My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 212: Go in your dreams!

This man is simply unreasonable. He had promised her a moment before, but he could change his mind next moment.

Rao Xu Wei, who has always been calm, couldn't help cursing him in her heart.

If it weren't for this rare opportunity, she would definitely throw her sleeves away at this time.

At this moment, she stared at An Ge'er, staring at the contract cancellation letter in her hand, afraid that An Ge'er would really tear it.

Rong Bei looked at An Ge'er's slightly surprised appearance, the corners of his lips smiled deeper.

The fundus of the eyes flashed brightly.

No hurry, no hurry, as long as this little thing is still under his nose, then he can say everything, he is determined, next time, he will never give her a chance to escape, just take the drug first. Let's go to bed.

In the bottom of his heart, Rong Bei was thinking about wrongs, and the look in An Ge'er's eyes added to the wolves and tigers.

So everyone was waiting for the final result in their hearts, but An Ge'er insisted on saying something that changed everyone's expressions.

"You, let's dream."

An Ge'er said, turned and left, with a decisive posture without hesitation at all.

Three people were left dumbfounded.

Tang Shisan: "..."

Damn, is An Ge'er head squeezed by the door! ? Seeing his own BOSS's gloomy face instantly, Tang Shisan hurriedly chased after him, "Hey, you stinky girl, are you crazy? Stop it!"

Xu Wei wanted to say something, just looking at the face of Rong Beige's **** test, she stunned, and suddenly she was inexplicably scared.

I didn't dare to speak up even though I was dissatisfied in my heart.

When she left from M Media, Rong Bei finally stated his position. If An Ge'er is willing to return, this position is reserved for her. If she does not return, this position will fall to her.

Xu Wei: "..."

This result makes her who has always stood at the top of the entertainment industry, and she who is proud, cannot tolerate it at all.

What is An Ge'er?

No matter why Bo Yan is protecting her, Rong Bei still holds her like this! ?

It seems that she has obtained this position at present, but only if she knows what this position represents, which is not wanted by An Ge'er, can it be her turn.

This made her seem to be infinitely beautiful on the surface, but behind her back, she hated An Ge'er.


It was extremely humiliating to her.

Envy, jealousy and hatred for her beyond words!

When Tang Shisan caught up with An Ge'er, An Ge'er only said a word, making Tang Shisan quiet in an instant, but when she replied, An Ge'er also changed his face slightly.

An Ge'er said that she never speaks big words, she said that if Su Chen and herself act, she will definitely achieve her goal.

Tang Shisan paused, and said: "But, that has nothing to do with me."

An Ge'er's lips closed immediately, her eyes slightly dodging, and some could not look directly at Tang Shisan.

Why is she willing to accept her?

Tang Shisan helped him too much, and he fits her very well in every aspect. The only regret to leave here is Tang Shisan.

But if he didn't leave, Rong Bei would swallow himself into his stomach sooner or later.

This is not a joke.

"Forget it, if you want to leave, just leave, as if you haven't known me." Tang Shisan lifted his curly hair, stepped on high heels and turned away.

An Ge'er felt even more uncomfortable.

Tang Shisan looked at the figure silhouetted against it from the glass in the doorway. For an instant, she looked at herself pitifully. She curled her lips, she still had a conscience and knew she was reluctant.

She did it on purpose.

This stinky girl is willing to be so cruel, how can she not make her uncomfortable?

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