My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 970: God Logic

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!

Princess Xuancheng didn't stay too much, and she left after speaking. In fact, she was embarrassed to say nothing on her face.

When Xie Xian came back in the evening, Xiao Baoxin told him what Princess Xuancheng had come from today.

"……What do you think?"

"A gentle lady and gentleman are so awkward, it's nothing." Xie Xian smiled and sat next to her and touched her round belly: "Is the child still behaved today? Didn't you toss you?"

This child is really incomparable with the previous ones, he is not as good as he is, and never toss.

Xiao Baoxin was able to eat and sleep, and occasionally kicked his feet to tell his parents that he was still alive.

"Very good." Xiao Baoxin grabbed his hand, still thinking about Princess Xuancheng in his heart: "Do you think San Shu and San Aunt will agree?"

"Will you agree?"

Xie Xian smiled, "That's not my girl, how do I know if my third uncle will agree?"

"The third uncle and the third aunt are dazzling because of Jiuniang's relationship. To be honest, I don't know what kind of son-in-law they want."

As for him.

He felt that King Yu Zhang was scared by Emperor Yongping, and he also had delusions of murder just like his brother.

A prince who has no power and no truth, who will deal with him?

A little kid.

However, at only nine years old, it is rare to have such thoughts. I wanted to be in the palace before coming, but life was not so easy. I don't know who blows the wind to his ears, and he suffers from gains and losses at a young age.

But he didn't want to think about it either. He was worried about harming him and wanted to find someone to protect him.

His sister married to the Xiao family, and he married the Xie family again. It would be better for the little emperor to be weak and incompetent. If he was a wise martial artist, a generation of heroic emperors, with such a configured emperor, he would not always be the top spot on the black list. , A thorn in the heart?

"Qing Qing," Xie Xian knew about the friendship between Xiao Baoxin and Princess Xuancheng. They were close friends that the two had made before they got married. Both of them were straight-forward and congenial, but it was not good for him. Choice.

"I can't be the master of this marriage. It's okay to be a Baoshan among them, but the three uncles and the three aunts are all in them."

"You also know me, I have never mixed up with the marriages in the house." Xie Xian added, fearing that his daughter-in-law would be too enthusiastic, and full of loyalty, he would anger him again.

Xiao Baoxin nodded. She naturally knew it, so she didn't respond to Princess Xuancheng before.

Besides, if the King Yuzhang can calculate the gains and losses, he has to allow the three rooms where the family is raised to also calculate and compare.

Xie Xian touched her face and smiled:

"Don't think about the others, you are pregnant now, so you should pay more attention to yourself. Think less and worry less." Pulling her to lie down on the couch.

Xiao Baoxin was surprised, "When is this?"

"I'm tired, take a break with me." Xie Xian closed his eyes and sighed.

It is not his body but his brain that is tired day by day.

Prevent others from cheating yourself, and think about how to cheat others. Is it easy for him?

Xiao Baoxin: What kind of **** logic is this?

"When are you going to talk to the third uncle and the third aunt?" She couldn't help but ask, fearing that she would forget about the nobles.

After all, he was still unsuccessful in his deception.

"Tomorrow, I will go and say after I get down."

"Actually..." Xiao Baoxin bit his lip, "In your opinion, is this a pro-mate?"

Xie Xian: "It doesn't matter."

Can't control the overall situation.

Xiao Baoxin relaxed, she naturally turned to her husband, and didn't want to be embarrassed because of her, so she reluctantly persuaded the marriage.

Princess Xuancheng is planning for her brother, but she also has to think about her husband, each of her calculations is true.

"But." Xie Xian paused. Before the next words could be spoken, Xiao Baoxin couldn't wait any longer.

"But what?" staring at him with wide eyes.

Xie Xian raised his eyebrows: "However, if this marriage is not successful, I guess that the princess Xuancheng, the important duty of my dear, will push you here." Anyway, it was Tie Xin and Xie's who hooked up and hit Xiao and Xie's Signboard, the concubine is selected with great fanfare.

Xiao Baoxin was dumbfounded, as a matchmaker?

She is not good at it.

One of the four maids still smashed in his hand, the other three were digested internally, and the other one was entangled by others.

It's actually a matchmaker for Jin Jin, but it's just one sentence, and it's now.

If she wants to be a matchmaker, she is really not afraid of delaying things, and she doesn't know people clearly.

Seeing Xiao Baoxin's tangled face, Xie Xian smiled happily.


Why did Miss Xie Jiu have not made a marriage agreement when she was eleven?

Doesn't that have to be said by Xie Xian, are you picky?

It's really unsuitable.

Generally, the family of the family is early to make a decision, and they are optimistic about the early start. All relatives are connected to their relatives, and they move around from home since childhood. They know everything in their minds, and they will leave.

Because the Langya Wang clan fell, Xie Jiuniang's marriage was retired, and he had to look for it again. It was not one or two that destroyed the family with the Wang family. Who made the Wang clan more powerful in those days, and a lot of marriages were decided.

They were a lot of **** at first, but some were not suitable for their age, some were not suitable for learning, and some were not good for their appearance. Anyway, due to various reasons such as these, most of them couldn't make it into Mrs. Wang's eyes.

Because the Wang family fell again, Mrs. Wang was thinking about finding a good family relationship. At least he could not be the one who was squeezed to the horizon without real power in the name of the family.

Counting and counting, it doesn't seem to be the same, but the marriage is so delayed.

Fortunately, Xie’s family is in full swing, but it’s not too late to marry, and the girl is just over eleven.

It's just that Yuzhang Wang and Mrs. Wang are too fat, not to mention that his father and mother have died long ago. Didn't the elder sister marry the Xiao family? They are also regarded as turning relatives.

Too fat, I am afraid that I will not have children in the future.

He was so fat when he was only a few years old, and in a few years I am afraid he will go straight to King Huaiyang's body.

Marriage, Sanye Xie responded.

"... Do you think he's a fool? It's good to play with the Xiao family boy now. You can't get away from Meng, and you can't get away from it. The brother-in-law and brother-in-law have a good relationship. Everyday, he jumped up and down with Xiao Xiaolang to cause trouble, and lost weight early. "

"Really thin?" Madam Wang was worried.

"What did I lie to you for?" It can't be compared with the average skinny, but it has lost half a slice of pork.

"Furthermore, do you care about whether he is fat or thin when you get married? Isn't it good to have a brain and an identity?" Xie Sanye stroked his beard, "Give my son a helping hand."

Speaking of roots.

These girls couldn't point out anymore, so they pointed to their son to give him a branch to show off his veins.

"The King of the Seventeenth National Congress has no father or mother, and my sister is A Lang's daughter-in-law. Can we still be bullied after the three of us? If we don't pass, we will be in charge immediately?" Xie Sanye screamed.

"I really got married with the Xie family, who is going to be the King of the Seventeenth National Congress?"

"Juniang is the proper princess!"

He is the princess and his father, and the royal prince is his father-in-law!

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