My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 353: Then I will sleep by myself ===(2)


It was like being a thief, Li Ziqian even dared to curl up on the bed obediently.

I heard speeches outside.

"Beibei, is there anyone inside?"

"Oh no, my roommate hasn't come yet."

"When is she coming?"

"Didn't you hear me calling her? She only came at night."

The more they talked about Li Ziqian's room, the more so that Li Ziqian didn't dare to come out, but it could be analyzed from their conversation.

Mo Nanbei must have told his parents that the rent was shared with the female classmates in the back seat of high school. In order to convince his parents, he even greeted the female classmates in advance and acted on the phone in front of his parents.

I have to say that Mo Nanbei really put a lot of thought into these things.

Although this is not good, sometimes telling these white lies to parents is a last resort.

I don't know how long I waited, Li Ziqian even fell asleep before hearing Mo Nanbei's banging on the door.

The confused Li Ziqian stood up and opened the door for Mo Nanbei.

Seeing Li Ziqian's face just waking up from a big dream, Mo Nanbei said in surprise, "Aren't you still sleeping?"


"You lazy dog!"

"Please, I don't dare to make a sound in it, okay? How many broken things do you have? It took me so long to sort out that I fell asleep."

"Don't give me sloppy mouths, bastards!"

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