My Glorious Evolution Simulator

Chapter 106: [Uptown Wind and Cloud] Open!

The hand of the creator? The Hand of the Destroyer?

Enlighten? Break the rules?

An artifact that forcibly transforms life forms?

"Discounted price of 500,000... My God..."

Liang Chao sighed with a thumping heart, and murmured in his mouth, "But why did I think it should be on my arm the first time I saw it?"

At the same time, body No. 1 first looked at the 'meat grinder' that he had remodeled by himself, and then looked at his left hand, and muttered, "I think it fits perfectly..."

Mechanics have long anticipated their own transformation, how can there be a sense of achievement in transforming others! ?

This hand... must be mine! !

liver! !

Entering for the eleventh time...

[Experience reward: 14500 points. 】

Twelfth entry...

[Experience reward: 7000 points. 】

The thirteenth entry...

[Experience reward: 3500 points. 】

Fourteenth time entering...

Too few points, change your mind.

The self-exploding pickup truck rushed directly to the law enforcement team in the lower city.

Those law enforcement officers received the news from below, and just after they had assembled their people to suppress the riot, they saw an old pickup truck crashed into the door of the law enforcement team...

[Participate in killing: 323…]

[Experience reward: 24,000 points. 】

Fifteenth time entering...

[Experience reward: 12,000 points. 】

Sixteenth time entering...

[Experience reward: 6000 points. 】

Seventeenth time entering...

[Experience reward: 3000 points. 】

Eighteenth time entering...

Too few points, change your mind.

This time's goal: President!

When Liang Chao figured out this scoring technique, the first thing that came to his mind was the mysterious and unpredictable president.

I didn't go to him before because the three gangs gathered a lot of people, and self-destruction was as easy as picking up money with a sack.

Now, the places with more wool have been scoured, so naturally I want to try this short wool of unknown value.

The self-exploding pickup truck was discovered by the security personnel patrolling around before it rushed to the front of the detached villa where the chairman was.

Seeing that the other party was shooting directly, Liang Chao stepped on the accelerator unconcernedly. After confirming that the chairman's single-family villa was in the explosion range, the dismantling tool in his hand was inserted directly from the gap of the 'Psionic Technology Core'...

But the dazzling white light he expected did not appear.

Liang Chao stared blankly at the 'psionic energy technology core' in his hand, and poked a few more times without believing in evil...

No movement! ? ?

He could feel that the surface of the 'Psionic Technology Core' in his hand was rapidly heating up!

Those energy matrices that are linked together don't know what special mechanism is triggered, like a red-hot soldering iron, emitting amazing heat, almost instantly out of their control and flying out...

Just at this moment, the president came out of the room, sneered and reached out to catch the 'psionic energy technology core'!

"Treat me with stuff from my company?"

The president was playing with the cube in his hand. He sneered and said, "There are more special mechanisms in these energy matrices than you think..."

Liang Chao looked at all this in amazement...

When he reacted, countless cluster particle bombs had already turned the pickup truck into a hornet's nest, and his body...

is also like this.


[Experience reward: 50 points. 】


'Psionic technology core' doesn't work for the president?

Back to reality, Liang Chao frowned.

If it is because this 'psionic energy technology core' comes from the ruling body, and the chairman is the boss of the ruling, with relatively high authority, this is understandable, but in case...

In order to verify the conjecture, he chose to enter for the nineteenth time...


After the ruling and sniping were done, Liang Chao did not take the ruling body, which is easier to disassemble, as usual, but chose to take the sniper away...

This guy's chest is seriously deformed, and it is more troublesome to disassemble, but it is limited to some troubles.

Hiding in a deserted alley somewhere, he took out his 'psionic technology core', grabbed his sniper rifle, and rushed straight to the villa where the chairman was! !

have to try again...

Not surprisingly, before he could get close, he was discovered again by the security personnel patrolling around.

No matter what, step on the gas and sprint.

After confirming the explosion range, I poked the disassembly tool into the 'Psionic Technology Core' again, and there was still no explosion! !

the same as last time.

The energy matrix on the surface of the 'Psionic Technology Core' triggers a special mechanism, like a red-hot soldering iron, flying off to the detached villa! !

This "psionic energy technology core" is not from the ruling body, and it still can't work on the president! !

Liang Chao's pickup truck was beaten to pieces and parked on the side of the road. Those security personnel rushed from a distance...

Gu Yu/span He picked up his sniper rifle and aimed it at the location of the single-family villa.

Almost as soon as he took aim, the president sneered and stepped out of the door, reaching out to take the 'psionic technology core' that flew past.


Liang Chao pulled the trigger without thinking. The roar of the sniper rifle was as terrifying as the thunder that exploded on the ground, and even the pickup truck full of bullet holes shook...

"The technology of 'Psionic Technology Core' is developed by several of us. The special mechanism in the energy matrix is ​​more than you think..."

Before the president's words were finished, his head burst like a ripe watermelon.

"This thing is not your technology, is it?"

Liang Chao sneered, and blood flowers burst out from his body, and he was finally beaten into a hornet's nest by the security personnel who came.


[The host died in the simulated scene, this experience is over, start to summarize the experience gains/rewards, and give corresponding evaluations, hope to make persistent efforts. 】

【Survival time: two days...】

[Participation in kills: 6 (main characters are: Matthew, Crocodile Gang Ma butler, Crocodile, Judgment, Sniper, President)]

[Harvest items:...]

[Experience reward: 15,000 points. 】

[Evaluation of the simulator: Even if you die, you have to pull a back. 】

The president is accompanied by the personal bodyguard 'Judgment', and there are so many security guards outside the house. From these two points, his personal strength is likely to be at the level of ordinary people!

But the value of 15,000 points is enough to show his high status...


The 'psionic technology core' of the ruling is controlled. It can be said that the boss, the president, has a relatively high authority, but why is the sniper's 'psionic technology core' also controlled by him?

The relationship between the sniper and the guild leader is similar to the thief and the thief, and there is no deeper relationship...

Could the problem be...

On the manufacturing process of the 'Psionic Technology Core'! ?

The chairman is at the helm of a big company in Shangcheng District. If only he has this authority, it would be fine. If people from other companies also have this authority...

Isn't it possible that your own self-destruction scoring plan can't be applied to Shangcheng?

Liang Chao seemed to have thought of something, and his face was a little ugly.

Guessing is useless...

First rest for a while, then brush the president twice, and then go to [Upper City Wind and Cloud] to experience the scene to explore the way, the short wool in the lower city, and keep it for later when you have nothing to do...

Force myself to sleep...

Choose the twentieth entry after waking up!


[Experience reward: 7500 points. 】

Relevant tips: Special materials (rare) have been refreshed in the simulator mall, please pay attention to check.

There is an extra test tube medicine in the simulator mall. The medicine inside is viscous black and red, like magma, and there are strands of black gas lingering around...

[Death Messenger Evolution Potion] (Special Item/Non-Human)

"Mall price: 15,000 points."

"Mall Inventory: Special Items."

"Item-related instructions: It can be dissolved in all non-human life forms, so that its life form has the ability to 'adaptive' evolution, and the final form of evolution is 'death messenger'."

nice one…

Although this 'Death Messenger' doesn't know what it means, it's not ordinary just by the name and price. If it's not for 'non-human' life forms, I'll use it myself...


Inhuman life forms, let the old wolf use the same.

Twenty-first entry...

[Experience reward: 3500 points. 】


Liang Chao took a deep breath, looked at the points that had risen to more than 120,000, and looked at the hand of the creator that sold for 500,000 in the simulator mall...

Explore the road, open up a plot line, and earn points! !

"Choose to enter the [Uptown Wind and Cloud] scene experience!"

【Simulating the world view...】

【Loading related data...】

【Your identity is... Experimental No. 34...】

[The data is loaded successfully, the experience officially begins...]

A re-simulated worldview? ?

Isn't the upper and lower cities the same worldview? Could it be that the timelines of the two experience scenes are different?

The scene in his eyes changed, Liang Chao slowly opened his eyes with some doubts, but was surprised to find himself standing in a cylindrical sealed experimental container...

The body is soaked in light green nutrient solution!

On the head, chest, and back are various transmission tubes with unknown functions, as well as strange measuring instruments.

His mind was stagnant, and instead of breaking the cylindrical experimental container immediately, he carefully looked at the environment...

There are not a few cylindrical test containers and most of these containers have naked people soaking in nutrition...

It's just these people, why do they all look the same?

The current environment, combined with the identity of this experience, then my identity in Shangcheng is self-evident...

An experimental subject of a large research institute! !


ps: If you ask for a monthly pass, there are only a few dozen.



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