My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 247: Ange's life is hanging by a thread!

"Boss, let's... let's go."

"Go? Where to go? I haven't yet, I got her..."

Bo Yan's voice was extremely slow and deep, but after listening carefully, it was not difficult to notice that his voice was a little hoarse and trembling, and his slender hands were already tightly held.

The green veins on the back of the hand faintly beat.


Ai Rui looked at the scarlet color that gradually filled his eyes, and closed his eyes weakly.

After a few seconds, he turned around and called the people here to come over as soon as possible to check the final whereabouts of the airliner.

If you are lucky, maybe you can find their little lady's...wreck.

Bo Yan stood here for a full half an hour. Afterwards, Ai Rui couldn't help but stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "Boss, people can't come back from death, now we still have to..."

"Who did you say died!?"

Ai Rui's words seemed to irritate him, and Bo Yan was interrupted by a low growl before he finished speaking. He was panting, but there was a terrible silence in his slender eyes.


Iri’s lips moved slightly, and what else to say. As a result, a dark shadow struck him, and he was thrown away directly by him, and he slammed into a pillar of the airport. The people around screamed instantly, watching them in amazement. .

Ai Rui grunted in pain while clutching his chest, looked at the figure of their boss who didn't look back, gritted his teeth and ran after him.

Right now, finding the ‘little lady’s body’ is the most important thing.


But an hour ago--

On the crashed plane at this time.

The plane was falling rapidly, and the explosion was earlier than An Geer had imagined. Fortunately, the power of the explosion was reduced without causing too many casualties.

But even at this time the plane is falling rapidly.

An Ge'er didn't give up either, the fine sweat on her forehead kept overflowing, she had forgotten life and death now, and only wanted to make the people on this plane land safely.

Now it’s not far from the landing point, and the fuel tank is leaking. Now it doesn’t cost much to fall. An Ge’er thought that if everything is still in time, she plans to try to take off again at a suitable altitude.

The people in the cabin screamed frantically, frightened, hugged tightly, and became a mess.

Just when they thought that the plane would crash on the ground of the island, when it was less than 50 meters above the ground, they saw that the plane's nose turned into another weird curve and flew again.

But the tail of the fuselage was not so lucky. It touched the ground and continuously friction and slip, burning sparks. The fuselage was violently turbulent, the aircraft had already made a forced landing, and in the case of severe damage, the aircraft rushed forward.

Seeing that the plane couldn't stop, but the end of the island was in front of him, An Ge was so anxious that his palms were sweaty.


When she first played the airplane game, why didn't she think about playing it to the end! At least look at how the plane stopped--!

I don’t know how many buttons have failed. An Ge’er just clicked it randomly. The plane had already slipped off the runway. There were a lot of big boulders on the island, and there were uneven potholes. The whole plane was bumpy. The bile is gushing out.

But the plane slid forward and bumped for a hundred meters without stopping.

At this time, An Ge'er regretted it too much. When she raised her head and looked forward, the island was almost at its end not far away. If she couldn't stop, the plane would have to rush down...!

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