My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 777: Shame on grandma's house! No Bilian

He suddenly appeared and put his arms around her neck and told the professor that this is his family's business, and no one should worry about it.

Let the whole classroom booze.

Or maybe it was just a moment ago, he suddenly came, and with her, in class, write the confession after the answer, let her read it out...

All this, in retrospect, Xia Qiqi was a little bit shy and annoyed.

At the same time, I was a little surprised. Xu Taijing, who looks sloppy and wide, clearly should like his ex-girlfriend's type of scheming white lotus pseudo-lady. She looks weak and pitiful.

And she is a real girl.

Where did his head short circuit?

An Ge'er patted her on the shoulder and chuckled, "Don't worry, just follow your heart. It's not too late to test him for a few days."

On the other hand, Xia Qiqi patted her hot cheek, and made a low mosquito-like hum.

An Ge'er couldn't help but smile.

Xia Qiqi was shy after all.

As her best girlfriend, she certainly hopes that she can be emotionally happy and find someone who loves herself, because after a long time she will find that there is someone who can think about herself and care about herself. , How warm.

Before they walked out of the school gate, a car stopped in front of them. Xu Taijing drove a Lamborghini and appeared in front of them.

Xia Qiqi's expression was a little unnatural for an instant, as if she hadn't seen it, she seemed to be holding An Ge'er away.

And Xu Taijing sneered, glanced at An Ge'er, and began to tease Xia Qiqi, "Xia Qiqi, you don't know if you don't compare it. Only after comparing you did you find out why you are so fat."


Xia Qiqi rolled her eyes as soon as she heard it!

During this period of time, he has eaten a little too much, but what does it matter to him!

Immediately couldn't help but froze, "Go! A **** is hypocritical, my mother, I eat your house—"

"If you don't mind, eat my rice?"

Suddenly before she finished speaking, Xu Taijing said something, looking at her with bright eyes.

One second or two seconds later, the people around who watched the excitement instantly yelled and booed again, and Xia Qiqi's face was red and embarrassed, and Xu Taijing, who was so silly, was so nonsense here!

"Today is my birthday, let's go, and accompany me for a birthday."

"Fuck off! Why should I go?!"

"You are my girlfriend!"

"When did you agree to be your girlfriend!" Xia Qiqi didn't want to entangle him too much, she would leave after roaring!

"Then you promise now."

"You want to threaten me? I won't agree, why?"

After Xia Qiqi finished speaking, she flicked her backpack on her shoulder and turned around coolly.

Xu Taijing kept staring at her from behind and suddenly shouted, "Xia Qiqi, you have no conscience, you dare to take another step and try!?"

Hearing this threat, Xia Qiqiyi immediately turned her head around her chest and laughed sarcastically, "Oh! What, what are you going to do with me?"

But Xu Taijing slammed the door and got out of the car, looking at her with fire-breathing eyes and shouting, "You can take this young master one more step, believe it or not, I will kneel down for you now!"


Xia Qiqi originally wanted to leave directly, but when she heard this suddenly, she almost choked on her saliva! At the same time, the temples jumped up and down!

The cliff was stimulated by him!


Can he ask for more face! ?

Seeing the people around laughing forward and backward, Xia Qiqiang endured the sudden jump of temples——

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