My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 158 We must care about Feiyang

Oh? The NSA gave up its plan to purchase materials from Feiyang?

In the aerospace compound, Xu Qigong and Academician Ouyang were eating together. While the two were eating, they chatted about some issues related to recent project tasks. Xu Qigong couldn't help but tell Academician Ouyang about the recent NSA operations.

Academician Ouyang listened with a smile on his face, but when he heard the last part, he couldn't help but be surprised, and then said: NSA is used to being arrogant, and it has a arrogant attitude when asking for other people's materials. Feiyang refused. They are also understandable. However, we cannot underestimate the NSA. I estimate that they can still solve the material problem on their own. Our focus is still to find ways to develop our own deep space telescope.

Academician Ouyang is one of the giants in China's aerospace field and one of Xu Qigong's predecessors and guides.

Academician Ouyang is now in a state of semi-retirement. Although he no longer leads the research and development of aerospace projects, he still plays a role as a consultant in the aerospace institute. He usually inquires about the progress of various aerospace projects, and people below him often come to see him. He either reports progress or hopes to get advice.

Academician Ouyang is very supportive of China's own deep space telescope.

In aerospace, every project is actually useless in the short term. Especially for deep space telescopes, because the NSA already has Hubble, and now the development of the bib has reached a critical moment, a lot of the data they detect will still be disclosed to the world, so in the eyes of most people, there is no need for China to develop this The project.

However, these projects had to be done. Just like in the Age of Discovery, China missed the opportunity, leading to heavy disasters in modern times.

In the Age of Stars and Seas, if China misses it, the consequences will be more serious than missing the Age of Discovery.

At that time, it will be a difference in dimension. Others can carry out dimensionality reduction attacks on China. China's life and death are completely in the hands of others. Thousands of years of splendid culture and historical heritage will be ruined at any time.

There is a more important question: Are the data published internationally by others true and accurate?

Here, there is a big question mark!

The Third World War has actually already started.

War does not necessarily have to be fought with real weapons. It can also be a comprehensive war in the fields of culture, science and technology, economy, etc. This is much more concealed and dangerous than a war with real weapons.

In various fields, the technical parameters released by the other party are extremely impressive, but the real situation is indeed more than half, isn't that enough?

China has suffered a lot of such losses, and many people forget to eat but not to fight. However, as one of the aerospace leaders with a clear mind, Academician Ouyang will naturally not make such mistakes.

So should China start the deep space telescope project?

Do it, you must do it!

Xu Qigong deeply agreed, and then introduced the current progress and some problems encountered: ...As for the airframe, I plan to use Feiyang's FY-02 material as the base material to trial-produce an optimal composite Here are the materials. This FY-02 is indeed very powerful. I did a test after buying the material. It is currently the most perfect material for the telescope project... In addition to the above, we also encountered technical difficulties with the mirror. The mirror we made has always been Does not meet design standards...

No wonder the NSA wants to get Feiyang's material. It's true that heroes come from young.

Academician Ouyang said with a smile, and then pondered for a while before saying: The best mirror maker is Hanscat. They make the mirrors of high-precision machines such as telescopes and photolithography machines, but they don't know how to do it. Give it to us. Let me see, you don’t limit yourself to central and state-owned enterprises, you can also search nationwide, maybe you can find unexpected surprises like FY-02.

It's difficult. Only central enterprises and state-owned enterprises can take the lead in the country. There are only a few private enterprises such as Zhongzheng and Feiyang, which can be counted with a slap in the face.

Xu Qigong laughed at himself. He wanted to complete this project faster than anyone else, but as rich as his ideals were, the reality was as weak as they were.

At this stage, those who really make technology in the country still have to rely on state-owned enterprises and central-level enterprises. Private enterprises are not good at all, so they can only tinker with and make some technologies that have been eliminated by state-owned enterprises and central-level enterprises.

Of course, this is due to historical reasons as well as institutional reasons. It cannot simply be attributed to private enterprises not wanting to make progress.

Although it is true that private enterprises are not enterprising to some extent.

This is also the case.

Academician Ouyang smiled, his face looked very tolerant, and he was not particularly disappointed by this matter. He just said: If you don't take small steps, you can't reach a thousand miles. We are still making up lessons now.

It's not scary to be behind. What's scary is not knowing how to make progress.

The NSA and Feiyang, which have been causing quite a stir during this period, have cooled down a lot recently and have not been reported much.

If the NSA gives up, it will naturally stop paying attention.

If you ask me, Feiyang is really stubborn. It won't sell materials if it says it won't sell them, and there's not even a single response. It's awesome! It should be the most awesome private enterprise in China, right?

The best private enterprise? I think this title is worthy of its name. Some time ago, so many foreign software manufacturers announced bans, but Feiyang did not compromise and chose hard steel.

Yeah, so many softwares have been banned, and Feiyang is acting like a normal person. It's really awesome.

I don't think so. I didn't see Feiyang come out to explain.

Maybe Feiyang is just holding on?

It's unlikely. I checked. Feiyang started out with optical materials and has developed three materials that are world-leading in technology. Even if they rest on their laurels, it's enough for them to survive.

That's right.

At this time, several young juniors walked by, chatting and laughing, talking about topics related to Feiyang. Between words, I expressed my admiration and trust for Feiyang.

Does Feiyang Company also make optical materials?

Academician Ouyang and Xu Qigong naturally heard it, and Academician Ouyang couldn't help but ask.

Xu Qigong thought for a while and replied: It seems so. It is said that the performance has become the best in the world. The king materials that used to have the best performance in the world have been defeated, and now they are almost withdrawing from the domestic market.

After thinking for a while, Academician Ouyang said: I don't know much about the field of optics. Since Feiyang Company can make an optical material that has the best performance in the world, it obviously has unique attainments in the field of optics. The relationship between the design and manufacturing of mirrors and optics Close, you might as well listen to Feiyang’s opinions and learn from others’ strengths.”

Xu Qigong was startled when he heard it, but then he felt that this suggestion was not unreasonable, so he nodded and replied: You can ask about it.

What's going on with the software ban?

Academician Ouyang then asked about this matter again.

Xu Qigong knew that apart from paying attention to news in the aerospace field, Academician Ouyang basically paid no attention to other news from the outside world. Even if he heard and saw most of it, he would automatically filter it out.

He immediately explained and said: Last time I asked Feiyang's Zhou Feiyu, who is also Feiyang's boss, and he said he would find a way to solve it.

Academician Ouyang shook his head after hearing this: I think this is wrong. How can we be so indifferent to such a company that has made great contributions to us and the country in the field of basic materials?

Yes, I'll find out later.

Xu Qigong smiled sarcastically when he was told that, and quickly admitted his mistake.


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