My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 147 Feiyang caused trouble?

Is he showing off?

Looking at the newspaper in his hand, Mu Chaoxiong was very puzzled. He didn't quite understand what his old partner and friend of more than 20 years wanted to do.

The name of the company John opened was Daniu.

Mu Chaoxiong couldn't think of it and couldn't figure it out. He always felt it was unusual, so he quickly dialed a number and asked directly.

To his surprise, John's phone number didn't go through, and it showed that it was always busy.

This made Mu Chaoxiong feel even more wrong.

If he were an ordinary person, Mu Chaoxiong would not have this feeling that something was wrong at all, but he is not. He is the boss of a listed company. His years of ups and downs in the business world have made him more suspicious than ordinary people, not to mention John. The company suing is called Feiyang.

Feiyang has been on hot searches many times. As a relevant industry insider, Mu Chaoxiong naturally has a deep understanding and knows that this period is a very sensitive period.

Normal business purchases are no problem.

However, Mu Chaoxiong explained the order cancellation to John yesterday and expressed his opinion not to pursue it. According to John's previous practice, as long as he expressed strong opposition, John would generally not take any action that was contrary to his opinion. But now, John just went against his opinion yesterday.

Moreover, now he can't get through John's phone call.

Mu Chaoxiong wrote this down and planned to contact John later.

But he didn't know that at this moment, John, who was in John Bull, had no time to answer his call. He left the phone ringing and left it in an empty room, while he was alone with several people with tall noses and deep eyes and sinister expressions. The middle-aged man was having a heated argument in the office, with anger written all over his face.

I have said before that this plan will not succeed. You insist on me coming forward. What happens now? The plan failed and the other party was alerted. My business will definitely be greatly affected.

John said loudly: Tell me, what should I do now? What I must say is that you must compensate for my losses, and double compensation.

John would never have imagined that while a man was sitting at home, a pot would come from heaven.

Someone from the Intelligence Department found him and asked him to come forward to purchase a material from Feiyang Company. After the purchase was completed, he would be introduced to some resources to make his business better.

John was reluctant at first. Being tainted with someone from the Intelligence Department was tantamount to causing trouble. And why did he go to him instead of someone else? But in the face of soft and hard threats from the Intelligence Section, he still succumbed.

After agreeing, John had some luck and thought that it would not be a big problem just to purchase a material. Afterwards, there would be secret resources that were not accessible before, which might be a good thing.

But when Mu Chaoxiong, who was far away in Xiangjiang, told him that the material purchase failed, John immediately realized that the material the Intelligence Department wanted to purchase was not simple.

Feiyang not only rejected their order, but also stated that this material would not be exported. This is obvious. This material is very important and involves strategic application fields!

Then, John thought that if he came forward to purchase this material, his company would definitely be exposed and regarded as a spy company by that Eastern country. In addition, if the mission fails, he will definitely not get any reward from the Intelligence Section. This is tantamount to stealing the chicken and losing the rice, making a big loss.

In this situation, it was impossible for John not to be angry.

Sitting opposite him was a middle-aged man with a pale face and thin cheeks.

Facing John's angry roar, the middle-aged man said with a smile: Calm down, John, your company will not have any problems. What you have to do now is to cooperate with us and make this matter bigger. Come on. I’ve also published it in the newspaper for you. You can sue the other party with confidence. It’s best if the other party can come to us to respond to the lawsuit.”

You are such a madman!

John was dumbfounded. These guys broke into his office early in the morning. He didn't even have time to read yesterday's and today's news and understand current events.

Now when I hear the other party say this, he is directly selling out his big cow company.

John was somewhat lucky at first. Fortunately, the Eastern country did not pay attention to him and his big cow company, but now there is no need to be lucky. He and his big cow company will definitely be attracted by that big cow company. Eastern countries have noticed and paid close attention to it.

John also figured out that the other party was deliberately trying to deal with Feiyang Company.

No matter how stupid he was, when he thought about what Feiyang Company had experienced during this period, he realized that the Intelligence Section was working for the master, although it was a bit unfair.

No, this is just normal business behavior.

The middle-aged man continued to answer him with a smile: John, you have to know that the other party broke the contract first and they did not abide by the contract. It is necessary for us to sue them, otherwise the spirit of the contract and the spirit of the rule of law will be destroyed. To unforgivable destruction.


John stopped talking. The other party had already said everything he said, right and wrong. What else could he say?

I am a slave to you and you are a fish, so just obey your orders!

On that day, the news that John Bull Daniu Company sued Feiyang Company for breaking the contract for no reason, with the help of thoughtful people, quickly became a hot news in many countries. It was not only the front page headline but also the first page of the report. It was even overshadowed at one time. There are still war news of fierce exchanges of fire.

This news also spread to the country at an extremely fast speed and appeared in major media.

When most people see this news, their first reaction is What's going on? Very confused.

Feiyang Company knows about it and has mentioned it as a hot search topic many times.

Who is John Bull?

I think back then, John Bull, whose ancestors were rich, has no sense of existence in modern times. Most Chinese people only know about such an awesome country whose ancestors were rich only in history textbooks. Now? Sorry, where is it? What's going on in the country? Are there any big companies in China?

Big company? What the hell?

A company that I have never heard of should be completely different from Feiyang Company. What does it mean to sue?

After reading the news content, my doubts were not eliminated, but became even deeper.

Feiyang unilaterally tore up the contract with Daniu Company, causing Daniu Company to lose N billion?

It's unlikely. Feiyang Company is so awesome that it will ruin your date?

After many hot searches, Feiyang Company has gained a certain degree of popularity in China, and its reputation is better than that of Zhongzheng Company. People don't believe that Feiyang will break the contract without reason.

There are also people who have always believed that the moon in foreign countries is rounder than in China. They started to post comments on the Internet without knowing the facts clearly. Among them are some big Vs with accounts with hundreds of thousands or millions of fans.

A business without a spirit of contract will not last long!

Speechless! In modern society governed by the rule of law, such things like breaking contracts for no reason still happen. Oh my god, have I returned to ancient times?

Domestic companies are like this. They get arrogant as soon as they achieve some results. Haha!

“Domestic companies just don’t have the formality and emphasis on contract spirit that foreign companies do.”

Look, this is the virtue of domestic enterprises. No wonder they can't make good products!

In his words, he not only sprayed Feiyang, but also expanded the scope of attack, spraying all Chinese enterprises.

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