My Glorious Evolution Simulator

Chapter 101: Glorious evolution

[Miss Mei, take the liberty to ask, is this vehicle in your laboratory... a mecha? 】

【no. 】

[Well, okay, do you have any special requirements for the loading method and parts of the 'Avengers 3' in your laboratory? 】

[Shrink and fit, the loading part needs to be selected from the three positions of the chest, shoulders, and back. We did not reserve enough space for other places.

If your company can't make a suitable loading mount, just configure the original one, and we can change it ourselves. 】


"We can change it by ourselves" was originally a sentence that didn't want to trouble others, but it fell into the ears of Yu Rong and Yu Qiling's aunt and nephew, but it was so harsh.

What do you mean by 'if your company can't make a suitable loading mount, just install the original one'?

This means that our technology is... not as good as yours?

[Miss Mei, you can rest assured that the 'Avengers 3' cannon is a product of our company, and the design of the loading mount for customers is an incidental service. 】

[Okay, if it doesn't work, don't force it. 】


Yu Rong's face also turned cold, and for a while she couldn't tell whether the other side was really kind or deliberately running on people.

[Although it is only an incidental service, it is related to the reputation of our company. Since the sale, the thousands of cannons sold by our company have not yet gone to the loading frame. 】

[How long will it take for your company's customized 'Avengers 3' to be applied to my experiment? 】

[4-day door-to-door delivery within the Federation, Miss Mei, may I ask which region/city of the Federation you are located in? 】

[Eastern region, Jiaming City, can it be delivered within three days? 】

[Yes, after the manufacture of the customized cannon, for safety and subsequent repairs and maintenance, the loading work needs to be presided over by our professional technicians. I will also go with me at that time, and I also happen to have a face-to-face discussion with Miss Mei about your laboratory technology. 's buyout plan...]

[This... Our laboratory also has a little research on mechanical technology. We should do the loading work ourselves, and the follow-up repairs and maintenance will not trouble your company. 】

[Miss Mei, I also know your concerns, but in order to be responsible for the safety of customers, the loading work of the cannon must have the participation of our company's technicians.

Otherwise, we cannot sell, please understand.

We have cooperative relations with many federal military regions, and we will sign non-disclosure agreements. We have never leaked customer privacy over the years, so you don't need to worry about the leakage of laboratory privacy. 】


Liang Chao thought about it, but he could understand it.

Some people have to go to the court to sue the manufacturer for not telling them in advance, and the machine gun is not a Yuba or a toy, but a real killer!

And most of the customers are in the military area. If something goes wrong during the loading process, the consequences will be disastrous. As a seller, you must have an inescapable responsibility, so I don’t want to see this happen.

"Sister Mei, take a look at this Qingxiao Industry."


As soon as the screen in the light curtain turned, all the basic information about Qingxiao Industrial Group popped up.

On the contrary, it is a conscientious enterprise that cannot be faulted by three-party verification.


Liang Chao thought for a while, and added: "Send them the parts and structural data we still lack, and let them bring them along by the way. Also, we need two more m2 heavy machine guns and ammunition..."


Want to come to my lab! ?

Isn't my lab Boss Zhu's hardware store?

"Tsk tsk..."

Yu Qiling stuttered: "This Miss Mei is really good at her feet, and she asked for so many things 'by the way', so she doesn't treat us as outsiders at all."

"It's best not to treat us as outsiders, and it's not bad for two hundred million to give away. Promise her."

Yu Rongfeng narrowed her eyes and said in a meaningful way, "Let's go to this treasure laboratory to see the technology together! We must buy the technology! The people who develop the technology must also belong to us!"

Yu Qiling seemed to have thought of something, and asked worriedly, "Gu Rong... what if they played with us?"

Yu Rong smiled slightly, poured a cup of tea and moistened her throat, and asked, "So what do we have to lose?"


Yu Qiling thought about it carefully and woke up.

Even if the other side is a liar, it is nothing more than throwing the two customized 'Avengers 3' into the warehouse, and it is not difficult to sell them with their own company's sales channels... other... no loss...

"Gu Rong, Gao!"


steel market.

The hardware stores on one street are all lit, and the sounds of various machines and equipment are intertwined with each other, as if all kinds of musical instruments are playing a wonderful movement in unison...

The wounded with amputated arms and legs were transferred to a shop, and several medical staff were frightened to bandage their wounds.

These medical staff were originally night shift physicians in a nearby small hospital, but as a result, several patients in their inpatient department had an outbreak of mutated virus...

Liang Chao heard the movement when he went to the hospital to buy medicine, rescued them, and then brought them back to the hardware store for help.

I don't know if it was out of fear of the unknown or because the police center couldn't get through, but the process went smoothly.

The people in the store are doing their jobs.

Those hardware store owners who were not infected also devoted themselves to "production" wholeheartedly. At the beginning, they were willing to "help" or look at the face of the pistol, and they were somewhat dissatisfied.

But when they saw the tragic state of the neighbors, the telephone line of the police center was busy, and when they saw those hideous-looking monsters rushing over aggressively and being smashed by Liang Chao, all the dissatisfaction in their hearts disappeared.

There's nothing wrong with working hard...

Structural drawings and related data are prepared in advance. They are only responsible for inputting equipment and controlling machines. The speed of "shipping" is also quite amazing.

In one night, countless metal parts and structures of different sizes appeared in several containers.

Considering that the conditions and manpower here are really limited, and he is also afraid that there will be an accident in the 'production base' when he leaves, Liang Chao called the rotten old wolf brother to sit in...

Body No. 2 and Boss Zhu hoisted the packed container onto the truck, fixed it, and transported it back to the laboratory while the sky was bright.

I don't know if it was the rainstorm that just stopped, or the 'ferocious' last night that caused the city to lose a lot of life, and the road back to the laboratory was terrifyingly silent...

"Mr. Liang, you said... what the **** is this shit!"

Zhu Jianguo's eyes were full of bloodshots, and he was still muttering while driving: "My neighbors, the old king whose leg was sawed off, is a good old man who donates money to children in the mountains every year!

Over the years, the children who have been donated by him to go to school range from one hundred to eighty.

The old man who lost his arm was also a police officer when he was young. He was shot four times while chasing the gangster and almost died. After retirement, he went to the station to catch the thief when he had nothing to do...

There is also that old Li, who is also a bitter seed. He has suffered all his life, and he is gone before he can enjoy a few days of happiness...


Liang Chao quietly listened to Boss Zhu telling about the lives of his neighbors. The stories were all vulgar, bland, and ordinary, but there was no impatience on his face...

"Boss Zhu, aren't you yourself?"


Zhu Jianguo was stunned for a thought about his own life. His son was ignorant and ignorant since he was a child.

If you say that others are the seeds of suffering, why not yourself! ?

He spat out of the car window rudely, and scolded with a smile: "Fuck, think about it too, obviously I'm not happy with my life, but I still can't see others like that..."

"Those who lack arms and legs, I will make them a pair of high-precision prosthetic limbs as a reward for this help, and they can be replaced when the wound heals..."

Liang Chao's voice paused, as if he had thought of something, and then said, "I will establish a 'Glorious Evolution Technology Company' in the future to accept these people..."


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