My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 378: Do you still feel your conscience? ===(1)

When the afternoon was approaching the evening, I could always feel the breeze blowing by. Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei changed into normal clothes, and Mo Nanbei finally put on the long dress that he was thinking of.

The two rented a small electric donkey and started to circle around the road near the sea. There was no purpose. They just wanted to quietly look at the city and feel some sea breeze.

There are no people around, but when you look to the right, you can see the boundless blue, and the clouds in the sky still look like someone decorated the black cloth with white ink. In the cool and refreshing wind, Li Ziqian, as the helm of this electric donkey, made happy cheers as he walked forward.

Mo Nanbei took off the hat that was originally on his head, held it in his hand and waved it constantly, as if it was the only way to express his inner joy.

"I'm so happy!" Mo Nanbei shouted.

"Me too!" Li Ziqian agreed.

The smell of wind and sea water kept kissing the two of them, allowing them to sway and release themselves.

Mo Nanbei's laughter continued, "Let me just say, electric vehicles are really a means of transportation that will make people happy."

"Then maybe I also take half of the credit, because I'm driving this electric car."

Under such circumstances, people's moods will become throbbing. Li Ziqian heard Mo Nanbei shouting to the sky: "Li Ziqian, do you think we will always be this happy?"

The wind kept blowing, but Mo Nanbei's words were not blown away, instead, they all blew into Li Ziqian's ears.

Li Ziqian just smiled, and after a two-second pause, "Yes."

Yes, of course, the two will stay together until graduation, until they get married and have children, and they will be with each other until they grow old. Maybe when they are seventy or eighty years old, they will still be sitting on a rocking chair and recalling their current years.


This trip to Lucheng is not very long, because the initial throbbing needs to be preserved and collected.

Of course, in addition to this, there is another important reason that every time the two get a trip, it will inevitably take a few days to adjust the state.

For example, during the seven-day National Day holiday, the first few days may be to go to see the sea or to enjoy delicious food, but the arrangement for the next few days is to stay at home and sleep more to refresh the mind and change blood.

Although traveling is very happy, it will also bring a lot of energy consumption, so if you want to make up for it, you must use sleep and lying down to make up for it. During a National Day holiday, if you have both the happiness from traveling and staying at home If it is comfortable, it means that it is very sufficient.

The day after returning home after a long journey, two days before the start of school, the two slept until eleven o'clock, but this was a stable performance, if not for Li Ziqian who was woken up by the sudden movement upstairs After going to the bathroom, you can actually sleep.

Of course, when he woke up, it was impossible to let Mo Nanbei continue to sleep next to him. Li Ziqian's method was to watch the video next to Mo Nanbei, and he deliberately turned up the volume.

Mo Nanbei couldn't accept this kind of tossing even if he slept and died, but he woke up in desperation. After scolding Li Ziqian, he joined the team who woke up early in the morning and didn't wake up but played on the phone first.

The two play their own way, without disturbing each other.

Li Ziqian was watching a movie commentary of a horror movie at Xiaopo Station. When he was getting excited, Zhou Tianyang was caught off guard by a video call. Originally in this immersive environment, Li Ziqian's heart was still nervous with the background music. What's more, this video call directly magnified Li Ziqian's fear to the extreme, making him shudder.

Mo Nanbei glanced over with disdain and laughed, "You are so timid."

"Damn, why did Zhou Tianyang make a video call so early in the morning?"

"Is it early? It's so late. It's still early. Wait a minute—the video call? I'm going, why did Zhou Tianyang make a video call so early in the morning?" Mo Nanbei looked surprised, He hurriedly changed his position, intending to leave Li Ziqian's phone screen from his sight.

Li Ziqian glanced at Mo Nanbei's appearance, and then sat up and pressed the connect button.

This person hadn't seen it yet, but he heard the voice first, and Li Ziqian was caught off guard when he shouted "Brother Qian'er".

"Brother Tianyang, why did you call in the morning?"

Through the display of the mobile phone screen, you can see that the background on Zhou Tianyang's side is still in the dormitory.

Zhou Tianyang's expression looked a little aggrieved, and he said, "Brother Qian'er, what are you doing?"

It can be seen that Zhou Tianyang may be in a hurry and just want to make a phone call and chat.

Li Ziqian looked around subconsciously, "I'm lying on the bed at home, isn't it obvious?"

Zhou Tianyang immediately turned into a look of bitterness and hatred, and Hai kept sighing over and over again, as if there was a lot of sadness.

The more Zhou Tianyang behaved like this, the more Li Ziqian wanted to laugh. He looked at Zhou Tianyang and asked, "What's wrong? Why are you crying, is it because someone owes you money and hasn't paid it back?"

"Hey, Brother Qian'er, look at it." Zhou Tianyang shifted the camera position, turned the camera towards his dormitory, and circled around.

Li Ziqian found out that Zhou Tianyang's dormitory seemed to be empty, he was the only one.

Li Ziqian did not wrinkle slightly, and asked again, "What's the matter, isn't your roommate here?"

Saying these words seemed to finally pierce Zhou Tianyang's grievance point, he couldn't hold back immediately, his inner grievance was like a flood dam, "Yeah, Brother Qian'er, the National Day holiday is seven days, and I have another one. The three roommates should go home on the first day, and it is time to find a girlfriend, and I am left alone here, I am so miserable."

When Zhou Tianyang said such words, Li Ziqian should have shown pity and sympathy, but he still couldn't hold back and accidentally laughed out loud.

Zhou Tianyang was even more aggrieved, "Brother Qian'er, why are you still laughing, do you know how pitiful, how lonely and helpless I am to stay here by myself, every day I wake up in the dormitory with no one and no one there Bring me food, I have to go downstairs and buy it myself if I want to eat, and when I go to bed at night, I am alone, and sometimes the bed board will make a creaking sound, and I am still very scared.”

"Hahahaha." Li Ziqian was finally unable to stretch himself out, and his painful laughter turned into a laugh.

It's not that he deliberately wanted to laugh at Zhou Tianyang, the main reason was that Li Ziqian's focus was really strange. Although Zhou Tianyang was talking about his painful experience, Li Ziqian thought of Zhou Tianyang, a big, tall and strong boy because It's really funny to imagine the scene when I'm scared to sleep alone at night.

Besides, is it really sure that the creaking sound of the bed board he said was not caused by Zhou Tianyang?

After being ridiculed repeatedly by Li Ziqian, Zhou Tianyang's expression turned hazy at this time, he sighed deeply, and lowered his head silently.

Li Ziqian finally managed to control his emotions, "I'm sorry, I just suddenly thought of something funny."

Zhou Tianyang sighed again, "Brother Qian'er, I'm really miserable."

"No, isn't your home in the local area? It should be very convenient to go home. Why didn't you go home during such a long National Day holiday, but stayed in the dormitory instead?"

"Hey, I want to go home too, but my parents are working overtime on the National Day, and when I go back, there is no one there. The family is still big, and staying at home alone will be even more empty and lonely. Why don't I stay in the dormitory? ."

"So that's how it is." Li Ziqian's expression suddenly became serious, although he couldn't feel 100% empathy, but he still needed to say comforting words, "It's okay, you've been here for so long, school is about to start, I guess your roommate It's almost there."

"No, Brother Qian'er, I really can't take it anymore."

"Why can't you take it anymore?"

Zhou Tianyang let out a long sigh again, just by looking at his expression, he felt like a person who lived a hard life and couldn't stay in that kind of place for a moment.

"Because of the holiday, most of the students have gone home, and many windows of the student restaurant are closed. Those windows that are opened are not what I like. I have been suffering from eating these days."

This is like the last line of defense that overwhelms Zhou Tian. The lack of spirituality is enough for Zhou Tianyang to feel better, but what is more painful is that he can't be late for his favorite meal every day. Absolutely murderous.

Although Li Ziqian had just dressed and mocked, but after hearing this, he also empathized with him.

Without even thinking about it, Li Ziqian blurted out, "Why don't you come to my house for dinner, your sister-in-law is very skilled, what would you like to eat?"

As if he had been waiting for Li Ziqian to say these words, Zhou Tianyang was overjoyed and quickly agreed, "Really, that's great, I'll get up and go to your house right away."

"However, it's been so many days off, why did you remember to complain to me?" Li Ziqian asked.

According to Zhou Tianyang's own character, he is definitely not the kind of person who can hold back.

"Isn't that because I heard you say before the holiday that you were going to hang out with Sister Mo? Then I didn't make a phone call to please the two of you. Now that I think that the two of you may be back, I dare to call."

"Then what a coincidence, you and I happened to be back yesterday, and you called this morning." When he said this, Li Ziqian subconsciously glanced at Mo Nanbei, who was lying on the other side in front of him.

"Okay, Brother Qian'er, I won't tell you any more. I'll get up and go to your house right now. Anyway, it's almost time for dinner. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I'm starving to death. I still remember your address. , just open the door for me when it arrives." Zhou Tianyang said as he got out of bed, as if he couldn't wait.

At this point, the phone call is over. Mo Nanbei saw that Li Ziqian finally lost his voice, so he dared to turn around and lie beside Li Ziqian.

"Is Zhou Tianyang coming soon?" Mo Nanbei looked up at Li Ziqian and asked.

There was still a smile on Li Ziqian's face, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, just from the two of you on the phone, I found that he was really miserable, and you even laughed at others."

When I mentioned this, Li Ziqian couldn't help but laugh heartlessly, "I don't want to laugh either, the problem is that I can't hold back, he's really funny, think about it, one meter eighteen Isn't it funny to be a big man who is almost 1.9 meters tall and scared because he is sleeping alone?"

Under such a description, some images of the tenants appeared in Mo Nanbei's mind, and the corners of her mouth began to rise uncontrollably. Chi laughed together.

The two laughed and said sorry to Zhou Tianyang from a distance.

Mo Nanbei patted the quilt, "I'm sorry, Zhou Tianyang, I didn't mean to laugh at you, I blame Li Ziqian, it's all because of his broken mouth."

Sometimes the laughter spread is so strange, it is not really that funny, but once the two people laugh at the same time, it becomes out of control and can't help it.

Li Ziqian also reprimanded Mo Nanbei while laughing, "You still say that I am the one who is the most heartless, and you are so happy while upholding justice?"

"Hahahaha, crazy, what are you laughing at??!"

"What did you say I was doing, what the **** are you laughing at??"

After finally calming down, Li Ziqian still had tears in the corners of his eyes. After he wiped away the tears, he pushed Mo Nanbei beside him, "Are you supposed to cook? They will come to eat later."

"You laugh so hard at other people. You must not take the blame and take the initiative to cook. When Zhou Tianyang comes, I will be able to say good things to you in front of him."

"You obviously can't get any better yourself, okay, do you still feel your conscience?"

Despite the endless competition, the two decided to cook together, which was to make up for the crime.

Even entertaining guests, it may not be treated casually, Li Ziqian decided to show his hand and make his own specialty dish - braised pork.

According to the ingredients in the refrigerator, Mo Nanbei is also planning what to eat at noon, because it is past eleven o'clock, and if I go to the supermarket to buy ingredients and then cook it, I'm afraid it will be too late.

All food is less meaningful if it takes a long time to wait when people are already hungry.

Because Zhou Tianyang didn't say what he likes to eat, he can only do it according to their own ideas.

When Mo Nanbei was thinking about what to cook, he asked Li Ziqian, "What do you think Zhou Tianyang likes to eat? Does he like to eat shrimp slips, Orleans grilled wings, pot-wrapped meat, or fried chicken legs? like or not?"

"I think your question is a bit redundant. As long as it's meat dishes, there's nothing he doesn't like. You can do it with confidence, he'll definitely like it."

To a certain extent, Zhou Tianyang is actually not a picky eater. After all, as long as there are meat dishes, there is nothing he does not like to eat. From the internal organs to the soles of animals, there is no taboo for him at all. Chickens, ducks, cattle, sheep, and pigs are also all He has a good heart, and besides that, fish, shrimp, and the sea in the river are also preferred.

But if it's a vegetarian dish, it's different, and it's Zhou Tianyang's taboo to say anything.

Therefore, if you invite Zhou Tianyang to dinner, it is actually very easy to deal with.

Mainly there is meat, whatever he does, he loves it.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Li Ziqian was responsible for making braised pork and shrimp slippery vermicelli, while Mo Nanbei was responsible for making pot-wrapped meat, Orleans grilled wings, fried chicken legs and fried mushrooms, and finally a vegetarian dish and cucumber. After all, they are all meat dishes. If so, it's a bit boring.

These dishes are considered delicious and not complicated, and they will not take too much time, and because Zhou Tianyang's appetite is taken into account, it is necessary to make a large table.

Braised pork is Li Ziqian's old favorite. It is already a delicious existence that can be made without reading the recipe. However, the standard of this decision is not something Li Ziqian casually talks about, mainly because in Li Ziqian's world, Being able to cook without looking at the recipe is already something that is worth taking out.

When Li Ziqian's braised pork was ready, Mo Nanbei's cucumbers were ready and roasted wings were marinated and put into the oven, Zhou Tianyang knocked on the door of Li Ziqian's house.

Li Ziqian went out to open the door, while Mo Nanbei continued to stay in the kitchen.

As soon as the door opened, in addition to seeing Zhou Tianyang, who was sweating profusely, he also saw that he was carrying a large bag in each hand.

Li Ziqian quickly analyzed and immediately saw that one bag contained fruit, while the other bag contained snacks.

"Brother Tianyang, are you?"

Zhou Tianyang was still panting, "Brother Qian'er, I'm late, didn't I keep you waiting?"

"No, no, your sister-in-law and I woke up late. We were just cooking. Come in and cook." Li Ziqian waved to Zhou Tianyang, motioning him to come in and sit.

Zhou Tianyang wiped the sweat from his forehead with difficulty, and put the two large bags in his hand beside the TV cabinet, "I bought it on the way when I came, and I will send it to you two.

Li Ziqian patted Zhou Tianyang on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I've already come, so what else did you bring?"

Unexpectedly, Zhou Tianyang was quite loyal, and said righteously: "That's not good. If you come to your house for dinner, you must bring something. You can't eat it for nothing? Besides, it's all bought on the road, so it doesn't take much trouble."

"Brother Tianyang, you're just meeting me. Who are we, who are we, and who are doing all these bells and whistles."

Zhou Tianyang sat on the sofa, "It's just because we have a good relationship, so I can't rub against you for no reason because of our good relationship."

Tsk tsk, Zhou Tianyang was too kind and righteous, but it made Li Ziqian feel a little embarrassed. He felt a little flustered when he thought of himself and Mo Nanbei mocking Zhou Tianyang recklessly in bed.

Mo Nanbei also came out of the kitchen, wearing an apron, holding a spatula in his hand and said with a smile, "Zhou Tianyang, are you here?"

Although this dramatic opening remarks sounds like Mo Nanbei is a housewife.

Zhou Tianyang stood up from the sofa again, "Sister Mo, I have to trouble you today, it's hard work."

Mo Nanbei smiled and greeted Zhou Tianyang to sit down quickly, "Don't be so polite, anyway, we're all going to cook if you come or not, so it's not troublesome at all."

Indeed, it does sound like this, but if Zhou Tianyang didn't say that he wanted to come over for dinner today, then Li Ziqian and Mo's cup of lunch today must be made casually because of laziness.

Zhou Tianyang scratched his head, still smiling dryly, as if he didn't know what to say next.

Li Ziqian stepped forward and put Zhou Tianyang on the sofa again, and then picked up the air conditioner remote control on the coffee table to lower the temperature.

Mo Nanbei glanced at the two of them, put one hand into the pocket on the apron, and said to Li Ziqian, "You two haven't talked for a few days, I'll go inside to cook first, and you two can catch up. , you will remember to make the shrimp slippery vermicelli pot later."

After Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei nodded, they sat beside Zhou Tianyang.

Zhou Tianyang smiled, "What kind of shrimp slippery vermicelli stew, Brother Qian'er, what are you going to do today?"

Because he was trapped in the school for many days, Zhou Tianyang is like a hungry wolf now, and he has no resistance to any delicious food, even if he hears the name, he will drool.

Li Ziqian raised his eyebrows, "Don't you know, your sister-in-law Mo is going to make a big table of dishes today, and even I participated in it, just to treat you well." Li Ziqian tapped Zhou Tianyang's chest, "You Tell me about you, you have too much face, so that all of us have to work hard for you."

Zhou Tianyang showed a harmless smile, and politely said, "I'm so sorry." Then he rolled his eyes and asked, "Then tell me what's delicious at noon today?"

"Braised pork, this is what I made, as well as shrimp slippery vermicelli pot, pot wrapped meat, Orleans grilled wings, fried chicken legs, fried mushrooms, and cucumbers."

Zhou Tianyang's eyes stared at the stars of the dishes, and he couldn't hold back just hearing this, "My mother, there are so many delicious foods, and all of them are my favorites, Brother Qian'er, you and How does Sister Mo understand me so well?"

Li Ziqian gave Zhou Tianyang a disdainful look, "Che, who doesn't understand your little thought?"

But there is also an important reason because these dishes are based on the ingredients available in the refrigerator.

Mo Nanbei was frying chicken legs in the kitchen, the smell of meat and the crackling sound of oil from the pan came out of the kitchen, making the two people sitting on the sofa unable to calm down.

Although Zhou Tianyang didn't say it, Li Ziqian could clearly see that he was quietly swallowing saliva.

So the understanding Li Ziqian quickly went to the kitchen and stole two chicken drumsticks under Mo Nanbei's nose, one for Zhou Tianyang and one for himself.

The two of them snorted and breathed, and then took a bite of the crispy skin and juicy and tender chicken legs.

"Hmm~" Zhou Tianyang was amazed. Although this was not the first time he came to Li Ziqian's house, it was the first time he had tasted Mo Nanbei's craftsmanship. He had not eaten delicious food for several days, but at this time he happily accepted the fried chicken leg. Such a delicacy in the world, he instantly felt as if he was the luckiest person in the world.

"How is it, your sister-in-law Mo's craftsmanship is good." Li Ziqian raised her eyebrows with a look of pride.

"Mmmmmm." Zhou Tianyang couldn't stop one bite after another, and kept giving his thumbs up in praise, "I haven't eaten such a delicious food for a long time."

Speaking of this, Zhou Tianyang felt a burst of sadness again, obviously before the National Day, he was still living a life where he could eat whatever he wanted.

Li Ziqian shook his head, "Why don't you go out to eat? If the cafeteria doesn't taste good, you can go out to eat. There is everything outside, and it's not the same when you order takeout."

Zhou Tianyang replied simply and neatly: "This is not the same. Can ready-made food be on a par with takeout?"

"Then you can go out to eat."

"But I'm too lazy to eat out every meal."

"Then why did you come to my house so quickly?"

"Hey, don't worry about this anymore. I said something different. I haven't talked to me for several days, so you can think that I'm here to talk to you."

Li Ziqian smiled, "If you want to come to eat in the future, you can tell me and Mo Nanbei that we can all cook for you."

"So good?" Zhou Tianyang was overjoyed, and then let out a low laugh, "It's still delicious to cook freshly cooked meals, but don't worry, Brother Qian'er, I am also a measured person, and I will definitely pay attention to the number of times."

"It's okay, just remember to bring a little gift every time you come."

"That's no problem, what's the compensation for a little snack and fruit compared to a warm, freshly cooked meal."

At this time, Mo Nanbei stuck out his head again with a shovel, "Li Ziqian, don't talk about the mountains, come and cook."

"Okay." Li Ziqian answered and looked at Zhou Tianyang again, and then went into the kitchen to prepare for his task.

Li Ziqian is going to make shrimp slippery vermicelli pot. The role of this dish in today's meal is equal to the role of soup.

A lunch with vegetables and soup is complete.

It is not difficult to cook shrimp slippery fans, and it is because it is not difficult that Mo Nanbei assigns this task to Li Ziqian. On the one hand, it can be regarded as distrusting Li Ziqian's ability.

But after getting such distrust, Li Ziqian didn't have to quarrel because of it, because there were too many quarrels, and it was his turn to cook the more complicated dishes.

As for being a hero because of this.

Because there are ready-made shrimp slips for hot pot at home, there is no need for the step of mincing the shrimp.

First squeeze the shrimp slips into a transparent glass bowl, then crack two eggs, add 50 grams of starch and 8 grams of salt, and mix well.

Then prepare two tomatoes, peel them, cut them into cubes, and fry them in a pan to make the juice.

Mo Nanbei stood next to him wearing gloves and took out the chicken wings from the oven, brushed them again, and put them back into the oven.

Li Ziqian, who was seriously stir frying tomatoes, felt Mo Nanbei's eyes, and when he turned his head, he found that this dog was looking at him intently.

"What's wrong?" Li Ziqian asked.

"It's okay, I'll see what you do." Mo Nanbei said this, and then took out a few pieces of pork from the refrigerator, cleaned and cut into pieces.

"Why are you looking at me? Are you worried that there is something wrong with what I am doing? I know that you still don't trust my technology?"

Mo Nanbei laughed, "No, it's just that sometimes it's fun to watch you cook, but there are reasons why I don't trust you."

"Why don't you trust me, don't you think I've sautéed the tomatoes out of the soup, then added water, then salt and soy sauce, isn't that right?"

"And the next step?" Mo Nanbei raised an eyebrow.

"The next step..." Li Ziqian looked at the shrimp slips prepared by the side, "The next step is to squeeze the shrimp slips into a ball, and then put them into the pot, right?"

"Yes, then you do it?" Mo Nanbei still smiled.

Li Ziqian issued a warning, "I tell you, don't look down on me."

"How can I underestimate you, I just want to see you continue to do it."

Li Ziqian put on a glove with his left hand, then grabbed a handful of shrimp slips, and then squeezed his hand tightly. When he squeezed it, a... slender bar-shaped... ball appeared in the hole where the thumb and forefinger clasped?

Mo Nanbei finally saw the picture she wanted to see, she couldn't help but laughed outrageously, "Hahahaha, I knew it would be this picture."

Li Ziqian saw that he originally wanted to make a round ball, but he could only squeeze out a slender shape. Hmm... it must be the wrong way to open it.

Li Ziqian tried again, but the filling was too small, and even the slender strips could not be squeezed out.

This was undoubtedly a huge blow to Li Ziqian's cooking career. He pondered for a while and began to think.

On the other hand, Mo Nanbei didn't stop laughing, standing aside and 'hahaha'.

Li Ziqian frowned and couldn't help muttering: "This shouldn't be."

"Hahaha, do you want me to show you a demonstration?" Mo Nanbei tilted his head.

But how could Li Ziqian compromise on this? It would definitely be self-humiliating to let Mo Nanbei demonstrate to himself, so Li Ziqian, who has been strong in his life, is still very tough at this time, and he is determined to complete his task by himself.

"You don't need to come, I'll just do it myself." Li Ziqian was extremely determined.

"That's fine, you can do it." Mo Nanbei spread his hands, finally he was willing to start his own pot of meat.

After the meat slices are cleaned, start to coat, add salt, oily potato starch and water, and then rub evenly to ensure that each piece of meat can be coated with the pulp.

Then you can fry in the pan. The oil used is still the oil that the chicken thighs have not been filled with. Today, it is considered that the oil occupies the main field.

Li Ziqian continued to sit and fight with his own shrimp slippery balls. He has given up the struggle now. It’s a big deal to be ugly. Anyway, it’s not inedible. The **** are also shrimp slippery. Poor, Li Ziqian didn't believe that because his own skill in making **** was not good, the taste of today's shrimp slippery vermicelli pot was greatly reduced.

Even if the taste is not good, it must be Mo Nanbei's fault, because the recipe is given by Mo Nanbei, hehe.

After the shrimp slips are squeezed, put in the vermicelli, wait until the vermicelli is cooked and cook for a while and you are done.

During this period, Mo Nanbei's pot-wrapped meat has also been fried and is being fished out for subsequent processing.

Li Ziqian watched the smell of the soup wafting from the soup he cooked, and couldn't help but took a spoon and scooped a spoonful of the soup and drank it, "Wow~ It's so fragrant, it's fresh and sweet."

"You are quite good at complimenting your own cooking, why don't you praise my cooking?"

Li Ziqian smiled, "Of course my girlfriend's cooking is delicious, I'm definitely not as good as you."

Seeing that Li Ziqian rarely spit out happy words, she snorted softly, and continued: "Hurry up and bring all these dishes to the table, if Zhou Tianyang is hungry, you can take a pair of chopsticks and let him eat first. , I'll be done in a while."

"Okay." Li Ziqian agreed and began to bring the dishes to the table one by one.

The braised pork was made at the beginning, but fortunately it was not cold, and there was still a burst of aroma on it.

Zhou Tianyang, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at Li Ziqian who was bringing out the dishes, and bursts of joy sprouted in his heart. Of course, the reason for his joy was not because of Li Ziqian's sassy and heroic appearance, but because the dishes finally came to the table.

He came to the table excitedly, couldn't help rubbing his hands, and asked, "Is it time to eat? Is the meal ready?"

It's a pity that Li Ziqian brought a not very satisfactory answer, "It's not cooked yet, just wait a little longer, Mo Nanbei is still busy with the last dish inside."

Zhou Tianyang had planned to pull out the chair and sit down, but after hearing what Li Ziqian said, he had to stand up again.

"Sister Mo cooks so many dishes. Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome."

Li Ziqian patted Zhou Tianyang on the shoulder, sighed deeply, and said, "It's still for you, so that you can eat better, you and I have really worked hard, you should be grateful."

"Okay, okay." Zhou Tianyang kept nodding his head, like pounding garlic.

Then Li Ziqian took out a pair of chopsticks from behind and handed them to Zhou Tianyang.

"This is?"

"Your sister-in-law is afraid that you will be hungry, so let you eat first."

"Really?" Hearing this, Zhou Tianyang seemed to see the savior coming, and after a few seconds of stunned, without even the slightest hesitation, he took the chopsticks and started eating.

Li Ziqian wanted to laugh, but he let Zhou Tianyang gobble it.

Mo Nanbei's kitchen is good to continue with his masterpiece. After the fried meat is fished out, it needs to be served with a soul sauce.

Mo Nanbei took out a bowl from the cupboard, then added salt, chicken essence, a tablespoon of sugar, vinegar, and a small teaspoon of soy sauce, and then mixed it well.

Next, heat the oil in a pot, sauté the shallots and ginger, pour in the prepared sauce, and add some shredded shallots, **** and carrots after boiling. This step is mainly for decoration. Good meat slices, stir evenly, so that they are coated with the sauce and ready to go out of the pot.

The last dish was finally done. After Mo Nanbei put it on the table, he found that Li Ziqian had already filled the three bowls of rice and was waiting for him to serve.

"It's time to eat." Mo Nanbei said.

Zhou Tianyang, who had already tasted every dish with chopsticks, was not stingy with his praise. He gave a thumbs up, "Sister Mo, you are so talented and virtuous, and your craftsmanship is so good."

Li Ziqian sat in the middle of the two and interjected, "Brother Tianyang, my craftsmanship is not bad, right?"

"Brother Qian'er and Sister-in-law Mo's craftsmanship are both good. Unlike me, who can't do anything, they just know how to eat."

Although it seems a little wrong to hear Zhou Tianyang belittle himself like this, but I have to say that he has a fairly thorough understanding of himself, but ordinary people don't have such awareness.

This uncomplicated but somewhat complicated lunch has finally begun.

Originally, Li Ziqian was not hungry, but after tossing and turning, he has made himself hungry, so the three of them didn't communicate much at the beginning of the dinner, but kept their heads down and buried their heads to eat.

When the stomach is almost not so empty, the dinner table is so lively.

Zhou Tianyang looked at the pot of shrimp slippery vermicelli in front of him, and felt strange no matter how he looked at it, and asked, "Brother Qian'er, did you do this?"

Li Ziqian glanced at it, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Zhou Tianyang frowned, and seemed to be thinking about whether to say this, "It's nothing, it just looks a bit strange, this shrimp's slippery shape..."

"Hey." Li Ziqian made a pause gesture, "Don't worry about it so much, anyway, the shrimp slippery vermicelli pot is delicious, right?"

"That's true. I can drink ten bowls of the soup here at a time."

Mo Nanbei said abruptly, "It's exaggerated."

Zhou Tianyang immediately faced Mo Nanbi again, "No exaggeration, Sister Mo, I won't get tired of the food you cook."

Mo Nanbei chuckled lightly, turned his eyes to Li Ziqian, looked at him, then gestured with his eyes again, and said, "Look at Zhou Tianyang, this is the right way to praise, if you do this every time you eat Compliment me, how could I have no motivation to cook?"

Li Ziqian refused to accept it, "Fuck, who said I don't praise you, obviously every time you cook, you will praise it, but even if it's the next time it's your turn to cook, you still push me away."

"Then you should be cooking!"

"Then I always praise you!"

Zhou Tianyang stood beside him and tugged at the rice with no expression. For some reason, he suddenly felt that his own home seemed a bit redundant.

Although the two people in front of them seem to be quarreling, they are actually showing their affection. Zhou Tianyang understands it, and Zhou Tianyang understands it.

However, as a qualified flatterer, Zhou Tianyang praised every dish made by Mo Nanbei from beginning to end. Of course, this behavior is also to make it more natural for the future.

"Brother Qian'er, you are really blessed to have a girlfriend like Sister-in-law Mo, you got a great deal, and your cooking skills are so good, just by virtue of this, you can get away with those ordinary girls.

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