My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 375 My country is awesome!

“my country’s EAST has achieved a major breakthrough!”

The eve of controlled nuclear fusion!

Artificial sun!

Good news! my country's artificial sun has made a major breakthrough and is about to be put into commercial use!

When Professor Xiao Zheng led the team and walked out of the ITER gate with their heads held high, the long-standing depression in Xiao Jie's heart finally came to an end; on the second day of the EAST ignition test, the relevant news was finally released by Yang Ma in the first place This report is broadcast not only to the country, but also to the whole world.

A moment later, countless domestic media reprinted Yangma’s news reports, and at the same time published their own shocking articles to describe and interpret it.

Then, countless big Vs, technology bloggers, and marketing accounts released or reposted the news as soon as possible, and released their own interpretations and popular science videos.

Then, this news was known to hundreds of millions of netizens.

Hot search, airborne in the first place, and occupied the second and third places.

On the most widely used short video platform nowadays, two hours after the news was broadcast, the number of people following this hot search exceeded 500 million, and almost all users followed it.

Even people who don't understand science are inexplicably shocked when they hear the news of a breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion. Because they also know that this represents the future!

Holy shit, when I woke up, was this time travel?

what's the situation?

Incredible, is this true?

It's unbelievable! Controlled nuclear fusion was successful!

Good guy, it will take another fifty years for controllable nuclear fusion to happen. Now you're telling me that it's successful?

It's so outrageous. How could it be successful all of a sudden?


My country is awesome!

Salute to the scientists!

The most important weapon of the country!

Exciting news! World-leading technology!

That's amazing. Are we leading the world?

Awesome Plus! We finally reached the number one position in the world!

Everyone is shocked, because controllable nuclear fusion technology has always been a technology that will last fifty years. Everyone has heard about it since childhood, and various countries have promoted that it will always last fifty years, so everyone has formed a fixed impression. This Controllable nuclear fusion technology will not be seen in our lifetime.

Therefore, when Yangma suddenly broke the news, everyone's first reaction was shock.

When it was confirmed that the message was from Yang Ma, everyone came back to their senses, and then there was a swarm of excitement and joy, and they left messages on the Internet one after another.

At the same time, an unprecedented sense of national pride broke out instantly and reached its peak!

In recent years, with the rapid advancement of various military and civilian technologies, especially fifth-generation aircraft, electromagnetic catapult aircraft carriers, suborbital aircraft, etc. in various military fields, national pride has become stronger and stronger, and the self-confidence of the Chinese people has steadily increased. From looking up at foreign countries to looking down at the current level.

However, these technologies still have various regrets, which are a bit unsightly. For example, fifth-generation aircraft and aircraft carriers were built decades ago by the countries on the other side of the Pacific. So pride and self-confidence are not yet complete.

However, the breakthrough of controllable nuclear fusion technology is the first time that we have surpassed all foreign countries in a major strategic technology that involves the development of hundreds or even thousands of years in the future, and for the first time we have stood first in the world. Can you imagine how powerful this is in stimulating national pride and self-confidence?

It can be said that this time the pride and self-confidence are full, even a hundred times higher.

No one can make irresponsible remarks on this issue. If you have the ability, you have also made a breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion technology?

When it comes to technology, one is one and two is two, and there is no room for deception.

Unlike literature, poetry, painting, sculpture, clothing and other artistic things, you can just call it art for a few nonsense things. If you get angry, you will insist that it is alternative art, even if it is criticized by thousands of people. , Even if the country's power comes to an end, it will still be nothing.

Technology matters can be hidden for a while, but not forever.

There are also some silly things on the Internet saying nonsense such as What if it explodes? It's a hydrogen bomb!, seriously damaging the environment, undermining international harmony, etc., but there is no such thing as Exceptions were sprayed so badly by netizens that they no longer dared to show their faces.

...You can go up to the sky to catch the moon, you can go down to the five oceans to catch turtles, and you can laugh and sing triumphantly! This is a kind of pride and poetry, and it is also a miracle that our country is creating today. As for the controllable nuclear fusion technology, we invited today Professors Zhang Zhong and Wang Wei will explain it to us...

That night, after Yangma's 7 o'clock news, a special program was made to explain it.

The female host, and the two professors with gray hair at the temples, are all well-known figures familiar to many netizens who care about the military. Because their explanations are clear and understandable, and they speak well, they are deeply loved by netizens.

Professor Wang Wei said: The growth of all things depends on the sun. The sun is actually a big fireball that is undergoing nuclear fusion reactions all the time, bringing the most common source of energy to nature. Every second, there are more than 600 million people inside the sun. Tons of hydrogen are converted into helium through the fusion reaction. In this process, approximately 3.78 times 10 to the power of 26 joules of energy are released into the universe. Among them, our planet only obtains 2.2 billionth of a joule of energy. The energy release equivalent to about 19 kilograms per second has created the current ecosystem, which shows the power of nuclear fusion energy.

Therefore, the controllable nuclear fusion project, also known as the artificial sun, builds such a device on the ground to produce nuclear fusion reactions like the sun, thereby providing us with a steady stream of energy...

Professor Zhang Zhong said: Our current nuclear power plants are all nuclear fission reactions and have strong radioactivity. How to deal with the nuclear waste and nuclear wastewater produced has always been an international problem. Nuclear fusion is different. It has no radioactivity and will not Nuclear waste is produced because the raw materials supporting nuclear fusion are tritium and deuterium, and the product of the reaction is helium, which is harmless to the environment.

Of course, the most important thing is that the raw materials for nuclear fusion are very abundant. Deuterium can be extracted directly from seawater. The energy released by the nuclear fusion reaction of deuterium extracted from one liter of seawater is equivalent to the energy released by the complete combustion of 300 liters of gasoline. As for tritium, it can be produced by the reaction of neutrons and lithium and is also easy to obtain.

In addition, as everyone knows, there are abundant helium-3 resources on the moon, estimated to be at least 500 million tons. This is an element that can react with tritium in thermonuclear fusion and is also one of the raw materials for nuclear fusion. Therefore, once nuclear fusion is realized, there will be no shortage of raw materials. The helium 3 resources on the moon alone are enough for mankind to completely escape the energy crisis...

What will be the impact of the results of this Luzhou EAST ignition test?

The female host continued to ask.

Professor Zhang Zhong said with a smile: The most direct impact is, of course, that the real commercial use of controllable nuclear fusion is right in front of us. I'm not too clear about the specific situation, but I guess it won't take too long and everyone will be able to use it. Get cheaper electricity bills.”

Professor Wang Wei laughed loudly and said: There should be no more problems such as power outages, power rationing, and South-to-North power diversion in the future.

The female host also laughed, and then said: Netizens all say that we are infrastructure maniacs and power maniacs. There is no need to underestimate ourselves. I believe that our power grid will allow controllable nuclear fusion commercial reactors to be used as quickly as possible. Transmitting power to the grid.”

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