My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 822: Lovers who have come back to life!

"How about I'm a gangster! If Xia Qiqi has the ability, you can kill me!"

As he said, he directly bullied her and tried to kiss her forcibly.

Xia Qiqi gritted his teeth and tried to punch him with a fist, but he couldn't do it anymore. Xu Taijing got into an inch and smiled meaningfully, "Just admit it, Xia Qiqi, are you reluctant to hit me? Up."

"you you you you--!"

Xia Qiqi blushed, Xu Taijing took the opportunity to press both her hands on her chest, directly pressed them down, and forcibly kissed her lips.

Xia Qiqi's eyes widened.

His cheeks are flushed with anger or shame.

"Fool, close your eyes." Xu Taijing's voice softened suddenly, and he whispered while kissing her lips.

Xia Qiqi didn't know if he was ashamed or listened to him, so she closed her eyes silly.


It's over.

This kid is really not afraid of her.

Actually dare to use her strong.

Is he tired of life, tired of life, or tired of life?


A few minutes later, Xia Qiqi sat up, her clothes messy, but the young boy next to him grinned, smiled satisfied, and looked successful.

But Xia Qiqi is like a little girl from the landlord's house who has been bullied, blushing and embarrassed to tie the button that just accidentally collapsed...

Damn, this kid Xu Taijing really took care of her, and he dared to climb on her head and do it.


And when the two of them were hiding here, they seemed to forget that the people outside didn't seem to know that they had escaped...

Reporters and media are still reporting on this matter.

An Ge'er was held tightly in his arms by Bo Yan, crying like a tearful person.

She couldn't accept the fact that Xia Qiqi and Xu Taijing both crashed into the car and destroyed it.

At this time, the other rescued passengers had been safely evacuated, only Bo Yan and An Ge'er were left. An Ge'er said nothing to leave.

In her mind, Xia Qiqi pushed them out, closed the car door, smiled at her, and waved at her. She saw her mouth and asked her to take good care of herself and her godson.

At this time, returning to reality, looking at the ruins after the explosion, An Ge'er only felt desperate and painful in her heart.

Bo Yan hugged her, but frowned. Didn't the kid say that he could come out?

In fact, there is indeed a way.

It's just that he hasn't seen anyone now, and he can't guarantee anything to his little girl.

His eyes searched the huge airport to see if they could be found, even if the possibility was indeed small, after all, there were too many accidents.

And just now.

When the media was still reporting, when An Ge'er hid his face and wept bitterly, when Bo Yan looked around...

However, Xu Taijing smiled playfully, and walked out from under the wing with Xia Qiqi's arms around him. When he saw the scene outside, both were shocked.

The media reporter is saying: "...It is a pity that this time a couple of students were sacrificed. The boy has been responsible for driving, but in the end, the girl stayed and chose to accompany him. The two of them were together..."

The reporter said with red eyes, but when she saw Xu Taijing and Xia Qiqi coming out, she still regretted herself, apparently not connecting these two people with the "dead couple" in the car. .

The others were dumbfounded.

Bo Yan saw them at a glance, and suddenly—

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