"Wow, Onii-chan got another perfect score!" Rika opened her eyes wide and held her face with both hands, "My cousin's score is much lower."

The senior sister raised her eyebrows slightly: "Go on, let's play another round."


"Cousin, you have lost five times in a row." Rika turned around and sighed as if she were a young adult, "Don't be brave, just admit that Onii-chan is better than you."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu: "..."

Chapter 374 Senior’s stockings

Looking at the increasingly disparate final score on the screen, the senior sister silently bit her pink lips.


Not a match at all.

Ever since I was a child, whether in studies or other aspects, I have never been crushed as ruthlessly as I am today. Now I have lost three games in a row. This feeling...

Although I'm very reluctant, I don't hate it.

Encountering an opponent in life who requires energy and concentration to defeat is, in a sense, actually a joyful thing.


Hashima Seisuke turned to look at Kasumigaoka Shiu. It wasn't that he was so competitive that he refused to let go, but that he couldn't let go——

Taiko Master is a game that puts the most emphasis on hand-eye coordination and reaction ability. As the difficulty of the music becomes more and more difficult, many times the body reacts instinctively and cannot stop at all.

"Well, Junior-kun is indeed very powerful."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu raised her right hand and tucked a strand of hanging black hair behind her ear, revealing her exquisite earlobes as white as jade. Although it was just a simple movement, it suddenly highlighted the beauty of the girl.

The senior looked up with her head tilted, closed one eye, slightly raised the corners of her pink lips, and said, "I lost today."


Hajima Kiyosuke secretly increased his vigilance.

Something is wrong.

Something is very wrong.

The girls we promised are all petty creatures. For such a proud and arrogant senior, she openly admits that she is not as good as others. No matter how she looks at it, she is secretly preparing for a big move!

"Okay, let's stop playing here for now." Kasumigaoka Shiyu put down the drumstick and lightly hit her shoulder, "My shoulders are so sore."

"My sister's shoulders are always sore." Rika sighed, "It is said that girls with big breasts are like this..."


The senior sister blushed and interrupted.

Big breasts or something... Even if everyone can see it, they can't say it out loud, right?

Rika stuck out the tip of her tongue, turned to look at Hajima Seisuke, and said crisply: "Onii-chan, can you massage my sister's shoulders?"

Hashima Seisuke shook his head and said, "I don't know how to massage."

The senior sister's beautiful eyes moved and she glanced over.


When you massaged your ankle in the park that night, your technique was obviously very skillful, right?

"I can teach Onii-chan." Rika stretched out her two small hands and made a virtual clasping motion in the air, "Massage is actually very simple..."

Hajima Kiyosuke took a look at it and suddenly felt that the gesture of the middle-class girl was a bit strange. When pinching the shoulders, the wrists should be naturally drooping. Why are the hands raised and half-clasped?

It feels like...

Hajima Kiyosuke turned his eyes and saw his senior sister's pretty face flushed, looking over with warning.

All right.

It looks like he guessed it right.

Hajima Kiyosuke looked at his nose and his nose, and decisively changed the subject: "Aren't you going to participate in the competition? You haven't signed up yet."

"Ah, ah, taiko master, I forgot." Rika exclaimed, opening her arms to Hajima Seisuke, "Onii-chan, carry me down."

Others play Taiko drum masters standing up, but Rika people have short legs and can only sit on a high stool.


Hajima Seisuke responded and reached out to lift Rika off the stool.

The four of them walked to the registration point and asked about the competition. When they asked, they found that the registration time had passed. After hearing the news, the little Loli suddenly became dejected.

"The video game city holds competitions every week." Hashima Kiyoshi comforted him warmly, "If you miss the time today, come back to play next time. Practice for a while and silently accumulate strength, so that you can become a blockbuster."

"The leader is right." Little Loli nodded seriously and took out a notebook from her backpack, "Write it down, write it down."

Hajima Kiyosuke: "..."

The child's loss came and went quickly. It didn't take long for Rika to regain her energy. She held the corner of Hashima Seisuke's clothes and chirped, "Onii-chan, let's go play that?"

Hajima Kiyosuke turned around and looked: "VR game?"

This world has also developed into VR games, but they are almost the same as before time travel. They are all in the experience stage of immersive helmets and somatosensory equipment, and there is no black technology like Sword Art Online.

Rika looked forward to it and said, "I heard it's very fun, but I've never played it before."

Hajima Seisuke turned to look at Qianxun and his seniors, "Have you ever played?"

Qianxun shook his head: "No."

The senior sister said similarly: "I've heard of it, but I've never played it."

Today's VR games are not as popular as consoles. They are expensive and the technology has not completely broken through. If you want to get a good experience, you have to come to a game center to play.

Hashima Seisuke smiled and said, "Then let's go over and experience it."

It’s rare to come to a video arcade when you have time, and it would be a pity not to experience a VR game.

As the most popular game item in the game center, queuing is naturally inevitable.

"I stand last." Hajima Kiyosuke said.

The senior looked up at Hajima Seisuke, pursed her pink lips and said, "Thank you, junior."

The last time I queued, a middle-aged man took advantage of me behind my back. Even though it was just a small thing, Hajima Kiyosuke still remembered it clearly.

Hajima Seisuke took out his mobile phone and was about to read Twitter for a while, when his eyes suddenly fell on his senior sister's lap.

Girls wear pantyhose in winter to keep warm from the cold. In summer, they basically wear stockings. The senior girl is wearing stockings today, but there is a scratch near the curve of the leg of the stockings.

Something that damaged the neatness suddenly appeared on the stockings that were supposed to be smooth and smooth, which made Hajima Seisuke feel a little uncomfortable for a while. He couldn't help but look at it a few more times, always wanting to see if he could remove the scratches on the stockings.

"Eh?" The little Loli rolled her eyes and stretched out her hand to pull off Kasumigaoka Shiyu's clothes, "Cousin, cousin."

"What's wrong?"

The senior sister looked down.

Rika raised her face and said, "My cousin lost again just now. What are you going to lose to Onii-chan this time?"

Senior sister: "..."

You don’t mention it, I don’t mention it, it’s obviously been forgotten by tacit agreement, so why bring it up again!

Rika said seriously: "Cousin, please give the stockings to Onii-chan."

"Giving stockings?"

"That's right." Little Loli held her waist with one hand, raised her chin, and said proudly, "I saw it just now. Onii-chan kept staring at my cousin's stockings. She must like them very much."

Hajima Kiyosuke twitched the corner of his mouth slightly: "I didn't, you misunderstood."

I just looked at it twice, but why did I stare at it all the time?

"Tsk~" The senior sister turned around and looked up, the corners of her pink lips slightly raised, "It turns out that the junior is still a stocking lover."

"I'm not."

I have no interest in your stockings at all. It’s just that the scratches on the stockings are very uncomfortable. I’m not a stockings fan!

"It's not okay for juniors to do this. Boys must have the courage to take on the responsibility."

I'm really sorry for not admitting that you are a stockings addict!

The senior girl folded her hands in front of her chest and said calmly: "There is no shame in stockings obsessiveness. If you have the courage to shout it out, you will feel a sense of accomplishment."

Your uncle's sense of accomplishment will only be regarded as a pervert, okay!

"Stop talking." Hashima Kiyosuke said expressionlessly, "Take off your stockings."


"I accepted it."

Chapter 375 Favorability Warning

After queuing for a while, it was finally the turn of Hashima Seisuke and the others.

"Brother, have I started?"

Qianxun turned around and looked slightly nervous.

The most popular game in the VR experience area is "Mobile Suit Gundam". Yes, it is the robot warrior known as "all men's dreams". However, there are so many people in the queue area that people worry that they may not be able to get in line at noon, except In addition, there are also game projects such as horror and supernatural, adventure puzzle, road racing, deep sea simulator, and even Hatsune Miku’s virtual singer concert. Under Rika’s expectant gaze, everyone chose a game. Monster gun shooting VR game.

"Go and play." Hashima Kiyosuke said warmly, "Don't be nervous, you might even like it."


Qianxun pursed her pink lips and entered the experience area. Under the guidance of the staff, she put on virtual reality to take a peek and began to experience.

ten minutes later.

Qianxun's face turned red, and she walked out of the experience area with a somewhat conceited step. The game duration of these VR experience games ranged from a few minutes to more than ten minutes, and they were expensive, but her enthusiasm was still unstoppable.

"How do you feel?" Hashima Seisuke reached out and handed over a bottle of drink.

Qianxun raised her hand and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and said in a slightly excited tone: "It feels...very interesting."

For a girl who has rarely been exposed to games, suddenly playing a large-scale VR game in an arcade is probably as shocking as a Famicom player suddenly being exposed to next-generation 3D games.

"It's my turn." Rika's eyes sparkled, and she stepped forward with short legs, which shocked the staff.

Theoretically speaking, players who are too old or too young, or those with a history of heart disease or similar diseases are not suitable for experiencing VR. However, the money was paid and the queue was arranged. Under Rika’s tearful gaze, the staff In the end, a compromise was made and parents were allowed to play with her to prevent Rixiang from falling due to excessive stimulation.

The senior looked at Hashima Kiyosuke and said, "Junior-kun, why don't you go and watch Rika?"


Hajima Seisuke did not refuse and nodded in agreement.

After the ten-minute game experience was over, Rika held Hajima Seisuke's arm, her face flushed with excitement, and she walked out dizzy: "Onii-chan, it's so fun!"

"I still want to play." The little loli looked at Hajima Seisuke and said expectantly, "Shall we line up later?"

Hashima Seisuke took out a tissue, wiped the sweat from Rika's forehead, and said warmly: "You can only play once a day. If you queue up again, you will cause trouble for others."

"Eh?" Lixiang stood on tiptoes, glanced back, and then reluctantly nodded in agreement, "I understand, then I'll come and play again next time... Cousin, it's your turn to play."

Kasumigaoka Shiu nodded lightly and walked into the experience area. The staff member was a male. He looked like he had just graduated. There were still a few pimples on his face that had not receded. Facing his senior sister, he was obviously nervous and blushing. , after completing the routine explanation, he quickly stepped aside.

Then...something happened.

The live content of the game will be played simultaneously on the LCD screen. There was no problem at first. The character controlled by the senior sister was walking all the way in the passage. As a result, a monster jumped out from behind the door. It was like a horror movie. The common 'kill behind the door' scares the senior sister, who loses her calmness, loses her balance, and falls backwards.

Hashima Seisuke was standing behind the senior. With quick eyes and quick hands, he stepped forward and quickly supported the senior.

"Don't be nervous, take your time."

After helping the senior upright, Hajima Kiyosuke was about to take back his hand when the senior's nervous cry suddenly sounded in his ears, which sounded particularly weak: "Don't, don't let go."

Hajima Kiyosuke: "..."

Hey, hey, I was just scared once, why is your reaction worse than even Rika's!

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