My Girlfriend Is Really a Superstar

Vol 2 Chapter 1044: Evolution, hegemony

"Audience friends! This is the live broadcast of Tiandu TV station. Just ten minutes ago, there was a vision in the suburbs and six dragons appeared! Now it is certain, this is true!"

"Everyone and see!"

Tang baby is seeing six dragons, and even sees six women who are forced to swear.

When you go out and force, you will leave me alone on the bed, and say what to wash, let Laozi wait for you in bed.

You are forced to work outside, it’s just awkward, waiting for you to wait for Laozi, don’t kill you tonight!

Fortunately, Tang baby found that these six women are smart, this should be the water magic of the spirit sister, blurring their figure, simply can not see clearly.

However, Tang Bao still has to make severe criticisms. Do you want to make such a big movement, the dragons have been eliminated by you, and you should not come to the end.

However, looking at my own woman is so arrogant, and I can still honestly lie in front of myself, thinking about it is quite cool.

This is the man’s sense of accomplishment. Powerful women are used to conquer, even though they are all powerful by conquering the baby...

With the broadcast of the TV, everyone saw the living dragon, they were all amazed, but then came the worship.

It is the kind of worship of Venus with eyes, especially the figures on the faucet, it’s too strong!

How can we become such a person, it would be able to light the ancestors, and wait for Laozi to drink lipstick.

At this time, Li Guo and others also appeared in the sky, and his eyes revealed horror.

"Captain, how come?"

Li Guo shook his head: "Let's look at it first, maybe we don't need us to shoot."

Because of the shock of the dragon, Situze was directly ignored, this poor child...

It was too weak in front of Shenlong, it was too tragic.

Zhou Xiaoming and others are of course listening to the captain. They can only express deep sympathy for today’s experience.

Hong Hong is now looking at the six dragons. His eyes are very shocking. He has never seen this life. He actually saw it today...

Is that the dragon dragon messenger above?

For Ping Luoling and others, today is the limelight, but still can not reveal their identity, exposed, and then very troublesome.

However, I did not expect that there were so many reporters on the scene, and there were many vehicles around.

At this time, the reporter finally photographed the variant of Situze.

"Scorpio! That turned out to be a mutant! The last variant was a bird! This mutant looks like a tiger."

Many people expressed contempt, which is a tiger, obviously it is a cheetah, how to be a host.

Haven't the zoo been there?

But here I see the mutants, everyone is not afraid, and even shows a poor look.

After all, this poor mutant is facing six dragons!

Under the pressure of the dragon, how can you live, it is so terrible... It is a tragedy.

At this time, Ping Luoling whispered: "Hurry up, solve it, more and more people, when the image is not good."

Ping Luoling’s words are still quite useful, and others have no opinion.

At this time, it was obviously a crushing bureau. Situ Ze faced the six women and did not have any ability to fight back.

But Situ Ze also does not want to give up, even if it is dead, but also to kill Ping Luoling! Let this woman bury it!

When the sisters and sisters were ready to shoot, they suddenly felt that Situ Ze seemed to be...

To explode like!

Situ Ze bowed his body and held his fists tightly. A face collapsed very tightly, and the whole body's blue veins all bulged and looked terrible.

However, Situze in this state is like a patient who is constipated, sitting on the toilet and pulling it, but it is not able to pull out, very depressed, very painful.

Constipation can be cured, but this is probably difficult...

I saw that the skin on Situze’s body was cracked!

An arm suddenly became three segments, and the scarlet flesh squirmed. It was like the tentacle of the red tentacle, with a bit of thorn on it, a very humanized transformation.

The change in the arm is amazing, but the change in the chest is even more amazing.

The entire chest turned open to the outside, like the octopus blame, and the face, as well.

Anyway, now it has become a man of horror, no, horror can not be described, this is simply a super mutant monster.

The people watching TV are shocked, it is like a strange shape, too horrible!

Hurry up and kill it! This guy can really kill people!

"Evolution! Domineer!" Situ Ze screamed, a majestic atmosphere spread around, and the helicopters in the air were almost overturned.

When Li Guo heard this sentence, he frowned and could still have an evolutionary body? ? ?

Why didn’t the birdman show up before?

The bird man did not study at all, and he would know his own advantages.

Look at Situze and know what your strengths are.

This news is not good news for Li Guo and others.

Because everyone is watching the live broadcast now, maybe the mutants are also watching. If you see Situze evolved, then they will definitely think about it.

For example, Ling Liangjie, now watching the live broadcast with his mobile phone, his eyes are horrified, never imagined, and there is evolution.

Ling Liangjie feels that he has to try it, but before he tries, he still has to get the girl around him.

Tang baby leaned on the bed and fell into meditation. Before it appeared, there was no brain. This time, it appeared with a brain and even evolved.

After that, it will not happen. Situze, after this evolution, is really strong.

Tang baby feels that the current Situ Ze can be singled out with the bodyguards of the summer night.

Also, this form of Situze is really disgusting...

It’s like a carnivorous, waiting for them to come back, all to give the old man a bath, to beat yourself to go to bed, otherwise...

Think about the whole body numb ~ ~ Stuart has entered the state of no brain has lost the language ability, can only show his own unhappiness with low-lying.


Royal translation: "Even if the dragon is going to give me a plate, do a few fake dragons and think that I will believe it! I am the evolutionary body! The kind of the gods that destroy the gods, the spicy chickens are all spicy. Chicken···Go to death, dying and dying!”

The six women saw Situze rushing straight over, the kind of hero who was not afraid of the momentum, the kind of obsession that was forgotten and incomprehensible.

In front of Shenlong, Situze seems too small.



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