My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 368 The Flood of the Times


The entire desk was slapped hard, and the documents were shaken to the ground. Yan Fei had a livid face and coldly snorted: That's too much!

Yan Fei does not think that his technology is the best in the world, but he considers himself to be the leader in the country in the research and development of special metal materials for controllable nuclear fusion projects.

He never expected that the project he was halfway through would be canceled directly. Instead, Feiyang would come in and he would be completely out!

Yan Fei would never believe it if there was nothing fishy in it.

What is Feiyang? How many years has it been established? How long have you been researching in the field of controlled nuclear fusion?

Yan Fei immediately called Liu Yongfeng and wanted to ask what Liu Yongfeng was doing.

All are all...

A series of blind tones made him feel even worse.

Didn't even answer?

Yan Fei glanced at the phone number on his cell phone and without hesitation dialed the personal phone number of the leader of the Academy of Sciences responsible for the controllable nuclear fusion project.

Leader, I would like to know why our qualifications have been canceled and Feiyang Company, which has never developed controllable nuclear fusion technology, participated?

Yan Fei didn't care too much. After saying hello, he asked straight to the point.

This is a state secret.

The leader didn't give him much explanation. He just said something indifferently and then hung up the phone.

Yan Fei was completely stunned: What is this? Is it abandoned like a crotch?

If Liu Yongfeng's refusal to answer the phone made him angry, then the leader's cold and decisive answer made him feel cold from the bottom of his heart.

National secret!

There is no doubt that this is a panacea-like answer, but it can also be seen as a moderate warning, warning him not to have any small thoughts. Feiyang's entry is the will of the country and no questioning is allowed.

Yan Fei also had reason to doubt who was using the weapon for public use, but the importance of the controllable nuclear fusion project made it difficult for him to have such doubts. Everyone is watching from above and below. If something goes wrong, it will be an earth-shattering event. No one has the energy to suppress it.

I want to see what tricks you can come up with.

Finally, Yan Fei secretly made a note of this in his heart, and was also preparing some information.

Once he fails, he will not be as easy to talk to now.

On the other side, Zhou Feiyu’s independent research laboratory and EAST Liu Yongfeng’s team have started cooperation projects in full swing. Meetings, design, simulation, manufacturing, testing, meetings, a cyclical process continues.

The launch of any product follows this process, without exception.

Regarding the latest stable-state conforming metal materials, it was quickly applied to the structure of the latest generation of EAST devices. This is a regular, symmetrical large ring. It looks very small from the picture, but it is actually extremely huge, a building. The building is so big and the components inside are densely packed. The complexity of the project is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Countless metal materials, wire materials, magnet materials, conductor materials...

This is also Zhou Feiyu's first time to see this thing up close. People are very small in it. He doesn't know how those scammers take pictures. Such a huge human top engineering creation actually looks like a toy. of.

However, he was relieved when he thought about the pictures taken of the 80,000-ton aircraft carrier, in which the reporter in front of the aircraft carrier could have kicked the aircraft carrier away.

Mr. Zhou, thanks to your artificial intelligence, thank you so much. This new-generation device only takes half a month to complete the construction and then conduct the ignition test.

Inside the device, Liu Yongfeng, who was wearing an anti-static suit like Zhou Feiyu, said to him excitedly.

Liu Yongfeng has been in charge of this project for more than ten years and will continue to serve here in the future. It can be said that this is his life's work. Any progress in this project is something he would be very happy and excited about.

This is especially true when seeing the application of artificial intelligence and new composite metals.

The joining of the two is not as simple as 1+1 equals 2, and it is completely different from the slow progress in the past. This is a leap forward.

Yes, even if it is just the construction of a new generation of equipment and no ignition test has been carried out, and no new results have been obtained, Liu Yongfeng is very confident that the results this time will be extraordinary.

Zhou Feiyu said modestly: I just provided a little help to the best of my ability. General Manager Liu is serious. Even without me, I believe General Manager Liu and your team can do it.

Liu Yongfeng shook his head: You can't say that. Without Mr. Zhou's artificial intelligence, we don't know when we would be gone.

Zhou Feiyu smiled.

Our country has chosen the tokamak route. The complexity of the structure and engineering manufacturing difficulty are much lower than that of a stellarator. If it is a stellarator, it will take even longer.

Liu Yongfeng talked about another topic, and then said: The reason why we did not build a stellarator before was largely because of this. After all, we have developed a hundred or two hundred years behind the established foreign capitalist countries, and we cannot compare with them. But things are different now. With the addition of artificial intelligence and robots, the difficulty of manufacturing stellar simulators has been greatly reduced. I wonder if the superiors will reconsider building stellar simulators.

Zhou Feiyu said: Stellarators have advantages in miniaturization of controllable nuclear fusion, but there has been no development for so many years. Stellarators still have many problems to be solved. At this stage, we should first complete the tokamak.

Liu Yongfeng smiled and said: That's it. Our research on tokamak has gone further than that of stellarators, and we have encountered many more problems, which have basically been solved. This time, with your artificial intelligence and I believe there will be a qualitative breakthrough in the robot army.

I believe too.

Zhou Feiyu nodded.

In the simulation calculation of the artificial intelligence Galaxy, with the stable composite metal material, the EAST device has a high degree of confidence in successfully operating.

Time passes day by day.

In the outside world, with the large-scale launch of Feiyang Robots, many robots have begun to enter people's vision and lives, and more and more people have begun to feel that a powerful torrent of the times is coming.

This feeling is brought about by countless media, public accounts, and marketing accounts reporting and promoting Feiyang Robot day after day, and it is also brought about by the powerful performance of Feiyang Robot.

Apart from going up to the sky and down to the earth, Feiyang Robot can do almost anything.

In those first-tier cities, robots appear in life and work, constantly shocking people.

In addition, labor-intensive factories all over the country have started layoffs. Large or small, intermittent, but ongoing.

More and more people have started to express their opinions on the Internet, such as I am unemployed, I have been laid off, How to get unemployment benefits, Can I ask Feiyang for compensation, Does the state not care about it and so on.

At the same time, at the national level, starting from the central government, official media have continuously come forward to report on re-employment policies, or that certain places have begun to implement measures such as increasing subsistence allowances and unemployment benefits.

The torrent of the times is coming slowly, and no one is exempt from it, everyone is in it...

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