My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

Chapter 156 The Final Winner of the Artifact

This is an extremely strange and terrifying scene.

The sacred, golden trident artifact seemed to be infected, losing its original brightness and power, and was covered with a dark liquid like a living organism!

"What is this?"

Namor was shocked. The dark protective layer had countless tiny barbs, which made his right hand, which was strong enough to resist bullets, feel like it was burned, and he retracted it in pain!

Namor looked along the arm extending from the dark liquid and saw the blackened Mera carrying one of the snake-like tentacles a few dozen meters away.

Xinian didn't know whether Namor and Arthur had the potential to make the artifact recognize the master, so he simply covered the artifact.

"I haven't tried it yet!"

Blackened Mera said, while pushing forward the snake-like tentacles on her left hand and shoulder, and her body escaped from underneath!

"You call it not trying? How many times have you tried!"

For thousands of years, the guardian sea beast Karasen has never seen someone as shameless as the blackened Mera.

Of course, it has never seen such a powerful existence as the blackened Mera!

But no matter what, as the guardian of the artifact, for the promise of that god-

Karasen must stop the invaders who are not qualified to be kings!


"What happened below?"

On the island, Atlanna's face was shocked. The island she was on began to shake continuously. A large number of pterosaurs fled in panic, and some land dinosaurs were so scared that they were incontinent and collapsed on the ground!


At this moment, the sea in the center of the earth shook!

Under the island, the sea surged!

Four or five snake-like tentacles exerted pressure at the same time, with terrifying undercurrents and suppression, and slapped down towards the blackened Mera. This was the first time Karasen was serious in a thousand years!


Namor also rushed towards the blackened Mera. He wanted to seize the artifact and avenge his brother Orm!

The blackened Mera suddenly opened her eyes wide, not because of the attack directed at her by Karasen and Namor, but right in front of the throne!

First, a ray of golden light broke out from the dark cortex with power, and then thousands of golden lights burst out from it. The trident artifact wrapped in dark liquid kept vibrating, and suddenly broke free from the grip of the dark claws, flying towards Arthur who had just struggled to climb up from the bottom of the sea!

Arthur instinctively opened the five fingers of his right hand.

"That's mine!" Namor said coldly, stretching his palm forward in the air.

The trident artifact paused in the sea water, it was between Arthur and Namor, as if making the final choice between the two.

"Do both of them have the potential to be kings at the same time?" Karasen sighed secretly, but the attack still fell on the blackened Mera.

All it had to do now was to stop the blackened Mera and let the artifact make the final decision to recognize its master.

At this time, the blackened Mera suddenly smiled.

An angry negative emotion invaded his heart, and Xi Nian was stunned. It was the Mera in his mind who was strangely angry!

Mera's mind whispered angrily: "Why do they have the potential to be so-called kings, and even if I walk in front and make more efforts, I can't make the artifact recognize the master?"

"Mera, don't you understand? That's blood. They have the blood of the Atlantis royal family." Xi Nian thought: "But you are angry, which is really great. A woman who can't be angry and can only compromise can't be an empress."

"Xi Nian, what should I do?" Mera asked.

"Just believe in me!" Xi Nian responded with his mind.

Step! !

The blackened Mera in the sea suddenly took a step forward, her eyes burning like a dark blue flame, and her scarlet hair spread wildly and domineeringly behind her. This foot seemed to step on the heart of the hidden sea in the center of the earth!

With the sole of the foot of the blackened Mera as the center, like a drop of thick ink spreading in the clear water, the black liquid quickly spread and infected the surrounding sea area!

Ten meters, a hundred meters, a thousand meters——

Until a radius of ten thousand meters! !

Plop! !

Arthur and Namor, who were in the range of the black sea water, the former suddenly fell to the ground, and the other knelt on the ground, with his knees deeply inserted into the mud on the seabed!

Heavy, unbearable pressure!


Even at tens of thousands of meters below and under super strong water pressure, the two who could swim freely and swiftly were now suppressed by the black water and could not stand!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Not only the two of them, but also the snake-like tentacles in the black water area, sank heavily one by one on the seabed!

Trample, tramp...

The seabed was so quiet that only the dull sound of footsteps could be heard. Black Mera seemed to be walking elegantly and noblely in the water, step by step to the trident that remained floating in the sea water.

The brilliance on the trident artifact was completely suppressed, dim and dull, making it look like an ordinary iron tool.

Black Mera did not need to extend her armed hand and fell on the trident artifact for the second time. The trident rang again as if it wanted to resist, but it could not move at all under the palm of her hand.

"Even if it is a divine weapon, it is just a weapon. How can you choose your master?" Black Mera scolded coldly, with contempt in her eyes.

In Xi Nian's opinion, the divine weapon is really nothing big.

His aunt has a lot of divine weapons, and she also got a divine arrow last time, which is still in the room under the table.

At worst, melt it and make a new one.

Xi Nian was thinking about this.

The trident artifact held in the blackened Mera's hand suddenly stopped resisting, and instead gently intertwined with golden light, which covered the dark symbiote battle suit and transformed into a gilded battle armor on top!

Golden flames appeared and jumped in the blackened Mera's beautiful eyes!

Circles of golden light with divine power radiated outward, like golden ripples, marking the blackened Mera holding the artifact in the center of the ocean!

Countless marine creatures witnessed the birth of a new god who reigned over the sea with memories from the depths of their blood!

Blackened Mera held the trident artifact, wore a golden armor robe, and her scarlet hair danced wildly, revealing the king's domineering and sacred aura.

The black substance merged into the blackened Mera's body, and the surrounding sea water became clear and visible again.

The snake-like tentacles squirmed and slowly lifted up.

The blackened Mera asked bluntly: "Do you want to continue fighting?"

Karasen in the dark was silent for a moment, then sighed: "I didn't expect that after so long, there would be a new sea god."

"Sea god..., what do you mean?" The blackened Mera looked at the golden trident in her hand and asked curiously: "Didn't it say that the one who gets it will be the king?"

"That's right."

Karasen said hoarsely: "If the trident relies on blood to recognize the master, that person will be the future king of the sea."

It paused, with a trace of awe and relief, and said: "And if the other party uses non-bloodline methods to finally gain the recognition of the artifact, that person will be the sea god who controls the ocean!"

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