My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

$170, Kara who wants to win the bid, a cat-like woman (1/2)

Snowy mountainside.

The melted clear ice water condensed into a stream and flowed down the mountain. The beautiful girl sat on a large rock that was flattened by the stream and took off her dark red long boots directly, without feeling the cold water washing her feet.

Until then.

Standing aside, Xi Nian recalled what he had done last night.

He looked at Kara's youthful and beautiful face with a soft and sweet smile. The red cape that came with the Supergirl battle suit was as gorgeous as before, but there were more wrinkles and obvious handprints on it. Every strand of hair scattered on the shawl glowed with platinum luster, and more than half of the slender and even legs were submerged in the stream. The cold water was picked up by the little hands and sprinkled on the inside of the legs. The water immediately slid down the long legs that were as bright as ivory in an arc.

The white and tender hands that had the power to smash the mountains made Xi Nian feel a huge contrast when doing these light and gentle actions.

And that's it.

Although her appearance has not changed since yesterday morning, her temperament has become more mature and attractive.

Especially when she saw Kara washing the things flowing down her legs with a distressed look on her face, Xi Nian had an urge to continue.

Who can resist this?

It was okay if he had never tasted it before, but now that he has liberated his nature for the first time, he can't go back.

However, Xi Nian knew that if he touched Kara again, he would turn into the superman state that lost control yesterday. Today is Sunday, almost noon, and he has to go to Qingmei Gwen's house to attend the family dinner for the coming-of-age ceremony.

"Xi Nian, it's not clean..." Kara said helplessly, stepping on the water lightly with her feet, muttering: "Let's go home and take a good bath."

It was just such a simple sentence.

It almost broke the psychological defense line that Xi Nian had built with great difficulty.

Xi Nian took a deep breath and endured it: "It's my fault. I should have taken protective measures yesterday."

"I brought it. But are protective measures useful?" Kara took out two small square plastic bags from a hard-to-find pocket on the waist of her Superman suit, gestured and put them back into the tiny built-in pocket.

"That's true." Xi Nian suddenly realized.

It seems that even if protective measures were taken, it would not be prevented in the state yesterday.

"Besides, if protective measures were really taken, wouldn't it be a waste..."

Kara gently covered her lower abdomen wrapped in a blue suit with her palm, and said frankly with inexplicable expectation.

She came to school to experience human life and integrate into human society.

So for Kara, if there is a chance to strengthen the Krypton family and raise the fruit of love, it will definitely take priority over academic studies in school.

"Kara." Xinian looked at her seriously: "If you continue like this..., you can consider taking a leave tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Ah, I was wrong!" Kara stuck out her pink tongue, her eyes flickered cautiously, her small nose twitched obviously, revealing a lingering fear.

Last night, at a certain moment, our Kryptonian daughter Kara.

Really thought she was dead.

At least, it was broken...

For a short time.

Kara didn't want to do it again. It was exciting, but you couldn't play with your life every day, right?


Superwoman Kara took Xinian and flew directly back to the rooftop of Xinian's home. As soon as she put Xinian down, Kara flew back to the suburbs of Washington in the direction of her adoptive parents' home with a sad face.

Xinian took the elevator downstairs, opened the door and returned home, and found that the house was empty.

That's right.

Although it was Sunday, Diana would still stay in the law firm where she was a shareholder at noon. Wanda will also go to school to study housekeeping education, or go to the holy land of Master Gu Yi to learn magic.

In the end, as the idle person in the family, there is always only Xi Nian.


There are two or three other guys.

"Xiao Huang, Xiao Du... You are more relaxed than me, lying down all day long at home."

Xi Nian came to the living room, stretched out his big hand to Xiao Huang who was lying in a corner of his sofa, and stroked it fiercely.

This guy used to call twice when he came home, but now he is too lazy to open his eyes to look at him.

The Yuan Devourer cub did not resist, but squinted his eyes comfortably.

Its appearance has hardly changed in a few months. The four cat paws are bent docilely, and it rolls on the spot to reveal a flat belly with white fluff.

Xi Nian was not polite and stroked the cat's belly, which felt even softer.

At this time, Xiao Huang's cat tail suddenly twisted and raised on its own, and the hair oozed dark liquid like ink, condensing into tentacles with silky bones, and the end of the cat tail turned into a black alien head.

"Don't call me Xiao Du. I said, my name is Venom."

The dark head had pale eyes, staring at the boy, revealing its hideous fangs, and whispered evilly and hoarsely: "Your body gives me a different feeling than before..."

"There are some changes, um, it's become harder."

Xi Nian nodded in acknowledgment, pinched his steel body abdominal muscles that were not very obvious after he put on his clothes, and was not surprised by the emergence of the symbiote Venom.

After the last showdown with the symbiote Venom with his aunt, the Venom, who had been parasitic on Xiao Huang for a long time, would occasionally brush his presence like this.

"What a pity."

The symbiote Venom sighed regretfully, quickly turned into liquid and flowed back into the cat's body, and disappeared completely in an instant.

It was a pity.

This human boy is the most suitable host for it to parasitize, no doubt about it!

But once it parasitizes on Xi Nian, under the trigger of the Lord of the Dependents, Xi Nian will also have the characteristics of a symbiote. And once Xi Nian transforms into a symbiote, he will become extremely unsuitable for parasitism, but suitable for parasitizing on others, which will not be able to perfectly exert the ability provided by Venom.

This is what the symbiote Venom has always felt sorry for.

"By the way." The symbiote Venom, who was symbiotic on Xiao Huang, suddenly formed a mouth from the back of the cat body and said hoarsely: "Recently, I have felt the breath of the same kind again."

"The same kind?"

Xinian's hand that was stroking Xiao Huang's soft belly suddenly stopped.

Venom's kind is naturally the strange alien creatures such as symbiotes.

He frowned: "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, it's indeed the same kind." Venom responded with certainty.

"Where?" Xi Nian asked.

"I don't know." Venom responded: "I just vaguely felt the vibration of my kind, and I can't lock its specific location, but the general location should still be-New York City."

This was said as if nothing had been said.

"New York?" Xi Nian pondered for a moment, and thought: "Didn't you say that there were only three symbiotes who came to Earth with you?"

Xi Nian still remembers those three symbiotes very clearly, after all, it was the first time that the three-in-one body was solved by itself.

Two symbiotes were exiled into the space of the Devourer. There was no parasite for such a long time, and they died in it.

The third symbiote was burned to death in the cabin of the spacecraft!

"Wait a minute." Xi Nian's mind moved: "How do you symbiotes reproduce?"

"Directly reproduce by themselves. But once a offspring is reproduced, it will die. So our symbiotes can only choose to reproduce before the end of life..."

Venom said here, surprised: "You mean, when Riot (the symbiote boss) was burned to death before, he reproduced a symbiote offspring?"

"It is very likely."

Xi Nian's face was solemn: "If that is really the case. Then its offspring must be stronger than the previous generation, or not afraid of fire!"


Although he knew that there were symbiotes hidden in New York City, Xi Nian did not intend to take action. After all, if the other party had been hiding and not showing up, the difficulty of finding it would undoubtedly be like finding a needle in a haystack.

So, he could only put it aside for now.

"Guan Luo, you should have something to say to me."

Xi Nian looked outside the balcony of his home. As he spoke, the sun was basking on the balcony, and the colorful starfish in the glass jar opened its single eye.

Guan Luo sent a message with his spiritual thoughts: "Two things."

"The first thing. The SHIELD headquarters you are looking for has been found. The address is in Manhattan, New York, on a central island of urban transformation."

"Well done." Xi Nian nodded and issued an order: "Encircle the urban area around the headquarters, and then find a way to infiltrate the headquarters building to find out if there is a silver-haired boy around thirteen years old inside. In addition, record any special things in the headquarters first."

"The security check there is quite good, but it is still much worse than some civilizations in the universe - I will try my best." Guan Luo responded confidently.

As its mind moved.


Distributed in various places in New York hundreds of kilometers away, hidden in humans, cats and dogs, car bodies, buildings, etc., tiny transparent creatures like jellyfish began to gather at the location of the SHIELD headquarters with the help of the crowds and traffic on the streets.

Encirclement, SHIELD headquarters.


"What about the second thing?" Xi Nian asked curiously. He could guess the first thing, but he had no clue about the second thing.

Guan Luo: "Didn't you attach a jellyfish clone to a white young man the night before last and let me monitor him?"

"I remember, it's true."

Xinian's eyes became cold, and he said without hesitation: "He returned to his home? Then we can confiscate the tools he wanted to use to commit the crime..."

"He's dead." Guan Luo's spiritual thoughts came suddenly.

"What did you say?" Xinian was stunned for a moment, and asked in a deep voice: "When and how did he die?"

"Last night, he died in his home in New York."

While Guan Luo was talking, he conveyed a lot of information to Xinian with his spiritual thoughts.

Xinian's brain immediately presented a series of real pictures, which were extremely clear and detailed, as if watching a VR movie from God's perspective.

It can be seen that the scene is in a luxurious and large room, with doors and windows closed, and there is only a white young man inside - isn't it the scum who wanted to force her to do something before.

The white youth was wearing branded clothes. He was obviously drunk again. He kept pulling at the tie around his neck and breathing heavily. His handsome face was twisted with red anger, and his eyes were bloodshot and crazy.

Thinking of what happened last night, the white youth could not control his emotions and kept smashing the furniture: "You stinky bitch, you dare to resist! Next time, I will make you my plaything! You will close your eyes and call me master, suck me!!"

"And those two damn passers-by!"

Smashing the lamp worth tens of thousands of dollars to the ground, the white youth finally relieved some of his emotions.

He exhaled and was about to let the female nanny outside come in to deal with the debris and use that plump big buttocks to vent.

But at this time.

There was a crash!

The window of the room suddenly opened, and the night breeze rushed in!

The silver and bright moonlight fell in from the window, and the moonlight cast a beautiful and weird graceful figure indoors, like the shadow of a cat's tail swaying slightly.

Xinian was shocked and confused. From God's perspective, he could see more clearly than the white young man——

That's a woman!

A woman who looks like a cat!

The woman's silver hair, the same color as the moonlight, was flying wildly. She wore half a black mask on her face so that her appearance could not be seen clearly. Only her bright red and sexy lips were exposed, as well as a pair of extremely bright, cold eyes.

She was wearing a one-piece black shiny leather jacket. When she was squatting on the window like a cat, her mature and graceful body outlined the uneven and moving curves.

What's surprising is that.

The woman's hands are like animal-shaped cat paws that have become several times larger. The outstretched pointed claws shine with a cold light. A pair of cat ears and a cat tail also appear on the head and behind the back respectively, like a grotesque and glamorous creature. .

"Who are you……"

The white young man turned around in surprise. He looked at the black cat woman at the window, a look of astonishment appeared on his face, and his eyes flashed with instinctive lust.

However, he didn't wait for him to finish speaking.

The black cat woman jumped forward like a hunting cat, approaching with inhuman speed. She slashed the cat claw of her right hand towards the young man's throat, and several tragic streams of blood immediately burst out in the room——

The moment he cuts the opponent's throat.

The black cat woman touched the ground with her toes and moved sideways deftly, avoiding the splash of scarlet blood.

The white young man's eyes widened with great fear. He covered his neck, where warm blood was gushing out, and opened his mouth to say something. In the end, he was unable to utter a word and fell straight back to the floor.

The black cat woman did not look at the white young man again, but quickly used a pair of cat claws to scratch open the drawers and safes in the room, and stuffed the large amount of banknotes and gold inside into a casual bag.

Complete it all.

The black cat woman was about to leave, but her body suddenly paused, and her cat-like beautiful eyes looked at the legs of the table in the room.

She stepped forward and stretched out her metal cat claws, crushing the tiny translucent jellyfish attached to the table!

This ends the archived scene that Canluo conveyed to Xinian in spirit.

Xinian was still in a daze. Although the other party covered her face, the figure of the black cat woman looked very much like the person in her memory!

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