My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 180: Who are you looking down on? ===

Li Ziqian: "..."

The situation was really embarrassing. Bengbu stopped. He felt that he should say something, but he felt that he should not.


How did Mo Nanbei fall to the ground and still be able to communicate with people normally?


Because it's a dog, this kind of human emotion won't appear on her, right?

damn it.

The more he thought about it, the more reasonable Li Ziqian suddenly began to admire himself.

"Hey, why are you staring at me all the time?"

Suddenly, Mo Nanbei took the lead in starting a group and asked Li Ziqian.


To be reasonable, Li Ziqian is now full of question marks on his head, and then he said his famous words,

"If you're not looking at me, how do you know I'm looking at you, so why are you looking at me?"

In an instant, the spearhead of the topic was aimed at Mo Nanbei.

"I'll take a look at my son, what's wrong, can't you?" Mo Nanbei raised his brows slightly and replied to Li Ziqian rudely.

"What, miss your father? Didn't you say you bought something, you're done?"

"It's over!"

Speaking of which, Mo Nanbei pointed at the pocket he was carrying in his hand in confusion.

What, you fell and you are still blind, right?

"Why did you buy it so quickly? Got it, you miss me too much, don't you?"

Mo Nanbei: ? ? ?

Can you still understand that?

Really, you scold me, hehe, do you have me in your heart?

At this time, the bus came, and it was the one they went back to, and the war between the two ended.

But with the effort of getting into the car, Mo Nanbei's broken thoughts continued.

"How could someone bully me in a fit of rage after a fall?"

"Wuwuwu, grievance, what kind of scum is Li Ziqian!"

"Excessive, woo woo woo, the dog shook his head when he saw the dog."

One thing to say, Li Ziqian was about to die of anger.

But he couldn't open his mouth to refute it, because in a sense, what Mo Nanbei said was still right!

But, she was the one who started the provocation first!

Ahhh! Why would there be such a weird girlfriend!

Although it would be embarrassing to come over to comfort him, to come over anxiously to see where he was injured or not, but but! ! ! At least not let him be like now, right? !

Why did this thing have a mouth! !

If he was asked to write about his relationship with Mo Nanbei, it would be the first chapter "My Dumb Bride", the second chapter "The Doctor is Coming", the third chapter "My Wife Speaks", and the fourth chapter would have to be end! The title of the fourth chapter finale is "We Divorced"!

special code.

Outrageous! !

It's far from your mother's spectrum!

With a sigh, the already heavy schoolbag on his back became heavier.

Following Mo Nanbei onto the bus, the two of them searched for an open space as usual.

Somehow there were more people in the car today.

Every time there are many people on the bus, nothing good will happen to Li Ziqian.

No, the crowd on the bus crowded the two into the corner again.

As if recalling something, Mo Nanbei suddenly gasped.

As if she already had experience, she directly used the backpack as a shield and carried it to her stomach.

Her eyelids twitched wildly at the big bag Li Ziqian was carrying.

"Li Ziqian, why don't you put your backpack down?"

"I look terrified!"

Li Ziqian: ...?

Seeing Mo Nanbei's appearance like an enemy, Li Ziqian frowned, a little puzzled, "Are you afraid one day?"

This is a rare thing.

To be fair, there are really not many things that can make Mo Nanbei afraid.

As long as she knew how to write the word 'fear', she wouldn't dance with herself like this every day.

But Li Ziqian also seemed to remember something, he shrugged and said,

"Okay, then I'll put it down."

Saying that, he threw his backpack on the ground.

But in the process, the bus suddenly stopped abruptly when it encountered a pedestrian in front of it running a red light.


The bag just fell to the ground.



It was Mo Nanbei's scream.

This shrill scream almost pierced the sky, Li Ziqian hurriedly lifted his schoolbag again, only to find that the bag had hit Mo Nanbei's feet.

"Are you... okay?" Li Ziqian asked tentatively.

At this time, Mo Nanbei's expression was very complicated.

The saline solution could not be restrained from spinning in his orbit, his teeth biting his lips as if he was enduring something.

"Should... be alright."

"Get out of the car first."

"Eh? Not so much..."

Before Mo Nanbei could continue to say anything, Li Ziqian raised his hand and lifted Mo Nanbei up.

It's not easy to hold a princess, it's a test of arm strength and perseverance, but anyone who has had a girlfriend should know this.

It will take more than ten seconds at most, and it will definitely be thrown to the ground. Even if Mo Nanbei's feet are at an unknown distance, if he is thrown to the ground again, he will have to go to an ambulance.

"Master, open the door! Get off! Go to the hospital!" Li Ziqian shouted to the front.

A few key words instantly caught the driver's attention, and the originally crowded crowd also tried their best to give Li Ziqian a way out.

After getting out of the car, Li Ziqian looked at Mo Nanbei who was hanging on him, turned his head and continued to ask,

"Foot, move it?"


"Did you move?"


"and then?"

"It's numb."


The problem may be a little bigger.

"Go to the hospital." After saying that, Li Ziqian took out his mobile phone from his pocket and started to take a taxi.

"Huh? This shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

Mo Nanbei blinked his eyes a little confusedly.

Of course, to be honest, she didn't even believe it herself.

Just, being smashed by a schoolbag, what can happen?

It wasn't the car that ran over it.

But to say it's all right, it hurts badly when I move. Apart from the dull pain, there is also a sharp pain.

It's okay to say it's all right after going home, but what if there's something wrong?

Moreover, it has been half a minute since I got off the bus...

This... doesn't seem to mean to slow down.

Thinking so, Mo Nanbei did not continue to refuse Li Ziqian's request.

Go to the hospital, at least reassure yourself.

Soon, the taxi came.

With the help of Li Ziqian, he successfully made Mo Nanbei's head slam into the car door frame. At the same time, Mo Nanbei suffered a second trauma.

"It's over, we won't have to go to the brain department now, will we?"

"You motherfucker!!!"

Listening to Mo Nanbei's nasal roar, Li Ziqian knew that he seemed to be cold!

Because at this time, her murderous eyes are already clear!


Hurry up and hurry up. Under Li Ziqian's urging, the driver's uncle finally broke the limit. Under the circumstance of obeying the traffic rules, it took only seven minutes and 23 seconds to send the two of them to the nearest hospital. .

Registration, queuing, and consultation to confirm the situation.

At last……

In fact, Mo Nanbei's foot was not seriously injured, but the skin was broken. As for why it hurt so badly, because it was swollen, it would be fine to rest for a week, and there was no problem without medical treatment.

The doctor said that if you are still worried, you can take a film.

Since it's 'it's fine', then Mo Nanbei is naturally not going to have this plan.

While analyzing the situation with Mo Nanbei, the doctor was talking about what to pay attention to next. If something happens, then there is a problem with the bones. Don't be afraid to take the trouble to take pictures, although he is watching it now, based on his years of experience. Analysis is no problem...

But looking at the friendly exchanges between Mo Nanbei and Li Ziqian, ah, at least in the eyes of the doctor.

So he took a deep breath and asked Mo Nanbei in as gentle a tone as possible, "Little girl, is he your boyfriend?"

Hearing this, Mo Nanbei was stunned for a second.

"Well, yes... ah, no." Immediately afterwards, she changed her expression instantly, showing Wang Zhi's contempt, "Oh, he's just a rebellious son who almost killed his father."

The doctor's smile suddenly stiffened.

Li Ziqian: ? ? ?

"Uh, if it's convenient, you'll help you first..." The doctor hesitated for a long time and didn't know what to say, then glanced at the schoolbags of the two and changed his mouth.

"Help your classmates get medicine? I happen to be going to the next door. I'm really sorry for the lack of staff today."

After he finished speaking, he exited the ward and closed the door without giving the two of them time to react.

For fear of disturbing the father and son.

Okay, it can be seen that he actually wants to leave.

This house really can't last.

Damn young man!

Looking at the empty room, the two fell silent for a while.

ah this...

After a long silence, Mo Nanbei scolded,

"Bring me the medicine, I can apply it myself, you look like a waste who can't take medicine!"

Li Ziqian: ?

Why did he suddenly open up to him?

Are you taking gun pills?

But considering that Mo Nanbei was brought in by himself after all, the high red area on the instep is quite conspicuous, and I don't know if there is any problem with the head knock, Li Ziqian didn't attack Mo Nanbei, just followed her the words said,

"Who are you looking down on here?

Come, today I am going to give you medicine by my own ability! "

Mo Nanbei: ? ? ? ?

To be fair, Mo Nanbei wondered for a while that Li Ziqian rolled up his sleeves and was ready to do something about her.

This is a posture that wants to beat her up! !

Shrinking back silently, she leaned her head back slightly against the wall and asked Li Ziqian cautiously,

"Am I him, if you don't know how to do it, you will cause me a second trauma?"

"Oh, no, no, no, no one will be afraid of this, right? This is it?!"

The two of them were so happy, and the people next door suffered.

It just so happened that there was an observation room next door, and the walls with poor sound insulation clearly passed through the sound of the two of them.

Suddenly, there was a roar filled with resentment.

"Riding on a horse, you guys came to the hospital to fight?! Can you give the patient a bit of cleaning!!"

Two people: "..."


This wave belongs to the group suddenly disconnected from the network.

The two of you look at me, I look at you, after all, Li Ziqian sighed helplessly. He stepped forward, holding the iodophor in his hand, ready to wipe Mo Nanbei's wound.

"It may be a little painful, you can bear with it." He twisted the bottle, dipped it on a cotton swab, and said to Mo Nanbei.

"Oh." Mo Nanbei had already given up struggling.

"...What do you mean by that expression?" Li Ziqian's eyes twitched.

What else could it mean?

Wait to die!

But seeing Li Ziqian holding a cotton swab and frantically testing at her feet, she felt a little anxious.

"A few ink marks, little brother, rush! Don't keep mentally torturing me tactically, okay?"

Don't die!

Who doesn't know how cold it feels when touching a wound with something?

Let people die a little more happily! Hurry up! Then she is free!


What is the ink!

If it wasn't for Li Ziqian's control of life and death, and now that he was injured and couldn't beat her, Mo Nanbei really wanted to jump to the ground and fight Li Ziqian.


Grinding and chirping, can you do it!

But obviously, Mo Nanbei, who knew how to write the words 'desire to survive', did not express his true thoughts.

She chose to remain silent.

Looking at Mo Nanbei's stubborn appearance, Li Ziqian raised his hand to give her a thumbs up, and then praised,


"Damn it! Hurry up!"

Li Ziqian:  …

That's fine.

Li Ziqian simply rotted, and took a cotton swab and poked the wound on Mo Nanbei's foot.

Let's just say it's amazing.

Mingming just smashed it, and he could understand that it was swollen, and the broken bone didn't think much except for being surprised by the arrogance of the schoolbag.

But only... this wound he couldn't understand.

The wound is neither long nor short, it is on the instep, only a few faint blood is visible, the rest are small broken skins, and it will be fine after disinfection.

As for the other things, the doctor said a few words before. If you are worried about congestion, you can rub more safflower oil and iodine, and you will be fine with more rest.

Thinking about it, Li Ziqian also forgot to control her strength, and when she heard Mo Nanbei's "hush--", her brows clenched together because of the pain.

"You stepped on a horse, did you do it on purpose!!!"

Cotton swabs poke wounds, right?

Although she has offended Li Ziqian many times, but... she can't do this! !

ah? ?

This wave of public revenge is too much! ! !

Tears came out of pain, okay? ! !

Mo Nanbei's sudden change in expression was noticed by Li Ziqian.

Of course body movements are also included.

Therefore, he could clearly see how the joints turned white and turned red after the toes were tense.

Suddenly, he gradually began to understand everything.

Silently swallowed, and after taking a deep breath, he switched to the cotton swab with extreme restraint on the tunnel in his hand, wiped it up a little bit, and asked her,

"Does it hurt?"

However, what Li Ziqian did not expect was that.

Just when he hadn't heard a response for a long time and looked up to see what was going on with Mo Nanbei, he saw this man with teary eyes and a slightly soft voice said to him,

"You... just try harder..."

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