind of mind. This shows that the people are very welcome to the king. I hope peace. The people have always lived in the same way. Those meats may not be eaten for a while, so Lu Can not want these people's things.

"Okay, then I will send people to the riverside camp, so that General Dai Yun only accepts the livestock of Sun Ce Sun Bofu, and all the things of the people are returned to them!" Yang Chen also nodded.

"So very good!" Lu Su said to "Come on." Yang Chen took the box and left, and an old man entered the study room in the handling of the two servants.

"Father? How come you?" Lu Su saw his father rushed to meet.

"This is not the time to eat, I see how you still have to go, this came to see you!" The old lady said with a smile to his son.

"The son is not filial, let his father worry!" Lu Su said with a low head.

"What is not filial or filial, if you feel that you are not filial, then go early, give me a wife to come back, let me hug my grandson." Lu Taigong also wants grandchildren, to know who is the same as Lu Taigong Not to be a grandfather, even the old and his family have had several dolls.

"Father!" Lu Su's face is a bit shy, Lu Su is such a big man, these years have been thinking about the use of grand plans, but really did not think so much about their own personal affairs.

"Is that the king of the palace down the news?" Lu Taigong smiled and asked Lu Su on the side.

Lu Su was a little hesitant and did not say it immediately.

"Can't say even if it is" Lu Lao Taigong is kind, in order to help his son's staff to consult the staff, as the saying goes, the family has a treasure.

"My father can't say it, it's not a big deal, but my Yangzhou terracotta warriors and horses have not already crossed the Yangtze River and are stationed on the riverside. So here, Wu Housun policy has a courtesy to my army, often sending chickens and ducks. There are some animals in the fish, and the generals in front are not daring to be the masters, so I came to the letter and asked me if I should stop." Lu Su spoke to his father.

"Wu Wu sent the soldiers of Yangzhou to the livestock and cattle?" Lu Taigong could not help but frown. This person basically has something other than the loved ones. You are purposeful. This Wuhou adult has nothing to offer, what he wants,

"Yeah! Probably because I want to wait for Jiang Dong to return to Yangzhou and let the Lord see him more. Let us say a few words for him in the hall!" Lu Su explained to his father. .

"Is it?" The old man’s decades of experience tells him that it seems that it is not so simple here. His Sun Ce does need someone to say good things to him in front of Liu Wei, so that he can still have a good life after he surrenders. However, he placed a priest under the prince of the king, and he was not pleasing to the loyal minister Lu Su, he went to please those who are eight? The old man just wanted to think deeper, but he was interrupted by his son.

"Let's go. Father. I am hungry. I am too busy to forget the time." Lu Su said and waved at the two servants on the side. He fell down, meaning he was carrying his father.

The old Taigong did not swear by his son. This is a kind of happiness. "Go, let's go cold if you don't go to the food!"


Yangzhou Shouchun Criminal Department Tuen Mun, a small rush to the small courtyard, this place is not the other place, but the intelligence department of the Criminal Department, which is the place responsible for correspondence. For example, if there are any big cases on the local level, local officials can't do the Lord's, and naturally a letter is sent to the criminal department to let the criminal department preside over justice.

Similarly, the relatives of the criminal department at home, if they want their own relatives, they can also write to the Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Justice, and then the intelligence department will organize them and send them to the hands of the adults.

"Is there a letter from Jiangdong today!" The little sister ran to the Intelligence Department and had not breathed a sigh of relief. He asked directly.

"Not yet! The Wu brothers are relieved. If there is a letter from Jiangdong, if it is, then it will be given to Zhuge adults!" The director of the Intelligence Department on the side said to this little polite.

The director of this intelligence department is not too small. At least it is provincial, but it is such a civil servant. It’s polite to this little girl.

That's not it! This little cockroach has nothing in itself, but the one who stood behind the little cockroach, but the boss of the entire criminal department, is the singer of the criminal department Zhuge Kongming.

This little surname Wu, the name of the wave, is the little book boy of Zhuge Liang. Originally, according to Wu Hui’s ability, the big one did not dare to say that it was more than enough to be a county magistrate in a small county under Yangzhou’s rule.

Unfortunately, this county magistrate is good, but our Wu Hui children's shoes are not willing to go, he still wants to stay with his son, so that you can learn more from the son, this two, he Wu Hui is also lazy, with a son, how comfortable it is, everything is a plan for the son, do not want him Wu Hui brain, he just run errands just fine.

Besides, at the side of the son, the son is now a book of the criminal department. Who can not give him Wu Hui face, and the dog must also look at the master.

Wu Hui ran to the Intelligence Department. That was because Zhuge Liang gave it. Zhuge Liang asked him to come to the Intelligence Department to ask if there was any correspondence in Jiangdong, because some time ago, Zhuge Liang sent a book to his brother Zhu Gejun in Jiangdong. Zhuge Liang has been waiting for this brother's reply.

Listening to the information department, there is no news, Wu Hui can only go back to Zhuge Liang to return to life.

"Not yet?" Zhuge Liang's face is very bad. His letter was sent out a few days ago. It should have been reasonable to say that it was time to go back, and the time to return a letter is very fast, but it has not been until now. Message. You must know that Zhuge Liang’s letter is not just a book.

"No, I can't wait any longer!" Zhuge Liang slammed his feet. "Wu Hui gave me a spare, I want to go to the house of the Lord."

"Gongzi, you were not driven out by His Royal Highness the last time, did you go this time?" Wu Hui looked at Zhuge Liang with a little hesitation, the last time Lu Su’s letter, but let Liu Wei ridicule Zhuge Liang for a while. At that time, Zhuge Liang was back with iron and blue face. On that day, Zhuge Liang made a big fire, and the entire study was overthrown by him.

"I have to go out! Sun Ce, Zhou Yu? These two people are not so easy to admit defeat. Not at the last moment, absolutely can not relax," Zhuge Liang shook his head, Zhou Yu and his Zhuge Liang, both are smart people Smart people will reject each other. Zhuge Liang admits that his dislike of Zhou Yu is one kind, and one is that it was like Zhuge Liang on the Yangtze River.

Zhuge Liang was arrested by Huang Gai, and even was persecuted by Zhou Yu. Lu Xun was also stopped there. Sun Ce thought that the victory was in the grip, but he did not expect to be turned over. It was burned by Zhuge Liang with a big fire.

He Zhuge Liang can play like this, this Zhou Yu is not a good person.

Wu Hui is stubborn but Zhuge Liang, so he can only go to the Jiao, at this time, a small civil servant ran over, "Returning to the Shangshu adults, Wu Daren. Jiangdong wrote a letter!" He said that the letter in his hand was handed over to the past. ,

Wu Daren? This is what Wu Hui asked the people in the criminal department because he also wanted to have an official addiction, but in fact he was a white body. Wu Hui wanted to know if his son would know how to be so good at making an idea, but it would be obvious. He Wu Hui thought more, because Zhuge Liang had no time to deal with him.

I saw that Zhuge Liang took the letter directly from the hand of this small bureaucrat. Three, five, and two were removed.

I looked at the past ten lines. Look at it. The expression on Zhuge Liang’s face is colorful.

There is a kind of gratification, because it is Zhuge Yu’s brother’s concern for Zhu Geliang’s younger brother. The friendship between the two brothers is naturally gratifying.

There is also a look of great joy, with Zhuge’s words on it. He has already achieved the position of Jiangdong’s ambassador. Zhuge Liang is also happy for his brother. At the same time, he also verified his previous guess. That is, this Zhou Yu Sun policy is really uneasy and fundamental. There is no intention to surrender.

After the hardship, it is an anxious kind of anger. "Quickly give me a spare, I will go to the house of the Lord!"

"Ah! The son of your son got this letter. You have to go!" Wu Hui asked in confusion.

"Of course, I have to go, it is because the letter got me that I have to go! Go to the Jiao, no, no, give me a horse!" Zhuge Liang is too late.

Soon the horses of the criminal department were ready, Zhuge Liang was directly launched, and Wu Hui, who was behind him, went straight to the palace.


Jiangdong is built on the edge of the river. It was originally a good port. It is responsible for the handling of cargo ships and ships between Jiangdong and Jingzhou. It can be said that the scale is very large, but because these years Jiangdong has been losing. Some time ago, he lost the status of the Yangtze River hegemony, so this military port was empty.

Now it is no longer playing the banner of Jiangdong, but a master. Now the banner is black, the flag of the Yangzhou Army.

That's right, this former Jiangdong Army's military port has now been let out to the Yangzhou Sail.

In this big camp, Dai Yunzheng is hosting the guests. Outside the big camp, what kind of rice and car fish are in a car, filled with dozens of cars, and the Yangzhou Sailors in the camp are watching If you are a swallow, how much oil can you have?

Even if Yangzhou is a very wealthy place to be a soldier, a soldier who sees a soldier will see it once a month.

With so many cars and big fish, these soldiers can watch and not spit.

These are now blocked by their general Dai Yun, outside of the big camp, because these things are sent by Jiang Hou’s Wu Housun, and Dai Yun does not dare to accept it, so he can only have one letter. Fast horse quickly sent to the opposite side of the Yangtze River to tell Lu Xun, Lu Xun did not know that it would not be collected, only Dai Yun asked Lu Su in Jiangdong, after all, it is still based on Lu Su.

Without Lusu’s order, he dared to be good at it.

"I said General Dai Yun, these fishes, it is not a good thing. It’s just my house. I’m looking at the soldiers who are working harder. This is a good idea. You will accept it!” The cover said to Dai Yun.

"General Huang is not not accepting me, but you and I are all military. When you know the soldiers, you should take the military order. If you sent me to Daiyun to send me home, then I can take it with Dai Yun, but you are giving it to me. I don't have the above order. I dare to ask. "Dai Yun is also arguing against Huang Gai.

"There will be opportunities, there will be opportunities! Huang Gai said with a smile, waiting for you to be the official of the same hall, and still have to work on the generals of the Generals! I also hope that General Dai Yun can give advice to one or two. !"

"Where, where are you, I encourage and encourage together!" Dai Yun smiled in his heart. He knew that he would not come to be a million person. It was really tired, not tired, but tired of dealing with people. He was under the command of General Hao Shaohao, as long as he listened to the order, General Hao asked them to play where they played where they are.

"Report, report to the general, Lu Su's letter to the adults." Just when Dai Yun was resigning, there was a messenger coming over and taught Dai Yun a letter.

Dai Yun dismantled the open letter, which said that Lu Su let Dai Yun accept the big fish and meat that Wu Hou sent, and those people's things, he Dai Yun want to return one by one.

"How, Dai General, how does this Lu Shangshu say?" Huang Guy asked Dai Yun on the side.

"Oh, General Huang, I really didn't want to go, let General Huang go to give me the meat. I don't know what to say." Dai Yun smiled and said to Huang Gai.

Listening to Dai Yun’s tone, “Let’s say that Lu Shangshu agreed to the general’s acceptance?” Huang Gai also said with a smile.

"Also!" Dai Yun nodded. "General Huang, you should not leave today, just sleep in my camp. You and I have a good drink."

"So very good!" Huang Gai also nodded and said.

"Good! Come on!" Dai Yun shouted out of the account.

"General!" Several Yangzhou new troops came to Daiyun's face and fell down. "Come a thousand people. Bring him out of the camp to the camp. Tonight, brothers add vegetables. ""

"Well?" As soon as I heard Dai Yun say so, a few of the soldiers were a happy one. When there was a big fish in the evening, how could it be unhappy? Immediately nodded and said that he was ready to take the lead, but was stopped by Dai Yun.

"I haven't finished talking yet. You guys are anxious about what the monkeys are!" Dai Yun's face was a bit bleak, but the gangs still smiled shamelessly because he knew that the new general would not really be against him. angry.

"Beyond the camp. You have to say goodbye. Those fish that you have sent from Wu can be taken to the kitchen and added to the dinner at night, but those people sent them, just like the last time, you one by one. The sub-divided, which one sent by the people, which village sent it back to others, if they are no longer, you will send it to others. We don’t want to use the people’s things, don’t understand, don’t understand!” The cloud shouted at the soldiers under the hand.

"I understand it!" There are not many things that the people themselves have sent. Therefore, it does not matter to the people.

"General army is really rare, don't want the people's needles and lines, so the king is no wonder that he has always won the battle." The yellow cover on the side is like Daiyun.

"Where is it," Dai Yun modestly said, "These are all guided by His Royal Highness, and our courtiers are just doing it. "Come here, General Huang, let’s go to the camp and wait for them to do it. ! ”

"Well!" Huang Gai nodded and Dai Yun walked in front. He didn't see the yellow cover but was posing at the bottom of the two men. The two sergeants nodded on the side of the road. On the big army with his stomach hurt, a sergeant left the camp, and a sergeant seemed to walk toward the depths of the camp. I quickly changed clothes from inside and became a member of the Yangzhou Army.

"General, general!" The sergeant who came out of the camp immediately ran away and went to the jungle on the edge of the city. He shouted for a long time and then walked out of the team. The leader of the team was not someone else. It is our old acquaintance, our close relatives of Wu Hou adults, Lu Meng, but now our general Lumeng, wearing the military uniform of Jiang Dongjun, but the style of Yangzhou Army.

"How?" Lu Meng asked the priest. "Is the old general still fine?"

"Well! General Lu, our general has been invited by the Dai Yun into the water tank, this Dai Yun also received the things sent by the Lord, now waiting for the generals to act!" Lu Meng speaks.

"Okay, I know! You can go back and regain the reward." Lu Meng said to the yellow-clad sergeant.

"It's a general!" This gentleman's face is a joy, his task is completed, and in the city of Jianye, will the Lord still give him a reward? With these rewards, you can spend a few more days.

Just as the gentleman was ready to turn around and suddenly left his face, his smile solidified. He widened his eyes and looked at his chest. A cold knife had penetrated his chest. He was tough. I fell over and looked at the past. He couldn't believe it. He looked at Lu Meng's eyes and seemed to be asking why.

"Sorry for the brothers, this thing is too strict, can not let too many people know, so you can only grievances! You can rest assured, your family and the guild will help take care of!" said Lu Meng from this sergeant The sword was pulled out of the chest, and the blood flew out. The gentleman was lying on the ground and no longer moved.

"Well, let's go!" Lu Meng disposed of the sergeant and left with his sergeant. If you look carefully, you will find that the gangs who follow Lvmen have no language at all. If you look closely, you will find that some people who open their mouths have no tongue in their mouths.

This group of people is a slain, a sergeant trained by the sects from an early age. Their existence is only for the master to implement the plan, it can be regarded as a victim.

Lu Meng and his party soon left the jungle. Their direction is not the other. It is a small village that lives outside Jianye City.

Under the village.炊 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 袅袅 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 , , It is different from those of the scholars. Jiangdong, which the people care about, will be able to have a tax of 30%, and they will be able to eat enough in the coming year.

Lu Meng looked at the village below. It seems to have met before. He was also a poor boy from such a small village. Later he was appreciative of the grandfather Sun Ce. This has now achieved such achievements.

Lu Meng was in love for a while. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, something erupted in his eyes broke out. His low voice sounded. Hands-on!"

A group of black armored men behind Lu Meng immediately ordered to go to the village.

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi. Come chasing me, come chasing me, I am!" Several children in the village are playing and playing. In their hands, a ball that seems to be **** with turf and bark makes several children laugh.

"You still have my ball, but also my ball!" This Xiaoyi child wants to grab the ball, but the ball is kicked and kicked by a few children who are a lot bigger than him. This Xiaoyi simply can't get it. .

"Hey, look at me!" A little doll kicked the ball out and suddenly hanged on the trees and couldn't fall.

A bunch of children smashed, only the owner of the ball, this child called Xiaoyi looked at the ball hanging on the big tree, and the tears fell out.

Just as Xiao Yi was crying, he walked out with a tall figure on the side.

"Boy, what are you crying, don't cry, we have to be strong, come, uncle will help you get the ball back!" This sturdy man quickly took the grass ball from the big tree. Delivered to Xiao Yi on the side.

Xiao Yi saw the ball, then looked at the tall figure on the side, and their black armor could not help but look at it.

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi!" In the distance, a middle-aged man rushed over. He was Xiao Yi's father. He was originally working in the field. He heard the bad guys say that they gave Xiao Yi's ball. Going to the tree, he was afraid that his child would climb the tree and it happened. Then he came over and saw Xiaoyi still when he arrived.

"Xiao Yi, are you okay, the ball?" The middle-aged man picked up and asked Xiao Yi.

"Nothing, the ball, the ball was taken down by the uncle!" The middle-aged man saw that there was a general wearing a stomach.

"This general is polite!" The middle-aged man said to the sergeant.

The officer nodded and responded.

"This general, are you not the general of the king of the king?" The middle-aged man seems to have some eyesight, and he will see it all at once. These men are not wearing the red clothes of their Jiangdong army, but That black.

"How do you know that we are the Yangzhou Army?" This sergeant seems to have a little interest.

"Oh, I, I have been to the water army Dazhai, I have seen your general called Dai Yun!" This middle-aged man seems to be somewhat proud, too, Dai Yun said that this is also a million people, it can be counted It is a high official, and it is an honor to see nature.

"Your Dai General is really passionate. It is so warm to our people. If it is not old, I will think of you in the army, but it is okay. Although I am old, I still have Xiao Yi, when I am, I will let our family Xiaoyi join the army of His Royal Highness, go to school to read and literate, do not do well, but also be a general!” Yangzhou Army now has to choose the officer. Literacy, and now basically let you study from a child.

In the past, for those of them, it’s all about dreaming. This book is expensive. It’s all for rich people to study. Now it’s different. Yangzhou’s practice is that children have to study. They used to Jiangdong can't. Now Jiangdong wants to be merged into Yangzhou. Naturally, Xiaoyi can read and read the words. For the common people, reading and literacy can be done as an official. They are here because they know each other. Ten words, this is what is right in this, all day respected, not too tired, there are people in the field to help.

"Oh, be a general?" Lu Meng looked at the father and son "maybe, but it depends on you to live alive!"

Just when the father and the son are blaspheming. The sword in the hands of Lu Meng suddenly went out. Directly cut to this middle-aged man.

"Hey!" The blood flower splashed out "You, you!"

"Hey, a bunch of people, sent to our Yangzhou army, you still want to get back! Oh, don't look at this place, the grandfathers eat you, can afford to see you." Middle-aged man only heard Lu Meng This kind of discourse fainted in the past, the small easy on the side. Lu Meng glanced at him and sighed. He wanted to kill the child, but he was not willing to go. Because the eyes of this child were seen, Lu Meng had a dodge.

"Fortunately, you know the Yangzhou army, or I can't leave you alive. If you die, you will see your own!" Lu Meng said, and the child called Xiaoyi was also confused.

"Lord, the big governor, I hope we are all right!" Lu Meng muttered to himself. Immediately, the killing of the eyes broke out, "Kill, one does not stay. I dare to complain to our generals, hehe. Do not look at who we are, a group of people, I can eat you, you can afford to see you, I dare to let Laozi be punished by the generals, looking for death!" Lu Meng smothered on the side of the side, this is a group of unarmed people, even if Jiang Dongmin is popular, it is not this elite opponent, so soon this original peace The villages turned directly into hell, and there were devastating corpses everywhere, and a village was quickly destroyed.

"The generals got it!!" Soon the dead men gestured to Lumon and told Lumen that they had already done it. Lu Meng nodded and gestured, meaning the next village, and continued.

Outside the city of Jianye, a village was slaughtered, blood was covered with land, and the fire rose in the rise of this peaceful land.

"Ah, ah!" Where Lu Meng left, Xiao Yi his father, the middle-aged man gradually woke up under the cold wind, waiting for him to wake up and see the scene in front of him, his The whole eyelids are **** red, because his village, where he used to live, is gone, there are corpses everywhere, there are ash everywhere, and there is no burnt. His village is gone. His loved ones, his wife, his old father, and his old mother were all lying in a pool of blood, and the body had already become cold. He has nothing left.

"Xiao Yi, yes, I still have Xiao Yi." The middle-aged man seems to be a little bit fascinated. He swayed Xiao Yi in his arms and finally woke up his child.

"Well!" Xiao Yixin came over. The first sentence of Zhangkou was "that uncle!"

"That's not an uncle, it's a devil, a devil!"

Such a scene has appeared in every village that Lu Meng has visited. One person who thinks he is escaping from death, some of them are afraid of being in the same place, crying in the spot, and some are bleeding in the eyes. The eyes of hatred.

More is the action. Jiangdong was originally a famous place. At the time, the Jiangdong people were competing with the Shanyue people. The mountain people were originally a group of lawless people, but this is the case. By the people of Jiangdong rushed from Jiangdong to the mountains, you can know the powerful fighting power of Jiangdong people. Like Danyang Jingbing, and the elite Chu Jun of Xiang Yu, they all came out from here.

And this group of Jiangdong people, that is the family one after another, this village may have half of the women from other existence or other dozens of villages. Everyone is related to each other. Now that the village is gone, they naturally want to find relatives.

These dozens of villages are all gone. These dozens of villages may have relations with dozens of other villages. So when the village is slaughtered, who is this murderer? It is said in the same way that the river is in the city of Jianye. Yangzhou Army in Bian Shui Village.

This time the whole Jiangdong is in flames. You said that you Yangzhou army came, stationed in the Jianshui water village, we all send you fish and meat, that is to welcome you, because peace is coming, everyone Very happy.

But you returned the fish to us. If you come back, you won't say anything, but what do you mean by returning and grabbing it? Don't give it to you, do you have to come and grab it? Even if you grab it, you still kill, killing more than a dozen villages. What does this mean? Are you Yangzhou Army a bandit? This **** fact is on the side.

One by one, Jiangdong people are filled with indignation. They want to go to the Yangzhou Shuijun Dazhai to get back to justice, but the Yangzhou Shuijun. There is an elite warrior over there. People have swords. According to the words of the people in other places, it may have been calmed down. The people are not fighting, let alone those in the chaos and these soldiers.

However, Jiangdong is different, Jiangdong is famous, and it can rely on Jiangdong to fight the whole world.

That sentence has passed through Jiangdong, and the world is known! This is not a joke, this is really a thing.

Jiangdong’s strength is famous in the world. If it is not in a word, it will be opened. Even the government can rebel. Not to mention your foreign soldiers.

So all of a sudden, you pass me, I pass you, one by one, it’s full of anger, you call a few friends, I yelled a few dudes, this one has gathered together tens of thousands of people, they are also hardcover, this Not counting, there are no weapons, if you have the conditions, you can take the sword. If there are no conditions, then use a fork to **** directly, no more. It’s also easy to do. Some of the trees are bamboo. Cut down the bamboos, blow them to the fire, and then cut the bamboo head off. Immediately, it’s a good spear. All of a sudden, a group of screams went to the Dazhai of the Jianjun City.

"This is this! How can this be good!" The defending army of Jianye City is just like an enemy. The following people are called the squatting people. It is not one or two, but one thousand people. If the people are training a little, it can be a warrior.

And the number of defenders in Jianye City is now, but two thousand, do you let two thousand people stop the pace of these tens of thousands of people? What's more, many of the soldiers on the gates of the city are intimate with the people below.

You said let them get a shot.

The defending school of Jianye City has a heart that wants to die. "Where are you, do you want to rebel?" The defending school of Jianye City shouted loudly at the people below, hoping to use the two rebellious The word scared the gangsters.

However, it is obvious that he miscalculated the "adults, we do not want to rebel, we just want to get back a fair, this outside the city, Hejiacun, Wujiacun, and the Zhao family, Sun family, Li Jiaquan were slaughtered, count Hundreds of people died in demise, adults, we are here to find the victim to seek justice!" This is already a peaceful person.

There are still some violent ones. "That is a fart with him. Maybe he is a group with the Yangzhou army. It is rebellion! We are rebellious, how are they dripping. He will not let us live, let us Rebellion, killing people."

"That is, we are rebellious, and we don't open the gates quickly. We can still leave you with a dog's life when you open the gate. If you don't open the gate, then you will go in and pull you out."

"This, how can this be good!" The city gate school is just like the heart of death, open the city gate, it is his dereliction of duty must be dead, do not open the city gate, then the gang of gangs hit and die It’s even worse.

Fortunately, someone gave him this city gate school to solve the "General General! Open the city gate, open the city gate!" There was a passing soldier ran over.

"Open the city gate? If you open the city gate, Wu will not kill me!"

"It is the gate that Wu Hou let you open!" said the commander to the school.

"Well?" The city gate school stunned God. The commander continued to speak to "There is a debt to the Lord. Since the Yangzhou Army made such a thing outside of Jianye City, it must bear the consequences."

With this sentence of the commander, this city gate school has a lot of comfort, "Come on, open the city gate! Let this help the people, no, no, let the people suffer into the city!"

The words of the gates of the city gate were quickly carried out faithfully, and tens of thousands of people suddenly poured into the city of Jianye. Most of them went directly to the water army camp outside the city of Jianye. There are a few people who are trying to figure out why they can take the opportunity to give him a sum, but unfortunately, people who think so are not alone.

Some people who are not trying to get into the store will rush into some stores. When they have some food, they will be rushed out by a group of black people to kill them and become a dead body. This seems to be known to the people. Only the place where the water army camp is the right way, otherwise you will only have one dead road.


Jianshui Shuijun Dazhai.

The kitchen quickly prepared the meat, and the meat was quickly put on the table.

Dai Yun raised the glass against the yellow cover and other people toasting. "General Huang, the old general is strong and strong, for my generation, come to the old general, I respect you!" Dai Yun said and then drank it.

"Slow and come slowly!" Huang Gai is not busy drinking the wine in his hand, but smiles and smiles at Dai Yun's words to "Dai General, you may not drink a bar."

"Oh, this was discovered by the old general!" Dai Yun's face was a bit shameful, but he quickly demonstrated the past. "The old general also invited the old general to forgive me. In the Yangzhou military regulations, I was not allowed to go out and fight." The general commander drank alcohol!"

"Can't you have a cup?" Huang Guy advised Dai Yun to drink, he would have a second cup for a drink, and a third cup for a second cup. This is the rule on the wine field.

"It is really a fist, and the king of the king has already set a long time. The marching officer drinks a glass of stick and blames twenty, two cups, and removes the official position, three cups, and kills them on the spot." Dai Yun said to Huang Gai, this is not Joke, Liu Wei is afraid that some people will drink alcohol, you can drink, you can come back, you can drink when you are stationed, but you are absolutely not allowed to drink in the army, you will not see how many battles are people drinking. Lost, the most recent said that Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's battle of Guandu, originally Yuan Shao is a steady win of Cao Cao, even if the loss is a little bigger, it is also a victory in the grip, but unfortunately met a pothole teammate, 淳 亮, a glass of wine lost Wuchao, a glass of wine lost Yuan Shao's great mountains and rivers, so in the past, Liu Wei set the rules in the army.

"If you do this, you will not be forced to wear General Yun!" Huang Gai can only sigh. This Liu Wang is really a strict military law. The Yangzhou Army can stand out from the crowd and it is indeed powerful, not by luck.

Just when Huang Gai and Dai Yun continued to talk about drinking, the camp suddenly came out, and the sound of the ear was very loud.

Dai Yun brows a wrinkle, but the yellow cover is a joy in the eyes.

"Not good, not good, the generals are not good!" A Daiyun's men rushed in and fell over Daiyun's body and shouted at Dai Yun.

"Pan Zhang Zhang into an individual system? What is wrong?" Dai Yun has a trace of twilight.

"We, we, are surrounded!" said the commander to Dai Yun.

"Encircled? What is the meaning of General Huang?" Dai Yun subconsciously looked at Huang Gai. In Jiangdong, the new army of Yangzhou was surrounded by Jiangdong Army.

"Dai’s general, I don’t know if you are the main force of the Jiangdong Shuijun. How can you surround the Dai General?” Huang Gai has a smile in his heart, but this surface is very well done.

"General, not Jiangdong Army, Jiangdong people, Jiangdong people!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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